Ask Break The Arms

Tacitus Agrippa


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2020
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Planting explosives, Tacitus was confident in his ability to do come rain or shine but planting explosives without getting the whole game given away? Well that he was less confident about. He might not be the most obvious person in the Galaxy but his ability to sneak in and out of places wasn't exactly his strongest trait - it was something he was going to have to hope he could either wing or rely on his partner for the mission to do for him while he played the role of the distraction. Anyone could be a distraction but only some could be sneaky.

He didn't know how stealthy Gareth was though so they needed to address that.

"Way I see it, we need to sneak up to two heavy docking arms at opposite sides of the ship and we need to plant bombs without being detected as bombers. If they see us as anything else but don't check for bombs? Fine but if they think we're there to blow them up then our mission is screwed."

Drawing a pair of cigaras out of a pocket, he offered one to Gareth and would light it if it was accepted. Regardless, he would light his own and take a long drag from it as he eyed the drydock of Bestine that they were currently stood outside of.

"How good are you at sneaking in?"
he asked his partner for the mission, "If you're any better than 'just alright' then I reckon you're best bet for sneaking in to get the actual job done while I distract the guards. Plan B though?"

He blew some smoke out his nose.

"Well corpses can't tell anyone about bombs planted."

The Cydonia is held in place at drydock by a pair of mechanical arms, locking the ship down from moving while repairs and refits are made. But for our heist to move quick we cant wait for control to unlock them. We need them gone. We need those things rigged to blow as soon as we're ready to jump out of there. Perhaps a remote detonator? I don't care how you get them on there, just make sure they're ready for when we need them.


Gareth Gin

Infamous Legend

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Mar 15, 2020
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This part of the mission was surprisingly delicate, sure, planting explosives was easy enough, but doing so without being spotted was much more tricky. Fortunately, being sneaky was something Gareth was surprisingly good at, not his main strength, of course, he usually took missions that only involved punching people and ludicrous amounts of violence, but being a dexterous man without any kind of armor and a force user meant he could get there quicker and more silently than most people, so he didn't mind being asked to take the job.

Taking a good drag from the cigar that was offered to him, Gareth listened carefully to what Tacitus had to say, he didn't know much about the man, he saw him once at a bar, heard what happened on a party he hosted once and that was about it, but if he had been chosen for this, he was probably good enough, the Matukai at least knew for sure that he had style, which was something usually hard for him to notice since he lacked normal vision, so Gareth only hoped he was as useful as he was stylish.

"I can move sneaky and fast, I'll be able to see them before they see me and, most importantly, I can knock them out without making a sound" Gareth said confidently, taking out some cloth and wrapping it around his head, specifically where he had his eye tattoos, didn't really want the security in there to notice the glowing eyes after all, not today "Just make sure you draw as much attention as possible, and if they spot me, well, plan B sounds good to me, I do like bashing heads in."


Tacitus Agrippa


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2020
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Tacitus was glad that one of them was able to sneak around because blasting people away until they had an opening was only an option some of the time. In this kind of mission it probably wasn't actually an option at all but hey, they worked with what they had. Thankfully they had someone who didn't suck at stealth so the plan to sneak in was still the best option and one that was valid.


"I'll have plan B locked and loaded but let's hope we don't need it."
he chuckled a little bit, "Much prefer it when we can catch the chumps with their pants down around their ankles than wait for them to put their dukes up."

Cus honestly? Kark a fair fight.

He was a criminal, he wasn't here for glorious combat or whatever it was that the Jedi went out into the Galaxy looking for. Tacitus was making his way in the Galaxy to make as much in the way of Credits as he could. Stubbing out his cigara, he headed off toward where the first of the two arms was located.

"I'll give you a couple minutes to get into a good position to sneak in before I start the distraction."

They were on coms so Gareth would be able to tell him if something went wrong.


Gareth Gin

Infamous Legend

Character Profile
Mar 15, 2020
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"Fair enough" Gareth said in response to the plan B part, Gareth wasn't one to usually fight dirty, but that was because he usually didn't see the need for it, obviously this wasn't the time to go in guns blazings though, the less people they killed or were seen by, the less suspicious the crew of the ship would be "See you at the end of the mission, because if I do my job well, chances are you won't see me in a while"

Gareth started walking in the direction of one of the mechanical arms as he finished the cigar Tacitus offered him, but not getting close enough where he would be suspicious or could've questioned for not being part of the working crew, the Miralukan took a good "look" at the people that were far away, droids and mechanics, some guards and supervisors, typical stuff, the good thing about using the force to see was that he could sense the best path to get to the robotic arm, so, just after a couple minutes Gareth was ready to go, waiting for his partner's distraction.


Tacitus Agrippa


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2020
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Tacitus would have said something but, well, the dude had a point. His entire part of this mission was to be unseen and undetected by everyone so if he was doing it right then Tacitus wouldn't be seeing him. Smirking a little bit, he nodded to the other criminal.

"Be seeing you later Gin."

Waiting for a few moments, Tacitus tapped the com link to give a signal that he was approaching before he started toward the guarded entrance to the arm. He took a drag from his cigara and glared heatedly at one of the guards.

"Ow, you that prick they call Lars?"

There was a moment of shared confusion between the guards as they were caught off guard by the sudden and, honestly uncalled for, hostility being levied in their direction.

"Um... sorry?"

Tacitus scowled.

"You will be sorry for karking my girlfriend!"

Always best to make it emotional.


Gareth Gin

Infamous Legend

Character Profile
Mar 15, 2020
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"Hey, what's happening out there?" one of the workers said to another one "Apparently Lars has been sleeping around with other people's women again and is about to be beaten into a bloody pulp" The other one responded, just looking from far away, not bothering to go in and try to save his colleage "Well, Lars is an asshole, so I hope he learns something after this, if he didn't do it, I would after catching him flirting with my wife again...Wait, the guy he is talking to ain't Lars, that's Bob!" "Wait, shit, that's true, let's go, Bob doesn't deserve to take the fall, quickly!" The two workers started running towards Tacitus, giving Gareth a chance to sneak further in.

Thanks to Tacitus' distraction, the Miralukan didn't really have much trouble getting to the first docking arm, the path was clear enough and with his ability to sense people he could avoid the few that didn't get distracted, Gareth just had to be careful and make sure he listened to his surroundings carefully, he couldn't sense droids like that, they had to be in his line of sight, so he still had to make sure he didn't hear anyone coming his way.

There was a certain side of the arm that was a bit more isolated, nothing important in there, no one should be around, but Gareth could sense someone hiding in there, going the other way around to take a good look at him from the back, Gareth noticed it was a worker shaking his boots and looking in the general direction of where Tacitus was, the man was Lars hiding like a coward from Tacitus, so Gareth punched him in the back of the head and then made it look like he tripped and fell, planting the explosives 6 meters up, using the force to jump higher, one done, another one to go.


Tacitus Agrippa


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2020
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Tacitus would have taken a bet to say that he thought his distraction was going well but that was kind of before another two workers came running out and the guards seemed to decide that the best way to make sure he couldn't start kark with Lars was to tackle him to the ground.

The breath left him quickly because he really hadn't been expecting to have one of the guards literally tackle him to the ground like this was some kind of contact sport. Twisting with the tackle, he punched the guard in the side of the head... well he tried, the twisting left him open to a kick to the back from one of the workers, which meant he actually punched him in the eye.

Hadn't even been meaning to do that.

"Ah my karking eye!"


Tacitus grabbed the guard who had tackled him and rolled onto his back, bringing the guard round to shield him from the kicks of the workers.

"This is police brutality!"

The guard got a kick to his kidneys so Tacitus didn't get one to the ribs.

"We're... we're private security!"

Tac grunted.

"Then this is just pure Bantha shite then!"


Gareth Gin

Infamous Legend

Character Profile
Mar 15, 2020
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Well, the first part had been taken care of, seemed simple enough really, but getting from the first arm to the second was going to be a bit more complicated, much more people inbetween, droids as well. So Gareth need to be more careful, moving slowly from cover to cover, making sure he didn't sense anyone around and listening for mechanical steps or sounds similar to the ones the astromech made while moving around.

Of course, there where times when Gareth was almost spotted, a working droid caught a glimpse of him before he hid away once more, and Gareth had to thank the force as he held his breath and another worker pushed the droid forward and nagged at him for wasting time looking somewhere else, eventually, Gareth would reach the other arm, he only needed a bit more time, the Miralukan really hoped his partner was doing well with his distraction, hopefully they weren't bashing his head in or something like that.


Tacitus Agrippa


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2020
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That was probably enough of a chance for his partner to accomplish their half of the mission so Tacitus decided it was time to get himself a little bit of breathing room. One of the guard wound up for a bigger kick and Tacitus pretended not to notice. At the last second he twisted, dragging his human shield with him so that he was the one who received a boot to the head, which was enough to knock him out cold.

Using the surprise on their faces, Tacitus grabbed another guard by the leg and used it to pull himself up to his feet. One his way up he rammed his right fist right up into the man’s balls with enough strength that he was kind of worried something might have popped. It wasn’t Tacitus’ problem though so he tossed the guard down to the ground as he stood up fully.

There were another three of them still stood there, hesitating at his sudden reversal of their fortunes. Still, he was tender in places he didn’t want to be and he spat out some blood when he brought his dukes up.

“… I can do this all day. Who’s next?”

Kark he hoped he didn’t have to do it all day…
