

Dire wolf howling
SWRP Writer
Nov 12, 2013
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Color of the flower
Has already faded away,
While in idle thoughts
My life passes vainly by,
As I watch the long rains fall.

~Ono no Komachi


“All is gone.

The corners of my world shattered by the harsh but pure reality. Once we were great people though the days were unforgiving thus we fell from both favor and might. What was left for me were the remaining shreds of pride and the glorious days of the past that weighs heavily on my shadow.

Look at my soul for that is who I am.”

Personal information

Though they call her 'Shi' and perhaps if you were a friend, you will call her 'ShiShi

Chiss remnant. Though she may work as a mercenary to any of the other group to serve her own agenda.

Well, it depends where her steps will take her

You would know once your eyes falls on her. Red crimson eyes and blue skin is the inheritance of her kindred. Shi is a Chiss



163 CM
5.34 FT

62 KG
136.6 Lbs

Crimson red & marble-like

Strangely, most unlikely. Shi's hair tends to be passionate Grey

Vibrant blue

The first thousand steps begins with 1000 credits

Distinguishing mark
None as of yet

Force sensitive

“When my eyes set their gaze upon such reflection that ripples across the mirror that is me. I see a young Chiss standing not so tall as her kin, with well proportioned weight that would let me move around with ease and blend in easily. Being a Chiss grants me the gift of crimson red orbs which sees slightly better under the guise of night and healthy blue skin. Honesty must be told, I think I do look innocent when under my human disguise.”

"I was bred for cold war and such is the seamless truth, I must confess and shall confess many things."

Strength [5/10]
Brutal strength is not her cup of tea. Though redirecting her opponent's strength against them, that's my friend is her cup of tea.

Dexterity [9/10]
Nimble like a dear and gracious like a pouncing fox. Shi treads softly and stealthy to the best of her own ability in order to achieve her goals. But through battle, her skill shines in out maneuvering her opponents.

Constitution [3/10]
A crowned stag isn't a roaring lion. Shi knows that she is crowned stag and therefore avoiding hits is most crucial acts of self preservation.

Intelligence [10/10]
The Chiss were born with great aptitude of thinking and they do evolve in ways most incomprehensible. Shi thinks and she thinks well for the sake of her own survival.

Wisdom [3/10]
A young child who just is beginning her journey is like a new born neonate yearning to suckle knowledge from wisdom's teats.

Charisma [5/10]
Something Shi was born with, that she is upstanding girl. She doesn't sugarcoat things, Shi doesn't patronize. What your ears are about to hear is the truth and nothing but the truth despite how harsh it could be. Simply, those who meet her would consider her either a loyal friend or a bitter enemy.

Force Powers

Force sense [5/10]
Unaware of her own force sensitivity, Shi sports a degree awareness to her own surroundings and feels certain things that she doesn't comprehend. The power is strong yet untamed and need proper training. Then again, this is her only power.


Espionage and reconnaissance [8/10]
Shi was bred to serve under CAIN though didn't really have the chance to do after the economical collapse. Still, she studied information needed to preform a successful clandestine operation in Csilla. Her skills were more enhanced in the Hapan's campaign.

CQC [7/10]
Using her short blade in tandem with her pistols is her specialty.

Marksmanship [9/10]
Shi has a fair knowledge about using firearms, two more and she will be a gun slinging dead eye. It worth to be mention that the Chiss lassie is a quick reloader.

It is time of great innovation and discovery[9/10]
This young Chiss uses her intellect to invent equipments to aid in her endeavors with ease. And Shishi tends to be a quick learner, put her in a kitchen with manuals, a great cook will be about to rise. Place in Maintenance department, you ship will never break away – Provided, the commander doesn't go suicidal – Simply, if there was instruction manuals and blue prints, Shi will shine more vibrant blue.

Tactical and strategical insight[8/10]
The usual Chiss educational system makes there breed sharp minded. While other children talk about the last comic release, you will find the Chiss youth discussing what really went bad within certain battle learning from past's mistakes and implementing possible solutions to avert such outcome.

Lightsabre/sword forms

Currently none but her swordsmanship could be well incorporated with the second form, Makashi.

“I shall be bold, and take steps forward. To hesitate is to regress.”

Strengths and Weakness

Curious but a pleasure seeker

Nosiness is a sin which would cost someone her life, but without a justified sense of inquisition then there shall be no evolution of any sort. Though she doesn't show explicit interest instead, Shi keeps her questions for herself then devise plans to attain the information needed then revel in success and such would be her kind of pleasure.

Generosity and Greed are two faces of the same dime

The game of favors is a game that she is going to play. Because the relationship between different species is all about customer service and the power of contacts which depends mainly on one currency that is Favors. Though Shi is 'socially' generous, she will be greedy in her terms when it comes to business. Specially if Shishi made a name for herself.

The thief

“You Non-chiss, what is yours is mine!” Therefore like her parents though they were without such a notorious trait, Shi tend so study other cultures and races to know their strong points and weak in her infant years. Obsessed with technologies and cultures, figuratively Shi became a thief of sorts, in love to use their weapons against them.


A dark heart beats everyday yearning for revenge for all the people who are red and blue, driven with prideful nationalistic thoughts. Not visionary but she wants to see her people rise again.


The Beauty and the Beast

They are Shi's pride, they are her guns and they are not normal ones. Since Beauty and the beast are projectile weapons. Yes, Shi took the principles behind the famous Morellian slugthrower however in the same time introducing some genuine Chiss innovation, Shi was able to come up with two monsters of Charric design. Well, the two guns are filled with .48 caliber goodness. Unlike the old design, the clip contains 12 shots with great stopping power which can rip off heavy armor and even light armor vehicles. However unlike the older design, Shi implemented new skeleton and grips to greatly lessen the recoil thus increasing accuracy and precision of successive shots.


And that is the sniper rifle which depend on the same schematics of her twin guns. The clip hold up to ten shots, the sniper rifle was designed for very long range sniping, A suppressor and scope augmented for night and thermal vision readies the She-wolf for silent deadly strikes.

Crimson tear

Is a folded blade with a certain mechanism to spring out the blade. Made for surprise attacks though short in range, it enhances the ability to move dodge and bock with ease. Made for duels and silent take-downs.

Grapple gun

Is a grapple gun which is made specifically to traverse obstacles and heights. Proves useful when escaping really bad situations.

Quick Make-up

And that would be her utility belt which have another purpose other than storing additional clips for her weapons, holstering the crimson tear. Grapple gun and the twin guns. The belt works on biological level regressing how the Chiss evolved in shape, it bestows on her how she should have looked like a human. Kindly revise the human picture above. It is something that she invented before engaging the Hapans campaign. It doesn't give her any advantages except to look as human with the disadvantages of being human.

The back-pack

There, Shi would store her gas mask and a plethora of various kinds of grenades for tactical use. Of course, it comes with a bottle of water and some candies. Feeding is an act of self preservation.

Light armor

Well, It is an Echani fiber armor. No need to explain more.

“I heard once before that there is no such innocence, only degrees of guilt.”


A sense of pride lingers around her yet Shi is not arrogant despite how may she hold other species in review. In her point of view, they are lesser creatures because they don't evolve the way the Chiss do. Perhaps Shishi could have been more haughty if the Chiss fleet was still intact however instead from being a stuck-up and rigid, the Chiss lassie sports a sort of dark humor and loves a good laugh.

Describing Shi as poetically sardonic or sarcastically poetic wouldn't be far from truth for she knows that in terms of wisdom that she knew nothing and henceforth, Shishi tries her best to understand current and past situation trying to derive some sort of Maxim which could lead the way to safe shores with a twist and flick of hand. Almost surprising, the young lassie is so clever that sometimes she doesn't understand herself or what she really says. For pure intellect doesn't mean warm wisdom.

Fiercely loyal to her kindred and unlike-wise, Shi bears no real loyalty for others who don't share the red and blue. But they can buy the Chiss' temporary interest with the technological gold they call 'Credits'. Oh, the sight of these numbers which would accumulate in her bank account will lead her marbel-like crimson red eyes to sparkle and the drool to fall from her blue lips. Crazy about the riches, Shi might get reckless to gather a larger pool. For there is power in money as they seemly capable of buying anything. Perhaps to raise a new Chiss fleet. Still technological marvels and cultural exchange could hold sway for such circumstantial greed that stemmed from a heart that loves her people.

Though get on her nerves and you shall understand the meaning of underhanded friendly fire. Indeed the persona that lies within her should is that of a cautious fox but in the end the Chiss are sleeping dragons. Yet under such occasions, Shishi mantles herself in the garments of a Thief. For Shi is envious and desires what lies within the hands of others thus she steals to give herself and her kindred. And as a part of her mischief, Shishi adores making troubles and the peak would be said when she abandons Non-Chiss for their own fate to save her own self when hope fails or if they outlived their use. Because the betrayed tend to be bitter and deadly.

“The past is a serious of events which would shape the future, thus the present is the fork road and trigger of calamities.”


Early beginnings

Born 1,009 ABY, Shi in her infant days looked up to the authoritative figures which were her parents and older siblings. She saw with her eyes the devotion within their hearts for the ascendency and it's evolution. The homeworld was Csilla and her parent's preference of profession was the studying other creatures and species all over the galaxy, researching their technology then adding their own ideas to the mix producing something totally new. Under the new dawn of the Sith, the smaller 'Aa' family thrived by visiting other planets from both near and distant galaxies while viewing their lore under the scrutiny of the microscope. Shi didn't become recluse as a result but on the contrary, she was open minded and didn't share the weariness of her kin against anything which wasn't Chiss. Blood runs thicker water, Shi already inherited the burning passion of research from her parents and showed surprising intellect and understanding.

A young Chiss becomes more mature through age than the other regular species. And her stay within the other rims demanded training in self defense. So as a researcher and a thief of technologies, the young Shi had undergone training by her older siblings who went along to protect their expedition. The young Chiss grew more accustomed with time firearms and blades while toning her body to carry out her training with ease.

The collapse

As Shishi looked forward for military enrollment, specifically the intelligence service. As the Chiss Lassie was enamored by researching other species, Shi wanted to be a value for her community. But something terrible happened, economic mismanagement led to a great collapse. The entire Chiss fleet was lost to pay the debts. Eventually, the ascendency lost their war machine rendering themselves incapable to pursue any sort of expansionist strategy, let alone to defend themselves.

It weighed heavily upon the young one, someone who harbored national pride likewise her Kindred. With the fleet gone! Suddenly the galaxy became so dark and full of terrors. Thus she remained within Csilla until growing to puberty, but the lassie didn't sit idle as some former echelons returned and by then like many of her brethren, she strove to be under their wing and receive their tutelage. Perhaps, the fleet was lost to them but the Chiss were known for their covert endeavors, therefore tactical warfare and espionage were bound to be their legacy as a deadly defensive and offensive mechanism.

Though she couldn't help but feel growing disdain for the new Sith imperium for leaving them behind without real involvement to help settling the debts. They were abandoned after centuries of allegiance. The Sith knows only betrayal and Shishi learned the harsh lesson despite her shallow wisdom that she wouldn't trust anyone else other than her own people.

The Hapan Campaign

And the Sith displayed their true wicked soul and pure arrogance when they sought the Chiss' help to tame the consortium with the reins of servitude. Indeed whom else would suffice for such major task except for the Chiss and perhaps for Bothan brothers. But the Chiss were more refined for this job and all due to one mere fact, how both cultures were close in nature.

So at the age of ten, Shi volunteered despite her young age and left the Chiss space behind to participate in such tactical and espionage marvel with greater hatred invading her heart against all kinds of Sith. Regardless, She invented a little device in her belt to look human with fair skin and black eyes opting not to use cosmetics. The young Chiss had her mind in the game! First things were first which was to persuade younger families known for ambition or mutinous nature to rebel against their queen with the vain promises of power and riches.

Despite the simplicity of the plan, secrecy was demanded as not to leave traces behind pointing to the true masterminds to such plan devised. The ways of sending encrypted information with subtlety were so sublime as they walked disguised within the darkness in spite of treading the Hapan core worlds under daylight's sun. Studying them more, Shi became aware of the major weakness of the Hapan was their matriarchal society though in the same it was their mightiest strength. The queen is dead, long live the queen! The sense of unity was shattered eventually when the rebelling factions chose to elect their own queens. The space was divided into two, the old regime and young ones vying for power, as the former was aided by the Sith and the latter was backed up with the Chiss whom were agents for the Sith. And such was the clever hammer and sickle paving the road to deep Hapan space within the industrial area. There the Chiss pushed their efforts to seize such glorious might for malicious intents of subduing the consortium for once and for all.

Thus the Hapan were occupied with extreme prejudice as the ruling body aged to death and wrinkles. The Chiss' mission was over and determined as a success though they were not awarded anything by the oppressive Sith, however Shi learned so many things that even fortified space could fall. It happened to the proud Hapans as it did to the headstrong corellians before them. And yes, Aashira realized that even her own people suffered a decline, perhaps due to the Sith own machinations, that under stimulated circumstances the same could be done to the Sith.

Shi didn't return to Csilla but remained within Hapan space after the end of their infiltration serving as an agent and working for the Sith tracking and hunting down pockets of resistance aiming to better her own skills with real experience.

The Chiss remnant

By the end of the Hapan conquest, Shi knew that she witnessed a pure form of chaotic but crafty total war. At last, the young Chiss returned back to Csilla and she was fourteen by then. Reaching full adolescence, She knew a decision was to be made. The holocron showed the galaxy, the unknown rim marked the presence of her kindred and what had remained from their glorious days. Within the core, there lied the new Sith imperium who expanded too much for their own sake. To the east, the hutt cartel stood defiant while equipped with the former Chiss' fleet though they lacked the resolution to break through Bothowui. The Manaan alliance was protected by it's kolto tanks. The rebels and Jedi were shattered across the galaxy. In fact, most of hopes remained grim yet in each side lied an opportunity to grasp.

They must be punished! Those who mocked the Chiss. Retribution shall reach them but in due time whether they were the egotistical Sith who abandoned them or the vain fat Hutts who in turn took there fleet. They all shall pay blood price, however such long termed plan needed preparations, resources and tons of allies. And Shi was just but one.

How far she would go for Csilla? Shi was determined to go for leagues, and all the good and bad that would be done shall be for the sake of the ascendency. The first league would be the remnants of the Chiss hoping that perhaps a new military force even if it was small would rise for the occasion and prove itself worthy.

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Dire wolf howling
SWRP Writer
Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
Reserved for future use.

I am new here so I am not sure if this application lacks anything or did something wrong. Kindly critique!


SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
A lot of pink/purple in there. I like that you made a Chiss, despite them not being that important in this part of the Timeline, and used good pics too! Hope we can RP sometime as she seems like a fun character.


Dire wolf howling
SWRP Writer
Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
Well, I love the purple\violet combination :)

Yes, the enigmatic Chiss is one my favorite species and they prove to be the best agents out there due to there aptitude for clandestine operations. Of course, such is my point of view and then again I am least to know among you all. And umm, Being in an independent faction of a fallen nation will provide an ease of movement across the galaxy for covert endeavors.

Ah, the pictures..The first picture is actually my Imperial agent in SWTOR and she is really a good sniper. I shaped her to look Asian and it happens somehow that she looks like Indou Kaho.

And I do hope so since she holds the Hutts in disregard so there is a great chance that our paths will cross.

And finally, thank you very much for your patronage. I do really appreciate it.



SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score


You're welcome. I really like the TOR picture, but that aside there's definitely a lot of story potential for this character, at least in my mind. Her ability to change her appearance and skills give her a very unique style of approach that not a lot of characters have so it'll be interesting to see how she portrays herself to other characters.

As for us RPing eventually I'm all for it.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
A female Chiss? Gaja likes those, don't you Gaja?

Seriously though, I really like this character. She's very well researched and very easy to read.


Dire wolf howling
SWRP Writer
Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score


You're welcome. I really like the TOR picture, but that aside there's definitely a lot of story potential for this character, at least in my mind. Her ability to change her appearance and skills give her a very unique style of approach that not a lot of characters have so it'll be interesting to see how she portrays herself to other characters.

As for us RPing eventually I'm all for it.

Oh, thanks a lot! And yes, the belt will open up a lot of role playing chances. And of course, it would be a pleasure. Shi shall attend to some business in Csilla then travel to Hutt space for certain purposes. By then, I shall PM you.

A female Chiss? Gaja likes those, don't you Gaja?

Seriously though, I really like this character. She's very well researched and very easy to read.

I am really grateful for your commendation. I tried to incorporate my new character according to the presented timeline and done some reading in that wookie-something. I am so happy that the application proved easy to read! Thank you very much for the feedback.
