Absolute Control


Rex Imperialis
SWRP Writer
Apr 26, 2018
Reaction score
1. What is going to happen in your plot?

Lead by the War Master, Sith military forces will wrest control of Kessel from the unaligned pirate forces that currently control it.

2. What other players will be a part of this?

Rexx as Kalladrrl, Dread as Vex, Xorism as Xornoth Sk’ar and others as they sign up

3. Where are all the places (if more than one) that your plot will be taking place?


4. Please provide a basic in-character timeline of what you expect to happen.

T1: Lower Their Defenses (Open/PVP)
  • Three infiltrated Sith try to take control of the preeminent anti-air complex on Kessel.
T2: Cold is the Void (Ask/DM)
  • Our naval forces will engage and destroy the pirates' system defense fleet, taking the fight to them by carrier and by starfighter. Show these pirates no quarter.
T3: Cracks in the Ceiling (Open/PVP)
  • The invaluable wealth of Kessel is oddly sensitive to sunlight -- two Sith operatives will plant heavy damage charges at key supports in the ceiling of a middling mine to occupy what serves as emergency forces amongst these brigands and scoundrels.
T4: No Exit (Open/PVP)
  • Two Imperial assets will lead covert agents to sabotage the main docking complex filled with potential reinforcements for the system defense fleet.
T5: Neckbreaker (Ask/DM)
  • The War Master and two accompanying warriors will lead the Blackguards regiment and the greater Sith forces in a drop maneuver to seize the main pirate installation planetside.

5. What do you or your character hope to achieve with this plot? What is the "end-game"?

Control of Kessel and all associated spice mining operations under the War Master’s purview.

6. Do you need any involvement of canon NPCs or faction leaders to be DMed by a staff member? If so, please detail who/what and for what purpose.

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Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score
Hi @Rexx

For the benefits of this thread, please clearly list the opposition for each thread please