Bendu Religion

Josiah Rendar

SWRP Writer
Sep 2, 2007
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The religion practiced by the Bendu Order was much like the religion practiced and followed by the Jedi Bendu, and the beliefs of both were very much different from the Jedi Order. The Bendu recognized and worshiped Yahweh, the God of the Universe that dwelled on a planet called Heaven in another dimension of space and time. Yahweh was also the omnipotent presence referred to as the Force of Others by the Jedi Bendu and the Bendu, and the Force by the Jedi, Sith, Lettow and other dark groups that followed the ways of the Bogan.

Yahweh had spoken to a man named Jedi Bendu on the highest peak of Mount Sky on Had Abaddon and dubbed him The Skywalker, as he was the only one who was able to walk the snowy peaks of the mountain and live to tell the tale. Yahweh also allowed his chosen people, those being the people sensitive to the Force of Others known as the Ophuchi, to use his divine powers for good and noble deeds, which allowed them to form the original Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi. However, once Yahweh allowed the good and righteous to access his power, it opened the door to allow the darkness of the galaxy to tap into it as well. This led to the creation of groups such as the Sith Empire and the Dark Guardians of LettoW.

Many Bendu and non-Bendu alike challenged to the existence of Yahweh throughout history, just as many Jedi Bendu had. Though it was universally recognized that the Force of Others did exist, as there was evidence of that everywhere, many did not believe that The Skywalker spoke to any divine being because, as Supreme Chancellor Contispex put it, “no God in our existence would be foolish enough to allow mere mortals access to his unlimited power”. Such claims were always dismissed by the Bendu and religious scholars.

Despite recognizing that The Skywalker did speak to Yahweh on Mount Sky, many Bendu did accept the truth when it came to the passing of stories throughout the generations. Many spoke of how there would be situations when, if a collection of legends reached far into the past, the historical truth could be blended with myths, propaganda, inaccuracies, mistakes, omissions, additions and interpretations. Regardless, it was nearly unanimously agreed by the Bendu and scholars alike that the tales told by the proclaimed sons of The Skywalker were more or less accurate.

One major difference between the Bendu and the Jedi Bendu was that the Jedi Bendu did not have any sort of official Code of the Order, whereas the Bendu did. Instead, the Jedi Bendu utilized a set of sacred prayers that spoke of Yahweh, The Skywalker and various other religious events and individuals. The Bendu Code was as follows:

Through the Ashla, we find emotion;
Through the Ashla, we find peace;
Through the Ashla, we find knowledge;
Through the Ashla, we find passion;
Through the Ashla, we find courage;
Through the Ashla, we find eternal life;
Through the Ashla, we find love;
Love is the answer to the darkness.
Love can ignite the stars.

The Jedi Bendu had believed that having a code, regardless of whether it was a set of rules like the Jedi Code that followed or a prayer like the Bendu Code, would be too restricting for its members. Therefore, they allowed their members to practice the official prayers or their own personal prayers whenever they saw fit. However, the Bendu believed that having a vague code that told one of their members what they could do with the Force of Others would help keep them grounded in reality and would help them strive to attain their highest goals.
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