Ask Blackout

Jaikus Thorne

First Gentleman

Character Profile
Jun 16, 2021
Reaction score
To say that Jaikus was displeased was a grave understatement. What had started as a valued bit of downtime spent with his partner had been thoroughly interrupted by the actions and subsequent announcement made by Gareth Gin. In one fell swoop, the Miralukan had painted a target on the backs of the entirety of Zaa Fenn, and despite his own personal desires, Jaikus knew that the opportunity to eradicate the crime family wasn’t something that couldn’t be ignored.

Thus, with his holiday effectively over, Jaikus channeled all of his attention - and undeniable frustration over the whole situation - into his work. The Axxilan was dedicated to gathering whatever information who could in order to help dismantle Zaa Fenn piece by piece, and it meant drawing upon every resource and asset of Imperial Intelligence that was at his disposal.

As a result, the past hours had been spent combing through the archives on known Zaa Fenn associates before Jaikus had eventually reached out to this individual in particular.

For the task at hand, Jaikus had taken up residence within a multi-story office building within the heart of Kaas City - having made the flight back to Imperial Space mere hours after Gareth’s public announcement. On the surface, the high-rise was merely one of dozens of office buildings nestled within the business district of Kaas City. In truth however, it was one of many sites used extensively by Imperial Intelligence in their covert operations - and security experts had worked diligently to ensure the facility locked down airtight.

A combination of top-of-the-line firewalls and universal signal jammers - blocking and and all remote communication in and out of the building - effectively blacked out the site to the rest of the galaxy. It was a bit of insurance that there would be no outside interference in anything that was said or done during this particular meeting.

Acting within his official capacity as a Sith operative, Jaikus was dressed in his signature armor - the ensemble of dark leather and armorweave fitting tightly to his frame. His bronzed features were naturally shrouded behind a metallic visage, voice heavily modulated by the filter of his mask.

While he waited for his acquaintance to arrive, Jaikus sat behind a table within a windowless room of the building. He kept a datapad in his hand, patiently swiping a gloved finger across the surface.


HK 24


Character Profile
Sep 16, 2021
Reaction score
HK-24 had been planetside for days, ever since the invitation had come in to meet a Sith Operative, even if it was to take up a new job, the droid has been keen to conduct a full threat analysis.

Assassination Droids often found it hard to trust people.

With Gareth Ginn, an acquaintance of the mistress having conducted a massacre, the family was under all out attack. HK-24 and the mistress had disagreed as to whether the actions of Gareth Ginn had been ‘art’ or ‘idiotic’, H-24 thought the former. Despite this disagreement, he remained loyal to her as part of his programming. It was for that reason he had agreed to meet the Sith agent - perhaps he could agree to freedom for the mistress?

It was also the reason he had scoped the place out, and noticed few people entering the building, a lack of Comms chatter out of it, and more that caused him to be suspicious.

HK-24 had weighed up the statistical likelihood of surviving this encounter, and of being captured in what was quite obviously a Sith Intelligence base. He had calculated the odds as very low, and very high respectively.

He didn't like those odds.

So, deciding to not go into what was quite obviously a trap, he activated his commlink, called the contact who had asked to meet him, and waited for them to pick up.