All That's Known

Theodosia Acatia

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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In a dream, Theodosia wasn’t kicking and screaming. She was actually happy. A large library loomed over her head, it looked absolutely ancient. Sunlight shown through and Theodosia glided through the corridors. Bookshelves towered up to the ceiling. It was quiet; the only sound made was by the librarians, strange little creatures that mumbled to themselves about complaints. The most noticeable thing was a strange constriction at the crown of her head. She raised her blue hands towards them and felt a cool alloy and smooth surface of goggles. Theodosia woke up, in her bed, on Pantora.

That morning, she flipped through a datapad about libraries about the old one. Finally she stumbled upon it. It was a former Jedi temple, on the world Ossus. That had to be where the dream had taken place.

So now, that is where Theodosia was currently headed to. She piloted her small frieighter to the planet of Ossus, carefully looking out for any Imperial ships. Theo had to watch herself when going to an old forgotten temple. It had to still be there.

When she landed, it was a good bits away from where it said it was located. The trek wasn’t horrible at least.

Then, she saw the rubble and debri of a carcass of a building. All she saw was turmoil in the Force, and in her inner self. Theo tried hard to not be disappointed, but she was tempted to just turn around and leave. But, no, there had to be a reason. So, the Pantoran pushed onwards. It was unlikely anyone else would be there.


Torin Crow

SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2018
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Ossus, it was a complete mystery to Torin. What had led him here, well perhaps it was all the smuggler's tales he had heard on Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa. Ossus was perhaps a fabled world that had belonged to the Jedi, or so the stories have said. The Jedi used this as a prominent world for training, even setting a settlement and forming a mythical great library that rivaled like anything else in the galaxy.

Perhaps it was gut instinct, after all, Torin didn't have much faith in what the so-called Jedi had... The Force... That power lied with the Sith, and it was nothing but evil. To be used to bend the mind to make people believe what they wanted to believe. Hear what they want to hear. He had heard all sorts of horror stories, where one's influence under the Force could wipe one's mind away.

What he did have, however, was a growing need to find resources, if such a Jedi Library exists on the planet, he could find something valuable. Maybe knowledge or evidence that they did exist, or something that would fight the Sith. There had to be something that he could find be it a weapon, treasure or better yet, hope.

Making sure to avoid the detection of Sith patrols, he guided his ship down to the world, landing it within a thick patch of jungle. Stepping very carefully down the ramp, gaining a look at his surroundings, the sounds of life filled all around him, from birds to insects. To animals, and the rustling of trees. He stepped carefully some feeling telling him to walk forward. Walking forward dressed in nothing but his ranger scout armor, and armed with a Blaster Rifle and a Virboblade, he stepped forth not knowing what would lie ahead for him.

@Theodosia Acatia

Theodosia Acatia

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Theodosia was rather disoriented. The map she had made may not have been accurate. Of the library at least. The Force was interlocking and powerful waves of various emotions pulled her mind to and fro. Was it anger, or grief? Happiness from the memories or anguish from what could have been? A trace of her friend was found here.

She sighed, running her fingers along the broken down wall. She thought, in the uncontrolled Force,she felt another presence there. Probably just a ghost or paranoia of being by a destroyed sanctimonious place. This place, the Grand Library of Ossus, could be a sanctuary, but Theodosia’s heart was too attached to lonely Force-sensitive users out there in the Galaxy like herself.

The Pantoran drew her hood up around her face and carried on, a frown on her lips. Tears threatened their presence. A strong, overwhelming sense to meditate, to pray hit Theo. That had never happened before. It almost overcame that someone else was here, but it was obvious that nobody had touched this setting for years and years, other than the occasional vandalism or burrowing of animals. Theodosia came to the end of the foyer, and looked back, feeling very cautious.

@Torin Crow

Torin Crow

SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2018
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Torin moved carefully through the thick jungle bush, he had hacked his way with his vibroblade, animals scurrying and running in opposite directions away from the strange visitor. Why did he come to this planet, he didn't even know much of anything about it except smuggler tales of it being a homeworld of the Jedi Knights. If the Jedi were real that is, and if they were he didn't know what he would find. Old ruins, perhaps some people who had inhabited the place in hopes of getting away from the Sith. So many possibilities for what might have happened of course. Yet Crow was determined to find answers at what had drawn him here in the first place.

Slowly moving forward, knocking back branches and leaves strewn about, he had landed not far from some type of structure. What was it? His sensors couldn't tell, couldn't get a precise reading on it of course. Yet here he was slowly trudging along through tree's, vines and the various wildlife that was around him. It felt like hours that he had now been hacking at the jungle just slowly moving along. Not sure when he would reach the structure or not. Yet something was drawing him here, he could easily feel it in his bones.

After about twenty minutes of hacking and slashing at the various brush that was between the ruin, and the landing sight where his ship was. He had finally found what looked to be a damaged large structure, he stood in awe for a moment. Even wondering, questioning if perhaps the Jedi built such thing that might have once been grand, maybe even bigger than what it looked now of course. He stopped marveling what it was, while not pretty of course, taken back by nature after being abandoned for centuries if not longer. He felt something, a compelling force, a feeling telling him to go forward.

Following such instincts yet again, and without saying a word. He moved slowly, now entering into an open area rather than the thick brush of the jungle to which he was glad he was out of, he found himself entering what looked to be an opening that led to the inside of the ruin. Now overtaken by vines, grass and various insects and rodents living inside it. Unaware of who or what he could find in there.

@Theodosia Acatia

Theodosia Acatia

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Theodosia, now more attuned to the Force than ever, felt another presence making its way towards her. She stopped what she was doing. In this Galaxy, there were really only two kinds, one that was here to kill you and one that was here just minding their own business. An ultra rare case was one that was here to befriend you, but Theodosia believed that friends are happy coincidences, so this option was nearly obsolete.

Her functionless scout armor would protect her from mediocre blows and most blaster shots probably. She never really knew because she had picked up the armor from a consignor so she normally had to guess. Her blue hand placed on the blaster pistol at her hip, the Pantoran stepped forward towards the mere feeling.

If it was a dangerous presence, such as an Imperial agent, Theodosia could maybe take them. She had more experience in the Galaxy since her training started, so her hunch leaned towards a neutral person that was near her. She hoped she was right. Her footsteps carried her closer and closer. A plan was already formulating on what she would do in all three scenarios. Dangerous, fight or flight. She hated to do either on this planet. Theodosia had to be cautious. Even if, to her surprise, it was a young guy padding towards the Library. She was in clear view, but she couldn’t move herself to say a greeting.


Torin Crow

SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2018
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Torin kept up his slow pace, marveling the grand but now ruined jungle. Vines and moss showed along every crack, and all along the walls of course. Nature must have spent centuries if not millennia. He had never seen such a structure in all his life, he had seen the darkened underbelly of the Works, growing up on Coruscant, and even seeing the beautiful skyscrapers that much of the Sith and the wealthy have used.

With only his ranger armor, and his vibroblade for protection, he had hoped that the world was mostly deserted, if anything he knew the Sith would still be scouting any, and all worlds in the Outer Rim that proved a threat. Yet he was lucky that he didn't detect any Imperial Agents that he knew of or else it would get ugly of course, and if anything he wanted to avoid any Imperial Engagements.

The mysterious feeling that he felt around the ruin, it was one of peace... A feeling he hadn't known for some time.. Not since escaping Coruscant with his friends. He felt it more inside him the closer he reached the ruin. Yet what he found in front of him as he got closer was a... Girl? A girl stood in front of him not far from where he stepped forth.

Calling out loudly, waving his arm just a little. "Hello! I mean no harm, I am just..." He lowered his voice, looking around as the mysterious trance from the ruin stopped and he looked around, before looking at the girl and speaking once more. "Lost.. What is your name?"

@Theodosia Acatia


Theodosia Acatia

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
Reaction score
The entire time Theodosia was watching the newcomer, she was thinking: please, please do not talk to me. Please do not open your mouth. Sure, the Pantoran was curious, but she would have rather stalked him than initiating any sort of conversation.

And he did. Theodosia thought an expletive. He seemed friendly enough. She narrowed her eyes. “If you are lost, how is a name going to help you?” She called back, taking a small step forward. The step was tentative and light, showing her reluctancy. Theodosia didn’t mean it to be rude, she was genuinely apprehensive and she doesn’t have the strongest of filters in her mind.

Theodosia looked at the boy. He had black hair, and a darker complexion she’s seen from other humans. She was surprised his eyes didn’t automatically get glued to her skin. She felt the waves of the Force stem around them, most, if not all, rooting from the Grand Library. Theodosia couldn’t tell if the boy was also giving off a signature, so she stepped closer. A tattooed hand was poised over her blaster. “My name is Theo. Yours?” She could let down her guard momentarily. "And what are you doing here?"