Ask Ahto Glitter

Derna Lorso


Character Profile
Sep 23, 2020
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The trip from Coruscant to Manaan seemed to have taken ages. The Captain kept nagging and to top it off she barely had any overlapping shifts with Liana. Fortunately the captain was also anal as a loadmaster for the ship so Derna could slip away for the rest of the day and explore Ahto City for the 36th time while the Selkath loaded up the kolto.

It didn't take long before a fellow human approached her. She wore rags, smelled of fish and while she most definitely applied heavy make-up after her last shower it was now all smeared. "Please," she immediately got on both knees in front of Derna, "Please help me. They won't help me!" A rather stern-looking Selkath appeared behind her, "Get going! Spice addicts have no place on Manaan." Derna immediately recognized him as one of Ahto City's security officers who she may or may not have encountered while intoxicated before.

For some reason, and not just because she was a human too, Derna decided to intervene and held up a hand. "One moment, Detective-" calling him by his correct rank within the security forces took him by surprise for apparently he did not recognize Derna at all. "-I want to know what's ailing her."

The Selkath starting laughing, "Spice ofcourse!" and before either the addict or Derna could reply his features switched from jolly to severe, "Spice is forbidden on Manaan. She is under the influence, so she brought spice to our beloved planet."

"N-no, I bought it-" the addict started, but was quickly interrupted by a smack on the back of the head, one coming from the Selkath detective. "She lies!"

Derna's head was racing. It didn't feel right to just shrug her shoulders and walk away. However, Ahto City was lowkey famous for its magnificent sushi and getting involved with the Selkath judicial system usually meant going way passed closing time for all the good restaurants.



Liana Jek


Character Profile
Sep 23, 2020
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Liana hadn't been working for Blackwell quite as long as Derna so there was still plenty of things she hadn't seen or experienced on Manaan. She took every opportunity she could to slip away from the load process, technically not being essential personnel for the load. Wandering the entertainment district, she had to marvel at the differences between the planet and Corellia or even Coruscant. The Selkath certainly seemed to be particularly anally retentive, all the surfaces were polished clean and not a hint of the poverty that struck most planets were visible.

Sipping on a local delight, some sort of flavored tea with little chewy gelatin balls floating in it, Liana was a bit shocked to see Derna talking to the local authorities who had been dragging away a raving human. She approached her crewmate who was still talking to one of the fish-men, hoping the woman wasn't in trouble.

"Hey Derna, what's going on here? You know we have to be back on the ship tonight right?" Giving the woman a nudge as if to say "Don't get involved, you can't afford to get written up tardy". All technically true, Derna certainly seemed to have a knack for getting into trouble with the captain.

@Ecclessey @Sreeya

Emryc Thorne

ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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He was on a Sith mission to help set up a ‘base of operations’ with someone that sounded like an absolute crook. Soon enough he realized that the operations was an under the table spice smuggling ring. Doing missions like these seemed beneath him, but he wasn’t going to complain as long as it got him out of the space station.

Emryc had never seen so much ocean before, and he was certainly not accustomed to the constant wind. He kept turning and jumping whenever the air brushed against his hair from various directions. Living on a space station meant constantly living in a bubble of recycled air. While it was a vast living space and made to feel like the outside world, it could never compare.

He had been tracking someone that could potentially blow the smuggling ring wide open. Emryc made sure to keep his distance, but he could see the woman had compromised everything as she ran into a guard. Gritting his teeth, he ventured closer, hiding behind a nearby parked airspeeder.

Emryc called on the Force and began to constrict it around the woman’s neck in an attempt to silence her. Of course, he wasn’t fully trained and could only hope not to botch it entirely. He needed to choke the life from her before she could blab on what was going on.

@Ecclessey @Arclight

Derna Lorso


Character Profile
Sep 23, 2020
Reaction score

Dern immediately turned to her shipmate, "I know, but-" the Selkath smacked the desperate woman again, "She's expelled from Manaan!" The continuous smacking really got under Derna's skin and with every passing second he didn't apologize, which he never would, she felt herself becoming angrier and angier. "Now you-"

Suddenly the woman's hand went to her throat expected to find the Selkath's hands choking her, but upon the realization that no one was doing so physically her eyes bulged and looked at Derna and Liana with a pity-inducing and terrified look. "Are you?" Derna said, startled by the sight, and quickly closed the distance in an effort to help her get back on her feet. The Selkath, indifferent to the addict's suffering, smacked Derna on the side of the head. "Git! Or I will have you expelled too!" Derna immediately let go of the woman and stepped back, looking at Liana for help. The Selkath, pleased with his apparent power over foreigners, continued "Dealing spice is a crime punishable by death and so it aiding or abetting the sale or use of spice. Keep that in mind, human."

Meanwhile the poor woman was struggling to breathe. Her anxiety, combined with spice withdrawals and the unexplained difficulty to breathe caused her to hyperventilate and only worsen the Force choke's effects.

"Look at her! She's clearly having a fit or something!" Derna cried, gesticulating wildly trying to convey the severity of the addict's situation. No doubt she had overdosed. It was quite common on the Coruscant Lower Levels and it at least appeared to cause the difficulty to breathe. Derna just knew she was going to regret this, "What if we help catch the spice dealer? They would never sell to law-abiding Selkath, but to foreigners they would."

The Selkath seemed to mull it over and narrowed his eyes towards Liana as if to ascertain why a Twi'lek would keep the company of such an impulsively emphatic human. Then, without warning, he grabbed the addict's collar and pulled her up to her feet, breaking the Force Choke from the young Sith and allowing her to suddenly suck in an overflow of air. "If you can prove there's spice dealers on Ahto City, she-" the Selkath noticed the woman could breathe freely again and immediately assumed, just like Derna did, that it had all been a ruse, "-will only be expelled. But if you can't, then I find her guilty of aforementioned crimes and she will be executed."


@Arclight @Sreeya
