Amilthi Greengrass


SWRP Writer
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
A pretty human woman of average height and build who looks to be in her late twenties, Amilthi appears healthy, but not athletic, recognizably feminine - to those of the right species, anyway -, but not opulently so. She dresses simply and traditionally in beige and pastel colours, in a mannter common on Tatooine and other backwater planets, and her skin is likely accustomed to sunshine.

Her curly dark brown hair falls open around her face, and her green eyes usually have a calm and observant expression. There is an air of aloofness about her, so faint that it sometimes makes one doubt if it is even there. To some, it may be disconcerting the way it is hard to tell whether that little hint of quizzicalness in her eyes was quite there a moment ago. But then there is this gentle, sometimes knowing smile...

Personality and Outlook
Amilthi is a very reflective person with a strong desire for optimization. She likes to be rational and controlled, and while she has intense emotions, she has reached a point where she is rarely put off balance by them. The strong moral sentiments and sense of duty of her youth have waned in recent quiet years and partly turned into resignation, but they are still not quite gone. Her attitude tends to oscillate between contempt for the irrationality of most sentients and a lenient, even compassionate acceptance of their flaws. Occasionally, the first aspects shows in a sense of entitlement and an impatient disposition. While she strives to be pleasant for other people, she doesn't consider it her duty to entertain them and is therefore quick to withdraw when she doesn't find an interaction worth her time, though unfailingly in a polite manner.

Amilthi's rationalistic perspective is at times difficult to reconcile with the intuitive ways of the Force, but she has had much time to learn how to balance trust in her intuitions with cool logic, her conclusion being that many of a Force sensitive's intuitions are not flawed in the same way as those of ordinary sentients are. She has also come to tentatively accept that coincidences had a different status in the lives of Force sensitives, occuring in a distinctly non-coincidental way.

Perfecting herself is important to Amilthi - it used to be in the interest of helping to improve the galaxy, but even as that aspect became less prominent, the mindset stayed. She would still like to believe that evil is the result of misconceptions and irrationality, and that a better life for all could be built if people were only intent on actual rational optimization. While she has lost all hope that this is attainable in practice, she strongly desires to free herself of such flaws.

Traits and Abilities
Amilthi has a good constitution, is not prone to illness and more resistant to exhaustion than one might expect, but she has little in the way of physical strength and nimbleness. She is, however, lucky to have good reflexes; whether that is genuine or an illusion caused by proneness to some kind of minor precognition is hard to tell.

Her true powers lie within her mind. She has exceptional cognitive capacities, both able to quickly apprehend and assess the situation around her and adept at performing in-depth analytical thinking. The education she has to draw on is enhanced beyond what is usual to learn at school, but it is not specialized, nor does it form a unified whole. It rather consists of bits and pieces from such fields as computer science, mathematics, medicine and psychology. While her native language is Galactic Basic, Amilthi is, after a decade spent on Tatooine, equally proficient in Hutteese.

Through the Force, Amilthi is well-attuned to her surroundings and the minds of other beings around her, which she has become an expert at both apprehending and influencing, to a point where the use of the latter would, for some people, raise serious ethical concerns. She also has some ability to telekinetically manipulate matter, but is still something of a novice when it comes to using the Force to compensate for her physical deficencies.

Through extensive meditation and exploration, she has acquired an uncanny ability to manipulate her own mental states. It is interesting to contemplate whether this may not sometimes stand in the way of actual achievements, with contentment too easy to reach and suffering that might spur one into action too easily quelled.

When it comes to the lightsaber, she is passably competent with the Soresu form, but has never pursued the study of any more offensive techniques.

Amilthi was born in Salisbury on Ralltiir in ABY 990. Her parents were both researchers - something that droids still hadn't taken over -, her mother a neurologist and her father in the field of nanotechnology. As a result, the girl suffered no deprivation, but had a lot of freedom and grew independent in spirit. She was bright and inquisitive child and her parents could afford to send her to a good school to foster her apparent talents. However, she was also slightly more capricious and impulsive than normal for a young girl, and not very sociable. This made it somewhat difficult for her to get along with other people, and she had no real friends in or outside of school. When she was still a child, Amilthi wasn't bothered by this, being content with learning. But at the onset of puberty, she came to be more aware of her situation and found something wrong with it. She had, by now, read enough on humanity to know that the way she was, people would generally not like her, and that not being liked, she would grow up to be miserable. Such was being human. And while she had no idea by a long what about what she actually wanted out of life, she knew it was not being miserable.

So Amilthi began to observe her own behavior and emotions carefully and tried to rationally assess and correct them. From her reading, she knew that it was to some extent possible to manipulate one's own brain through behavior, and that was what she did. With time passing, rationally analyzing her situation to the extreme, and carefully monitoring her own reaction, became natural to her, so that it was incomprehensible to her how people could figure out what to do and go through their lives without it. She had an acute perception of her surroundings and had no trouble overlooking and evaluating situations quickly. The result was indeed what Amilthi wanted: it wasn't in her nature to be the most social of persons, but she found that she was able to navigate the social space, to predict and manipulate others - indeed, she was even aware of the latter activity's moral implications -, and she was reasonably liked by them. She still had no close friendships, but didn't aspire to them: her human instincts were satisfied. She also found that it furthered her well-being remarkably that she had train herself to find frustration and anger simply pointless. Diagnosing an undesirable state of affairs was enough; being angry about it didn't actually help one in any way beyond that. By the age of 16, she had a self that she liked and could live with. She also had the belief that more reasonableness would help this galaxy enormously, and wondered if in the face of that, it was actually permissible to just build your own, comfortable secluded life. On the other hand, she was just a tiny figure and didn't know what to do with herself anyway.

At the same time, the family moved to the capital Cambrielle, where her parents had found new employment. At first, Amilthi resented having to adapt to a new school and, in a way, start over again. Coming to know and befriending new people was work. But she told herself that it was good practice, and it didn't even turn out to be so bad. Amilthi's casual remarks about how it was useless to be angry about things, and only slightly less useless to be angry at persons, directed at a friend who was complaining about her boyfriend - an institution that Amilthi hadn't yet grasped the point of -, attracted the attention of a boy who later introduced himself as Maarlan. He had been collected by the Jedi at a young age, but failed to become a Padawan. He had no resentment about it, feeling that it just wasn't the right way of life for him, and was now studying with the goal of becoming a spaceship engineer (he made a point of preventing confusion of that with the idea of a mechanic). Amilthi's outlook reminded him of the teachings of the Jedi, and he asked if by any chance her history was similar to his.

No-one had every considered the possibility that Amilthi was force-sensitive. The more likely explanation for her abilities had been her high intelligence, and perhaps a slightly unusual neurological makeup that allowed her brain to process sensual information especially efficiently. Nobody had been in a position to even think of the less likely alternative or additional explanation; it had simply not had any salience in anybody's mind.

However, now that someone had brought up the possibility, Amilthi was referred to the New Jedi Order. It didn't take long until they sent someone to determine whether there was something to the suspicion, but it was enough time for something to happen. Many a young girl would have been broken after being raped. Amilthi proved stronger than that. She didn't even tell anybody, for a particular reason: she had no desire at all to have to describe the incident. She wanted to push away the phenomenal memory, think about it purely in abstract terms. This, she was able to do surprisingly quickly, and she managed to persuade her mind, for now, that there was no point in feeling bad about it. It had been appropriate to feel bad during the event, but doing so afterwards helped no-one. For a while, she contemplated whether she should feel bad about the world as a whole and whether her positive attitude beforehand had been inadequate, due to a lack of awareness of evil things. But again, it was determined that feeling excessively bad about them was not necessary; identifying them as undesirable was enough, everything else would just hinder rational ways of going about to change them.

As a result, Amilthi was in a surprisingly good state when she arrived at the Jedi temple. Today, the only trace of the incident is an occasional nagging doubt whether some people are really all that different from Ralltiir tigers...

When it turned out that she was indeed sensitive to the force, and that the Jedi would accept her into training, she was only to happy to take this offer, as she saw them as a group of vaguely like-minded people who are actually in the position to effect something.

History, and knowledge in general, were what interested Amilthi least, and where she may easily be seen as lacking by people who value them more. However, the degree of self-discipline that she could muster was, for someone of her age, quite surprising. What threw her, to some extent, off balance in the beginning was the realization that some of what she took pride in - her acute perception, her ability to assess and influence people - was actually due to intuitive processes; that her intuition was in fact more reliable than the typical human being's; and for a while, her excessive emphasis on rationality proved a hindrance in exploring the Force, so that she even altogether questioned its value for her. However, it was still very instrumental in regulating her emotions, and philosophical exercises require it, so that her aim was to find a balance between the two, and to learn where to employ and trust what.

Amilthi studied as an Initiate in the Jedi Order, and later as a Padawan, for many years in the days of the Galactic Alliance. But she became progressively disillusioned with what she perceived to be the Jedi Order's lack of perspective on how to improve a galaxy where a powerful democracy was ruining itself in a war, and, when it became clearer and clearer that the Sith Empire would be victorious, eventually left the order together with other dissident Jedi. She felt no obligation - or inclination - to sacrifice herself for a lost cause and came to believe that, if she could have any beneficial influence at all, it would be on a local level.

Their little group did not exist for long; untimely deaths and the chaos in the wake of the disintegration of the Alliance soon caused them to lose touch of each other, with Amilthi ending up on Tatooine. Life there did much to help her refocus and reinvent herself after the altruistic ambitions of her youth had met with such abject failure. Little news reached her from the rest of the galaxy beyond what she could feel through the Force, and she wouldn't have had it any other way. She felt entitled to peace and quiet to explore herself and the Force.

In Tatooine's curious mix of tradition and anarchy, Amilthi learned what it meant to live in a very different kind of community than the Jedi Order had provided. Having married a local, she settled in a town not too far from Mos Entha. She kept her abilities secrect, using them only covertly to aid in local affairs. All that even her husband is aware of is her habit of meditation. Undisturbed and childless home life has left her with enough opportunities to keep her skills intact, often with mental practice alone.


Of late, a shadow has fallen over Amilthi. Her marriage has become more and more unhappy, as what little medical diagnostics are available on Tatooine have confirmed that she is unable to bear children; and a certain doubt has overcome her as to whether her attempt at pursuing mostly private happiness in ignorance of the rest of the galaxy is a defensible thing to continue.

Grey Jedi


Name:Amilthi Greengrass (neé Camlenn)
Force Sensitive:Yes
Galactic Basic:■■■■■■■■■■
Jawa Trade:■■■■■■■■■■
Old Corellian:■■■■■■■■■■
Lightsaber Forms​
Force Abilities​
Mind Trick:■■■■■■■■■■
Force Telepathy:■■■■■■■■■
Force Sense:■■■■■■■■■■
Force Stealth:■■■■■■■■■■
Force Speed:■■■■■■■■■■
Memory Rub:■■■■■■■■■■
Memory Walk:■■■■■■■■■■

[td="bgcolor: #1a1a1a"] Force Jump:

[td="align: right, bgcolor: #1a1a1a"] ■■■■■■■■■■ [/td]

Practice is the Mother of Skill
Morning Meeting
Clan Afflictions
To the Stars
Assassination Fears
A New Blade
Tython Encounters
Beneficial Intrusions
Buvette Soiree
How About them Bothans?
Borderlines of Identity
New Faces, Old Places
Tatooine Field-Trip
Convocation on Tatooine
A Hole Dug Deep or A Friend to Keep?
Libraries of Ossus
Sleeping Beauty
In This of All Places
Kerfuffle on Tatooine

This wonderful character sheet template was created by Saul and is one of several made available here.
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