Ask Corporate Malpractice

Val Varthra

ISB Director

Character Profile
Dec 28, 2022
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Bonadan was a bleak world for the birthplace of the Hydian Way. Bleaker even than Dromund Kaas, where storms blocked the planet's star all day every day. Val preferred worlds like Dantooine or Serenno. Worlds with green on them. But she didn't have the luxury of preference with this job. The Empire would collapse unless something went their way, which required her to make bold moves. At least this time she wouldn't be making them alone.

Her companion was Wodan, a Sith she had heard whisperings about before briefly meeting him on Eraidu. Now, the pair of them were the Empire's best chance at righting the ship with the Corporate Sector. The deal wasn't at all going to be an easy one; and not all of CorpSec had ceased business with the Empire. But if the Empire was going to restore confidence in its markets and begin to undo some of the damage Emryc Thorne had done with a brilliant stroke of his pen, they had to get the remaining companies to drop this ridiculous boycott.

Fortunately, they had one thing going for them. They had the keys to the Hydian Way. Of course, it wasn't a perfect bandaid. As Altair had told her back on Eraidu, the Corpos had spread out since the beginning of the war. But there was no denying that — without the Hydian Way — their businesses would die a slow death. That had to matter in the end.

Val turned to Wodan as their ship neared the docking point on Bonadan's surface where a representative of the boycotting corporations would be waiting for them. "Remember, I am mostly here to help you iron out the details. I've pulled whatever data the ISB has on CorpSec to help us navigate the talks, but at the end of the day, I'm no diplomat. I'm trusting you to be persuasive."

Diplomacy was not her forte. Whenever she faced resistance, torture was usually her go-to option. Here, she had to be clever and to rely on her ally's experience to win them the day. @Braden @The Good Doctor


Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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Eriadu had placed a target on the back of Wodan’s neck, he had pretty much committed treason on the planet in front of a number of prominent Sith, including a member of the Council. Maybe the only saving grace is that the same Councilor was also speaking of treason so nothing had really gotten out about what happened in that tent, at least for now.

Wodan had to solidify his place within the galaxy, both personally and within the Empire proper, releasing the financial stranglehold the Corporate Sector had upon them all was a good start.

The Upsilon shuttle broke through the final clouds covering the Capital City of Bonadan. The place was a little too industrial for the Firrerrian, preferring wide open tracts of land devoid of metal and concrete. Wodan had to overly rotate his head to face and see the ISB agent with his one good eye as she had sat to his left. “Ok.” He began, he was an ok talker, but most of his missions normally ended up filtering into violence.

“What was the final flexibility the powers that be gave us in negotiations?” Although the main angle they had to work with was the slow suffocation of the Sector, it would be easier if we the Sith could at least offer a carrot to go with the stick.

@Malon @The Good Doctor

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The Corporate Sector has an official policy of neutrality and an unofficial policy of letting it's corporations of doing deals either with both powers of a conflict or clearly the strongest one. Stocks and profits went down after a series of events that lead to the CEO of Blackwell Tech seemingly randomly take the moral high-ground and leading a boycott when it could have stood to make tons of credits selling to both sides. The Prex of the Corporate Sector Authority Vallister Adis was really irritated with the Sith's reprisal of locking up Sith space and tightening their grip Hydian Way, the artery of trade to the rest of the galaxy. Prex Adis was not amused. Prex Adis was a higher ranking member of the Authority and was representing the corporations with the Sith.

Although in very recent news about the ISC is constructing a Hypergate, fears were eased. Even corporations that have done business with the Sith without a care previously or don't care for the boycott are sold on the advantages of the gates even if it means discarding the idea of doing business in the Empire. Even the Chief Executive of the Corporate Authority knew the Hypergates have unmatched potential, it would be very much worth it.

The Sith will have to be especially convincing to be able to forge a deal with the Authority and the corporations.

Prex Adis waited for the Sith to step off their ship; she was ready to greet them, flanked by two security droids with blasters on either side, with a line of Security wearing their trademark Espo brown uniforms with armor and blaster rifles to the path forward. Prex Adis trusted that the Sith delegation will be on their best behavior, but the no-nonsense woman was prepared just in case.

"Welcome to Bonadan" the near-human woman said when they would step off.

@Malon @Braden