Ask Invasion A Yavin Parable

Bir Vuul

Mad Man

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Mar 6, 2021
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Bir could feel the embers on his charred cloak being stoked with life, burning further into his already blackened shoulder. While his hide was strong enough to withstand one direct encounter from the flames of battle, this would prove to be too much and would render his arm useless if he did not intervene. Fortunately since they were only smoldering embers and not yet a full fledged flame Bir had the opportunity to react, only further prolonged by Aziz’ bold sacrifice that would keep the focus of the other Master’s from any immediate assaults on himself.

Ceasing his effort from drawing the Iridonian in, a now pointless endeavor as the Jedi closed in on his own accord, Bir’s left hand rose and combatted Crix’ efforts by pulling the evolving flames away from his shoulder into an orb at his side. The distance between Crix and Bir closed as the Iridonian closed and as he prepared to draw his blade back, Bir activated his saber once again taking a step back whilst holding his blade up vertically in the path of Crix’ and keeping it from searing into his midsection as intended.

Struggling to meet Crix’ strength with his own as the blades locked in position, Bir held with all his might whilst his left hand swept forth. The collected flames fanned out before Crix, threatening to sear into his face and chest if he did not back away, though even if he did the Kel Dor was prepared to take another step back or push the attack, whichever was required.

”Fall back!”

He heard the order from his leader. He knew he should follow it. Live to fight another day, as some would say but Bir did not come here to simply turn around and run. Aziz had once been considered a traitor in his own eyes. An agent of the Jedi sent to infiltrate and liberate Denon. Instead, he was as loyal and devout to the Empire as himself. He had given his life in an effort to hurt those Bir had once believed were Aziz’ peers. He had sacrificed himself and granted the Eternal the opportunity needed for them to escape. He, like Bir, had something to prove here today after Denon. He would not simply run away and accept another defeat. He had become a running joke, but the laughs stopped today.

Soldiers and Sith alike retreated to the forests of Yavin. Cheers of victory were heard from the defenders echoing all around. Yet Bir stayed. He would not run. He could not. No, he would rather die ensuring the Eternal’s escape, even if that meant standing against some of the greatest Jedi the Order had to offer all alone.


Sevrin Valtiere

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

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Apr 4, 2021
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Sevrin focused on Bir, and it was true, this meant he had no attention to spare for Aziz. From the distance the man fell and the Sephi believed him to be out of combat. It was only the last minute that he saw the fireball approaching in the corner of his eye. He was forced to abandon his hold on Bir. He had no real time to respond, and he acted on instinct. He used the Force to shove Alex laterally to the side, putting her out of the trajectory. This meant he solely took the brunt of the fire, the flames ignited across his arm up his torso to engulf him. This meant Alex remained free to engage the Eternal, the biggest threat on the field.

There was no scream even though the pain was absolutely excruciating. He dropped to the ground, rolling abruptly to put out the flames while applying aerokinesis to suppress and smother the flames. With the two combined efforts, he was able to put out the fire, but significant damage had been done to his arm and the entire left side of his torso. He shakily moved to a crouched position, smoke rising from his body. His left arm was entirely useless right then and he looked up towards Crix, where he could sense darkness. He looked over at the Kel Dor that refused to leave.

“Crix,” He called out weakly, still down on one knee, “Let him go,” He said calmly, silver gaze slowly turning to regard the Kel Dor, “You have honor in you, warrior,” He slowly and shakily rose up to his feet, smoke still rising from his body, “Leave here and make sure you remain true to yourself. That your actions are those of your own. Of your own volition and choice. Not at the whims of others. Because you have courage in your heart and an undying resolve, even if you do not see it so easily.”

With that, he jutted his chin, indicating for him to run away. Sevrin reached for a commlink to contact the defense forces, “The Sith forces are retreating. Do not chase.”

@Valen Pelora @Nefieslab @Taz @Tulos @GABA

Alexandria Voran

Jedi Order
Former Grandmaster

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Valen Pelora
Nov 30, 2020
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Alex was awash in the Force. She asked this of the Light only once before…on Telos. Her body was simply a piece of larger soul. The Eternal had underestimated the depth of their conviction. Her focus remained on wavering violet shield. She would break the creature within (@GABA). Alex had nearly forgotten the mad Sith. Once his body was alight and crumpled to the ground, she thought the deed done. Alive but broken. She could maintain her focus on the task at hand. Pulling the poison of the Eternal from the Force. She was mistaken. A flash of white rage was all the warning she had. The Force blared in her mind. In an instant, she grabbed the Force again and went to move before the flames.

Instead, Alex found herself shoved sideways…away from the blast. She ground her teeth despite herself. Sevrin. She quickly shoved her annoyance down. Sevrin’s sacrifice had kept her focus intact. She could vent her frustration about his need to be grievously injured on her behalf later. That suffering was meant to be her responsibility. At that moment, death blossomed in the Force. Her shove at the Marauder cracking apart the last ties of his life. No.

She had not meant…that wasn’t her purpose…Max. Oh fuck, I’m so sorry. If Alex had been anyone else, she would have collapsed…but she was in control...she remained in control. The breath was driven from her lungs but the Force sustained her. Her mind was locked tight so that no emotion could slip through. The Force had set her on this path. If this was her destiny. So be it. Alex watched the shield break as the Eternal called for retreat. No.

The Morellian Jedi extinguished the flames, turning them into little more than hot air. She was a master of the elements and on Yavin her power truly sang. She knew Yavin and it knew her. Both heads outstretched and the Force answered as the Eternal called retreat and turned to run. The Jungle came alive. Branches, vines, roots, all burst from the ground and around to grab at the Eternal. They sought to bind its hands, its feet, but most importantly they sought The Mask. The dark creature had a choice, throw aside the mask to free the vines and escape or continue to suffer. Dimly, Alex was aware of Sevrin taking command of their Forces. She trusted him to care for Crix…she had work to do.

@Sreeya @Nefieslab @Tulos

Crix Aran

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Sep 17, 2020
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Crix snarled.

His lips pulled back and his teeth ground against each other as his blade clashed against Bir's and they ground together in a shower of sparks. Seeing the flames rushing back at himself, Crix grunted and seethed in pain as they splashed against his left arm and chest even as he pushed backward with his feet to create distance between himself and his opponent.

Putting them out was slightly easier than Sevrin's experience only because the flames themselves had been drawing power from Crix so cutting that power off helped them die down faster, helping it along by slapping his left arm hard against his own chest to smother those that had not died down as fast. Even still, he could feel the way the fabric of his sleeve clung to his skin with the unnatural, overly sensitive, manner that burns did - all along his left arm from mid-forearm to mid-upper arm.

The pain, he knew, would start to grow and grow as the adrenaline tapered off and the nerves settled in. His chest armour had stopped the worst of the heat getting through to his torso and it was brief enough to damage the cloth but not heat the metal inserts of his armoured robes.

He stood across from the Kel Dor Sith, his lightsaber at the ready in his right hand in the same horizontal guard in front of his chest and left arm hanging looser with it's burns. They stood opposed to one another in dreadful symmetry - one arm burned and one armed to continue the battle.

Sevrin or Alex might look from Jedi to Sith, and from Sith to Jedi, and from Jedi to Sith again; but in that moment it could be almost impossible to say which was which, save for the colour of the blade held in each hand.

In that instant, as The Eternal sought to retreat and Sevrin beseeched him to let Bir go, Crix hated.

Hated the Sith across from him for throwing away a chance Crix himself had given him to be better and hated The Eternal for thinking they could take and take and take from him and just run away.

Hated himself... for knowing he would do it - he would let them run.

The arm holding his lightsaber wavered and lowered ever so slightly as angry, frustrated, tears pricked at his eyes. Hate fled and in it's place was pain, frustrated anger and a spiritual fatigue that he had not known was truly possible. He swallowed thickly and took another step back from Bir... he would let him run.

The person he had released back into the Galaxy on Ossus to try and be better - and who had turned around and tried to destroy Crix's home. He would let him go again and he would come back and try it again and again and again until either he succeeded or Crix was finally pushed past the edge and he killed him. One of those things would happen, one day, but it would not be today.

"Just go Bir... I'll see you next time."

Next time.

A sad, sad promise.

@Tulos @Taz @GABA
@Sreeya @Valen Pelora

Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

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Nov 15, 2020
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The mask of the Eternal was more than just a mere object of the Dark. Its presence was intoxicating to those who served the dark side, and corrupting and even deadly to those who sought the Light. It was after all how the Entity was keeping its tabs on greater galaxy while it was sealed by the spirit on Dathomir. Though, it did find this Jedi curious, one who didn't want them present and yet, she had hard time letting it go. The Light that was cast by the Jedi Grandmaster, as brilliant as it may appear, also had its shadows beneath it, twisting her intentions as it called to her to push further, deeper, seek what would feel good for her alone.

One dead sith is not enough to pay for what they have done...

Tiamat yelled from the pain as a vine caught the wrist of her injured shoulder and pulled, attempting to stop her from the retreat. The snap-hiss from her blade echoed as it sliced easily through the plant, causing it to withdraw as others tried their take on the Sith, or more importantly the mask. She switched hands, cutting vines that grabbed her ankle and quickly they went to grab the Mask. With just a touch, the forest was reminded of the epitome of anti-life, the vines shriveled and creaked as though it were crying out in its own pain as life was drained from them. The Mask would decide who was worthy of it, not some children of Light, despite the temptation to feed of this world was enticing. However, Tiamat wouldn't linger around for it to find out.

Branches and roots alike attempted to grasp the woman; her movements would be swift and lithe as she had to jump, dive and dodge oncoming forest life, slicing through when she could with her saber. She could see the drop-ships beginning to take off and the physical pain she felt course through her body fueled her ambition and determination to get off this world. As the dropship took off, the woman leapt, the Force fueled her trajectory, fingers nearly touching the lowered hatch when something tightened around her leg and jolted her back to the surface.

The air was knocked for her lungs as she hit the ground, her gaze kept on the ship taking off while her thoughts quieting under the seething anger as she gasped. Roots and vines taking their hold until the Grandmaster arrived.

@Tulos (@Taz)
@Valen Pelora (@Sreeya, @Nefieslab)
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Alexandria Voran

Jedi Order
Former Grandmaster

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Valen Pelora
Nov 30, 2020
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The Force billowed on the Temple steps. Wind fluttered the bottoms of her robes. Alex was a maelstrom as the Sith retreated. They’re defeat would be absolute. Her mind snapped to attention as she felt the jungle of Yavin grasp hold of The Eternal. She wrapped and squeezed, the roots hard as durasteel while they circled again and again. The Eternal was lashed to the ground like the creature it was. Alex’s focus shifted for a half a moment. The battle was over. The Sith forces either captured or feeling. She did not smile…the victory had come at such an unimaginably cost. Her Force amplified voice carried out over the battlefield.Don’t touch it.” Alex’s command was clear. The Eternal was a monster of legend…that mask an artifact of unknown Darkness. This was the first time in the history of the Order they’d had such a chance…to rid the galaxy of unspeakable evil.

Her left hand maintained the constriction on the creature. Finally, her mind settled on the present. Alex immediately sought out Sevrin and Crix. A sharp intake of breath broke through her composure. “Sevrin…” The burns were beyond what she had imagined. “Thank you.” Her voice was soft. There was no point in telling him that he should not have suffered for her, it was who he was…and his sacrifice allowed their triumph. The Order owed Sevrin more than she could express. Alex placed a hand on his non-injured shoulder. She could not heal the burn completely and maintain her hold on The Eternal. That did not mean she was powerless to help. She let Light flow from her to Sevrin…she could take away some of his pain. “Go get help…both of you.” Crix had no physical injuries. “I’ll handle the rest.” Alex took a deep breath and tightened her walls. She’d have to face what she’d done but not now.

Her feet carried her to the restrained Eternal. “It’s over.” The Darkside rolled in waves off the thing. Where would they hold it? Not here…not on Yavin. “Now we’ll see who you really are.” Alex bent down. Her body and mind fortified against the Darkness. She touched the Mask. Pain laced up and down her arm, screams in her mind. Alex walled them off. She stepped back in utter shock. “Manat…” The unmistakable gaze of the girl from Byblos…the scientist from the holonews…stared back at her. Alex’s mind flashed to Sevrin. She tried to be gentle, but the communication was too critical. She shoved the images at his mind. He needed to know. Alex released the Mask back onto Manat’s face. Lingering pain in her arms. “What have you done?”

@Sreeya @Nefieslab @GABA