Open Coruscant Combustible

Walt Bosmar


Character Profile
Jul 20, 2023
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Coruscant just wasn't the same anymore.

There used to be a sense of weight behind the goings on here - a sense that it was the centre of the Galaxy. Sure, with the ISC cropping up and the Sith and the Empire and all that, Coruscant was less "undeniable" in it's status as the most important city-planet in the Galaxy but there had still been a shine to it as the capital of the New Republic.

But the Republic was gone.

"I miss it, goddamn it, I miss the thing - even with all of it's asskissing political animals and the like."

It was gone and the shine was gone too it seemed - seemed like everyone was content to do what they could to remove any and all evidence that the New Republic had, at one point, been the most righteous and pure institutions in the Galaxy. Now? Now even the bars were different, served by droids without even a shred of a personality matrix.

Sitting at the bar, Walt gestured silently for the droid to serve him another drink even as he drank in the sights of the others around him. Snatching his replacement drink from the droid, he ignored the way it added to his tab.

"Karking droids... what the hells is this Galaxy coming to where a man can't even get a bartender to listen to his woes?"
he scowled and threw back the glass to his throat, enjoying the familiar burn, "I tell you, Jennibelle, this place has gone to hell in a hand grenade."

He wasn't talking to himself.

His coat seemed to vibrate as the small stray cat he had rescued from the streets adjusted her positioning inside the roomy interior pocket of his coat, her black-furred head popping out to look up at him with the adoration that was solely reserved for cats given a second chance at a happy life. She butted her head against his chest and Walt sighed, scratching behind one of her ears idly with a calloused finger as he gave the rest of the bar a gimlet eye.

"Be just a well if they finished the job... they killed the Republic and left it's body to moulder and fester... would be a mercy to set it ablaze."


Listib Hibin


Character Profile
Jul 24, 2023
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There was a bit of a quiet air as the rumble of the bar seemed to shake around him. It was nice to be at a big bar such as this once more, being held down at an almost dead-end assignment. Having taken a little bit of shore leave, the loner known as Listib sat near the end of the bar, holding up a small glass of Breath of Heaven. It was a bit pricey but he more than willing to pay for a good bottle once in a while, his pay allowed it in the Empire. Taking a long drink, he could hear the rumblings of what he could only describe, as a person missing what was considered the New Republic.

The New Republic...what a joke. It seems to always come, go and blow itself up every couple of decades. Whether through corruption, the Jedi having to take over for a little while, or a mixture of other reasons including being overthrown. They were worse than Rodian Clans! They at least fought to the death and did theater afterwards for peace! These holo-clowns? Probably some of the worst the Galaxy had to offer in a long time, aside from the Sith itself.

When the human heard the next set of words, he walked over with the bottle that he had paid for from the droid. Sitting right beside the person that was scowling at the world, wishing for it to be ended as he gave a small cough before pouring a small shot glass of his rice infused alcohol in a few small shot glasses. Placing the bottle beside it, he downed a shot rather quickly before letting it clack, making a smacking noise as the eyepatch would not be visible on the side he sat at the bar. Sliding a small shot glass down filled with the potent alcohol, he spoke out.

"Sounds like you been through hell. Here, have a drink on me."

Pouring himself another shot, he glanced at the bar and started to see what this man meant. It felt...urban, really urban. No real comfort, no realization of anything to go further. The bartender was a no one droid, the kitchen looked sterile as the day it was made and the people itself seemed to be a mixture of newer clientle and hipsters. Yeah, one could say this place indeed had fallen down and the vibe of those going on, was starting to fade away with the newer times.

" a kriffer ain't it? It never gets going fast enough to fix most problems and in the end, it generally makes it so rotten, the Galaxy itself devours it whole. Heh...whole planet really needs just a big reset button, start all over again...not let people feast on its carcass."

@Walt Bosmar



Jul 25, 2023
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Irizi'nay'nuru watched the door to the cantina slide open, and he stepped inside. A strong gale blasted into the cantina, and his cloak billowed in the gust. Many of the customers looked up at him. Thank the Force for the hood covering his features. A lot of the Coruscanti probably still held the xenophobic ideals of the Empire. He surveyed his surroundings and scoffed. Droid bartenders. In the Outer Rim, where he mostly hung out, droid bartenders were very rare (probably since some worlds loathed them). It was somewhat sad to see the emotionless faces of the server droids bringing drinks to equally unemotional customers.

The door slid shut behind him and the Chiss walked over to the bartender. "I'll take a water."

As the droid scurried into the back to get water (customers probably didn't order that often), Zinayn looked to his right at the two customers a couple of stools away. They were talking about the changes following the fall of the Republic. An interesting topic. There were certainly many changes involved with the toppling of a galactic government.

Luckily, Irizi'nay'nuru himself hadn't felt any of those repercussions. But he thought about the common folk living in Republic territory, and how they must have suffered. There would have been no Republic cargo ships to transport needed resources to the government's planets and people. Then of course, the Republic credit would have absolutely zero value. Even in the Outer Rim, Zinayn had heard of the mass poverty and crime on several important worlds such as Chandrila and Thyferra. Not to mention the rampant increase of petty theft and a series of robberies on various political figures. The Chiss smiled. He'd never thought that Coruscant could possibly have more crime. The galaxy had proven him wrong.

The droid came back with a cup of water, and Zinayn drained it in one gulp. He should have asked for a bigger glass...

Walt Bosmar


Character Profile
Jul 20, 2023
Reaction score

Walt eyed the man approaching, idly scratching the small cat behind the ears with one finger before pushing the cat's head back into his pocket. He had seen enough people in his time in the military to recognise a fellow soldier - one that drink hard too by the looks of it. With his free hand, he caught the sliding shot glass with a raised eyebrow.


Never a bad idea to thank a stranger if they were willing to buy you a drink - and there was no such thing as a fussy soldier when it came to a free drink. Throwing the shot back, he hissed slightly at the burn that it caused, setting the glass down on the bartop with authority.

"Gods... and they charge good credits for that?"
he joked, nodding to the other man, "Must be something broken with the system if they let that through quality control."

All in good fun - it was actually pretty drinkable.

If he had been entirely sober, Walt would have thought better about taking what was clearly bait. Bait to get into a political discussion at a bar. In fairness, his own grumblings had likely brought it down on himself so he could hardly throw stones about it.

"Progress huh? Is that what we're calling it these days?"
he scoffed a little bit, waving the bartender droid back over to pass some of the olives that served as bar snacks, "The Galaxy lost it's only true democracy and in it's place we got..."

He listed them off on his fingers.

"A dictatorship..."
The Empire.

"A dictatorship..."
The ISC - elections his ass, no way one guy and all his friends stay in power so many times. No... there had to be something shady about that.

"A mass of crime lords dictators..."
The Hutts and their ilk.

"And two sets of magic space wizards who think their magic makes them better than everyone else - one lawful dumb and the other lawful evil... and dumb."
The Sith and the Jedi.

He picked up an olive with a grin, shrugging as he gestured to Listib and Zinayn.

"Least we got choice in a Republic - and a track record of democracy working for millennia compared to Empires that can't last decades." he popped the olive in his mouth, "Tell me when I'm tellin' lies!"

@Irizi'nay'nuru @Goutewea