Asha Wroth


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Nov 30, 2016
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NAME: Asha Wroth

FACTION: The Jedi Army

RANK: Padawan (Initiate)

SPECIES: Red Sith (Pureblood descendent)

AGE: 17

GENDER: Female

FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive – Training in Progress

APPEARANCE: Description Pending


Asha was born on the Sith homeworld of Korriban to a human slave mother and a Sith acolyte father. Her father, Dathka Wroth, was hardly recognized as strong or fierce. Despite his bloodline, Dathka’s connection to the Force was minimal and instead of serving alongside his fellow Sith on the frontlines, Dathka’s role inside the Brotherhood was only one tier above being a slave. So when the slave woman, Athari, came to him announcing her pregnancy and that the child was his, Dathka knew that his future with the Brotherhood was coming to an end.

Before Asha could be branded a slave and Dathka punished for interbreeding with one, he fled with baby in arms. A stowaway aboard a shuttle transporting supplies to members of the Sith Brotherhood in contested territory, Dathka made his way towards contested space where he approached a smuggler and used what little resources he had to pay his way off planet and into Republic space. Though he successfully fled Korriban leaving everything he knew behind him, Dathka realized that he may also never escape the Sith and was concerned by what that meant for his daughter. Beyond the fact that he fled, he knew his weakness for the child was one that could and would be exploitable. Should he be captured, he risks certain death but not before watching the Sith torture what had become his sliver of hope. Realizing this, Dathka knew the only way he could give Asha a chance was to approach the Jedi and hope that by in exchange for information, they may provide sanctuary for Asha.

The smuggler brought Dathka to the planet Mirial where he went in search of the Jedi in order to turn himself in. It didn’t take long for Dathka to gain the attention of the planet officials and Jedi due to how obvious he stood out as a member of the Sith species. Surrounded by a squad of wary if not perhaps trigger happy Jedi, Dathka pleaded his case and offered himself up as a prisoner in exchange for providing safe haven for his daughter. The Jedi agreed to his terms under the condition that if they were to raise the child and if she possessed the force sensitivity to become a Jedi, that she may never have contact with him or know that he exists as their prisoner. This would be necessary to ensure the child has no issues with attachments or interference with following the Jedi’s tenets and code. Relieved, Dathka agreed.

Nyssa grew up on Tython and for the most part it was an ordinary childhood for a Jedi youngling. She was taught the basics about the Force; how the light represents the Force in its purest form while the dark side was corruption incarnate. She was taught the importance of controlling her emotions and what it meant to be discipline. Like any child, the latter was a difficult lesson to come follow, but she managed to the best of her ability without acquiring scrutiny from her elders. And while the Jedi never outwardly displayed any sort of prejudice towards her as a result of her species and what it represented, their approach to training her was different than most.

She learned young that battle was an enticing ritual. The emotion, the sensation that she experienced each time she classed with a fellow youngling made her feel more alive and true to herself than any meditation could. Yet she also learned that despite her interest, and some would even argue affinity, towards combat, the Jedi directed majority of her training and focus to knowledge and patience. This continued even after being accepted by her future Master, a male Zabrak by the name of Alric Korvan.

Nyssa was particularly thrilled when Master Korvan chose her to become his padawan. He was a renowned duelist and combat tactitian despite only being a Jedi Knight. He was strict, highly disciplined, but Nyssa she his training would be valuable in her quest to becoming one of the Jedi Order’s top duelists. It came at a surprise to her when Master Korvan took a more passive approach to her training by having her focus on using her gifts with the Force to benefit others, not herself. He taught her how to tap into the nurturing side of the light and to weave it to heal, invigorate, soothe, or even empower others.

He told her that she has an innate hunger towards violence due to what she was. It wasn’t her fault, but rather the environment she was born into and what her parents were. In fact, he was proud of all her successes within the Jedi Order, but feared that if she exposed herself to the carnage and destruction of war, she may regress back into her more carnal desires. Thus, to better avoid this and keep her on the path of light, he found it was necessary to teach her the importance of selflessness, healing, and harmony. The Jedi warrior even focused her style of lightsaber combat on defense, helping her customize a double-bladed lightsaber to coincide with a specialization in Form III, Soresu, so that should she be attack while assisting others, she was capable of protecting herself until her allies could come to her aid.

Recently, Nyssa found herself disagreeing with her Master’s few on the conflict between the Light Side and the Dark Side. After taking on the role of instructor, Master Korvan became passive in his ways in a time where the threat of galactic destruction was more real now than she had ever known. Worst, Master Korvan disapproved of Nyssa’s interest in joining the Jedi Army of the Light, still deeming her unready to confront war until she gain a better control of her emotions. Despite her master’s protest, Nyssa took matters into her own hands, leaving the Jedi Order on Tython just months before she was supposed to undergo her trials, to join the Jedi Army of the Light.


Asha grew up with a chip on her shoulder and although she rarely experienced discrimination or prejudice for being a Red Sith, she could never fully shake off the weight of what that represented. Raised by the Jedi Order, Asha learned the importance of humility and compassion. Despite her rather intimidating exterior, she possesses a soft heart that is on occasion protected by a wall of apathy. She yearns to do good onto others and to prove her worth, but is forever plagued by the prospect that she may one day return to her roots and be snuffed by the Dark Side.

The Jedi Code has taught her control and how to seek harmony, but she is still plagued by characteristics of her species and has struggled to keep it under control. She is vulnerable to her emotions and has to work harder to fight off the likes of anger, passion, and hatred; a feat that was particularly challenging as a child where such emotions run higher. She has battle lust despite never truly engaging in war, and desires to feel the adrenaline of combat. It’s due to this excitement that her training was directed more towards the passive study of the force and being a support onto others. As a result of her high emotions, Asha is also empathic and has a deeper understanding of the intricacies of emotions than most. She is also intuitive and acutely perceptive of herself and her flaws; perhaps even obsessing over them out of fear of her innate bond to the dark side.

Though sometimes brash she is also dutiful and follows orders. The only exception to this was the decision she made to leave the Jedi Order and join the Jedi Army, believing that to truly become a champion of the light and escape the shadows of her heritage; she must engage the dark side head on. Only recently accepted into the ranks of the Jedi Army as an initiate, she serves them as a Battle Healer.

Lightsaber Proficiency: (1) Darth Zannah’s defensive fighting style

Form I: Shii-Cho – Like all Jedi, Asha was taught the fundamentals of Shii-Cho first, which became a stepping stone towards the other forms. She rarely explored the more advanced lessons of Shii-Cho, preferring to focus her studies elsewhere.

Form II: Makashi – While the prospect of becoming an elite duelist with the lightsaber had its appeal, Asha’s training led her down a different path entirely. She still studied the basics of the form during her freetime with a focus on applying precision to her style, but did not explore Makashi beyond that. She has considered the potential to learn more about this form later in life, perhaps after she completes her trials for knighthood or returns from war.

Form III: Soresu – The form where the focus of Asha’s training was. To avoid feeding Asha’s innate bloodlust, her master (name) wanted to direct her studies on the importance of a strong defense and patience. Combining Asha’s expertise with Form III with a customized double-bladed lightsaber that featured an elongated hilt emitting blades half the standard length, Asha is capable of creating a defensive wall with minimal effort, only switching to the offensive when her adversary was weakened or frustrated.

Form IV: Ataru – A form that conflicts with Asha’s teachings and focus. The aggressive nature of Ataru contradicts Asha’s defensive style, but more importantly can potentially fuel her battle lust and thus, she avoids the form at all cost. The extent of her knowledge regarding Ataru is mainly used to assist her in defending against it and learning of its weaknesses.

Form V: Shien/ Djem So – Where Soresu was her focus, form V was utilized to help Asha strike a balance between offense and defense. Though lacking in raw strength, she is proficient in using tactics such as the “fluid riposte” to help turn the tide. Asha cannot help but be fascinated by Djem So’s display of power and yearns to study more on the form later in life.

Form VI: Niman – Asha has devoted very little time to learning Niman, having focused her training on the defensive style of Soresu. With that said, like Ataru, she has studied Niman enough to learn of its capabilities and weaknesses should she face an opponent that utilizes the form efficiently.

Force Prowess:

Acrobatics – Although known for her slight physique, Asha’s focus on defense to utilize motions that occur close to the body requires her to have little use of force powered acrobatics while in combat. The extent of her affinity towards this talent consists of leaping higher and slightly enhanced dexterity. She can also utilize the force to hasten her speed should she ever find herself in pursuit or fleeing from the enemy.

Energy Manipulation – She is not particularly skilled in this field with her only known talent being able to project a barrier of force energy. Despite her ineptitude in energy manipulation, Asha wants to learn how to camouflage herself or make herself invisible through the force.

Telekinesis – Asha has an intermediate understanding of telekinesis in which she utilizes in small ways. While she is capable of moving large objects or opening sealed doors by over exerting herself, she prefers to utilize telekinesis to interfere with her opponent’s to create an opening for her to capitalize on. She is also learning how to create a sphere of condense energy to combust, but hasn’t gotten very far in her training.

Healing – Asha’s primary focus in the Force. Through her devotion to the light side of the force, Asha has strong affinity towards healing. She can use the force to mend small wounds quickly, invigorate herself or her allies so that they can return to battle with haste and keep fighting. Asha’s role in the Jedi Army is a Battle Healer, which requires her to prioritize the health and well-being of others over engaging the enemy in battle. Though Asha is perfectly capable of mending more serious or lethal injuries in the span of a couple days, her specialty is focused on providing quick medical attention in the heat of battle. She aspires to gain the attention of the Circle of Healers.

Status Effects – Her empathy and specialization in force healing benefits her nicely here. Asha’s capable of utilizing the force to provide strength and protection to her allies by allowing them to perform at maximum efficiency, act as a single entity, and increase their morality, stamina, and overall battle prowess. Naturally, such an amazing feat requires extreme concentration and energy, rendering Asha vulnerable to attack should she ever attempt this in battle.

Trances – Though she can meditate to benefit and empower others, her ability to find serenity in herself has been a difficult task to accomplish. This is in large part due to the internal conflict she endures regarding her heritage, the current path she is on, and the fear that she may stray away from that path. She can put aside her struggles to help others, but unless she learns to find peace in herself, the conflict may only get worse.

Sense – Asha as an intermediate grasp on force sense and is attributed to her heightened perception and external awareness. This ability is tied in with her gifts of empathy, but she currently lacks skill in manipulating or influencing the senses of others, excluding the basic mind trick.


1x customized double-bladed lightsaber (emerald)
http:// http://

1x medi-packs containing:
* 4x bacta pumps
* 4x spray bandages
* 4x flexcamps
* 4x synthflesh
* 1x medisensor
* 4x kolto
* 1x syringe
2x CMBP-12 Blaster
1x MCV MK. IV Light Armor


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.
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Nov 30, 2016
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Can someone tell me why my image isn't coming up? I inserted the link, but it didn't work.


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Jul 13, 2014
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NAME: Asha Wroth

FACTION: The Jedi Army

RANK: Padawan (Initiate)

SPECIES: Red Sith (Pureblood descendent)

AGE: 17

GENDER: Female

FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive – Training in Progress

APPEARANCE: Description Pending


Asha was born on the Sith homeworld of Korriban to a human slave mother and a Sith acolyte father. Her father, Dathka Wroth, was hardly recognized as strong or fierce. Despite his bloodline, Dathka’s connection to the Force was minimal and instead of serving alongside his fellow Sith on the frontlines, Dathka’s role inside the Brotherhood was only one tier above being a slave. So when the slave woman, Athari, came to him announcing her pregnancy and that the child was his, Dathka knew that his future with the Brotherhood was coming to an end.

Before Asha could be branded a slave and Dathka punished for interbreeding with one, he fled with baby in arms. A stowaway aboard a shuttle transporting supplies to members of the Sith Brotherhood in contested territory, Dathka made his way towards (contested planet) where he approached a smuggler (ex-mandalorian) and used what little resources he had to pay his way off planet and into Republic space. Though he successfully fled Korriban leaving everything he knew behind him, Dathka realized that he may also never escape the Sith and was concerned by what that meant for his daughter. Beyond the fact that he fled, he knew his weakness for the child was one that could and would be exploitable. Should he be captured, he risks certain death but not before watching the Sith torture what had become his sliver of hope. Realizing this, Dathka knew the only way he could give Asha a chance was to approach the Jedi and hope that by in exchange for information, they may provide sanctuary for Asha.

(Ex-mandalorian) brought Dathka to (Republic planet) where he went in search of a Jedi to turn himself in. However, being a member of the Sith species, it didn’t take long for civilians of the planet to report his location and for the Jedi to come find him.

(Work in Progress….)


Asha grew up with a chip on her shoulder and although she rarely experienced discrimination or prejudice for being a Red Sith, she could never fully shake off the weight of what that represented. Raised by the Jedi Order, Asha learned the importance of humility and compassion. Despite her rather intimidating exterior, she possesses a soft heart that is on occasion protected by a wall of apathy. She yearns to do good onto others and to prove her worth, but is forever plagued by the prospect that she may one day return to her roots and be snuffed by the Dark Side.

The Jedi Code has taught her control and how to seek harmony, but she is still plagued by characteristics of her species and has struggled to keep it under control. She is vulnerable to her emotions and has to work harder to fight off the likes of anger, passion, and hatred; a feat that was particularly challenging as a child where such emotions run higher. She has battle lust despite never truly engaging in war, and desires to feel the adrenaline of combat. It’s due to this excitement that her training was directed more towards the passive study of the force and being a support onto others. As a result of her high emotions, Asha is also empathic and has a deeper understanding of the intricacies of emotions than most. She is also intuitive and acutely perceptive of herself and her flaws; perhaps even obsessing over them out of fear of her innate bond to the dark side.

Though sometimes brash she is also dutiful and follows orders. The only exception to this was the decision she made to leave the Jedi Order and join the Jedi Army, believing that to truly become a champion of the light and escape the shadows of her heritage; she must engage the dark side head on. Only recently accepted into the ranks of the Jedi Army as an initiate, she serves them as a Battle Healer.

Lightsaber Proficiency: (1) Darth Zannah’s defensive fighting style

Form I: Shii-Cho – Like all Jedi, Asha was taught the fundamentals of Shii-Cho first, which became a stepping stone towards the other forms. She rarely explored the more advanced lessons of Shii-Cho, preferring to focus her studies elsewhere.

Form II: Makashi – While the prospect of becoming an elite duelist with the lightsaber had its appeal, Asha’s training led her down a different path entirely. She still studied the basics of the form during her freetime with a focus on applying precision to her style, but did not explore Makashi beyond that. She has considered the potential to learn more about this form later in life, perhaps after she completes her trials for knighthood or returns from war.

Form III: Soresu – The form where the focus of Asha’s training was. To avoid feeding Asha’s innate bloodlust, her master (name) wanted to direct her studies on the importance of a strong defense and patience. Combining Asha’s expertise with Form III with a customized double-bladed lightsaber that featured an elongated hilt emitting blades half the standard length, Asha is capable of creating a defensive wall with minimal effort, only switching to the offensive when her adversary was weakened or frustrated.

Form IV: Ataru – A form that conflicts with Asha’s teachings and focus. The aggressive nature of Ataru contradicts Asha’s defensive style, but more importantly can potentially fuel her battle lust and thus, she avoids the form at all cost. The extent of her knowledge regarding Ataru is mainly used to assist her in defending against it and learning of its weaknesses.

Form V: Shien/ Djem So – Where Soresu was her focus, form V was utilized to help Asha strike a balance between offense and defense. Though lacking in raw strength, she is proficient in using tactics such as the “fluid riposte” to help turn the tide. Asha cannot help but be fascinated by Djem So’s display of power and yearns to study more on the form later in life.

Form VI: Niman – Asha has devoted very little time to learning Niman, having focused her training on the defensive style of Soresu. With that said, like Ataru, she has studied Niman enough to learn of its capabilities and weaknesses should she face an opponent that utilizes the form efficiently.

Force Prowess:

Acrobatics – Although known for her slight physique, Asha’s focus on defense to utilize motions that occur close to the body requires her to have little use of force powered acrobatics while in combat. The extent of her affinity towards this talent consists of leaping higher and slightly enhanced dexterity. She can also utilize the force to hasten her speed should she ever find herself in pursuit or fleeing from the enemy.

Energy Manipulation – She is not particularly skilled in this field with her only known talent being able to project a barrier of force energy. Despite her ineptitude in energy manipulation, Asha wants to learn how to camouflage herself or make herself invisible through the force.

Telekinesis – Asha has an intermediate understanding of telekinesis in which she utilizes in small ways. While she is capable of moving large objects or opening sealed doors by over exerting herself, she prefers to utilize telekinesis to interfere with her opponent’s to create an opening for her to capitalize on. She is also learning how to create a sphere of condense energy to combust, but hasn’t gotten very far in her training.

Healing – Asha’s primary focus in the Force. Through her devotion to the light side of the force, Asha has strong affinity towards healing. She can use the force to mend small wounds quickly, invigorate herself or her allies so that they can return to battle with haste and keep fighting. Asha’s role in the Jedi Army is a Battle Healer, which requires her to prioritize the health and well-being of others over engaging the enemy in battle. Though Asha is perfectly capable of mending more serious or lethal injuries in the span of a couple days, her specialty is focused on providing quick medical attention in the heat of battle. She aspires to gain the attention of the Circle of Healers.

Status Effects – Her empathy and specialization in force healing benefits her nicely here. Asha’s capable of utilizing the force to provide strength and protection to her allies by allowing them to perform at maximum efficiency, act as a single entity, and increase their morality, stamina, and overall battle prowess. Naturally, such an amazing feat requires extreme concentration and energy, rendering Asha vulnerable to attack should she ever attempt this in battle.

Trances – Though she can meditate to benefit and empower others, her ability to find serenity in herself has been a difficult task to accomplish. This is in large part due to the internal conflict she endures regarding her heritage, the current path she is on, and the fear that she may stray away from that path. She can put aside her struggles to help others, but unless she learns to find peace in herself, the conflict may only get worse.

Sense – Asha as an intermediate grasp on force sense and is attributed to her heightened perception and external awareness. This ability is tied in with her gifts of empathy, but she currently lacks skill in manipulating or influencing the senses of others, excluding the basic mind trick.


1x customized double-bladed lightsaber (color)
1x medi-packs containing:
* 4x bacta pumps
* 4x spray bandages
* 4x flexcamps
* 4x synthflesh
* 1x medisensor
* 4x kolto
* 1x syringe
2x CMBP-12 Blaster
1x MCV MK. IV Light Armor


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

((click reply which should be on the bottom right of this, and then copy my code!))


New Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 30, 2016
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Okay, I edited the profile to include her completed backstory. To be honest, not my best work as I find myself better at writing posts than summaries of my character's past, but I think the profile is more or less finished. Please let me know your thoughts and whether anything needs to be changed. :)

Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
@Asha alright it looks good just one thing.

The title battlemaster needs to be removed from your characters master, not a big deal really but trying to avoid any character being a trained directly under the supposed best lightsaber or force user in the order.

Once the battlemaster title is removed your character will be approved.


New Member
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Nov 30, 2016
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I see the issue. I wasn't trying to say that her master was actually a Battlemaster but rather imply that he was a combat orientated Jedi in order to put emphasis on her training to be the opposite. Could I still imply that he was a "knight with potential to becoming a Battlemaster?" or should I take the title out completely?


New Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 30, 2016
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Nevermind, I just took it out completely. :)


SWRP Writer
Oct 12, 2016
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She looks great! Maybe could even join a certain ragtag pair of smugglers in an urgent, happenstance situation. Would be fun. :)


New Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 30, 2016
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Thank you! She was fun to create and I am down to RP anything :)


ma malédiction est mon ange
SWRP Writer
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
I like her. The fact that by trying to champion the light in the war she is inadvertently putting herself closer to the darkness she has tried to avoid her entire life is definitely interesting. Excited to see where this gal ends up going.


New Member
SWRP Writer
Nov 30, 2016
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Thank you! I too can't wait to see what direction RP takes her. I'm particularly fond of her thrill for battle yet she's trained to be more of a passive support to others. I'm curious to see if she stays on that path now that she's no longer under her master's "controlling" gaze.