Clubbing for Beginners


There is no dark or light only the Manatee.
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2017
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Death Disabled
This is one damn good night, Kalvin watched the crowd grow larger and larger from his private room, lit fire pit in the center. His personal waitress came to him, "Bring me a drink...something sweet.", the girl walked away to get his drink, he knew she hated the club...he didn't care. In the time since the Sith Empire had taken control of the galaxy business on Nar Shaddaa had picked up especially at The Indigo Gentleman. The establishment was packed with beings from every walk of life; Sith, Jedi, Mandalorian, Smugglers, it did not matter they came to his bar and followed his rules. If anyone of them stepped out of line they would pay the price.

Kalvin watched the people below him, what would the night hold? Maybe he would get some interesting visitors, it had been so long since he got to talk business. The waitress dropped off his drink, a bouncer followed her in,
"Mr. Thumas we are almost at capacity and the line is down to the next street. What do you want us to do?" He took a drink, it was bitter, "Girl come back.", he turned to the bouncer, "I want you to do your job, let people in when they fit and kick out people causing any problems. If it is severe enough bring them to me." The bouncer left, "Now you...when I say I want a sweet drink I damn well better get a sweet drink." Looking to another waitress, "Have another sent up and make it sweet. As for you, your job is to serve. You need your hands for that, reach in the fire and pick up a log."

The small group around Kalvin watched as the young woman did as she was told without hesitation. Her scream was drowned out by the music from down stairs, seconds past, "Put it back, you are fired don't come back." He spoke as he went back to watching the crowd.


There is no dark or light only the Manatee.
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2017
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The club was full and the drinks were flowing, Kalvin was quite happy with the success he had here on Nar Shaddaa. He turned to his "guards" with a smile, "Get some girls and a few more bottles up here, this is supposed to be a good time right?" As he spoke the noise from the club quieted, all that could be heard was the music. Again Kalvin's attention turned to the window overlooking the dance floor, to men were about to have it his club!? Those insolent fools, "Bring them both to the back room, I want a word with them. Just when it was supposed to be an easy night, some silly insignificant fool had to come to my bar and cause a scene." Kalvin made his way downstairs, flanked by to large men, he walked into a room labeled "Electrical". The two men from the club sat in front of him, "Hello gentlemen, how are we doing this evening? Have you been enjoying my club?"

The two stuttered as they tried to answer, "Stop talking now." Both could not say a word, "If you have been to The Indigo Gentleman before you know my rules. You are to never come to this place again. If I find either of you even a block away I will have you gut yourself." Kalvin walked away back through the club heading toward his private room.


I find your lack of faith disturbing
SWRP Writer
May 7, 2017
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Mockadane sat at a table of about 4 or 5 people. There were many empty glasses as they all laughed and talked. Behind the large muscular man stood a sleder pale male, his eyes darting back and forth around the room. The girls would occasionally bring drinks over and before they could even set all of the drinks down all of the men were yelling for another one as they slammed the emptly glasses atop the tranparasteel table.

Nar shaddaa nightlife was not one for the faint of hart. Mockadane had only had about 5 drinks so he was still mostly sober. The bounty hunter was waiting for something, he had his own agenda for being at this establishment this night. Mockadane leaned back in his char, motioning to his trusted counterpart.

"See him yet?"

"Not yet sir."

Mockadane shook his head and returnedto the conversation at hand.


SWRP Writer
May 9, 2017
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HK-59 can be seen outside of the area using a terminal to find bounties on organic beings, or as he likes to call them, "meat bags", the droid has been looking for ones that ask for the target to be killed, or meat bags that are known for owning a large number of droids that are asked to be killed or brought in alive as well and state the droid could take whatever he wanted for his own use his target owned.


There is no dark or light only the Manatee.
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2017
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Kalvin made his way around the club, he had to act the part of manager if he was going to own an establishment here. "How is everything? Hope you are having a good time. If there is anything you need ask. Waitress get them another round on the house." He continued this until he reached a table with a very large human man, "Hey there big fella, I have not seen you here before. Is your evening going well?", Kalvin knew the look of someone about to commit a murder.


I find your lack of faith disturbing
SWRP Writer
May 7, 2017
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Mockadane laughed and joked with the patrons sitting at the table. He had only met them hours before but they seemed like a good group of guys. A slender pale man walked up, Mockadane thought he looked like the manager or something like that based on his attire.

"Hey there big fella, I have not seen you here before. Is your evening going well.?"

"Well enought"

Mockadane replied to the slender man as he turned back around to continue his conversation. Eldorack looked at the man for a couple of minues, utilizing his sensors as he did. Eldorack gave Kalvin a slight nod before returning his attention back to the patrons of the establishment.


There is no dark or light only the Manatee.
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2017
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"Glad to hear it. If you need anything please let me know, this is my club and I aim to please.", the heavy emphasis on the word was unmistakeable. Kalvin smiled nodded and made his way back upstairs. He hated when there were situations to handle in the bar, it was a simple rule: don't start problems. That was the rule, but it only applied inside, if he could help out someone that was having an issue and avoid any shots fired at the same time he would do that.

The window to the private room was his favorite spot to sit, he could see every single person coming or going. He only cared watching one right now, he examined the table, the large man continued his conversation but surveyed the crowd, his eyes almost piercing the patrons.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Zeff had come to the club probably an hour before. He had not been to this particular establishment before but was judging it harshly but had yet to see anything negative enough to make him want to leave. He wore an all black gibbous series flight suit. the attire was fitting given he had come from a swoop race before. His Vargr swoop bike was in a nearby parking center. He been able to enjoy some of the finer drinks though he felt they were overpriced they at least had a wider selection than the dingy dives elsewhere.

There was a large crowd around and that was something he had not made his mind up on. Several other swoop racers of the professional spectrum were around, talking to girls, drinking heavily and having a good time. His helmet was on the surface of the standing table he was at and an empty tumbler of Accarrgm. He looked towards the nearest dancing space and then to the music player. He wanted to maybe mix it up a little and make a request.



I find your lack of faith disturbing
SWRP Writer
May 7, 2017
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“Glad to hear. If you need anything please let me know, this is my club and I aim to Please.”

Mockadane turned his head slightly to see the man turn a corner and vanish into one of the hallways leading to the back of the club. The large man turned to his new acquaintances and bid them farewell. He stood up from his seat and collected his belongings. The bounty hunter motioned towards Eldorack and the two started down the hallway after the club owner.

The two reached a door with two guards standing outside. Mockadane looked down at each of them. He normally towered over everyone so this was nothing new.

“I am here to see your boss.”


There is no dark or light only the Manatee.
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2017
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"There is a man here to see you sir.", Kalvin smiled and motioned for him to be let in. The large man walked through the door followed by his partner, the guards began to search him, "Boys stop of course he is armed, right? That is why he is here, he is looking for someone. Have a seat." The last statement sounded more like an order than a suggestion, the pair did as they were told. "I assume you are here to tell me how good of a time you are having.", Kalvin laughed to himself, "Tell me, what are you looking for?" Again this sounded like an order.


I find your lack of faith disturbing
SWRP Writer
May 7, 2017
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Mockadane's face grew agitated as the man spoke to them. Biting his tounge because he was here on more pressing matters than to have a peeing contest with this man.

"Tell me, what are you looking for?"

"Well, its not what im looking for. Its who Im looking for."

Eldorack passed over a datapad with a picture on it.

"I am looking for this man, I know he visits this establishment quite often. Usually a high roller when he is here. I have some buisness to conduct with him. Do you know his wearabouts?"[/CENTER]


There is no dark or light only the Manatee.
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2017
Reaction score
Kalvin knew him, he was not exactly what he would call a high roller but he did frequent the club and followed the rules. "What kind of business would you have with him? No offense, but you don't seem the entrepreneurial type.", he knew a bounty hunter when he saw one. If it kept his club out of the line of fire he might help.


I find your lack of faith disturbing
SWRP Writer
May 7, 2017
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"What kind of business would you have with him? No offense, but you dont seem the entrepreneurial type."

A slight grin etched its way upon the large mans face at Kalvin's last remark.

"He' old friend. If you could help me get into contact with him that would be helpful."


There is no dark or light only the Manatee.
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2017
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He contemplated the situation, "What would be in that for me?" The question was fair but much more than wanting a cut of the profit. Kalvin took a sip of his drink, "This is much better than the last one.", he turned to the new waitress and then back to the conversation at hand. Examining the large brute's face he continued to think about what he was asking. He knew exactly where the target was, far left of the bar flanked by two guards. This man was large they were larger, that would explain why he couldn't see them. "Make the right offer and I think we can be in business.", Kalvin smiled menacingly.


I find your lack of faith disturbing
SWRP Writer
May 7, 2017
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"What would be in hat for me? Make the right offer and I think we can be in business."

Mockadane pondered the question as he sat in the plush chair across from the club owner. Eldorack stood about a meter behind the large man. keeping an eye on Kalvin and the guards, assessing threat levels and weaponry.

"How about we make a deal. Since this place is alwasy buzzing with life and is known for accommodating beings such as the man I have asked you about, I think that I could occupy one of the offices that you have back here. I can cut you in on a 25% profit and your guards here are to do as I ask when any and all pottential paychecks walk in the door. Also I wont have to destroy the place."


There is no dark or light only the Manatee.
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2017
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Kalvin looked at all of his guards and laughed, it was not because the man said something funny but more of a maniacal laugh, an evil laugh. His laugh calmed to a smile, "My good man do you think these guards are here for my protection? They are not even armed. They are here to keep everyone that walks through the doors safe from me." As he spoke the last word the smile was gone, "Allow me to demonstrate.", he went to the window and opened it booming over the music, "Everyone sit on the floor right now." The entire bar including those in the room sat down where they were, "Clap four times, stand up, and then lay down.", again the full club did as they were told.

Kalvin turned to the man,
"I am still waiting on your offer."


I find your lack of faith disturbing
SWRP Writer
May 7, 2017
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Mockadane watched the display of 'power' the man put on for him. A slight grin etched its way upon the large mans face as he watched.

"I am still waiting on your offer."

"You have shown me nothing. I can do the same thing with one of these."

Mockadane held a small metalic ball in his palm. Placing his thumb on the trigger, a few lights flashed on the surface of the thermal detonator. He released the trigger and placed the explosive back into one of the many pouches he wore around his belt. Mockadane spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"Also all of my drinks will be on the house."


There is no dark or light only the Manatee.
SWRP Writer
Apr 16, 2017
Reaction score
Kalvin sat unmoving, waiting on the man to make an offer. "You know where the door is, I assume you do not need an escort to show you out." , the three hundred some people looked at him from downstairs, "You command tricks, I command people. You can get them to do simple things that take little effort, I can have them murder their children in front of their spouse. That is the difference between us, you think on the small scale, I am the large scale." As he spoke the entire building shook with his voice.

Kalvin stood and pointed to the large man's target, "You, shoot yourself between the eyes." One blaster bolt later, the target dropped, "You have no more business here ever. Now leave."


I find your lack of faith disturbing
SWRP Writer
May 7, 2017
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Mockadane smiled as the mark he was after executed himself on the dance floor of the establishment. He stood to his full height, making sure to grab all of his gear as he did. He looked at Eldorack and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I must say you have made my job a lot easier. On second thought, I dont do the whole cult thing so this place is probably not suited for me."

The two made their way down to the floor, Eldorack picking up the Rodian and hoisting him over one shoulder. Mockadane looked up at the window, the club owner still standing and watching.

"As far as buisness goes here, well I may or may not be back. That all depends on the individual I am after. Plus, you guys make really good drinks."

As he said his last words, Mockadane picked up a glass that a patron had been drinking out of. With one quick gulp he finished the drink, tiped it up towards the club owner and then set the glass back on the bar. He turned on his heels before walking out, whistling the entire way.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Zeff as various strange events took place. He was getting bored of this club. He could see over the simple tricks that the man towards the back was the source of it. The Eastern Incubus had seen such men, raised without any order or regime in their life think of themselves as gods among men. Maybe it was the overpriced booze or the annoying service. Either way Zeff was starting to lose his buzz from the supposedly great establishment. He had a thought, he could go to the news stations and just state how gaudy the club was and that it didn't cater well towards anybody. He would lose business and have to resort to mind controlling people to getting them to be his patrons but that would be just as bad. That was, if he didn't do that already.

The man kept an eye on the crowd and checked his CC-3 comlink and saw a little notification on the bounty board. A rodian was tipped off as being in the area having escaped a lesser bounty hunter, increasing his price. Maybe it was a her, either way Zeff couldn't tell really just from a portrait. He walked over to the rodian while he was still dazed, not helped by inebriation or the mind effects. The Nagai grabbed him by the wrist and put pressure on it to keep his notice in the crowd low and moved to exit the pretentious location.
