CNN - Getting Involved


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Feb 13, 2012
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CNN: Getting Involved

The CNN Group, from an OOC standpoint, is our very own New Network, something which started out ironically as a result of a joke on Skype between myself and @Dmitri and now has become a much hated loved part of the site. However, as it has grown, my time has become all the more limited, and I often rely on others to help me ensure the smooth and regular updating of it.

Simply put, CNN is about cooperation, and having fun by taking the mickey out of real world broadcasters. We all know and love the hypocrisy of many large broadcasters, and here at CNN our focus is to enable you to take part in this, big up your own characters, or just have some fun.

So please read on for how you can get involved further!


CNNs main form of interacting with the wider site is through the articles we publish on our main Czerka News Network thread. Naturally, we cannot keep an eye on everything going on across the site, so it falls to members to send stuff in. This is a simple process, and can be done in one of two ways.

Either you can PM me a link to a thread, informing e of the involved members and a TLDR of what is going on, and I can write it up for you, or you can send in a fully written article, which I shall then edit and post with your efforts attributed below.

By doing this you feed into the media monster CNN Groups regular updates.


One thing I have been considering for a while is how CNN can interact more directly in the story, helping to shape not just report on events in the story boards. This can be done in a number of ways, either you can refer to CNN in your posts (in which case, please do!) or you can roll a character that works for (part time perhaps?) the CNN group - if you wish to do this, lemme know and I’ll get an unofficial listing of Part-Timers up, so we can roll some threads together.

Other Support

Quite simply, feedback and advice on what you would like to see in CNN posts goes a long way. Let me know what you think about CNN, post below, or slam me a PM. It is great to get feedback, as I want to continue to ensure that CNN is not only informative and amusing, but continues to be not only of use to the site itself, but also a new way players can develop and enjoy their time here.

I shall add more to this as feedback comes in and ideas come to me, and in the meantime a thanks to @Sangga @Prudence @Darasuum and others for their regular contributions, and numerous others for the work toward keeping CNN going.



SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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CNN and the TS - How to get involved.
Now it is no secret that the time skip is well on the way, and with a new Timeline and a new story, CNN is going to be heading for a new image. As part of this, I am opening up more ways for people to get involved in how CNN works, what CNN does and of course; what you can do to help the group out. Currently, CNN works on a submission basis - which is all well and good, but it does not really do much for you, the member. As such, I shall be doing the following -

i. Characters and CNN
Whilst this is something that still needs to be spoken about with the admins, CNN will be allowing characters to join as 'Freelancers'. No matter the faction you are in, your character can act as a freelance reporter/holographer for the CNN group. But, what does this mean for you? Well, firstly - You will have access to the cool gadgets CNN allows its people to use (more on this coming soon in a separate thread), plus it will provide a good IC reason for you guys to head into OPEN threads, pry on events and get snapping away with cameras.

ii. Submitting Articles & Posting
Currently, I am hoping to keep article submission the same; meaning you can send an article on over in the usual way. However, in order to make things easier, if you have a story you would like to see written up, all I ask is that you send me a PM with the thread, characters involved and if possible, a brief summary of what is happening in the thread. I'll be doing articles on Mondays, Wednesdays and then posting the articles up on Saturday evening or Sunday morning!

iii. Social Threads and More

Alongside this as the TS begins, I shall be looking to run some missions and social threads for the less PvP inclined characters. This means fancy parties and lots more, including potentially some new and shiny threads and events - not sure what else, but I am working on it. CNN, being the ethical and friendly group that it is may have some unethical tests and experiments going, so I may do something like that in the occasional one-off open thread.

The Time-Skip looks to be exciting, and CNN will do its best to continue to be the thing that people love to hate, and will be changing its stance to keep sucking up to the biggest fish on good terms with the Sith Empire, naturally. I am always looking for ways to improve CNN, so as always, drop me a note on Skype or via PM if you have any suggestions.

Storywise, CNN is now a publically traded entity, much like its lore article suggests, and I shall be editing the lore article for re-submission after the TS; showing how the group has changed, especially with the fall of Coruscant (where it used to be based!), most likely with a focus on the group being remote, probably based on a space station (like the one in Dr. Who!), with a focus on some of the more wacky media stuff we see in Sci-Fi! Obviously, the membership thing, and the advent of a potential non-military space station will require admin approval, so I shall keep you posted here!

That's all for now!

Thanks all!


Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
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joking would love to be involved in this in some way. Norb you got a friend in me.