Ask Antidote


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Jan 6, 2024
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Orsimer Prime l Death Enabled

Orsimer Prime, it was the home of one of the galaxy’s strongest species. A lush world that the Orsimer were attuned with to the point of being spiritually connected. It was something Jun could understand and appreciate. Maybe that was why he’d taken interest in the world.

Really, his reasonings for deciding to go faded when he arrived. The tribes usually met annually to trade and compete against one another. This year, that wouldn’t be happening. A strange blight was washing through entire communities, decimating them. While this normally could have been chalked up to natural selection, there was an added component that made Jun question everything.

The disease only targeted Orsimer and there was no understood vector for the disease. The symptoms were suddenly and it burned through the hosts with little chance to effectively spread. To the Fiani it reeked of the Dark Side and it needed to be addressed.

That was why he’d reached out to other Jedi for assistance. He was hunting a healer in particular to help him with combating this conjured illness before ending its maker. With any luck, whoever was coming would be a specialist because Jun was certainly out of his depth.

A fact that was only reinforced when the Fiani glanced around the village he was in. It was almost of ghost town if not for the sounds of wheezing coughs, groans of agony, and the wails of grief. What was worse? Even as he scrambled to do something, Jun felt powerless to help. Because for the most part, he was.

Fuck…” Was all he managed to mutter as he made his way into the next home to help however he could.


Prani Shalrazi

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 3, 2024
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Prani was way out of her element. Apparently a Jedi Knight needed a healer and everyone higher rank was booked solid. Healing was a very specialized skill among Jedi, and with her specialty in both that and plant surge, she was the perfect candidate. The only problem was that she was a padawan. She knew nothing about this K’Jun except that he was apparently a crusader and a front-line combatant. That told her that they would have some very opposing principles. Second, apparently he was a Matukai expert, which meant he liked to punch things.

She arrived on the planet and marveled at the lush greens and forests. Prani loved nature, so she was thrilled to arrive, briefly forgetting about the mission as she stopped to investigate various plants and flowers. Eventually, she found her way to Jun’s heading, spotting him outside one of the homes in the village.

“Hello!” Prani called out, her tone always optimistic no matter how morose the setting. As was her habit, she of course brought a gift for the first time working together with someone. In his case, she held out custom-made comfortable handwraps to help him train his boxing, “I’m Prani, and these are for you!” She said, bearing a thick, country accent. She made a point to avoid looking everywhere but those ADORABLE EARS. Her mind was screaming at how cute they were. And THOSE FUZZY TAILS. HE HAD TWO OF THEM. Prani reeled it in, knowing it was extremely impolite and undermining to do that.

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Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2024
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Jun normally was a laid back and chill guy. He enjoyed cold beers and the more simple pleasures of life. But since dealing with the cult on Jedha, something had changed in him. When faced with the impact of the Dark Side and the tendrils of suffering it sowed, that laid back demeanor faded. He operated in the moment, prepared to do whatever was necessary to lessen the impact of corruption and alleviate the symptoms it’s caused.

In fact, the colossal Fiani had been trying to discern this sickness when his healer arrived. The thick accent of her greeting drew his attention. One of his ears turned in her direction before his head did to glance at her. His twin tails swished behind him as he shifted his stance to look directly at her.

Jun’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, his ears perked as she offered him a gift. The lazy sway of his tails picked up slightly. Jun wasn’t used to being given gifts and to be honest, it was a little exciting.

Uh, hi Prani.” Jun replied as he took the offered gift from her. He couldn’t deny her introduction had caught him a little off guard but he recovered quickly. “I’m honorary Jedi Knight K’Jun.

Jun had to make sure to state that when giving his rank to other Jedi. He was technically a Jedi Knight but only because the Order had desperate when he’d joined up. He underwent rushed training the ensure he knew base tenants of the Order but his instructors trusted his Matukai training when it came to the Force. Thus, Jun viewed himself as a sort of cultural exchange Jedi Knight, rather than a Jedi proper. And he knew others likely did too, he was fine with that.

I’m glad you made it safely.” He continued after gazing quietly at the handwraps she’d given him. “And thank you for these.” Jun told her, his voice even with undertones of genuine warmth. “I wish your first visit to Orsimer Prime was under better circumstances but…” Jun’s voice was cut off by the sounds of harsh coughing and weakened groans. “…these people need our help.” He told her, the Fiani’s ears flitted back.

And I need your expertise in healing to start that process.” Jun told her. “But before that tell me, Prani, have you ever faced the Dark Side?” He asked, his voice losing the warmth it held and taking on a serious tone.


Prani Shalrazi

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 3, 2024
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“Honorary? What’s that s’pposed to mean?” She blurted out before she could stop herself. Was this like those freebie college degrees celebrities got without having any actual education? This was a serious mission and they were already on the backfoot since she was a Padawan. If he wasn’t a ‘real’ Knight, this was going to be an uphill battle. Prani stopped her internal spiral, letting him explain himself.

She nodded when he mentioned the people needed her help. When he asked about the Dark Side, Prani also gave a nod then, “I was on Corellia when we were fightin’ off the abominations,” She shuddered at the memory, “Whatever is’s Dark,” Prani noted, but that was all she could observe, “H-How does it actually kill?” She asked tentatively. She heard the sounds of the sick, but she didn’t see anyone up close. Rightfully, anyone sick was quarantined. The apprehension was clear in her tone, but she would do her best to apply her powers.

“You’re a Crusader, ain’t ya?” Prani asked. Man, she really needed to learn to keep her mouth shut. The question was burning in her mind - why was a crusader sent to lead what sounded like an investigative mission? What kind of enemies or combat were expected? Prani tried not to panic.



Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2024
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Jun allowed a small smirk at the Padawan’s reaction to his rank. His expression softened slightly and he scratched at the back of his head, ruffling his already disheveled hair.

It’s the rank because when I joined the Order I guess, because I was trained in the Light already.” Jun explained. “But until I prove myself in our ways as a Jedi, my rank can be revoked and I could be censured.” He continued, not that he cared if the council censured him. “It’s complicated.” The Fiani offered with a shrug.

Jun’s mood visibly became more somber when Prani mentioned she’d been on Corellia. That was a hard day, he’d heard as much from other Jedi. Jun hadn’t been there, Jedha had still been reeling, it was his duty to ensure the world was stabilized before leaving. It would be his responsibility to do the same here.

I heard about Corellia.” Jun replied, his ears flicked back and dipped downwards. “Helping those people wasn’t easy but it was the right thing to do.” He assured her. “We’ve got a very similar duty here as well.” He told her after a short pause, his attention shifting towards one of the sealed huts.

The Orsimer people, particularly the clans of Orsimer that wandered the edges of the forests and into the grass plains, were nomadic. They never stayed too long in a single place, they had to follow the roaming herds of herbivores they hunted. Those herds were long gone now, the Orsimer had built these huts and sealed them with river mud to try and slow the

It wasn’t working.

Jun had initially come to reach out to a warrior culture, to try and build bonds of friendship with them. His goal was to bring them into the Army of Light. But when he saw the condition of this makeshift village, he knew what he had to do. So he’d made two calls, the first was to the larger bulk of the Jedi Order, it didn’t matter if it was a traditionalist or crusader sect. The second was to the Church of the Force on Jedha.

The Jedi had sent Prani to help him treat this unnatural sickness and eliminate its source. The Church of the Force was dispatching missionaries laden with purchased relief supplies for the Orsimer people. But it would take time for those supplies to reach Orsimer Prime.

Jun glanced back at Prani when she mentioned she could sense the Dark Side. The Fiani’s yellow eyes dropped, he nodded, and gave a grunt as a reply. “Yeah, I sensed it too. The moment I arrived.” Jun told her. “Whoever is behind this, whatever their reasoning…they’re cruel, merciless, and a coward.” He barely heard her question, his mind too focused on what was happening here. But once it clicked, Jun gave a short nod as a reply. “I am, it’s my job to help people first and worry about everything else later.” Jun explained. “And I believe the council forgot that a long time ago.” He continued. “So I don’t listen to ’em and do what’s needed of me to better the Galaxy and push back the Dark Side.” He explained. “To gain and maintain Balance in the Galaxy.

When Prani asked how the infection killed, Jun tilted his head towards a door. It was flanked on either side by a pair of guards. The two Orsimer wore cloth rags over their mouths and goggles over their eyes. They both touted a pair of archaic spears in one hand which was contrasted by the blaster carbines that were strapped across their chests. Jun flashed them a wooden amulet, the symbol of the Army of Light, the Orsimer moved to the side and then walked away from the door.

Channel the Light, Prani.” Jun told her. “Trust in the Force, let it flow through you and protect you.” He instructed. “The Light will burn the spores before they can infect us.” The Fiani explained. “The Dark Side can’t hurt us, not if we trust in the Force.

With that, Jun opened the door.

What was within was a true horror show. At first, it would look like a lightless void but that was only because the air had been made thick with fungal spores. They tried to roll from the hut entry way but Jun maintained a barrier as long as the hut door was open. He wouldn’t allow the infection to spread.

Every cot was full. Pallets had been made on the floor for the infected. Men, women, and children had been infected. Their chests heaved as they tried in vain to suck in oxygen. With each exhale they coughed and sputtered, spewing a small cloud of black spores from their mouths. Jun grimaced.

The Dark Side can’t create Prani.” He explained. “It can only twist what already exists.” His eyes fell down to her. “This fungus, normally, is something the Orsimer eat.” He explained. “Someone knew that and used that knowledge to cause this.” The Fiani gestured to the room with a hand. “It starts slow. But the fungus eventually gets into the lungs and spreads throughout the body from there.” He whispered to her. “Once it builds to a certain point, the person loses control of themself and they become what the Orsimer call a Spreader.” Jun glanced from the people and to her. “The infection controls the body and does whatever the creator wants, which is to infect more people from what I can tell.” There was regret and pain in Jun’s voice. “At that point, there’s no saving ‘em, they’re trapped in their body but not behind the wheel. We can…only ending their suffering.

You and I’ll have to find a way to cure this, find who is behind it, and put an end to ‘em.” He told the Padawan. “We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.” Jun told her bluntly. “You ready?

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