Almanian Rising


SWRP Writer
Feb 14, 2012
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The doors to the chamber opened slowly, revealing two men. The tallest, whom wore an Imperial uniform, turned away from the chamber momentarily to look at his accomplice. To his side, the smaller of the two was wearing a black robe, and a hood that was placed over his head; the veil of the hood obscuring his face from the view of the officer and those that were inside the chamber.

They crossed the threshold together, and arrived inside of the chamber. Torches flickered around the walls, allowing an eerie illumination to fall onto the setting. Blind spots around the chamber held people whom had decided to take their time out and watch the upcoming Kaggath that was about to occur. The officer turned away from the hooded man whom had accompanied him into the room, and made his way to one of the blind spots, to join the rest of the spectators. He turned away from the man whom had been instructing him for the past six months, in which his training had occurred inbetween the journey between Almania and Korriban, and to the oppodent whom he would be facing.

His fellow Almanian was stood across the room, and like him, he was hooded with a similar, if not an exact replica, of the same type of robe that he had been given to wear. He moved across the room and stood in proportion to this oppodent, and slowly lifted his arms up to the hood and gently remove it from the top of his head onto his back. The enemy had decided to copy him, and together they both took off their Sith robes, and dropped them onto the floor.

The news had spread across the Korriban Academy for the past several weeks. What had stirred the attention of the students and Master's at the Academy was the arrival of these potential new Acolytes. Almania was relatively unknown to the majority of them, and when research had been conducted as to the who or what would be joining their ranks as potential Sith, revealed a world that was virtually unused by the Empire. Curiostity had gripped people in the Academy. What was a man like from Almania? What did they look like? Such questions were brought up as they thought over it. Today, this Kaggath would reveal whether a man from Almania could become a Sith, as for millenia, not a man or woman from this distant world had ever joined the ranks of the Sith Order.

And that's what made this Kaggath unique for the Sith whom had turned up to watch. Were they witnessing history?