Credits Where Your Mouth Is


SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Outside Die In A Fire
City of Whorlport
Ord Mantell


When Vu’thari went to the Gambling Commission to ask about some properties that were in their name around Whorlport, they brushed his questions off at first. It began to be clear that the twi’lek did not wish to interfere in their business, but instead wished to apply a subset of skills that could help them. In return for this help, they were willing to sell him some small value properties around the city. Of course, false names were exchanged and different methods of contact were given, but in the end, they parted ways. Vu’thari was never optimistic about this lead he as given, but when they contacted him asking for help, it was a pleasant surprise indeed.

One of their new high stakes gambling locations in Whorlport was pulling in some eye-popping numbers during its few months in operation. However, the bottom line seemed to be skewed a bit due to random winnings at different venues within the casino. The Gambling Commission, no stranger to being swindled, suspected cheating—but they could not put a finger on how it was being done. They had their own internal group attempt to uncover the “who” and “how”, but their numbers continued to drop. It would have been easy if the recorders picked out one individual that was taking all of the winnings, but that wasn’t the case. So they called in Vu’thari, having nothing to lose by letting the twi’lek try and help.

Fortunately, Vu’thari had been on a similar mission for the Galactic Alliance many months back. He and Ayasha were tasked with finding a prankster in the casino who was hidden. This scenario was a bit different—it would be aa gambler on the casino floor. The “Die in a Fire” casino was huge, so he knew he could not do it alone. Ayasha and the two padawans Vu’thari had not met yet were following another lead for connections and contacts. Ashlyna and Torin were both students of Ayasha, but Vu’thari had at least met the pair on Savareen. Torin was from Coruscant, escaping the darkness that plagued him there. Ashlyna had lived a life of crime and was trying to put those skills towards something “good”. Although he did not know them well, he could feel the strength of the Force in each of them. The light within them was ever present. With the focus on security, Vu’thari had reached out with the Force, sensing each and every member. Although it was an imperfect method for finding those who might be traitors, it always gave him a good idea of who he was dealing with.

From what he knew about the pair that Ayasha had shared, they were both promising young Jedi in their own way. The only way the Jedi would persevere was with people. So Vu’thari approached them both and asked for their help. With various responses after Vu’thari explained the situation, they both agreed and here they were…


Outside the glitzy casino, it was packed. Almost every conceivable combination of alien, gender and fancy garb could be seen waiting in line to enter the casino’s huge walls of the massive den of gambling. The night of Ord Mantell wasn’t quite as glitzy as Nar Shaddaa, but it came pretty close. Where there were smugglers, there was always gambling—Ord Mantell was no different.

This evening, Vu’thari was dressed in all white, wearing a long opera-style coat. He wore a chrome half-mask that covered his scarred eye with blackened glass covering the opening for the eye. While there were more than 4 billion people on the planet, the twi’lek took no chances for readily identifying marks. Looking out in the line waiting to enter the casino, there were plenty of gamblers who also had such a style in mind, with hats, masks and other accessories that provided the area with their own style of glamour.

Looking over to Torin and Ashlyna, the twi’lek said quietly, “Alright, we have been given VIP passes that will quickly get us inside, but that is as far as the passes will take us. Be mindful of using your abilities in public. Have your earpieces in and connected to your comlinks. Our job tonight is to find the ones who are cheating—there may be a group of them. I have sent each of you images of the big winners in the past couple of months that the commission suspects are part of this ‘cheating ring’….May the Force Be with Us."


"Any questions before we enter? My thought is that we split up once we are inside, but stay close enough to one another for support in case it is needed…”

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Ashlyna Talmount

SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2019
Reaction score
It hadn't been that long since Ashlyna had been a partaker in casinos. She was more of a pazaak kind of girl to be honest, but she did enjoy a high stakes game of sabacc when it suited her. Though, that wasn't why they were there. This time, instead of trying to rob the house blind, they were going to try and keep the house from being robbed; a nice little switch up from the usual routine. Ashlyna had just the attire in mind, coming in with her short grey and black sleeveless dress and black leggings to give off that 'fancy' demeanor; with her comlink being tucked neatly into the pocket of her right wristband. Being outside the casino with a jedi master and a fellow padawan however, was not a situation she had ever foreseen herself being in, but then again her life had taken a very odd turn now hadn't it?

Ashlyna looked to her fellow padawan, and wasn't entirely sure if he'd even be allowed inside if they tried to stop and ask for ID; a little helpful advice never harmed anyone. "Hey, Torin, just remember this; fake it til you make it. Act like you belong, even if you don't. Most people won't question you about it. You get that down, and alot of surface problems just go away." She said, adding a wink at the end. He was a smaller guy, and in many ways still a kid; but clearly those eyes had seen alot of terrible things, and that made her a little sad. She'd look out for the little guy, she knew all too well what it was like to be taken for a ride.

She listened to the Twi'lek jedi as he explained their mission and the details, making a mental note to keep an eye out for their persons of interests. "I understand, but my only question is what if they get violent? I'm guessing we let the security take care of it?" Ashlyna asked, because in her experience the security for these types of places could be either hit or miss. This whole undercover thing wasn't the first time she had done a gig like this, finding marks to hijack later had been her second job among her old crew, but this might be the first time a genuinely helpful outcome could arise from this.
@Mithias @ZtheInquisitor
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Torin Crow

SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2018
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To be perfectly honest, Casinos weren't what Torin thought of when it came to Jedi missions of course. Then again he was now a Padawan of this newly formed Jedi Covenant, and after all, they had to start somewhere. After all with the missions they were on, he knew it would not all be about trying to fight the Sith, and if any chance they had to keep a low profile. Dressed in a suit. He could still find it a bit itchy, considering the fact that he was a former spacer. He was used to the fact that he was comfortable in suits of armor compared to the fabric these rich sons of murglaks used.

Ashlyna was dressed in a dress that expressed her subtle beauty, to which the young Crow couldn't help but smile, and Master Vu' was dressed in an elegant white suit, as if he was the best of the pack and richest, mingling in with the rest of the vultures of the Casino. He didn't carry much of a high opinion of the rich, if anything he carried negative emotions about them. He tried to remember the words of his Master. "There is no emotion, there is peace." He muttered softly to himself, as they walked through the flashing machines, boards, and holograms. With sports playing across various holograms.

Hearing Ashlyna speaks to him, as she was the closest there was to be like him. She was a pirate, and he was well he just called himself a spacer. He just did odd jobs to survive somewhere in the galaxy. He nodded and replied tugging at his suit.
"Hey, the sooner I get this itchy suit the better. I have no idea how people can wear this thing." He said irritated by the fabric. listening closely as Vu gave details about the mission.

Vu spoke as to how they got as far as their passes could take them. It was to catch cheaters, and turn them in. Just an average day in the life of a Jedi, they would keep close to each other, but he said they would split up. Torin could find the cheaters of course, but he was worried if things would go wrong. He didn't know what could happen and as far as he knew, anything could happen. Speaking quietly he asked.
"I can tell when someone is cheating, but with all these people here. I am curious will our instincts guide us as to who are the cheaters?" He said curiously, as he didn't want to stay here forever just for something to go wrong, and he knew better than to use the Force as little as possible.

@Ashlyna Talmount


SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score


Outside Die In A Fire
City of Whorlport
Ord Mantell

Vu’thari had to admit that Ashlyna looked the part. It was as if this was something she attended on a daily basis. Her being a natural in this setting would serve them well tonight. Torin…was still growing into his own skin. But as his age, they all were. Regardless, he looked handsome in his suit. The twi’lek needed to make sure he was confident in his own skin here. A place like “Die in a Fire” would pick him apart if the sensed weakness or vulnerability…

Vu’thari listened to the padawans patiently. Looking over at Ashlyna, he addressed her first, “Good question. We will report them to security, but I would not depend on them if the culprits manage to step foot out of the casino. At that point, we will have to intervene and catch them. We cannot fail, Padawans. However, we must hide who we are at all costs – accidents happen. Things go wrong. Dice don’t fall they way they should. You get the idea…reach out, trust in the Force this eve.”

Looking over at Torin, the Jedi Master advised, “Torin…have confidence in yourself. You are a Jedi. Do not let the people inside feel your fear and uncertainty. Trust in the Force. Believe that Ashlyna and I will be there with you every step of the way…but I sense you will be just fine.”

With that, the trio walked up to the pair of bouncers at the side entrance. Vu’thari strode over, seeming to take on a new countenance. His gait was taller, his head was held higher and a smug visage crested his face that seemed entirely out place with the Jedi Master. The two humans eyed them suspiciously as they approached. Vu’thari smirked at the pair and delicately pulled out a white card from his coat pocket, flipping it deftly between his fingers as he held it out to the security personnel. One them took the car, with his eyes never leaving the trio, scowling as he stared at the three. Holding the card out, his partner took out a small handheld device that scanned the card and a green light beeped on the device. Seemingly displeased, the human bouncer gestured with his head to the building behind him and his companion slide the metal bar open that allowed them in, freely able to walk in the main entrance.

With an appreciative nod, the three Jedi walked towards the entrance. As they approached, the doors swung open wide revealing the massive casino within. Music was blaring overhead, which mixed with the cacophony of sounds from the gambling machines, laughter, talking, cheering, etc. The aroma of spice, perfumes, and pleasure smoke wafted through the air.


A scantily clad female twi’lek stopped in front of them with a tray of drinks. Deftly, the Jedi Master grabbed a drink and gave it to each of the Padawans, followed with him grabbing one as well. He smiled at the twi’lek as she sauntered off and he turned to his companions and said just loud enough for them to hear, “Can you hear me through the comlink?”

The pair nodded. Vu’thari continued, “Keep clear minds. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Be mindful…if the earpiece is gaining attention, take it out. We must not be memorable here...”

Even though the comlink was barely noticeable in the ears of the Jedi, it was still there. With that, Vu’thari smiled at the padawans and said, “May the Force Be with You…”

With that, the twi’lek turned, took a small sip of his drink and went out into the crowd. He opened himself up to the room, listening to the Force. It was a delicate balance between reaching out to others, but also masking his own presence. As he walked through the floor, he got a sense of each table, each group at the slot machines, looking for any emotion out of place within the casino. Joy, contentment, lust, excitement and emotions of that vein were ones he was bypassing for now. Specifically, the Jedi Master was looking for the emotions that were less common…fear, panic, nervousness. While these emotions could be found in spades, they were not as common as the others. It was a process of elimination—and it was imperfect, but it was a start. His eyes wandered over to the Padawans to see how they were faring…


Ashlyna Talmount

SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2019
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Ashlyna took a finally moment to get her hair just right before they went in. She understood what the jedi master was advising, and she didn't disagree; they couldn't afford to mess this up, not to mention they needed to keep their identities intact. She understood the importance of letting the force do it's bidding, but Ashlyna felt that perhaps a combination of both her skills and the force would generate the best results. What if the one cheating the casino was another force user? It wouldn't be that difficult Ashlyna thought, knocked a dice a little to the left there, read the cards before they are even dealt, etc. She could think of several ways to go about it, and in fact she'd have to keep an eye out for that once inside. "I gotcha, only interfere if they get outside." She nodded and prepared herself for stepping inside.

Having gotten waved past the bouncers and into the front entrance, Ashlyna paused a moment and let the scent of the casino fill her nostrils, let herself drown in the atmosphere. She came out of it as Vu'thari offered her a drink. She heard Vu'thari test the comms, so she replied back, barely talking above a whisper. "Mine's working just fine." She muttered, and sipped her glass. It was time to do a little tour of this fine establishment, and maybe get some light flirting in as well; nothing looked as inconspicuous as a younger woman trying to chat up an older man. Having taken a light stride away from the trio, Ashlyna would walk about until she find a nice game of Sabbac. In the past, she would try to chat up the winner, move from table to table, and try to see which of the gamblers had the biggest ego; because it made them that much easier to manipulate. Vu'thari would notice what Ashlyna was doing, but perhaps not her motives behind it. She felt a little bit of conflict within herself about how to go about this, she could try the old approach and see where that got her, or keep her eyes and sense out for anything out of the ordinary; you know, the more 'jedi' of the two options. But maybe this table would be a good starting point. Sabbac was a game of chance after all, which meant high stress, so anyone that seemed unusually calm clearly would raise a red flag; especially if they fit the description of the high rollers from the list. Ashlyna kept her distance at one table that seemed to be garnering a small crowd. Like Ayasha had instructed her, Ashlyna reached out with her senses just enough to detect the feelings of those around her. There was much anxiety, fear, excitement, amusement, and several other emotions she was unable to process. She bit her lip and suppressed a sigh. Maybe this was going to be a little harder than she thought. Hopefully the other two were having better luck.
@Mithias @ZtheInquisitor

Torin Crow

SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2018
Reaction score
Torin was having doubts about his mission, for the most part, he had not gotten far with his Master, and still while he had some success in reaching out with the Force. He still, however, had not much experience in using it on missions, and with the ever-looming shadow of the Sith always present everywhere they go, in some instances, he had felt so very much afraid. Being around Master Vu, and fellow Padawan Ashlyna had helped change it, or at least put in some effort for him to tame such fears, as Master Vu explained how they would deal with the culprits.

Then the Twi'lek Jedi had focused on him, reassuring him, clearly sensing the doubt that he was radiating off of him. Vu was wise of course, and yes it was quite that true that Torin was now apart of the Jedi Order. Perhaps a splintered group of Jedi... Most would consider Outcasts, but they were still Jedi nonetheless, and each mission was guided by the very will of the Force, in a way tests for them to all grow strong in their own right. Torin nodded with determination as the Jedi Master was right. "Yes, Master Vu!"

And from that they moved onward, the Bouncer glancing them with a mean mug, it's as if he wanted to kill the trio, and for a moment Torin was itching to bring out the Blaster hidden in his suit, 'No' He thought to himself, trying to remind himself that he was not that guy anymore, that he was a Jedi, Violence was the last resort no matter if you sensed danger or not. Still, old habits die hard he supposed.

Stepping forward carefully, after Vu slipped him a white card to which he had never seen before. Stepping even deeper into the Casino, Vu carefully grabbed the trio drinks, to which Torin sipped carefully. While he didn't mind the taste it was nothing like the good stuff of Corellian Whiskey. Tapping on his Comlink within his ear as Vu spoke into it, given the fact that it was a clear test. Torin nodded,
"Works fine on my end."

With that after making sure everything was in place, it was time for the team to split up. Nodding as Vu saw the two Padawans go in different directions. Looking around Torin had no idea where to start, for the most part, anyone could be the culprits, and knowing his former pirate friend Force knows what. She could be getting drunk and flirting with old guys for all he knew at the sabacc tables, and while he was no good at the game. He figured he would start at the Pazaak table if anyone would get easy money from swindling idiots what better way to score than with cards. Making his way to the nearest table, he reassured himself to let the Force guide him, if only then he would find the culprit

@Ashlyna Talmount


SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score


Die In A Fire Casino
City of Whorlport
Ord Mantell

As Vu’thari made his way from table to table, he was beginning to get a sense of the emotions that constituted excitement for what they were doing and those filled with anxiousness. In many ways, it was a near impossible task to catch an accomplished cheater in a casino—but the security personnel were not Jedi. As such, had little in the way of tools to read individuals they suspected were cheating. Even though this was an advantage, spotting the suspects was the challenging part for the Jedi. Suddenly, one of the sabbac tables roared from applause as one of the players just won a big game. Vu’thari made his way over to see who the big winner was. A sullustan was all smiles from his large mouth, as he swept all the chips to him in preparation to cash them in.

The Jedi Master reached out and sensed conflict in the Sullustan, but also words formulating, like mulling over instructions. Moving closer, the twi’lek came to the side and saw no visible earpiece.

Something subdermal?

Musing about the possibility of an implanted device or something he had yet to encounter, the Jedi Master took a small sip of his drink and continued to subtly track the movements of the sullustan. The alien had managed to quickly separate himself from those who were watching him play and he made his way to the cashier. Just then, another big winner a few tables down. Vu’thari spoke quietly over the comlink as he walked, “Watch for winners in the next few minutes. They might be winning hands and tables soon after another so that the security does not have time to review all the games. I don’t know how they are doing it yet, but I think it is happening right now…”


Ashlyna Talmount

SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2019
Reaction score
Ashlyna head the Jedi Master give her a warning, as she reposition to get a better look at the game going on before her. It was a little difficult, as the crowd seemed unwilling to deviate from their location. She was growing annoyed by their unwillingness to move, so she decided to move away instead. Vu'thari had mentioned that the men would be acting soon, so now seemed as good as a time as any to go with the force. So Ashlyna did. Closing her eyes, she felt the aura of feelings and emotions from the patrons, and let it form into a current of emotion and sensation. It took several moments, but she would map out where the strongest feelings of anxiety and eagerness were coming from, and move towards it. "Understood, I'm keeping a lookout." She muttered into the comm, yes, there was something afoot here, and they were going to find out what it was.

Torin Crow

SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2018
Reaction score
Torin kept himself on guard, as he approached the Pazzak table, looking to the dealer as he gave a nod. Sitting down slowly on the the stool, he got his hand of cards ready. He saw several players to him, one a Human, and two of them Rodian. He eyed the Rodians suspiciously as if the two did not already feel right to him somehow, although he had done his best to try and hide it, and concentrate on the game.

The dealer dealt out the cards to both players, and Torin took his hand, honestly, he didn't know it was gonna go well. All he was doing was pretending and acting as if he was another player, and he himself wasn't very fond nor very good at card games. Yet he was even confident that the Force would guide him.

He heard the voice of Master Vu in his comm, he gave a silent nod responding in a whisper. "Understood." He said waiting to see if the Master was right, then again he wasn't wrong if he was the young man's Master. So he watched and waited as the players made their moves.

@Ashlyna Talmount


SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score


Die In A Fire Casino
City of Whorlport
Ord Mantell

At the cashier, the sullustan did not have an excited look on his face. One would have surmised that after winning a huge hand in sabacc that they would be all smiles. But not this sullustan—his face was that of concentration. Once he was handed his credits, the alien quickly started heading for the exit. Nervously, the sullustan looked over across the casino. Following his eyes, he glanced over at the table with Torin.

Vu’thari came across the comlink, “Torin, pay attention to your table. Ashlyna, look for the next winner. I am going to follow the sullustan and see how far this goes…”

At this point, the twi’lek was really trusting in the Force. The sullustan could have been nervous for any number of reasons—people were on edge at casinos all the time. Giving himself enough distance, the Jedi Master exited the casino seconds after the sullustan. Looking to his left, Vu’thari spotted the sullustan making his way down the busy street side and then down an alley. Still keeping a respectable distance, the twi’lek walked past the alley where the sullustan went down. As he walked by, he saw a parked black luxury speeder that the sullustan was getting into. Not wanting to completely lose sight of the speeder, the twi’lek crossed the street and made his way to the opposite alley with a vantage he could see the speeder lights, but the vehicle was not moving, as if waiting on something.

“The sullustan is in a side alley in a parked speeder. Keep an eye out for winners that immediately leave after a big win…”


Ashlyna Talmount

SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2019
Reaction score
Hearing the warning from Vu'thari, Ashlyna quickened her step. The crowded table she had been near by suddenly erupted into cheers, as the winner had apparently beat the house. Though, through all the emotions of excitement and enjoyment, there were traces of nervousness, anxiety. It was faint, much like a pebble in a pond, but she could feel it, and it was indeed growing. Ashlyna stepped back, distancing herself from the crowd. The winner, a nicely dress Rodian, pushed his way through the gathering, his winnings clutched in his hand as if his life depended on them. Some of the patrons attempted to stop and congratulate him, but he didn't seem very grateful for their affections; as bouts irritation bubbled up from within him. Clearly something was up with this one. Ashlyna trailed him, but let him get a few steps ahead of her as to not draw suspicion. She commed to Torin and Vu'thari.
"I have a Rodian who looks like he's in a hurry. I think they're onto us. Might they have a lookout somewhere in the Casino."
The Rodian stopped by the winnings booth and began his exchange, as Ashlyna stopped and move to a terminal and pretended to buy something. "Torin, what about you?" She asked, glancing over to the Rodian as he began his transfer of winnings.

@Mithias @ZtheInquisitor