Ask A Song of Ice and Fire

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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Goldens glanced toward Emryc and looked briefly over what he wore. Sometimes the casual things were almost nicer than the suits and grins he put on for the camera, Morgan thought. His gaze returned to the town and its townspeople after a moment, head tilting just a little to the left at his boyfriend's observation. These people didn't seem as surprised as they should be to see a ship come down from the sky and that simple fact meant Emryc was likely right.

"How curious." It only seemed to pique Morgan's interest in the odd planet. For a few seconds he only looked around at the greenery around them, grass awash with gentle breezes cooled by distant mountains and lakes. "I'd like to know who it was." And with that he began to make his way down the beaten path, the ends of his tunic moving elegantly around his figure.

In line with what Emryc had said the townspeople didn't balk at the two outsiders' approach but nor did they seem overly friendly. A ship appearing was still rare enough that a pair of men stepped from the settlement's entrance to meet them, a serious-looking zabrak and a distinctly nervous-looking human who tried to hide it behind a smile, both dressed in fairly simple hand-spun clothes.

"Hello, outsiders! If I could ask, what brings you here?" asked the smiling man while the zabrak crossed his arms and tried to look exceptionally unbothered. All the same he seemed to avoid looking at Emryc in more than brief glances. "Visiting in search of something. Any interesting news to speak of?" Both looked at one another as if this only made them more wary of the two outsiders. "What news could find our peaceful village, sirs?" A bead of sweat dripped down the man's temple. The Zabrak leaned over in an attempt at being surreptitious and whispered, "More searching for cursed ruins. More trouble."

Surely it was too quiet at their distance for human ears, and Morgan could only hear the man was whispering behind his hand without lips to read, but Emryc's keen hearing would be able to catch the words.

"Send them elsewhere."


Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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“I don’t think anyone here is going to tell us anything,” Emryc said as he observed the others. His time as a politician had given him the uncanny ability to instantly read people from all species. He was the quiet, observant type by nature but his campaigns had allowed him to read true intentions behind smiles and frivolous politeness.

The half Sephi didn’t miss the way the Zabrak avoided his gaze. He couldn’t blame him. The silvers were pretty damn intoxicating. Emryc heard the exchange of words, his keen ears picking up dialogue that Morgan necessarily couldn’t. The human turned to look back at them.


“We are representatives from Blackwell Technologies,” Emryc said curtly, “We’re doing geological surveys of different kinds of terrain to set up deep sediment drilling efforts to hopefully create more jobs and industry. As a part of that, we need the locals to identify sites we shouldn’t disturb or include within our scope of work,” The half Sephi tilted his head beyond the two men at the run down village. He then looked back at the human, “However, we understand if you’d rather stay out of it” He turned towards Morgan, “Come on, let’s take our business elsewhere.”

Emryc spun on his heel and began to walk right back. He could hear the man and the Zabrak angrily arguing back and forth, mostly around the fear of blowing an opportunity for the whole village. After a moment, the man jogged up next to the two.

“Wait!” He called out, “ say?” The man’s tone changed significantly, “My apologies, I thought you were…” He turned to look at Morgan’s state of attire and then back at Emryc, “Okay..okay… There’s just one area you should steer clear of. I’ll mark it on a map.”

@Mr. Teatime

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

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Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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Morgan did a good job of not looking too amused when his Emryc started talking about Blackwell surveys and the Zabrak had an even harder time of looking at him. What he'd said wasn't a bad idea if they could achieve any of that while they were here, either, but really this was like opening a door with a mimed crowbar. Very clever.

"Yes, let's," the Firrerreo said with agreeable indifference, turning to look at the half-Sephi in turn. "There's another settlement several kilometers past the mountain ridge." This was true, but he only knew that because they'd passed the smaller town on the way here. Morgan strode off with the larger man while smiley and the zabrak had their argument, his lips curling up at the edges once they couldn't see his face.

He suppressed it again when one of them caught up to them. Curved brows rose at the look sent Morgan's way and the man's comments.
"Always jobs to be done for Blackwell," the prince said ambiguously in a politely friendly tone. It was true and didn't really answer the man's question but like most he didn't catch on to that. "If you include local sights, wildlife, and so on, I'll add in a bonus fee."

The man gave Morgan a look. "What for?" Morgan blinked once. "Tourism." Specifically with Emryc. He ran off back into the village and left the two secret Sith alone for a little while, leaving a small crowd of people gathered in the wide gateway muttering amongst themselves. Morgan offered Emryc a cigarra during the wait.

When the townsman returned after a good ten minutes with a marked map Morgan took it, looked it over, and reached into his tunic to hand over a small, thin, gold rectangle. Universal currency always worked on less modern worlds.
"What did you think we were?" The man paused for a moment. "Well... The others who showed up were wearing robes too. Not like yours, I guess. Thought you might be with 'em." He leaned in conspiratorially. "Strange folk, those, talking about old ruins. You be careful, eh?" Then he was off back to the village with his newfound bit of wealth. Morgan turned to Emryc and gave him a look, a brow rising.

"That sounds suspicious. No?" Then he fully opened the map. Given Emryc's greater height he could easily look down to see it. Aside from spots like scenic cliffs and waterfalls, and parts where interesting or dangerous wildlife lived, there was a particular area marked with a large red circle. "'The Great Pit?' Ominous." Goldens turned up to silver. "How about we take the speeder? Weather's nice."


Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc waited till they were out of earshot before he addressed Morgan, “Tourism, babe?” He asked as a brow slid way up, “What happened to 'terrifying dreams and the emergency to go check out the ruins'?” Emryc actually imitated Morgan's posh accent when he said the last few words. It was clear his tone was more lighthearted than before, the grumpiness fading away rapidly. They had disagreements, but Emryc seldom stayed moody when it came to Morgan. On top of that, it wasn’t his style to stew on things.

They returned to the ship to open up a ramp and retrieve the speeder bike there. Emryc knew this was one of Morgan’s favorite things to do, and it had admittedly been way too long since they did this. The half Sephi swung his leg over and waited for the Firrerreo to hop on behind him. Emryc turned the bike around and began to walk it down the ramp before revving up the engines.

“I assume I’m taking the longest route to get there,” He remarked quietly before popping his helmet on. He began to drive the speeder bike through the dirt roads that led away from the village. Emryc could feel the wind against his skin and that familiar rush and the weight of Morgan against him. He hadn’t even realized how much he missed this.

“What are the tourist spots again?” He called out after a long bit of silent driving.

@Mr. Teatime

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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Morgan's head lifted proudly, a sudden smile breaking out on his face with a flash of fangs when Emryc mimicked his accent. Being called 'babe' and his boyfriend's tone meant the aftereffects of the argument were passing them by, and this cheered the Firrerreo up immensely. "That's not what I sound like," the prince said, sounding exactly like that. His lips twitched and then he laughed brightly as the twin suns above. "We can do both! How could I pass up the chance to see the sights you?"

With extra pep in his step Morgan hopped on the speeder's back behind Emryc, slipping his arms around the half-Sephi's broad waist with a sense of familiar comfort and cheerful humming. Ever since Cloud City he'd adored riding together with his boyfriend anywhere they went. "Long and scenic," He confirmed and slid his helmet on. As the wind began to rush by his grip on Emryc tightened, a joyous grin lighting up his face, the scents of grass and open air washing over him. Flying along across the vast and verdant plains took away his worries like little else, at least for a little while.

"An ancient shrine near a waterfall is on the way to the pit! It's past an old battlefield on the way, the map said." Morgan looked around them for a moment, leaning up gingerly to get a look over Emryc's broad shoulders. "Many other old ruins. One spot said 'Mountain with good view.'" He hummed for a moment in thought. Soon already their path would take them across the old battlefield Morgan mentioned. The ground was cracked in worn patterns all around them, though nothing deep enough to disrupt the speeder. Grass and patches of flowers grew outside the cracks.

Some may have been trenches at one time, or perhaps irrigation canals worn down by time, but now they were just another part of the landscape. Off to their left was a raised plateau where lines of trees grew several meters away from the edge. As they passed it a small waterfall lead into a river. "Follow the water," he suggested excitedly.

In the distance there was the sound of massive amounts of moving water, the smell and sound of it growing stronger the longer they flew. The river they were following would arc and twist to join others over time until the other side was far, far into the distance.


Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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The drive through the landscape was almost therapeutic. Remnants of his irritation from before began to rapidly fade away. This reminded him of times when it was just the two of them, when they didn’t have the burden of their individual titles and responsibilities weighing on them. They were just as unknown as the first day they met.

The half Sephi followed the suggested path, taking a longer route and towards the old battlefield. Emryc slowed down around here, taking the time to stare at the field and make note of any details. As a history buff, this was right up his alley.

“This was the site of a massive firebombing attack” The half Sephi called out as they passed the fields, “This all used to be lush forests. Evidently, back in -” And Morgan was subjected to a very boring history lesson as they arrived near the waterfall. Mercifully, the sight of the waterfalls was enough to make Emryc shut up.

The half Sephi parked the bike, took off his helmet and stepped off to walk closer to the rushing waters from the side. He could see where it disappeared over the edge. Emryc looked across the great drop off, once again thankful for regaining his sight. He could feel the cool mist of the water against his skin.

Even a year ago, he never would have agreed to make pit stops like this. Yet here he was vacantly staring out over the horizon and utterly marveling at the scenery before him. At a certain point, his arm snaked around Morgan’s waist to tug him close.

@Mr. Teatime

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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Maybe on its own the explanation of the field's history would be boring, and maybe Emryc even assumed Morgan would be disinterested or tune him out. But it wasn't long after the half-Sephi began to speak that he'd feel the Firrerreo's helmet lean against his back and a purring running through him. Morgan just liked hearing his boyfriend speak about the things he liked most and so, even if the content was boring, it didn't feel that way to him. He listened to the rumbling baritone as long at it continued on. "Considered narrating audiobooks?" he asked during a pause for breath. It wasn't a joke.

The prince's head came back up as they arrived at the falls, his eyes widening a little. They were truly massive, the massive body of water they'd followed rushing over the side in great sheets that reflected and glittered in the sunlight above. Pockets of lush greenery somehow thrived on sections of land below in the vast ravine before the two men, mist thrown up by the crashing water forming great white clouds that refracted the light into momentary streaks and spots of rainbow colours.

Morgan truly couldn't help the smile that lit up his face. Emryc hadn't been much of a sightseer before, but now the both of them seemed almost like statues stuck in awe of the grandness of this place.
"I'm glad we can see this together," the Firrerreo said with emotion in his voice, inhaling slowly to take in the cool feel and scents of the water. He only smiled wider when Emryc pulled him close, slender fingers layering themselves atop the other man's hand and his head leaning into him.

Naturally, his other hand pulled out a small datapad to take a double selfie before being returned to his belt, stretching a little bit to get the angle right because of their height difference. After what seemed like a long while he turned a little and leaned up on his toes to kiss the man he loved. They'd kissed in the rain, so why not in front of a giant waterfall?

"Ah. The shrine is that way," the prince said after satisfying his romantic urges, pointing down the length of the ravine toward a split-off secton. "Think we can make it without the bike?" Morgan seemed excited, like it was a game to leap across bits of land to reach a hidden place to explore.


Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc glanced over as Morgan took out his datapad to take a selfie. The half Sephi always found this practice incredibly stupid. His campaigns were mired with people constantly wanting to take selfies with him. He always made the same expression, his usual blank face that appeared as if he just barely tolerated the person next to him. However, Morgan was not just anyone. The half Sephi reached over to snag the datapad out of his hand and used his far greater reach to take the picture. The first one had Emryc attempting a faint smile. For the second one he abruptly leaned in to kiss Morgan on the cheek, capturing the surprised look on his face in the picture. He handed the datapad back shortly after.

The half Sephi turned to return the kiss when Morgan reached up, slipping his other hand around his boyfriend’s waist. Emryc pulled back and glanced down at the Firrerreo’s attire, “Do you always have to look this good?” He asked with a grumble, resisting the desire to learn how to take this new outfit off.

He stepped back and looked down at the path, grinning at Morgan’s words. Emryc began to walk towards the path, surveying all the gaps and jumps to make.

“I will be able to make it,” He called out, highly entertained, “Might be a problem for tiny princes though.”

@Mr. Teatime

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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Surprised was exactly the best word to describe the prince's face when not only did the picture-indifferent Emryc take the selfie for him but kissed him to take another! He was shocked, simply shocked, right up until he started laughing with joy. The first chance he got he decided to make a picture from this trip his datapad wallpaper.

Morgan's bright smile after their kiss turned into more of a coy grin all on its own, looking downright pleased with himself. With slender arms resting up astride the half-Sephi's broad shoulders he answered,
"I'm afraid I do. Especially, cheri, when I'm with you." Certainly he could try a little less hard but he greatly enjoyed dressing up for both of them to enjoy. Why wear sweatpants when shorts showed off his legs so well? Besides, his traditional attire was deceptively simple to undo most of the time.

The Firrerreo leaned over the edge a bit to see the path, his grin widening and golden eyes glimmering.
"Aha. This little prince of yours sings, soldier boy," he began excitedly as he followed along just behind. "But a nightingale still has wings. Why not make a bet?" Lithe legs bent and leapt to carry him to the first point. "First one there wins!" Morgan finished with a burst of melodious laughter, waiting for he and Emryc to both be at the same starting spot before leaping again.

Morgan was already having fun and it showed on his face as clear as glittering crystal.


Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc gave nothing more than a vague grunt in response to the challenge, knowing fully well he would win. He made his way down towards the path, mapping out a route forward by hopping across different rocks. Emryc began alongside Morgan, leaping across quite easily as he crossed over the gaps below. In truth, the half Sephi wasn’t a big fan of heights, but he focused his sights ahead.

At a certain point he caught Morgan moving ahead of him. Without warning, he coiled the Force around him and casually yanked him to the side. This would cause Morgan to land on his feet in a patch of land to the side. Unfortunately, this was close enough to the waterfall to where there was a small puddle of mud. Morgan’s boots would immediately sink into said mud.

Emryc knew his boyfriend well enough to know that his deep exasperation over getting mud on his boots and the drama that followed would buy him plenty of time. The half Sephi easily hopped past the remaining rocks, making his way to the destination.

@Mr. Teatime

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

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Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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In contrast to his oft princely demeanor Morgan was quick and agile, and both of them knew the strength contained in those lithe legs of his. The tunic fluttered around him as silken feathers as he flew, boots tapping atop flat stone to avoid the wettest parts of the small pieces of land. It wasn't often he could really let loose given where he was from and social habits. The prince even threw a fancy little spinning flip into one of his jumps just for the fun of it

Which was where his infamously poor timing came into play. Emryc's presence in the Force closed around him and thoroughly ingrained habit meant Morgan thought absolutely nothing of it. His boots landed in the puddle and the sudden change in target threw off his balance at the same time. Mud splashed up from the impact and spattered up his tunic, his stance wobbling before he fell backward onto his rear in the same mud with a surprised yelp. And to make matters worse, not only were his boots now half stuck in the mud, which he didn't mind too much, but it was in his boots touching his socks.

"EMRYC!" he shouted as his boyfriend moved on ahead. The Firrerreo worked to get up from were he was, scowling down at the puddle with lots of irritated growling. "Not fair! Eugh!" Morgan shook off his boots a bit and cringed at all the feeling of wet socks but eventually got himself to actual solid earth-

And promply slipped off stone to splash partway into the water. A truly feral sound preceded another splash as he immediately leapt from the water with the Force and tried to catch up, but now he was just so far behind. That didn't stop a flicker of the Force from sending a small retaliatory splash of water up at his boyfriend, as if the terrain was just a pool for playing around in.

When Morgan finally reached the end goal behind Emryc everything below his waist was dripping with a mixture of water and mud, a truly mighty pout plastered on his face. Even his hair was a little wet with a stray droplet of mud here and there and other spots were marked by splashes.
"You win," he huffed begrudgingly as he stomped over to a rock by the water to sit and pull his boots off and dump water and mud out, the black and silken cloth over his foot that ran up under his trousers caked in the stuff. He dipped it in the water to get some of the mud off with many grumbles and growls, revealing patterns as part of the fabric. These weren't ordinary and practical socks. In spite of the bout of grump, a curl of the lips Morgan was trying to fight down revealed he was secretly pleased.

Off to the side an uneven path lead down into the valley toward where the water fell. That was their real destination, as it supposedly lead to the old shrine. Even from a distance a strangeness presented in that direction as if the Force existed there in an unusual way.


Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc hopped over to the last section and turned back just to see Morgan unceremoniously slip and fall into the water. The half Sephi’s eyes widened as he marveled in stunned silence. He had never seen the prince make an absolute fool of himself like this. It was a sight to behold, and he found himself unable to move. He watched the almost theatrical way the Firrerreo splashed around, arms waving and lots of monstrous sounds erupting that made Emryc want to keep a perfectly safe distance.

The half Sephi was still staring in shock when Morgan finally made his way over. He saw that tragic pout and watched as Morgan slipped off his boots to dump the water. It was then that Emryc couldn’t control himself any longer. His low baritone began to rumble in a low chuckle. He tried to contain it, pressing a fist against his mouth, but it didn’t help. He promptly looked away and coughed a few times, but gave up. His entire body shuddered as he laughed.

He looked back at Morgan in an attempt to say something sympathetic, but it only resulted in another burst of laughter. It took several moments for him to calm down and exhale, a grin remaining on his face. Emryc stepped towards Morgan and idly wiped away a bit more of the mud from his hair before brushing the strands back into place.

“You can toss me into mud on our way out, if you please, nightingale,” Emryc said with that same grin before he was distracted by the hum of the Force in the path near them. The smile slowly eased off his face as he turned and began to walk through the path. The further he walked, the more he had the sense that they shouldn’t have been here. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, and he could feel goosebumps beginning to line his skin.

He felt a sudden, throbbing pain in his head. It took him a moment to realize that it was the telltale signs of an attempted mental assault. His eyes widened as he whirled around to look at Morgan out of concern to see how he was faring.

@Mr. Teatime

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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The prince's cheeks were flushed and it only worsened as Emryc struggled not to laugh. Aurous colouration quickly spread across his skin and his lips pursed, but still that little curl at the edges remained. Morgan's ungraceful flailing had been ludicrously un-prince-like, a ridiculous display as part of their short game. His boyfriend's poorly contained laughter was somehow both embarrassing and gratifying at the same time.

Goldens glued themselves to a bit of river rock as if it were the most interesting thing on the planet while his boots were dumped out and cleaned before pulling them back on. As if some threshold had been reached the half-Sephi's second burst of laughter even got Morgan to laugh along with him, the sounds mixing in the wild air. Even if it'd been ridiculous and everything, hadn't Emryc treated him like a boyfriend more than a prince?

Morgan looked up at the other man when he walked close and tried to still look grumpy with only some success, especially when Emryc started fixing his hair. It didn't help that he was weak to his baritone laughter, a rare and beautiful thing to behold.
"As you wish, soldier boy," he replied with mirrored grin, mischief glimmering behind his eyes.

Then there was the path. Morgan lifted himself up off the rock seat with a grimace at his wet backside as Emryc turned his attention toward it. The Firrerreo moved along somewhat behind the larger half-Sephi, a frown on his face. He didn't like the feeling of this place. That earlier sense of strangeness intensified the further along they went and his instincts warned of something potentially dangerous.

Like some imaginary boundary was crossed or invisible trap sprung the change in the air was nearly immediate, as of roots or tendrils making their way unseen through the path. Morgan also experienced the attack on their minds. When the half-Sephi spun to face him he'd find golden eyes wide, flashing, his whole body tense, stock still and statuesque. There was fury in them, fury and abject fear.

Morgan's gaze met Emryc's and then passed over him, turning to something only he could see. The surroundings were melting away into a chaotic mix of colour like a painting smudged and ruined, the great weight of weariness sinking its way into the Sith Lord. His presence in the Force flickered ominously, teeth grit and fangs bared in a defiant snarl. While he was strong in the Force Morgan also didn't have Emryc's fortress walls. He tried to step back but his legs were leaden and numb. From down the path there was a feeling of being pulled or coaxed further inward.

The last thing to fade from Morgan's view would be the man he loved in front of him, the only solid point he could still perceive. Golden eyes began to lose their focus on reality and his legs collapsed into a seated position. His body would be limp but alive as if he was entering a trance or meditative state. Or perhaps, even falling asleep. Whether he'd done that himself as defense or entirely from the attack wasn't clear.

Even a novice of the Force could tell there was something causing this from somewhere down the pathway. Whether it was Dark or Light was unknown. It was abnormal and deeply rooted. If it wasn't for Emryc's defensive technique he'd also be at risk of falling under the spell. The pulling sensation deeper within was constant, as if it was calling to the mind and spirit of those flesh-bound beings who had approached it.

Despite there being none nearby, the creak of dry tree branches could be heard on the wind as if from far away and beneath the earth.

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Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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The color faded from Emryc’s face as he saw Morgan begin to collapse. He leapt at the other man, catching him before he fell to the ground. He could feel that searing headache and an agonizing pain that throbbed from the constant assault attempts on his mind. Emryc knelt with Morgan in his arms, reaching a hand to tap at his face.

“Morgan!” He called out to no avail, opening an eyelid to see the nictitating membranes shut and the yellow behind staring vacantly. If the Firerreo thought Emryc was about to go further down this accursed path after seeing this happen, he was sorely mistaken. The half Sephi scooped the smaller man in his arms, beyond furious for ever coming here.

He bolted in the opposite direction, intending to head right back out the way they came. He had no thought to their objective or whatever reason they came. He was only concerned about one thing and that was to bring Morgan back.

Emryc burst out of the path and out into the platforms by the waterfall. He knelt again and gazed down at Morgan’s frail and delicate form. The half Sephi could recognize when the Force manipulated things in a foul way. His jaw tightened as he closed his eyes. He inhaled and leveled his mind.

And then he entered the plane of the Force and towards the doors that would lead to the prison Morgan’s mind was in.

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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The prince was fairly still in Emryc's arms, but still breathing, still alive. Behind the membranes his eyes flickered like he was asleep and dreaming. Morgan's nostrils flared a moment and he moved the tiniest bit when the half-Sephi called for him. Whatever held him in its grip had wound itself tight.

Emryc was wise to escape the path, the continuous efforts to pierce the walls of his mind fading in strength and frequency until the two men were back by the waterfall. Still Morgan was mostly still aside from little finger twitches. The truest signs he wasn't merely asleep was the starkly silver tones his skin had taken on and the feverish heat beneath. The half-Sephi closed his eyes and reached out into the Force toward Morgan, and reality shifted toward the realms of mind and magic.

Sinking beneath the surface the half-Sephi wouldn't find only doors but a delicate-looking thread. A thin red string that waved in the 'air' as if from a gentle breeze. It appeared to terminate only a foot away from Emryc but the end always pointed toward what he was trying to find. The doors themselves manifested as dark wood marked across their surface in ancient Sith brands, warm, almost hot, to the touch, as if there was a fire burning behind them. Strange white roots and vines that didn't belong there had begun to grow along its surface, ghostly pale and digging through the doors.

They didn't open so much as Emryc passed straight through them. What he saw afterward was a manifestation of the Drast's mind under assault.

There was a thunderous storm in the sky, streaks of lightning crashing through black clouds, fast winds sending them spiraling around and overhead. Like banging drums in orchestra thunder cracked, the echoes of distant and furious singing blowing along with the gale. Emryc would see and hear these things through the cracked glass of a tall window and a breached hole in a roof above, finding himself within what appeared to be an old stone castle. Those strange roots were here too, growing over walls and windows. From the wooden floor had erupted a deathly gray tree that looked long dead, bereft of leaf on limb or any true semblance of life, entangled in a still battle with a cracked statue of Kravos.

The walls were strange and warped at odd angles around the edges of sight at times, candelabra and a half-broken chandelier floating freely through the air and shining light despite not being lit. Those same roots had crept through this large entry room and converged down a hallway at the other side. Even as Emryc saw the path the roots began to grow over it in an attempt to stop or slow his progress, some reaching slowly up toward the large half-Sephi as he passed by to entangle his legs.

The same singing that rang through the storm outside rang too from far down that hallway along with the creak of dry bark on tree limbs that answered it.

Waving toward the hall, the little red thread lead the way.


Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc was immediately reminded of why he vehemently avoided venturing into the plane of the Force. He was reminded of why he so desperately sought out the Kravos holorcon, so he could avoid all of this.

Morgan was the one individual in the galaxy that could bring Emryc into this realm.

The half Sephi stepped forth into the domain. Emryc appeared as he normally did in his physical form, with the same silver eyes and short, cropped hair. He wasn’t looking at the storms outside, the tree entangled with Kravos, or anything before him. No, he was looking directly to the right of him.

There was a figure standing next to Emryc, the two connected with a thread that was almost like an umbilical cord that could never be severed. This figure appeared mostly humanoid, its face perfectly defined and devastatingly beautiful, far superior to Emryc in every way. It was meticulously crafted, far too perfect in its appearance to ever exist organically in the physical realm. This figure stood much taller than Emryc, its torso muscled but far more slender than the half Sephi. The features were sharp and chiseled into perfection, slanted eyes a burning, animalistic yellow. The figure’s hands ended with elongated claws. The figure wore no clothing, its distractingly stunning form entirely and unabashedly on display.

Emryc eyed the demon next to him with great displeasure.

“I will need you to work with me. This is important to me,” He called out to the demon. The great, beautiful creature kept its face tilted in the opposite direction. Emryc gritted his teeth as he grasped the cord between them, forcefully yanking it to make the beast buckle slightly and look at him.

“Raze,” Emryc spat, “I need you to work with me.”

The demon coiled its slender, clawed digits around the cord and yanked as well. This forced the half Sephi to stumble in towards the beast. The demon slowly grinned at Emryc, revealing rows of razor sharp fangs.

“I can do this too,” Raze growled in a deep, husky baritone through that cruel grin.

That was when some of the vines began to curl around Emryc. Raze released the cord to slash away at the vines in a vicious fury. He returned to Emryc’s side as the half Sephi silently began to walk forward down the hallway to follow the red thread. Raze cut and slashed at vines in the way with his unnatural strength that thrived in this realm, though even he would be stopped if the obstacles chose. Emryc entirely missed the Kravos figure, his mind in complete panic over attempting to save Morgan while also managing Raze.

@Mr. Teatime

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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In that twisted and dreamlike space, half conjured up from will and memory to defend its master, there was little predicting how it would react to the addition of two more beings. The first room was fairly still, signs of battle that Emryc mostly missed passed on by. Only the crawling plantlife moved here and the power in Raze made quick work of them. Whatever controlled them obviously didn't want the man and the demon to make any progress but it was also occupied in trying to overcome Morgan's mind.

It wasn't an ordinary prison, rather a construct to constrict and subsume, like a slow and insidious possession. Raze would have a little trouble with the hallway roots but they formed far slower than he clawed them to pieces. The crimson string connected to Emryc vibrated slightly as he stepped inside the hall and he would feel for the briefest instant the sensation of being noticed by the familiar presence on the other side of the thread. Morgan was still active somewhere fighting a battle of life and death, but he could not tell where the half-Sephi was any better than the reverse.

Down the hall was more stone, cracked and weathered, and the pale roots that were growing across and burying inside the little spaces. A distant roar, full-bodied, feral, and absolutely furious, echoed out from behind a door at the end of the hall accompanied by thunder and lightning outside. The door itself opened when Emryc approached it and space would shift around him to the next layer of reality.

No longer were they in a castle. Now it was a mountainous jungle of many colours scarred by fighting, foreign roots and vines winding their way around trees and across parts of the ground. Many showed signs of slowly recovering from vicious cuts or burning fire that still smoldered in patches of dying flora. More than the first layer the space here was warping, trees floating in the air and leaves blowing in random and windless directions. Small patches of the ground were cracked and revealed what appeared to be a star-filled void. Most notable however was the side of the mountain in front of the men a short distance away, a half-hidden door cut into the stone, and what stood in front of it.

Bound in iron chains was a skeleton in rotten and ancient Jedi robes, vines and roots intertwined in joints and between flame-blackened ribs. Pale blue flowers began to bloom from a large rent in the skull that bore the mark of sharp claws. As the plants recovered within it the chains began to rust and fall away to dust, sightless sockets turning toward the new arrivals. Emryc and Raze would sense this revenant was both a part of the strange plant and not, some old soul consumed by the foul presence. A presence that hungered with a truly unnatural and fiendish intensity.

"The way is shut," said the lipless jaws in flat and whispery tones as if speaking to itself, the slow speech of the dead. Vines quickly began to form the semblance of crude muscle around bone and the figure came to life. Sounds of battle echoed from closer by now inside the mountain, the skies above the same swirling storm. Emryc and Raze were on the right track and their presence was distracting the invader from its goal, splitting its attention.

"Be gone!" the bones demanded suddenly in several different voices, lurching into a walk toward the two others. A serrated wooden blade formed in its right hand and thorny vines quested into the air from between its ribs to bind them. It still hadn't fully recovered from its previous fight and faced down what it perceived as two opponents. That didn't seem to stop it from trying or being dangerous.

"It is mine!"


Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Raze wordlessly cut through the vines with his claws, seemingly enjoying the practice. The demon flexed its claws every now and then, tilting its head to inspect errant vines still tangled against its digits before flicking them off. Emryc paid no heed to the demon, letting it clear out the path as he looked around desperately for Morgan.

“MORGAN!” He bellowed at the top of his lungs. And he did so a few times to no avail. Raze was silent through this, though it looked disgusted with each call.

He was about to call out again when the space shifted to something else entirely. Emryc looked around as they arrived at the jungle, glancing at the eerily suspended trees. The half Sephi heard some movement and spotted the skeleton. Emryc heard the words and growled to himself, pushing towards the skeletal figure. He felt a resistance and looked over to see Raze standing with his arms crossed, tapping a claw against the opposite elbow.


“This is entirely unnecessary,” The beast spoke in a bored tone, “Let the wretch die here. It serves us best in the end.”

Raze barely finished his sentence before Emryc barreled full speed into the demon. He slammed into the more slender monster, toppling him back into the grass. The demon had been surprised but quickly gained the upper hand, rolling over and pinning Emryc beneath him on the ground. It growled in his face, revealing those vicious fangs again.

“Do not forget,” It hissed, “If it comes down to the two of us, I will always win.”

Emryc began to fight against the inhuman strength but he relaxed against the grip, knowing Raze was right. Raze was his strength - he had always been. The half Sephi gritted his teeth, tilting his head to look towards the skeleton that now put on mass and was charging at them. Thankfully this registered as the bigger threat as Raze quickly sprang to his feet, dragging Emryc with.

Raze whirled around the skeleton’s left flank, slashing out with its claws while Emryc ducked low and charged to knock into its lower body and topple it to the ground.

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

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Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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Morgan either couldn't hear Emryc or couldn't respond from where he was. There was a shift in the air at the sound of that name in the realm as if it understood the bellowing call and tried to answer back on reflex.

The overgrown skeleton was steady but slow for its size and the pair's quick movements left the hostile figure dealing with two strikes at once. It chose to turn and track the more vicious-looking target, swinging the blade in its right hand up to meet Raze's claws. The demon's strength and speed had been underestimated however and the serrated wooden sword was knocked back down with large chunks taken out of it. Thorny vines writhed wildly as Emryc's weight slammed into the skeleton's body.

Unable to balance both would tumble to the hard ground. Fingers of bone grasped at anything it could and the thorned vines whipped upwards to attack and entangle the half-Sephi and demon both. Now close the two could see what appeared to be a large, sprouting seed nestled within the skeleton's ribcage where a human's heart would be. Above the fighters a massive crack formed in the side of the mountain. It emitted wood smoke and embers and the combatants would hear another wild roar tinged with admixed pain and fury, the air vibrating ominously.

"MINE!" the voices repeated. The skeleton's right arm came up to try and strike Emryc's head with the sword's pommel, the figure struggling to wriggle out or push the large half-Sephi off of it. Emryc would also find that his training from the Kravos holocron left him resistant to the vines' touch, that the thorns struggled to penetrate his skin as if it were armoured. Somehow the skeleton managed to look shocked, rotting jaws agape. "Why? How are you here!?"


Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc rolled to the side and allowed Raze more access to the skeleton. The pommel collided with the side of the half Sephi’s head. Both he and Raze growled in pain at the same time, though the reaction was far more violent from Raze. Emryc rolled to the side as Raze jumped on top of the skeleton and began railing away with its claws. It cracked its ribs and pried away the bones rapidly, paying no heed to whatever was happening to the mountain.

The half Sephi looked towards the side of the mountain as he crouched on the ground, looking again for any signs of Morgan. He was entirely unconcerned by what was going on behind him, and he could hear nothing but unnatural growls and the shrieking voices from the skeleton. He batted away errant vines as he slowly rose to stand. By the time Emryc looked back, it was a gruesome scene.

Raze was down on all fours atop the skeleton, having removed every rib meticulously. Its claws tore the skeleton's torso wide apart, pinning the tendrils of vines and flora to the ground. Its face was buried deep into its chest.

“That’s enough,” Emryc stated flatly.

Raze jerked its head up violently from the chest, the seed caught firmly between its razor sharp teeth. There was an animalistic bloodlust in its eyes as it gazed at Emryc with a wide grin while it chewed and crushed the seed between its teeth. The beast remained down on all fours as it swallowed the crushed seed, running its tongue over its teeth and that satisfied grin before it rose back to its full height.

Emryc watched in disgust before he turned towards the crack in the side of the mountain. All he could see was smoke pluming from it, but it vaguely looked like a passage. He moved towards it, but progress was slow. He glanced back at Raze who was in no hurry. The demon ambled along, picking at its teeth with the finger he had snapped off the skeleton. Raze spat out a bit of seed before tossing the finger aside before he finally decided to pick up the pace, largely detached from the entire situation.

@Mr. Teatime