Sith Order Aria Rosalie

Karath Nikolas

SWRP Writer
Jan 13, 2022
Reaction score
NAME: Aria Rosalie
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Acolyte
SPECIES: Selonian
AGE: Late 20’s
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5 ‘9
WEIGHT: ~130 lbs

Aria is a Selonian, like Karath, with clawed, webbed hands and feet and a long slender body. ( She has dark brown fur, and is on the thin side. Parts of both of her ears are gone and a little of her nose is missing due to frostbite long ago. Her dark eyes are often a little bloodshot for lack of sleep. She is typically seen wearing a black cloak which she casts aside when fighting, revealing black combat robes beneath. In the right lighting, or lack thereof, she appears about as ghoulish as a bipedal aquatic musteline being could possibly appear.

Very agile, a terror with a lightsaber in the right circumstances, with one major caveat: An old injury, a pierced lung left too long untreated, is an unending torment for Aria. In a confined space, she is a quick, efficient killer, but is easily outrun, easily outmatched in tests of one-to -one strength. She has an ever-present cough that often interrupts her brooding and moping. She often draws on the Dark Side of the force simply to not become exhausted too quickly in battle. Her razor-sharp incisors can and have occasionally been used as an unexpected weapon of last resort when overpowered by a foe.


A dark, brooding presence, a pale shadow of a person that ought to have been buried long ago in the snowy mountains of her birth-world, Scitheris.* Spends her spare time training, continuing to hone her skills, and reflecting upon the coldness of the galaxy, wishing in a sense to become a personification of that coldness. She seeks salvation in the Dark Side, to become something that to her is beautiful, something whose desires and hopes are dead, a harbinger of cold sorrow; a wraith-queen. Despite her grim, cold musings, she is nonetheless a being of flesh and blood, often finding herself drawn back to memories of a simpler time, before the Sith, before Korriban, when she had been just a girl with a life to live and her own hopes and dreams. She often wishes she had been left to die in the cold on Scitheris instead being brought to Korriban by her master, the beginning of her fall to the dark side.

*See Karath’s bio for a more lengthy description of this world.


Aria was born on Scitheris, an isolated, tidally locked world orbiting a dim red sun. It is a world of snowy mountains, tall stratovolcanoes and grim ancient fortresses, a small ring of cities present in a region of mist-wreathed temperate rainforest in the center of the side of the world that faces the sun. She shared some of her younger years with Karath, one of few other Selonians on the planet, and they had grown to become something more than friends.

There had been a battle in the bleak mountains. Karath had left her to die, bleeding in the snow, a stab wound in her right lung. She had crawled for hours through the frozen mountains to the ruins of an old fortress, wasting away around a dying fire until the man who would become her master found her nearly lifeless, almost skeletal form on the dark stone floor, wrapped in an old tapestry for its meager warmth. He had spoken words of salvation to her from behind a steel mask, carried her across the stars to Korriban, to begin a new life…

As a lightsaber duelist, Aria is a terror with her weapon, with one major caveat: due to a past injury, a pierced lung, she is easily winded, quickly bested in tests of raw strength. She prefers to fight in confined spaces, ending things quickly, not giving her enemies a chance to escape. She is easily outrun, often overtaken by fits of awful, hacking coughing. A last line of defense she has been known to use is the sharp teeth her kind evolved with, tearing pieces of flesh away from her enemies in an atavistic rage. She vastly prefers lightsabers to this method, and dislikes the loss of control it involves.

Aria is capable of cryokenisis, though has no control over this ability, and does not understand it. Occasionally, when Aria is lost in some cold reverie, particularly when reflecting on her time wasting away in her cold tower on Scitheris, the temperature may drop, perhaps a thin layer of frost following her footsteps. This is not something that frequently occurs, and she often does not notice it when it does.

Aria carries a simple, dull-grey lightsaber with a red blade as well as a parrying dagger with a cross-guard, often using both of these weapons in tandem. She does have a simple, metal-framed black blaster pistol of medium output, though it isn’t often used and is sometimes left on her small ship.

None yet, will intro soon.

Karath - A childhood friend-turned-lover back on Scitheris, Aria believes Karath left her to die in the cold with a grave injury many years ago. She hates Karath for the life she feels he took from her.

Aria pilots a black Preybird class heavy starfighter with a small bunk bed, galley and work bench. She is a skilled pilot, though far prefers to fight with a lightsaber than ship-mounted blasters. Often lets her droid take the controls, meditating in her small bedchamber. In its modification by Sith artificers, the ship has gained a somewhat more streamlined appearance, less exposed cabling on the engines and the like. Her ship is called Winter.


Simple astromech droid, T5-R6



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