Battle of Coruscant: The Streets


SWRP Writer
Jan 7, 2017
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Pelinaryon emerged from the lower districts a snarling mess of wounds and hatred. The Dark was a palpable maelstrom around the Nagi; it swirled and crested, soared and shrieked. It fed from his fell emotions, and he in turn basked in its destructive embrace, exulting himself in the heart of its shadowy tenets. It was a malevolent symbiosis. His eyes burned. It was during such a state that Pelinaryon stumbled upon a veritable gathering of warriors and soldiers, led by a junior Zeltron Sith that took it upon himself to mock and ridicule the more elderly Pelinaryon when he requested a Bacta solution for his wound. The Nagi ignored him, for the most part. He focused more on addressing the hole in his side and less on the young blood's jeering contempt. He let the Zeltron's arrogant hate flow through him, accepted its existence the way a giant accepts the existence of a fly, and carried on in his current endeavor; sitting on a wreckage pile, the warm slime of the Bacta on the perforation had suffused him with its usual wet sensation, and its sweet scent irritated his nose. But the effects cannot be denied; already he could feel the pain whispering itself away, and power returning with a relish. He closed his eyes and sighed; all around him was the sweet symphony of war, tainted only by one annoying gnat.

"... and you're toothless with that broken saber as well; what Sith would demean themselves so by having their very weapon damaged?"

Pelinaryon opened his eyes. He honed in on his surroundings, towards the soldiers. The mundane grunts and jarheads were ignoring the two darksiders, focusing their attention towards their gear and double checking their plan against a hi-jacked walke-

"And toothless as you are, you are defenseless against the whims of those who might desire to partake in your ruin. I have heard of you, Hellspear, and I do not think I like you much."

The Zeltron breached Pelinaryon's personal space and looked down upon him, his hands fondling the saber hooked to his belt, a sick grin playing on his tattooed lips. Pelinaryon tilted his head to the side.

Then with demon speed he rose up and crashed the top of his skull against the Zeltron's chin —a resounding thump, a disconnected groan of surprise from the soldiers— and Pelinaryon mounted the fallen Zeltron, one hand squeezing his neck with terrible strength, the other clawing sickening amounts of flesh off of his face with each animal stroke. Pelinaryon found himself snarling, his yellow teeth bared in a bestial grin; the Dark clouded his vision, and he thought he was killing the Cathar that had humiliated him, that had literally pushed him into such a sorry state, that Jedi, that Padawan, that fucking she-cat..!

His anger reached a peak. Pelinaryon looked up to the decimated heavens of Coruscant, strips of flesh and muscle dangling on his bloodied right hand, and he let loose a primordial shriek. Of such intensity, of such Darkness, that the nearby soldiers were blown off their feet and disorientated by its keening volume.

Pelinaryon rose. Blood dripped from his hands in a rhythm of pitter-patter-pat-pat-pat on the ground. The smell of urine and waste was stark; the Zeltron, in fear and near death, had soiled himself. The Nagi's chest heaved, rose and fell, deep breaths translating air into his pumping veins. He doubled over and picked up the dead Sith's lightsaber; it was one of those unseemly saberstaff variants, with blades at both ends.

He weighted it. The length was not that different from his original weapon, and the grip was customized with comfortable synthetic leather to accommodate any hand. He turned it on. The blade thrummed with eager violence; clearly, this was a tool used without precision. He turned it off and clipped it on his belt.

He took a look around him, and as expected, the soldiers were looking at him with alarm. Some had their hands near their rifles and blasters. Pelinaryon approached them and assuaged their fears with a genuine promise that his violence will not extend to them unless they invite it. Then he took command.

"You were discussing your plans," Pelinaryon said. "Continue."

A sergeant with a sniper rifle coughed as her eyes briefly passed over the Zeltron with his face mangled off. She took a projector from her belt and a hologram of the nearby districts sprang into blue life.

"A walker has been hi-jacked by the enemy a few kliks off in this sector," the soldier said, pointing her finger towards a blip on the map. "A band of Jedi were sighted by our scouts at this district. By their current path, I have reason to believe that they intend to link up and form a spearhead that might cut a line through our forces .... Here, here and here... And possibly join the Republic stand at the Rotunda."

Pelinaryon took a second of contemplation before reaching an accord with both his tactical, and bloodthirsty, mind. It would be a waste of manpower to try and halt the rogue walker's advance with this lot; and surely, some other Brotherhood commander was already aware of its existence and deployed the right response accordingly? No. Better to take the Jedi than initiate mass suicide against a mechanical behemoth.

"Direct me to the Jedi," Pelinaryon said.


They were three. Bloodied, bruised but still unbroken. Inside their hearts, they wielded hope like they wielded their blades; weak, weary, firm and tight in a vise grip, holding on to it as a drowning man might hold on to a debris.
They were three. Following in their wake was a rabble of dispossessed civilians; the despair, the confusion, the hatred, the anger rolling off from them... It was a delicacy for Pelinaryon. He siphoned strength from their emotions, entrenching himself upon their grief to invigorate himself with malevolent power.

They were three. And Pelinaryon was one.

Good enough odds for any son of the Twin Worlds.

A few hundred meters lay between him and the Jedi; the air surrounding them was practically charged in anticipation at the approaching storm of violence. Pelinaryon made himself known. He savored the way the citizens gasped at his arrival, terrified at his alien and eldritch appearance. He savored the way some of them radiated a new surge of hopelessness. Hands clasped behind his back, holding his lightsaber, Pelinaryon began to pace sideways. He called upon his natural grasp of the Force and used it to empower his voice.

"Hear me, Jedi," he said, a malign and arcane brogue attaching itself to his unbelievably loud words, "I am Kharanûth, Hellspear of the Brotherhood, favored son of the Twin Thrones of Moraband and Korriban. The Dark has laid claim to this world, and you bear witness to the apotheosis of our dominion."

He smiled; the Dark side had given his words poison, and it unfurled itself in the hearts of the weak-willed. It reached out to touch the spirits of the vulnerable and gave them a mandate to heed Pelinaryon's speech.

"You signify now the last gasp of a dying age; commendable, but doomed to fail. Look upon your world. It cries out. It writhes in agony. The very heavens themselves are decimated by our fire and millions burn under its light. Millions more will."

Take away their hope...

Pelinaryon, the Liar, reached out through the Force and bade the refugees to focus their attentions toward him.

"The Jedi, in the hour of their greatest twilight, could not protect Coruscant. They could not protect themselves. What false promises made you believe that they can protect you?"

... and replace it with Hatred.

The effect could be called magical, but it was simply a piercing strike aimed at the reality of the situation. Selfishness and the primal trait to look out for oneself was inherent in every being. In this stressful situation, Pelinaryon brought it out of the refugees with a simple truth; the Jedi cannot protect them. Under his snarling mask, he smiled as the words took control. Arguments began, doubt against the present Jedi rose to delightful levels; one man even took his family and broke off from the main group, swearing and yelling that the Jedi were herding them to be butchered and that he was going to find a way out on his own.

A shaggy haired blonde, barely out of his adolescence and still baby-faced, immediately counseled unity and cohesion in the face of adversity. He tried to reason against the growing sea of despair his fellows were experiencing, and cited that the Jedi were still their saviors. That the darkness could still be—

Pelinaryon whispered a word in his helmet's built-in comms. The sergeant from earlier responded with an affirmative.

There was a keening whisper of air and the young man crumpled to the ground, a sizzling blaster wound in the center of his temple. A moment of stupefied silence.

Then. A shriek. Like a person being devoured alive, an elderly woman —clearly the mother— fell upon the corpse of her son, cradled him, and screamed. The flare up of her loss, grief and shock exploded bright in the Force. The mother, venom in her eyes, looked hatefully not at the Sith before them, but at the three Jedi in front of them.

She could find no words. She did not need to. There was betrayal in her eyes, and a profound disappointment. She could find no words. She sat there, cradling her boy, back and forth, back and forth, rendered mute by shock.

Pelinaryon withdrew his hands from his back and ignited his lightsaber.

"See now the incompetence of your saviors," Pelinaryon said, his voice booming and dreadfully majestic, seemingly echoed by a thousand spirits. "See now the hopeless path of death they seek to corral you into."

He took the first step towards them. His eyes, this time around, were focused on the Jedi.

"You," he said, "have failed."

With an unnatural shriek that was more animal than man, Pelinaryon covered the distance between him and the Jedi with a single leap. His target was the female Jedi, who looked to be the most weary out of all of them. Falling from the sky, he readied his lightsaber for an overhead cleave that would split her into two, from brains to belly...
Death-Disabled PvP has now commenced. Posting order:
@Irxirola Mishka
@Valen Pelora
@Aystil Baham
@Esther Nyx
@The Living Daylights (once he gets his character approved)
Last edited:

Irxirola Mishka

SWRP Writer
Dec 20, 2016
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Irxirola, the young Lethan Initiate with a broken nose, was at the forefront of the refugees. He heeded his Hapan peer's warning. Despite his best efforts, he wasn't able to locate the scouts in time to stop them from reporting their position. Forward progress was made relatively slowly, thanks to the old, sick, and injured refugees..which accounted for the majority of the refugees. Sigal was doing a good job of making sure everyone was keeping up, despite being in the middle of a warzone. There were only three Jedi..only three of them. They couldn't run, so the movement of the rabble was a walk, slow, crawling. Conflict was almost inevitable.


Not darkness in the same way that the Twi'lek had darkness. His was suppressed, starved, but still there, fighting like a hungry wolf, but losing. This was strong. He felt the darkness as it clouded the force, and he stopped the forward movement. Surely, Valen and Sigal had sensed it as well, he turned to face his Master, and then his counterpart. He heard the gasps of the rabble, and turned his head to face the Sith. He was the closest one, and he pulled his twin sabers, gripping them at the lower part of the curved handle, and ignited his brilliant yellow blades. However, as the Sith spoke, he felt his force-infused words rip through him. He had spoken every doubt that had been in the back of the Twi'lek's mind. His doubt writhed inside of him, and he crushed it, again. Calming the waters like a priest praying over the water prior to a baptism. While blocking out the words spoken by the Inquisitor, he heard a blastershot, the sound of a body hitting the floor, an unholy screech coming from one of the refugees, and turned to see a young male, barely older than Irxirola himself, his head disfigured, gray matter and blood splattered across the ground.

"See now the incompetence of your saviors, See now the hopeless path of death they seek to corral you into. You, have failed."


He wasn't supposed to embrace it, but he did. How could he not? This thing this Sith had slain an innocent man in front of him, and there was nothing he could do. His voice came out as a snarl of virulence, "Find cover, vacate the area. We will handle this." He said, speaking towards the refugees. He heard another blood curdling screech. He turned to see the Sith leaping, he prepared himself, and realized that the Son was not jumping towards him, but towards Sigal. Irxirola, matched the Sith's leap with his own. He was closer to Sigal, and arrived first, his sabers already ignited he brought both of them up, and caught the dark red blade between the crossed sabers of his own bright, yellow, blade, creating an igneous flash, and the distinct sound of sabers clashing, murderous, he pressed an assault onto the Inquisitor, using the twin blades of his saber in conjunction with the Force, and his Jar'kai saber form, his sabers swinging, every blow had the force of his entirety of emotion. Anger, again. His voice came out again as a roar, over the sounds of the contact the sabers were making.

"Master, Sigal, I can handle him!" It was a lie. "Get the refugees to the Walker!" He would die if they listened to him. He knew this, yet he masked it with the Force. In secret, crushed deep enough to be ignored by the Lethan even in his deepest moments of self reflection, he wanted to die. He wanted to be reunited with his old master, the closest thing he had to a father. However, he knew that Valen and Sigal would not listen to him.

@Valen Pelora @Esther Nyx @Uleni


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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As expected,when the lightning burned the skin of the woman and child,the jedi would come back,to try to save them,the jawa smiled under her mask,watching the jedi try to reach in time,Wigee let her a few seconds,to give her the hope that she would reach them in time,but at the moment the distance between them was not much,the jawa decapitated the mother,and with the other hand,she would call the force,lifting the child,choking him with her invisible hand,and then broking is neck.She wanted to make the jedi get mad,to attack her,to hurt her,to try and kill her,she would feel her anger and feed

from it,and not only that,Wigee wanted to feed her with her own anger,the jawa would let herself open to the force users,people able to use the force would easily sense her throughts,her angers,her darkness,her insanity,the dark side of the force around here,it was like saying hello to the force users,but using a microphone and speakers.The jawa would wait and see the jedi´s reaction,it would be probably hilarious,she throught while standing on a defensive stance
"This is going to be so much fun"



You met me at a very strange time in my life.
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2016
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"No!" Chelin said with an angry and strict voice. Rivalling that of the sounds of the fighting. She reached for her lightsaber, charging against the sith lord. "You sith are worthless"
She attempted to hit the legs of the small creature.

Cainhurst Crow

SWRP Writer
Aug 7, 2013
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The streets seemed so deserted now, as the battlefield moved onward and fights broke out elsewhere. The land that had been the scene of fighting not long ago now lay as a dead land, bodies scattered across the ground, weapons laying abandoned, and buildings laying in destruction, as the vicar shambled and limped her way forward, her form flickering between her previous appearance, and the horror she had been transformed into. Wisps of black darkness almost like living shadows seemed to trail behind her, flicking in and out of view as she worked on keeping her force illusion up, despite her weakness.

She stumbled upon some bodies and fell face first against the ground, her illusionary form dropping as she worked to push herself upwards, the blood and flesh around her making a minefield for her to cross as she used the force to look ahead, her eyes no longer functional or even existent in this new state of being. Her clawed hands scratched into the surface of the floor as she gasped out the words aloud.

"So...cold..." the words were like daggers clawing out of her throat as she spoke them, coughing as she did so and working to regain her footing. As she rose, she did so not with her limbs but with the force, picked up as if she were a doll being handled by large unseen hands, and placed back upon her feet. She couldn't fight like this, she needed to escape the battlefield, to discover what had happened to her body. She needed, she now longed for, she had an overwhealming desire above all else to,

The words came to her as she forward, towards the direction of the nearest pile, as men in armor, men she knew as the sacred band, were close by. They were checking the bodies as the vicar took a step forward, and then another, guided by something other then herself. A primal feeling within her core, within the power of the force itself. Her form wreathed itself in shadow before assuming the shape of her normal attire and hidden face, however, her hunched over demeaner, hanging arms, and odd walk, spoke of someone weak and injured.

The sacred band members turned to look towards the approaching figure, one of them motioning the others of his unit to go forward as he spoke into his comms, "Forward command, This is Iapetus unit 5. we've discovered one of the sith, appaears to be badly injured. We may need an evac, over." The sacred bands commander spoke as his men went up towards the sith.

"My lord, you appear injured. What-" The man who approached was a human, tattooed face and armor setting him as a fine warrior. The vicar looked towards him, as her shape began to change, her skull like face peering out of the cloaks hood, which faded to darkness as the blackened flesh and unnatural energy which kept her alive was exposed, and the mans eyes went wide with fear as he took a step back, and soon found the Vicars hands, metal gauntlets which looked partially melted and fused with her skin, bringing their sharp tipped points towards him quickly, far too quickly.

The vicar plunged her hands into the sacred band members throat, feeling the fear and sense of sudden betrayal well up inside of him, as well as the pain. She could feel the pain as if it were happening to herself, and yet, it was numb. She began to feel more alive as her victim stood turning pale, twitching as his skin grayed, and he began to look more and more aged by the second. As the vicar looked to the next man, she lashed out with her other hand, wrapping her fingers around the sacred band members face as she felt his emotions, his fears, his pain, his very life, begin to enter herself.

She felt better, much better, as she took in a large, deep, breath, and then slowly exhaled. As she did so she released both of her victims, standing and looking at her own hands as she looked forward towards the commander and the rest of his forces.

"More...Give me more..." She said as she began to move forward, this time no more shamble in her step but a fast predatory gait, her previous victims laying dead as the very living force within them had been consumed by something more terrifying then any anzati.

"Chaos Alive, Shoot it! Shoot It NOW!!!" The commander called forth, drawing his blaster as his fellows did the same, the vicar looking at the assembled group as she threw out her arms and weaved her powers against her foes. She robbed them of their sight as her force illusion plunged them into a world of pitch black, the chaos allowing her to pick them off one, by one, by one, until the commander lay in her grasp, both of her hands coiled around his head as her shadowy tendrils dragged out every last ounce of his life force into her own body.

The vicar stood, now in a fully stable force illusion image of her former self, looking at her false hands as she clenched and unclenched her fists, before looking down at the commander. She took his communicator, hearing the voices chattering on the other end trying to re-establish contact as she spoke into it.

"Forward Command, this is Moff Tantibus. The iapetus unit 5 has been lost to a surprise republic ambush. One that is now dealt with. Requesting evacuation from the battlefield, over." Her voice had a twinge of something else within it, like a second voice which echoed her words as she spoke. That would take some getting used to, but for now, she felt alive, and able to think clearly again.

"Moff Tantibus, this is forward command. Your message is received, we're sending a ship now, Over. ETA 10 minutes." The man said, as Iosefka slowly smiled with her nonexsistent lips. 10 minutes? That seemed enough time for one or two more bites to keep herself nice and topped off. Her force vision searched around the area, looking for anyone else alive she could use to prolong her own life. She would need to test what her new diet would require of her, and the limitations therein, but now that she knew how to sate the cold and the pain, and to stave it off for a while, she could now think like her usual self.

The dark side had turned her into a monster, but she would not let that deter her from living, if only to spite it with all of her might.


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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Hurriedly scurrying across the empty streets and avoiding the corpses literring the pavement, Josef silently muttered to himsel

"Knew I shouldn't have attended that meeting! The guards were anxious for a reason.. Haven't seen streets so wartorn since..."

Spotting what looked like a feral beast hunching over prey, he spun on his heel and began walking away, hand on the slugthrower in his vest.

Throwing a gaze over his shoulder, he noticed that the beast looked rather humanoid and was covered in black cloaks. Stopping suddenly, he turned to examine it.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he began walking towards it.

As he reached the figure, he spoke.

"Do you require.. er.. assistance? he asked reluctantly, wishing he'd just moved on. Nevertheless, he kept his ground, and still kept a hand on his blaster holster for comfort

@Cainhurst Crow


SWRP Writer
Jan 15, 2017
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Gene got up slowly from the ground he had been hit quite hard by during the initial attack. He grabbed his blaster and move slowly around the desolate streets. He voice in on his comm"Hello anyone please respond this Gene Adweane I was knocked unconscious IN the early stages of the assault I am requesting orders on how proceed further holding position until further notice." He said. Looking out the window of the small club he was held up in he saw nothing on the streets, but destruction. He feared that retreat may have been ordered and he was left behind on his own. He looked out into the desolate streets once more. He was on edge as he waited for his response.


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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The streets,now desolated,that meant they probably won,and the jedi was alone,alone and defenless,she charged towards Wigee attempting to hit her legs,such a fatal error,when the blade was lowered enough,the jawa jumped with the assistance of the force to the woman´s chest,grabbing her right shoulder with her right hand to maintain herself there,she would take out his vibroknife,covered with a strange liquid,the jawa could have just killed her with her lightsaber,but she decided to have some fun,she would thrust it into her left shoulder,the whole vibroknife´s blade would pierce her flesh and bones,being not letal,but highly painful,she took the vibroknife out and jumped back,using the jedi´s chest to push herself,she would land a few meters back,and stand still,she wanted to watch the jedi react to the wound...and to the poison,which was not lethal,but highly painful,she would enjoy every second the woman would be screaming in pain,wich her lightsaber ignited once more
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You met me at a very strange time in my life.
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2016
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The little creature had evaded the attack and was now jumping around her body. It stabbed her in the right shoulder, such pain. She screamed of pain. She also flew a couple meters back. She got up and stood in a defence position, blood running down from her shoulder..

Cainhurst Crow

SWRP Writer
Aug 7, 2013
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Hurriedly scurrying across the empty streets and avoiding the corpses literring the pavement, Josef silently muttered to himsel

"Knew I shouldn't have attended that meeting! The guards were anxious for a reason.. Haven't seen streets so wartorn since..."

Spotting what looked like a feral beast hunching over prey, he spun on his heel and began walking away, hand on the slugthrower in his vest.

Throwing a gaze over his shoulder, he noticed that the beast looked rather humanoid and was covered in black cloaks. Stopping suddenly, he turned to examine it.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he began walking towards it.

As he reached the figure, he spoke.

"Do you require.. er.. assistance? he asked reluctantly, wishing he'd just moved on. Nevertheless, he kept his ground, and still kept a hand on his blaster holster for comfort

@Cainhurst Crow

The vicar turned her head as she heard the noise, her illusionary form appearing to be a normal humanoid shaped being, it's hood drawn up and its face completely hidden in darkness. She straightened her back, raising a hand up towards her faces position as she began to walk slowly towards the newcomer.

"Ahhhh...I didn't see or sense you gave me quite the fright, you know..." She said, her voice still giving off its strange, echoing quality to it as she began to take one step at a time, making sure to step carefully over the corpses as she tilted her head to the side, "You aren't drawing your weapon on me, or screaming about revenge or justice...are you perhaps, an imperial?"

The casually asked this question as if she weren't surrounded by death and carnage, her other hand, not close to her face, flexed and unflexed, reaching towards her hip as she felt...nothing. The vicar glanced down towards her hip area and found it lacking a saber. There was a gasp as she did so, looking to the other hip as she found her other saber attached to her belt, where she had left it before the terrible accident.

"It appears I am missing one of my lightsabers...a shame, they were a set..." She said, though she sounded genuinely troubled by this revelation as she looked towards the new man again, "Do you have a comm link?"


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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The vicar turned her head as she heard the noise, her illusionary form appearing to be a normal humanoid shaped being, it's hood drawn up and its face completely hidden in darkness. She straightened her back, raising a hand up towards her faces position as she began to walk slowly towards the newcomer.

"Ahhhh...I didn't see or sense you gave me quite the fright, you know..." She said, her voice still giving off its strange, echoing quality to it as she began to take one step at a time, making sure to step carefully over the corpses as she tilted her head to the side, "You aren't drawing your weapon on me, or screaming about revenge or justice...are you perhaps, an imperial?"

The casually asked this question as if she weren't surrounded by death and carnage, her other hand, not close to her face, flexed and unflexed, reaching towards her hip as she felt...nothing. The vicar glanced down towards her hip area and found it lacking a saber. There was a gasp as she did so, looking to the other hip as she found her other saber attached to her belt, where she had left it before the terrible accident.

"It appears I am missing one of my lightsabers...a shame, they were a set..." She said, though she sounded genuinely troubled by this revelation as she looked towards the new man again, "Do you have a comm link?"

Ninel stood his ground as she stepped closer, noting the way she moved, and examining her body language. Clearly, she wasn't what most would consider a good guy.

Upon being asked who he was allegiant to, Ninel chose to ignore the question, instead allowing the woman(?) to continue talking. As she noticed the loss of a lightsaber, he made a mental note that she was right-handed, and then proceeded to release his hand from the blaster. As an explosion was heard somewhere in the city, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a comm link, which he clicked to ping his location to all nearby members of the Republic.

Hoping that help would soon arrive, he handed her the link. "Feel free to use it," then he added: "Not all members of the Republic are vengeance-seeking murderers, you know."

He was not yet sure whether the woman was a member of the Empire, but he decided that waiting for help to arrive would be a wiser decision than to try to engage in combat. Besides, he was wearing his nicest suit.


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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The jawa standed still,not moving an inch,she was not gonna attack her,at least not for now,because she wanted to see the effects of the poison in her,the poison from the vibroknife she used to stab the jedi,it was not a deadly one,but one that was created to make her enemies cry in pain,to boost the pain they would feel when the blade has contact with their flesh,to multiply the screams,the crying and the faces of horror,in this case,the poison would work quickly since the jawa pierced her skin with all her blade,the deeper the wound,the deeper the poison would reach,after a few seconds,she would probably feel it,how her wound began to hurt more and more,feeling like she had burning acid inside it that wouldn´t dissapear,extending through her arm and chest,a sensation she would probably not forget in a while,utter pain.
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You met me at a very strange time in my life.
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2016
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She had suppressed the pain but her feelings got the better of her. She broke into a sitting position screaming because of pain. She looked up to the sky and imagined her family, gathered together. Will she die today? No. She will fight this.

Cainhurst Crow

SWRP Writer
Aug 7, 2013
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Ninel stood his ground as she stepped closer, noting the way she moved, and examining her body language. Clearly, she wasn't what most would consider a good guy.

Upon being asked who he was allegiant to, Ninel chose to ignore the question, instead allowing the woman(?) to continue talking. As she noticed the loss of a lightsaber, he made a mental note that she was right-handed, and then proceeded to release his hand from the blaster. As an explosion was heard somewhere in the city, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a comm link, which he clicked to ping his location to all nearby members of the Republic.

Hoping that help would soon arrive, he handed her the link. "Feel free to use it," then he added: "Not all members of the Republic are vengeance-seeking murderers, you know."

He was not yet sure whether the woman was a member of the Empire, but he decided that waiting for help to arrive would be a wiser decision than to try to engage in combat. Besides, he was wearing his nicest suit.

The vicar looked to the comm link, then back towards ninel, before she began to slowly chuckle. It was deep, cold, and as she did, the shadows obscuring her face parted just enough to make out details, to see the obsidian like skin, cracked like glass, teeth without lips, no nose, no cheeks, and two black holes where her eyes should have been. A skull that still smoldered slightly as she held the comm link and attuned it to an open channel.

She listened to it, the sound of all the unprotected frequencies. There was a lot of screaming, a lot of panicked shouting, the sound of booms on the comms mirrored the echos in the distance, and she stood and took in a breath, letting out a slow sigh as she spoke, "A choir of war...destruction, as a planet is washed away by the river of blood and death...such sweet music." She said as she turned her back towards ninel, walking towards a railing, and continued to listen to the comm link.

"Young man....there is a ship, not far from here, A Sunskimmer Starbird. Hidden in the lower level docking complex, of the Emerald Gem Hotel. One I used to come to this world, a few days ago, to herald its destruction. Take it, and escape this place. If you've managed to keep yourself alive through this hell thus far, then maybe you're worth seeing live to fight another day..." She leaned against the railing as she looked out to the scenery before her, "Consider it a pardon, from The Dark Vicar of the Sith."

She gave another chuckle as she turned up the comms volume, hearing a bloody scream echo over the comms before a fireball erupted in the distance, "It sounds so lovely out there. What I wouldn't give to give them some last rites."


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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As the moment the jedi sat down because the pain,the jawa knew it was over,it was time to end this fight,she had lost and she would now be the jawa´s new toy,calling to the force to obey her once more,lightning came out of her hands,burning the jedi´s skin,the jawa was using all her power against an unprotected jedi to knock her oult,et her unconscious, and she couldn´t think of anything more painful to do it than the lightning at this moment.


You met me at a very strange time in my life.
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2016
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The jawa sent the rods of the gods to affect her body. This shattered the very definition of pain for her. She layed down. "It's time"

Everything went black.


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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The vicar looked to the comm link, then back towards ninel, before she began to slowly chuckle. It was deep, cold, and as she did, the shadows obscuring her face parted just enough to make out details, to see the obsidian like skin, cracked like glass, teeth without lips, no nose, no cheeks, and two black holes where her eyes should have been. A skull that still smoldered slightly as she held the comm link and attuned it to an open channel.

She listened to it, the sound of all the unprotected frequencies. There was a lot of screaming, a lot of panicked shouting, the sound of booms on the comms mirrored the echos in the distance, and she stood and took in a breath, letting out a slow sigh as she spoke, "A choir of war...destruction, as a planet is washed away by the river of blood and death...such sweet music." She said as she turned her back towards ninel, walking towards a railing, and continued to listen to the comm link.

"Young man....there is a ship, not far from here, A Sunskimmer Starbird. Hidden in the lower level docking complex, of the Emerald Gem Hotel. One I used to come to this world, a few days ago, to herald its destruction. Take it, and escape this place. If you've managed to keep yourself alive through this hell thus far, then maybe you're worth seeing live to fight another day..." She leaned against the railing as she looked out to the scenery before her, "Consider it a pardon, from The Dark Vicar of the Sith."

She gave another chuckle as she turned up the comms volume, hearing a bloody scream echo over the comms before a fireball erupted in the distance, "It sounds so lovely out there. What I wouldn't give to give them some last rites."

On the inside, he wished he could remain to fight. Yet he knew that would mean certain loss. Ninel wasn't still a young and chipper lad capable of hand-to-hand combat with a Wookie. His peak was over. Sadly, he decided taking on a Sith was too risky, despite how much he hated them. And he was standing in front of some sort of Dark Vicar, no less.

Alas, he realized, you need to pick your battles wisely. He nodded, and turned on his heel. As he walked to the hangar, he spoke over his shoulder. "You shouldn't praise destruction so ardently. Eventually, we will all be destroyed and your power meaningless. I would sure like to see how you will praise your downfall."

With the buzz of his comm blaring, and the smoke and destruction in the background, Senator Josef Ninel fled, deciding that in politics and life, you don't always get your way.


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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The jedi was now unconscious, just what the Jawa wanted , she called her droid using her comm link,who would bring the ship to her,the door would open and the Jawa would take the jedi with her,handcuffing her.They both left the planet, one with a new toy, and another one with a future nightmare

Cainhurst Crow

SWRP Writer
Aug 7, 2013
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The vicar did not turn to watch senator ninel flee, but looked down to the fires of the lower levels of coruscant as she gave a hissing laugh, "Destruction means change...and the birth of something new...When it comes to claim the sith...what a glorious new change, it will bring..." She said as she began to slowly slide down to one knee, her body beginning to shake as lights from above blasted down to see her, a sith corvette coming down to touch on the sidewalk as troopers came forth.

"It's Moff Tantibus, the force, what the hell is that?" The men said, men she knew as belonging to her own planets forces. She turned towards them, stumbling to make it back to her feet and falling down onto the ground, the illusion fading as she looked towards her men, two glowing orbs of red set inside of her blackened skull as she spoke.

"Get of this...doomed...planet..."
She barely got the words out, but the men had no doubt the voice was that of their masters. They went over and picked her up, 4 men acting as carefully as possible as one of them got on the comms.

"Prep a bacta tank immediately. The vicar is severely wounded. Large wounds...burns over her entire body...We've evacuating now." The men brought her into the corvette and it began to take off, heading off of coruscant and heading for the space above, back to the Vicars homeworld.