Death Stranding [Paladins Mission]


AFL of the Paladins
SWRP Writer
Sep 28, 2014
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With the sun bearing down high overhead, the speeder zipped through the Adumari countryside, making a beeline for the rocky hills looming on the horizon. The cargo space was loaded with a large winch and several sizeable durasteel beams. In the cab, Marshal Leonatas Belisarion sat behind the controls, pushing the vehicle to go as fast as possible.

Glancing over at his squire, Leo spoke up. "Are you ready for this? Mine collapses are a messy business, and whatever we do find probably isn't going to be pleasant." Leo knew full well Rouslyn had probably seen much worse during her time as a slave, but he couldn't help but show some cautionary concern for the young girl, and he didn't want to make her do anything she wasn't comfortable with.

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Your Senpai
SWRP Writer
Aug 9, 2014
Reaction score
“No need to worry about me, my Lord. I've seen my fair share of… crushings. I'll be able to keep my composure.” Meaning: Rouslyn knew what she was in for, and depending on what they saw, she’d hold back the vomit until the job was done.

Rouslyn watched the natural landscape zoom by from behind the passenger window; it felt good seeing the Dover countryside again, “This is my first time back in my home country. It’s almost like I never left; everything looks the same.”
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AFL of the Paladins
SWRP Writer
Sep 28, 2014
Reaction score
Satisfied with her reply, he returned his focus back to driving. When she mentioned being back in her home country, he smiled. "Can't imagine what it's like being back after all this time..." He remained silent for a moment before continuing. "I never asked before, but what do you think of the Estates' behavior, their opposition to the Order being on Adumar? I can't imagine it was pleasant finding out your home country was actively opposing our presence here." While it was true that the Tiberium Estates had recently become more willing to work together, it was no secret that they still didn't care for the Paladins' presence on their planet. Only time would tell if they remained enemies or became allies.


Your Senpai
SWRP Writer
Aug 9, 2014
Reaction score
“Pleasant? No, definitely not. It wasn't surprising either,” Rouslyn admitted. “Uncle Edwin was always a twitchy guy. He probably almost had a heart attack once he heard the Order was beginning to threaten the status quo.”

All of Rouslyn’s interactions with her Uncle had been through a veil; she never saw him without her parents around,there were never any weekend trips to “dear” Uncle Edwin’s estate, or similar visits from Edwin’s own family. He only ever came storming through the front doors of her home demanding to see his brother for “council matters”; then moments later everyone within the estate could hear Edwin’s booming voice chastising my father on his constant neglect of his duties.

“From what my father told me about him, Uncle Edwin never let go of a grudge; large or small. He'd be willing to do anything if it meant he'll always end up on top.”