Code testing

Odd the Lucky

SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2021
Reaction score

  • Miris Ve Monterre

    Jedi OrderJedi ConsularHuman235'9150lbsFemale

    Voice ReferenceTheme

    • “If ever I was running, it was towards you.”


      ~ Miris at 16

      Miris was born in Iziz, the capital city of Onderon, to a noble family. She was the 5th child out of 6, and was the oldest daughter. Being the oldest daughter, Miris was raised under strict rules. When she was old enough to speak, she became old enough to learn how to become a proper noble woman. She received a formal education and was expected to perform well, or there were harsh consequences. As she grew older, she learned how to cook, clean, and sew.

      Although she hated it, Miris came to accept the responsibility as the only daughter. When she was 16, Miris was arranged to marry a young noble from the Dendup family, the ruling family of Onderon. He was a snarky, cocky, prideful, and stubborn man, who seemed more interested in Miris'... expressive figure rather than her actual self.

      At 16, the force seemed to awaken. Miris would frequently sneak out of her family's estate and roam around the city of Iziz, mostly to draw and sketch new scenery. She would always get a feeling of when she should return to the estate, but she figured it was just a natural instinct nothing more. Until one day, she ran into a Jedi helping a merchant. Miris quickly introduced herself to the Jedi and explained her problem regarding her arranged marriage. The Jedi was hesitant to help, since family matters wasn't within her responsibilities, but helped Miris regardless.

      The next day, the Jedi arrived to the family estate, claiming that she was informed of a force sensitive in the area. Although, that was a lie at the moment. Miris' father, the head of the Monterre family, decided to hear the Jedi out. After moments of discussion, the Jedi claimed that Miris was the force sensitive, but the father did not believe it. So, the Jedi proposed a test. Miris would have to lift the cup in the center of the table, but it would be a rouse. Miris was previously instructed to reach her arm out and pretend she's moving the cup, but the Jedi would actually be the one moving it, with her hand behind her back. Everyone else in the estate was easily fooled, but the father still had his suspicious. He claimed that the Jedi was the one who lifted the cup, and instructed the Jedi to leave the room.

      After moments of waiting, the Jedi could hear multiple loud gasps in the room and quickly entered back in. Her eyes were greeted by the teenage Miris lifting up everything on the table, including the table itself. It was extremely surprising, but none of it mattered. The father wouldn't just let his only daughter, especially one engaged to the next king, leave. There would be dire consequences for the Monterre family if Miris were to flee. The Jedi was accepting of the outcome, as there wasn't much she can do. However, Miris quickly fled from the room and out of the estate.

      On the run through the city, Miris was chased down by a few guards. The Jedi was able to quickly catch up to her due to her proficiency in the force. Miris would be led to the Jedi's ship in which they made their great escape. Soon, Miris would be indoctrinated into the Jedi Order and escape her previous destiny.

    • "Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing. One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it…and then it’s gone. But to surrender who you are and to live without belief is more terrible than dying – even more terrible than dying young."


      ~ Miris at 20

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    Miris is a tall, pale skinned woman dawning black robes and black decorative cape. Her platinum blonde hair is in a single long braid in the back, with her bangs coming down the side of her face. She wears a chromium mask that covers her eyes for several reasons, the main being that she believes it strengthens her connection to the light side of the force. By removing her sense of vision, Miris is forced to put her faith and reliance on the force to guide her. Her other senses are heightened from this as well.

    Miris is soft-spoken and has a graceful body-language. She speaks with a natural poise, and tends to appear extremely happy or calm. Due to her love of the fine arts, she speaks in a rather olden way. It can be hard for those who are not familiar with her to understand. It is rare to see Miris' emotions extend farther than a small smile or slight frown. This is part of her likeness to the Jedi ways. Miris has a natural curiosity of the force, to the point it is a near obsession to learn more.

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    Miris could be considered the most studious amongst the Jedi. She spends most of her time studying the force and other topics such as mathematics, art, ecology, history, religion, and herbalism. She is known to be a pacifist, and will only fight if there is no other option.

    Miris follows the Jedi principles strictly, and leans far into the light side. She has a strong religious aura around her, almost resembling a nun. Due to her reputation, she is known by some as "The Blind Saint", although she isn't truly blind.

    Since she does her best to avoid combat, Miris does not go on missions directly involving in combat if possible. She primarily takes up missions involving exploration or diplomacy. However she spends most of her time on Yavin-IV, teaching padawans in the ways of the force and providing them a general education.

  • Physical: Miris is fairly weak in terms of speed and power. She is agile enough to step out of harms way and maintain some distance, but by no means is she a track star or a pure fighter. She tends to avoid combat for this very purpose, and sticks to only defending herself when absolutely necessary.

    Force: Miris has a strong connection to the light-side of the force, and strictly uses it for that purpose. She can perform basic force abilities, but again, tends to avoid combat. Outside of the basics, Miris has learned / is in the process of learning 4 advanced techniques.

    The first is Force Flash. This is one of Miris' most proficient techniques, as it was one of the first that she learned. Miris can easily cause huge flashes of light to form with either of her hands, and she does not have to worry about closing her eyes since she wears a mask. This way, Miris doesn't have to lose her focus for a brief second.

    The second ability is Mental Manipulation. Miris is somewhat proficient with this technique, but mostly utilizes it to mask her presence from people. Typically to change her appearance or give people the urge to look towards a different direction.

    The third ability is Force Healing. At the moment, Miris can only fix small cuts and bruises. Anything further and she is unable to fully heal, although she can slightly dull pain.

    The last ability is Pyrokinesis. Miris can create a small flame with both of her hands, and can also heat up objects that she touches. At the moment, she can only generate small flames and nothing bigger. However if there is already a fire near her, she can manipulate that preexisting fire to spread/shoot out further.

  • empty for now

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