Clark Corinth

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
NAME: Clark Corinth
FACTION: The Exchange
RANK: Agent
AGE: 31
HEIGHT: 5’ 11”
WEIGHT:155 lbs
EYES: Bronze
HAIR: Brownish-Black
SKIN: Pale
CREDITS: 1,000

STRENGTH: He is quite strong as with his new found free time he has done quite a bit strengthening and conditioning his muscles.
DEXTERITY: His fingers and hands are extremely dexterous as he has had to use them for minor surgeries and sutures which require extreme precision. As for nimbleness and agility, he leaves some to be desired.
CONSTITUTION: He is a damn doctor he knows how to be healthy.
INTELLIGENCE: He is extremely intelligent and understands human anatomy and physiology down to the cellular level and plans ways to do things long before actually doing it.
WISDOM: He is not particularly full of wisdom as he doesn’t usually care to share what he knows and hasn’t been around for the time needed for wisdom to fully develop.
CHARISMA: He could convince a hutt to make a bad deal.

Medical Training(Advanced)
Melee Weapons Usage(Intermediate)
Blasters Usage(Beginner)
Cybernetic placement(Intermediate)
Computer Slicing(Intermediate)


Knows the weaknesses of the human body and most alien bodies.
He can talk his way out of basically any situation if the person will listen to reason.
Tactical thinking and routing plans and actions before performing them to prevent mistakes.
Years of operating on and dealing with people have left him with a somewhat sour attitude towards people who want something from him
Not the strongest fighter.
Battles internal ghosts from past problems that occasionally come to light.

Twin Vibroknives
Medical Equipment pack.
SGA V9-20 Hollestrum Blaster Pistol


The cool, calm and collected knowledge filled doctor exudes an aura of arrogance. He thinks his way through problems and with his intellect often overcomes his foes because of their ignorance. He seeks to find a place where he belongs and meet someone with an intellect to match his.

BIOGRAPHY: ‘NO, NO, NO,’ the patient screamed as he began the operation. He injected the woman with a paralytic and sedative as he moved to make the initial cut. He made an incision on the right shoulder, slicing to the bone, through the muscle and visceral tissue. With some difficulty he popped out the shoulder socket. He cut the surrounding tissue out of the way and picked up the mechanical arm he had in mind for the particular subject. He laid the arm on the table glancing at the girl’s empty gaze. He brought the arm beside its new home and began to expertly tie nerves to the wires in the cybernetics. He sutured the arm in place and waited for the subject to awaken. The girl awoke thrashing frantically. He calmed her and sat her up in the bed. “Now, try to move the arm,” he said pointing at the cybernetic arm. She obeyed lifting the arm and moving it around. The procedure had worked. “Thank you,” the girl exclaimed as the moved the arm back and forth, “I am so happy to have a working arm again!” He nodded showing her the way out of the office, another day another happy customer, he thought.

However, this was the beginning of the end as a rival physician who was not able to do the things that he could perform reported him to the planetary officials as performing atrocities and experimenting on his patients. The team burst into his office taking him into custody. He was not given a chance to speak and was stripped of all applicable licenses or certifications. He remained on the planet trying to find work somewhere, anywhere with no takers. He finally gave up, he broke into a house near his own flat and found a matching set of vibroknives and a blaster pistol amongst the possessions. He elected not to take a rifle as they were more apt to be reported. Following the break in, he returned to the office of the man who had turned him in. He sneaked in the back door and into the man's office to wait. The man entered taking a seat in the chair behind the desk whistling. Clark, overcome with anger at seeing the man's face again, took both knives and stabbed the man, over and over again, before quietly exiting the way he had entered and escaping the planet.

Years later, after a long bout of depression due to taking the life and for losing his license, he began to branch out and try to do other things. He taught himself how to shoot a blaster and how to use melee weapons effectively, which wasn’t a stretch after the years carefully controlling a scalpel. He found that he was not good enough to take most people on heads up, but he had a brief stint as a bounty hunter in which he carefully plotted his targets patterns and eliminated them in their home while the target slept. However, the senseless killing began to bother him and he turned back to the one thing he knew how to do, surgery and cybernetics. However, this time and this version of practice was much more financially rewarding as groups paid to have him fix their problems or implant cybernetics as long as there were no questions asked. He had been paid quite well through the years, but he wanted to be a part of something.

Through the next few months a single crew repeatedly brought their people to him asking for adjustments to cybernetics or help with some of the injuries. He happily obliged as he was well compensated for his time and energy. However, this time, one of the men offered him a job. “Listen, Doc, we work for a group called The Exchange. We could use a man with your skills and knowledge to help plan out our missions and patch us up when we need it. What do you say,” the man asked extending a hand.

Clark extended a hand of his own, “I believe we have a deal.”





The Exchange
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Big Boss Man Sorta
SWRP Writer
Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
Good to go and added to the roster as an agent as per your history ic and desired role.