Cats Dragging and All That...


Mother of Paintbrushes, Breaker of Chains
SWRP Writer
Aug 1, 2015
Reaction score
Sorry for being away for... a month? And a half....? Honestly my temporal depth perception is really, really bad...
I'm really sorry for just dropping off the face of the galaxy like that but I had a very good reason! I was traipsing about Norway and... that's it but it was very demanding traipsing! With cute boys and glaciers and fjords and Eurovision.

Anyway... I'm back now, lots of changes from the looks of it, trying to catch up. I don't know when I'll actually be "back, back" as in writing full time again since I'm helping a friend complete a design project and mentoring all the little theatre techies at this summer program, but I'll be popping in regularly, I'll let you all know.