A Shadow Conclave

Jon Atreides

SWRP Writer
May 6, 2018
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Jedi Temple, Jedha.
He hadn't heard the news till the Exiles had started blasting it all over the Holonet, turning the assault on Prakith into a PR scoop. The brave Exiles, fighting off monsters born of the Jedi's lust for war. Jon had to give it to them, they sure knew how to play the game. And this was a game the Jedi seemed to be losing terribly at.

The Jedi Order had suffer a great many losses recently, the death of Master Ryell Vao, the fall of Ossus and Master Riaca Erach, and now the death of Masters Evalyn Dan’ela and Tanda Winters. And behind it all was the influence of the erstwhile Jedi Knight Alais Drast, now known to the entire Galaxy as Andraste, Overlord of the Exiles.

There should have been a proper funeral for those who died on Prakith, but there were no bodies to hold funeral. Winters had become one with the Force, and if reports were to be believed then the Hutts had fedd Evalyn to a Sarlacc. They deserved more than that, they deserved more than this.

The destruction of the temple on Ossus meant the Convocation chamber was no longer available to them. Jedha didn't have anything that compared, so they had to make do with the largest hall that was available to them. No ringed levels, no segregated seats, just one large space for the Jedi to gather and speak. And maybe that was a good thing, there had been too much division within the Order of late. It was time for unity. It was time to stand together and face the Exiles. It was a time for action.

* * *

OOC Note: This thread is open to any Jedi and like the previous conclaves, the Council NPCs will act as DMs. Please post as though your Jedi are arriving. They can mingle with other Jedi and talk about what they wish. The Conclave will begin once enough members have joined.

Please remain on the subject matter whenever you post. The Council NPCs will periodically make input and, when the time comes, change the topic to move the Conclave along. Though this is primarily an in-character (IC) discussion thread, the choices made here will have a lasting impact on the Jedi Order of this timeline, so take your posts seriously! Most importantly, have fun!
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Spencer Ward

SWRP Writer
Feb 14, 2018
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The Jedi Shadowmaster Spencer Ward would be around where the Jedi are supposed to be gathering at. More and more Jedi are to be coming in as well. Spencer was there at Prakith. Winters gave herself to the Force. Evalyn was captured and fed to a Sarlacc. Although the Dark Jedi temple at Prakith was destroyed, it wasn't without cost to the Jedi. Not only that, the Exiles have managed to take footage of what happened at Prakith and tried to spin it in their favor. It didn't stop there, Cregan has left the Order as well. Although people should be well aware Cregan is gone by now and is an Exile, Cregan told Spencer he was leaving the Order and revealed that he was married to Andraste this whole time. Spencer in disbelief when he told him and was really conflicted, Cregan was, or still is his best friend Exile or not. The recently-minted Jedi Master is probably the only one in the Order who knows about that last little detail. Shrugging it off for now, Spencer has a pretty good idea of what's going to be discussed. The future of the Jedi Shadows is in the air, and it's not very promising. The Shadows Councilor is dead. Cregan is no longer with them. Him along with too many others have turned traitor. Alais and Kal most notably. Right now Spencer is the highest ranking member of the Jedi Shadows, something he still can't believe and doesn't think the sect nor it's reputation can be salvaged. He's no where near ready to fill in Winter's spot either, theres just no way he can. Spencer isn't happy at all about these devlopments, he would have a stern expression as he conclave is still gathering Jedi.


Fennex Zeerda

SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2017
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Fennex's ears flattened against his head. Damn it, Dan'ela, why always so cavalier? So determined to do everything yourself, no matter the cost? So much so that now, here the Jedi were- the Exiles had lost their strongest foothold deep in the core, but the Jedi had lost so much more. Fen shuffled into the hall on Jedha among the other knights gathered for the memorial. This wasn't like the old ones on Ossus- Jedha was small and cloistered. It was a fortress, its sandstone halls chilled by the cold desert moon. While Fen had called it home and found comfort here since the Jedi had first settled the place, for the first time the cold just felt stifling. Fitting, for a time like this. The little knight looked around. The room felt awfully empty, despite the small crowd gathered for the conclave

Few present here now knew the girl this "Overlord Andraste" had once been. Few knew her as little Alais- at leats, few who were still alive. Ev was dead now, Vin was gone, Kal left with Alais, nobody had seen Cregan or Vishkar in some time- Liam, Alphonse, Kyzer, Nora, Ryell… All missing or dead since then. The Jedi order was feeling pretty small right about now. It was only through force of will that Fennex didn't collapse under the weight of fear and despair. Instead, he reminded himself of the good people who were still here, fighting the good fight- people like Jon and Spencer, Mikko, and their friends. There was still people who believed in good and the light. People like Wyck. Fennex searched the crowd for the diminutive councilor- a long overdue honor, as far as Fen was concerned. The Fox couldn't help but think of the last encounter he'd had with his one time friend, at an event quiet like this one.

How things had changed...

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SWRP Writer
Mar 24, 2018
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There was a time when Telunaris once wanted to be somewhere—anywhere—but Jedha. It was far from a long time ago, but to him, it was almost like there was another lifetime inbetween. So much had happened, so quickly, so eventfully, since then. For better or worse, he'd been_there for some of those events. And for almost every one of them, it wouldn't have been a far-reach to call them disasterous. Even calamitous. Many of the Jedi Order's pillars had passed away in death—some valiantly, some tragically—leaving the Living Force as they became one with the Cosmic Force. Now, there was a void in the Order from repeated betrayals. Time and again, those that held power have always been or allowed themselves to be subverted by it. And now, they were their dark brethren. Exiles, those whom too many followers of the Light Side of the Force had fallen to.

So here he was. Here they all_were. Honoring their many, many dead. By the Force, he_was almost one of them himself, back on Prakith. There was so much uncertainty now. So much doubt. So much that had been done wrong. So much they needed to do right.

"Hvar er nú göfugt Riddari og blaðið hans? Hvar er ljósið sem skín í honum, gegn myrkri? Hvar er forráðamaður og sjáandi, og lækninn bregst við brotinn?", Telunaris began to lament, in such a quiet whisper to himself that none would hear him, as he walked the long halls to the chambers where they would all gather.

"Hvar er blíður hönd rétti til stjarnanna og safírblöðin glóandi? Hvar er logn og þolinmæði og brunnurinn í bjarta framtíð? Þeir hafa allir farist eins og stjörnustöðvun í kuldi tómarúmsins, eins og eldurinn sem brennur út úr wickinu."

As he entered the darkened room, where so many of his brethren had gathered, Telunaris began to walk along the wall on his own, laying his hand as he contemplated all the history, all the good the Jedi had once done and could do, now being snuffed out.

"Ljósið fer út innan Jedi, farið frá aldri áður en það er minni. Hvernig munum við alltaf endurheimta arfleifðina svo fargone? Hvernig... kom það að þessu?"

Brodie Nico

SWRP Writer
Apr 30, 2018
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Brodie would of preferred that he was any place else bar here, maybe fighting an exile or even doing a relief mission, just anywhere but here. You could cut through the tension with a knife, as it seemed like almost everyone wanted to not be here. After all, the Jedi had seen some of the worst losses that they had experienced in a while. The loss of Evalyn and Winters caused what almost seemed like a depression that ran throughout the Jedi. After all, both councilors had made such an impact within the Jedi Order.

However, this needed to be done, after all, the Jedi were being snuffed out like lights and something needed to be done, otherwise it would soon mark the downfall of the Jedi Order. Brodie made his way to a seat, noting Spencer's presence. He seemed like he shared Brodie's sentiments that he would rather be anywhere else but here. However, Brodie did feel a bit of sadness towards Spencer's current predicament, as being the highest ranked shadow that the Order had. He had no idea the emotions that were running through Spencer's head about Cregan. If he was told the same thing that Brodie was told. He was sure that he would be a whirlwind of emotions. However, Brodie took his seat and waited for the meeting to commence patiently.

Vollen Shai

SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
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Another funeral. Well, a commemoration was the best they could do now. It seemed they had so many of these, too many. And another meeting followed, just as it had done then too.

Vollen could only hope they could do more now than they'd managed in the past, hollow progress had been made at those, and recent events had shown how split the Order was still. But that'd didn;t mean they shouldn't continue to meet, quite the contrary, to Vollen this is exactly what they needed, and needed more regularly. To make sure all were heard, contributed, not left to wonder why their thoughts had never been expressed. That would only help lead people to the Exile's, and if they made no effort to encourage that dialogue then perhaps the Order deserved it too.

But for now, the talks were happening. That worry hadn't surfaced, hopefully never would. And this here seemed an auspicious one. Their was a tinge of concern in the air, of worry, of expectation. How could change not be on the mind of all gathered, given the tragedies of late, the loss they'd all suffered. Death and distress could do so much, they all felt it so keenly, even if they had all sworn to not act upon it, draw upon it, they needed to show it somehow. And this would be how they did. With sombre tone and hooded robe, he entered the chamber, throwing it back now that his mourning was done.

It was time to talk.

Steila Yurel

SWRP Writer
Mar 10, 2018
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It was a somber feeling, to know that one of the few Jedi Councilors was now dead. Gone, never to come back to life. It was a feeling that enveloped one's soul in despair, and it plagued every Jedi's mind here. Steila had come back to Jedha to pay her respects to the dead; she felt it was the least she could do. Stepping inside the room, it seemed that everyone had that same grave look on their face.

It was all so disheartening.

Steila didn't really seem to care if she was showing her emotions upfront, who could blame her at a time like this. She was at a difficult moment in her life, troubled by her recent encounters with an Exile. It seemed that the Force had drawn them together, but for what? For them to duel, for them to despise each other more and more? The woman shuddered as she remembered Serie's words: "Just remember that Steila. Whenever you remember this battle of ours, that it was fear that saved you. I told you before, you can't escape it."

The Jedi tried to keep her mind off of that, but her thoughts just kept circling around the topic of fear. She may have tried to keep her hopes up as she left the battle, but little by little those words ate away at her. The Jedi knew she couldn't worry herself with that at a time like this, especially when her thoughts should've been on the funeral. She'd try to put on a brave face here, to try her best to honor those who had lost their lives for the Order.

Jinlo Halan

SWRP Writer
Apr 5, 2018
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A subtle breaze rippled through her raven black locks of hair as she continued to kneel in more or less the very same place in which the Jedi Knight had done for the past hour or so. The ebony haired figure's gaze looking down onto a large polished granite wall that had been formed into the ground, the grey marble like hues contrasted by the ornate gold lettering that had been finely chiseled into the stone the various words etched into then stone imortalising the names of many Jedi who going by the records noted predated centuries before she was even born.

The true purpose of the granite wall was lost on the young Jedi, but from what she could tell it was a form of memorial for past serving Jedi. Looking around her, her gaze took in the surroundings, a tranquil green courtyard that was located in the upper levels of the temple, the area basked in natural sunlight, bringing life to the small and delicate flowers that grew within the tranquil hidden garden that the raven haired Jedi had stumbled upon whilst aimlessly wondering though the temple. Gently lowering herself forward so that she was closer to the stone wall, her hands delicately picked away at the slight build up of dirt and dirt and moss that formed at the base of the granite.

Leaning over to her side, the Jedi Knight pushed heself back onto her feet, her gaze passing over the wall, momentarily resting back upon the large guilded crest of the Jedi that sat within the very centre of the granite structure, taking a step away from the structure before turning entirely away
so to head out of the courtyard and back along the corridors of the temple to the Jedi Temple. Quietly she made her way back along the covered pathway, the white linens of her clothing rippling with the passing currents of air as she made her way gradually back towards the assembly hall that was being used for the Conclave.

The days it seemed were getting progressively darker, the moods and tones around the Temple was sorrowful. The war with the Exiles had claimed more senseless deaths, the more prominent of whom were Councillors Dan'ela and Winters, coupled with the hushed mutterings of Master Doldan resigning from the order and going into Exile. The Order as a whole was seemed to be fracturing along the faultlines that the recent actions had formed. Now a Conclave had been called to discuss what path the Jedi Order will take based on the collective decision of the Order that was gathered on Jedha.

Entering the assembly hall the Raven haired Knight, took In her surroundings before finding a vacant seat and sitting down, her gaze scanning over all those assembled, some of the faces she recognised, others were new to her. Occasionally she would nod in greating to those she knew who she made eye contact with whilst she sat in silence waiting for the proceedigns to begin.

Vorro Rayden

SWRP Writer
Mar 31, 2018
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He had heard the news, about the killings, and the deaths. He had heard it all and it brought him immense pain and suffering. He himself had felt the pain of losing his own student, which still haunted him to this day. The Jedi, an organization that he had come to cherish and love was slowly crumbling around him. Rayden needed to get away from it all, to find himself after the incident on Nar Shaddaa. He had almost fallen to the dark side that day, but due to the help of two strangers he was able to make it back--at least the best he could.

Vorro had no doubts he was an outsider and a nobody among the Jedi, they saw him as weak and broken, someone who refused to fight. He didn't want to be here on Jedha, ,to see more people dying, it was all becoming just too much for the man. While everything inside of him told him not to come to this meeting, he decided against himself and found himself taking a seat within the very back. He would place his staff beside him, looking out to the faces that surrounded the halls--he didn't know anyone here.

Closing his eyes, he would see images of his decaying student at the hands of the Sarlaac on Ryloth. His face would wince in pain, as he clenched his hands against his knees. Taking one deep breath, he would continue his mantra in his head. All Life is Precious..All Life is Precious.

Jon Atreides

SWRP Writer
May 6, 2018
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Jon was staring at the pedestal where two hologram busts of Evalyn and Winters were glowing softly. For some reason Jon was reminded of his time on Coruscant, having seen similar busts, though made of expensive materials, lining the walls of the Senate halls. He hadn't understood them at first, the politicians and the lawmakers, he had been unable to make sense of their world. But slowly he had started to seen a method in their madness. As different as they were, they made compromises to work with each other. It was a truly sad state of affairs that he had seen more unity in the Senate chambers than he saw among the Jedi gathered here today.

"We are losing." He wasn't sure if it was the place or the time, but something had to done, something had to be said. "This shadow war we're fighting with the Exiles, we are losing horribly. The Exiles unite, gathering their forces, forging alliances. Their new Overlord, this Andraste, she seems to have changed them. Given them direction." He looked around at the Jedi closest to him, locking eyes with them as his gaze swept across the room. "Where is our direction? We are fractured, broken apart into our little clubs. We have split ourself into extremes, and while the darkness grows stronger, we remain splintered."

This wasn't the first time those thoughts had come to him, but it was the first time he was putting words to them. How often had he heard the Jedi pointing fingers at each other? Shadows called Guardians cowards who did nothing but sit and meditate, too scared to fight. Almost everyone blamed the shadows for the actions of their fallen brothers and sisters. He feared it might rip the Jedi apart, break them beyond repair.

"Andraste hasn't just united the exiles, she has personally played a hand in killing three of our Councilors, and stripped another of the Force." He knew he might be crossing a line, speaking out of turn and out of place, but what the hell. Someone had to do it. "She is going to pick us off one by one if we don't get our shit together. I think it's time we put aside our divisions, and face the Exiles as one. We need to be an united Order once more." Running his hand through his hair, he turned to gaze at the hologram bus of Evalyn once more, wondering what her reaction would have been to his little rant. Probably calling him out for saying shit at such a place, before calling him a little shit.

Vollen Shai

SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
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Jon's words caught Vollen offguard. He knew this was the day for it, that the discussion had to start at some point. he just hoped they were all ready for it, it had the potential to bring them all closer, galvanise them into something new. Or it could split them further, see walkouts and worse, and only bolster the forces arrayed against them. This was not a day to take lightly. He wlaked up to join Jon at by the busts.

"I do not think we need to note how little trust there has been between so many of us in the Order since the end of the war. Even, now, still, those ripples stretch out to affect every little relation between us, and the galaxy. The sects that we're left with are the very fallout of it. How are we to rebuild when so many of us are at cross purposes because of that? Can we not see that Andraste, in uniting the Exiles has done exactly what we are contemplating. She has made them move on. They are not who they were at the end of the war and that is why they can grow" Vollen had met her only once in person. None had died that day, but the tension between the Jedi and the Exile's was still high. And he was sure all around him remembered not only Prakith, with the loss of Evalyn and Winters, but Ossus and Devaron before that. As much as Vollen wanted to believe that the Exile's hatred of them had subsided, he could never be sure.

"If we are to move on from the war, and all its ill consequences, we must change too. It is for this reason I agree with Knight Atreides, and should propose the disbanding of the sects, and our reorganisation into one Jedi Order. That way we can ignore the scapegoating of sects and work together, for the good not only of ourselves but of the galaxy at large, as we had meant to" Perhaps it was a little too formal, sounded a little too rehearsed, but he'd shared similar thoughts too.

Jinlo Halan

SWRP Writer
Apr 5, 2018
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Listening intently to the words spoken to the gathered Jedi by Atreides and Shai, their words were conveying a hard but yet unacknowledged truth, the Order was splintered along the lines of of the different sects of the Order, each one holding true to the Jedi Code, but the ideals were clearly not in synchronization with each other that in an ironic sense did cast the fourth tenant to the side. The various sects were although not chaotic within the order, but there was clearly no harmony within the Order.

But to disband the sects in its entirely? The young raven haired Jedi thought that might have been too extreme an option. Although her experience within the Order was limited in comparison to many around her who had decades of service within the Jedi, where she had initially trained as a Jedi under the close micromanaging watch of her Master not being able to stray far beyond his presence, more for her Master's attempts to sway and corrupt her so that he could use her Psychic gifts for his own means that lead to her subsequent isolation. In the time that Jinlo had returned to the Order she was afforded the freedom to mix and work with many Jedi who hailed from the various different Sects, each one of them presented a different set of skills to the table that she could not and vice versa.

To her there was benefits and strength within the Order through the diverse skills that each member could present. But like it had been stated each Sect seemed to march to the beat of their own drum. Sighing as she continued to muse on her train of thought, each Jedi gathered all had their own ideals of what should be done, what was the right way of doing it and what means were permitted to achieve their differing means of how to thwart the rise of the Exile threat or how to bring hope to the denizens of the galaxy.

Slowly she risen from her seat to speak, her gaze scanning over the room of those who were assembled. "Whilst I agree with the sentiments raised by Knight Atreides and Master Shai, in that we should be united as one Order. I feel that disbanding the various sects may be too strong a choice of words" She offered, as her glowing ice blue eyes panned across the room before narrowing slightly as she regarded the words she had just spoken. "Each one of us follows in the path of a different sect to many who we are sitting beside, we have all worked along side each other on many occasions, and it is true that we all have had differing opinions in how we should complete our missions. But we cannot deny that each sect brings a unique set of skills and teachings that benefit the Order as a whole" she added as she continued to look around the gathered Jedi, stopping only to reach down to the side of her seat to retrieve her cantine of water.

Taking a quick sip from the storage vessel, she mused on what would be the best way to carry her point. "Each sect perhaps represents a different mineral, each one alone fulfills a purpose in their own right, but has different limitations however when combined with the others as a whole the the sects can become a composite that is stronger than any forged weapon" she continued after returning her water cantine back to the side of her seat. "Whilst I feel that we are best knowing our strengths and weaknesses as individuals, realising that each one of us may be suited for the teachings of a Shadow, Crusader, Consular or even Healer. I agree that ultimately our own goals should lead towards the greater good. By pooling our different experiences and philosophies we can open ourselves to a different solution to our common problems, whether it is opening ourselves to respect the sanctity of life whilst in open combat and limit the collateral of innocents that may be caught up in our conflict, or to see that differences cannot always be settled through dialogue and may require the use of force."

Biting her bottom lip in momentary thought, as much as the Order pooling the teachings of the various sects would be of benefit to the Order, there has always been that potential but like what had been eluded to, there was little cohesion between the various sub factions within the Order. "But like what Jedi Knight Atreides, we all need to agree upon what our Priorities are as a whole, whilst we each do what is deemed best for the Galaxy we are only chipping away at the larger problem, we need to concentrate our purpose and direction and decide together what unifies this Order and co-ordinate our common goals"


SWRP Writer
Mar 24, 2018
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Those first words struck true. More true than most here were willing to admit? Perhaps. Perhaps not. But took nothing away from its gravitas. The Force was in all things... in all places. It worked though destiny and on a higher realm of things that even the Jedi, for all their knowledge and wisdom, still_didn't fully understand. So perhaps it could be said that all things were as the Force willed it to be. But that did not excuse the Jedi for their own accounting and mistakes. To err was natural—no one was without flaws. Not even the Jedi, even if it was expected of them by the galaxy, or even themselves. They had doubts, misgivings, mistakes and failings to their name, just as surely as everyone else in the galaxy did. But for them, it was something heavier. Jedi had a power none other could match; the ally of the Force. And with that power came a responsibility to wield it with care, not recklessness, and certainly not abandon.

In the century that had passed, the Jedi had begun to emulate those they had sworn to defeat. Not in whole. In fact it was scarcely in part, but it was there. The Jedi had begun to battle the Exiles on their terms without even realizing it. It was only a matter of time before it was realized, all things considered. And it was only inevitability of who would win when shadows were used to battle against the night. This was not how the Jedi Knights were meant to fight, if they had_to in the first place. This was... their_way. If the Jedi were to succeed, they would have to stand above what they had slowly become. Now was exactly the time for ideals, to refocus and realign with what they were supposed to be. To some in the galaxy, attacking and defending had little meaning, aside from motive. But to the Jedi? This meant everything.

"Every Jedi, youngling and elder, raw and sagacious, hears the call from the Force. But that call, the that we all hear as individuals? It was different... for some of us. For all of us", Telunaris began, leaving his hood up as he looked toward the three Jedi that had spoken thus far, before casting his eyes around all the Jedi that were now in attendance. There were so many now, from every walk of life. Some paths left with great effort, some left lives behind they wished they could forget. It was the same for him, but... different. Just as for all of them, it was different. They_were different.

"Some hear the call to seek the mysterious of the Force, to seek comprehension, seek understanding and to grow from it, becoming the wise and the trained. Others hear the call of the defenders, to protect those unable to protect themselves, becoming a bastion and a shield that all might look to and know all will be well... that they will be safe. And then there are others. Healers and explorers, teachers and philosophers. Mediators, that break strife with words and bring peace where there is only dissent."

Telunaris knew his thoughts were not likely to be popular, but this was as fair as place as any to speak what was on his mind. And for better or worse, he would.

"Each of us has a story to tell, a tale of how the Force reached out to us, and us to it. It's led us this far, led us to all become the Jedi we are today. This is no faceless order, without identity, without individuality. This is a place of belonging, where thousands gathered with oneness of purpose and oneness of mind. And that purpose, I fear, is what has become—not lost—but clouded. We are not the Exiles, banded by hatred and rage and a fervor to extinguish our opponents. We are Jedi, true Jedi. What need have we, then, to crusade? To strike from the shadows when we bear the courage to stand in the light? The more we adapt to our enemy's ways, pushing the Force till lights breaks and gives way to dark, the more our own brethren fall. We cannot fight the Exiles in such a way that we sacrifice who we are."

Telunaris agreed with Master Shai. The Jedi Order had to change, but all the same, Jinlo was right as well. All Jedi were different, had different strengths and different skills. But the darker sects, those that brushed against the Dark Side through their actions, their motives and their pursuits? That had_to end, so far as he was concerned. If recent events could not prove that, he wasn't sure what could.

"We all have a calling, but we must measure that calling, lest we all become what we are fighting against. The Jedi Order is an ideal; it cannot be saved by ignoring what we stand for."

Rem Shivaaga

SWRP Writer
Mar 7, 2018
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"By the Force, you're a long winded bunch." Councilor Rem Shivaaga grumbled from the doorway, arms crossed- his deep, gravelly voice carrying through the chamber.

The broad shouldered Chagrian had slipped in the back of the crowd while the young knights started debating each other, the first of the Councilors to arrive. He admired their persistence, but he sometimes wondered about their knowledge and understanding of the code. He sensed a lot of passion in this room, and though he understood it, "there is no passion, there is serenity." It was often one of the most difficult precepts to live by, as he well knew, but it was just as important as any of the others. Impassioned thinking became emotional thinking, emotional thinking often led one to ignoring knowledge based decision making, and decisions based on emotion often led to chaos. The whole code built upon and intertwined itself. He dwelled on the thought as he strode into the center of the gathered Jedi. The hall was much smaller than the conclave chambers on Ossus had been, and it was packed with his brothers and sisters. He scanned the crowd as he made his way slowly to the head of the room, his intense orange eyed gaze seeming to meet every one of theirs in turn.

"Well don't let me stop you now!" the Councilor smirked, "You all seem to have so much to say, so lets hear it... But," he wagged an admonishing clawed finger around the room, "if you're not careful I'll add- "there are no speeches, there is brevity"- to the code."

He let the words sink in as he flashed another toothy grin. Their dedication was strong, and their insights important, but he wanted them talking to each other, not at each other, and, more importantly, listening to each other. It was hard to listen when your mouth was moving. The Jedi Master clasped his hands behind his back, bowed his horned head, and began pacing the floor as he waited for his fellows to arrive.

"Come on now. Someone who hasn't spoken yet. What does the order do at a time like this?"

@GABA @Malon @Aberforth

Klyyd Organa

SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2017
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Klyyd watched from the hallway as Councilor Shivaaga made his grand entrance into the conclave. He stayed silent, as he had no input given he wasn't really up to speed on the state of the Galaxy. He understood the grave circumstances, and the situation the Exiles have put the Jedi into. But Klyyd's journey of self discovery had made him oblivious to the harsh reality around him. He knew none of the Jedi who had been killed and were being honored at this conclave, not even by reputation. He was so self-absorbed and afraid of the conflict within himself, that he retreated into himself. No more. He was done with his journey and his conflict. He is a Jedi. He felt a swell of purpose, like something was pulling at him and telling him what he was meant to be. He pulled up his hood and returned to his quarters and began to meditate and mourn.

Spencer Ward

SWRP Writer
Feb 14, 2018
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Spencer Ward watched as things were being said starting from Jon Atreides breaking the silence abruptly and onwards as Vollen and Jinlo, and Telunaris said their pieces. Franky, Spencer disagreed with some of what Jon and Vollen had to say. Talk about the scapegoating of sects, blaming them for what's been going on isn't the answer. Then Crusaders Councilor then made his dramatic entrance and and came to observe this spectacle that was going on. Well, time to give him what he wants, someone who hasn't spoken yet. He would respond to Atreides' thoughts on the sects being the problem. "I disagree Jon. The sects are not the problem. As already mentioned before, each of us has a different calling in the Force. Also, we could have been making alliances, finding any way to give us any advantage possible against the Exiles, there was nothing to stop us, but we haven't. We do indeed need direction, but abolishing the sects won't suddenly give us that direction. The sects are not stopping us from being united towards our goals. Direction either something we have or we don't. There is no correlation with the sects and our downfalls as of late. I've worked with many other Jedi from different sects plenty of times, we aren't divided." he would shake his head."Rather, one of our worst woesis inaction" Spencer would then look upon the Crusader Councilor. You know, speaking of... "Councilor Shivaaga, where were you at Prakith? Winters and Evalyn fought valiantly and ultimately perished, where were you when we needed you there? What have you been doing?" Spencer knows that he might be treading in uncalm waters, but he calls it as he sees it. One would think for the leader of the Jedi Crusaders, the Dark Jedi Temple would be the perfect place to be crusading perhaps. Perhaps if he was there too, there would have been less Jedi deaths. Spencer would look to make sure that Corliss, Wyck, and Sige aren't here, they don't seem to be. Shivaaga only just arrived recently. "And what about Emissaries Councilor Corliss? Getting the Republic on our side is looking less and less likely every day while they have the Exiles whispering in their ears. Yet we made no moves to counter that. We could have been looking into getting other allies besides the Republic, but we haven't. "

If the Republic does go with the nonaggression pact, they will have a uphill battle trying to get them back on the Jedi's side. Missed opportunities again. The Jedi are going to have to find others who are willing to side the Jedi at this rate "While Andraste has become the public face of the Exiles, what about our Grandmaster? What has he been doing since he declared himself to be the Grandmaster?" he would shrug his shoulders with his palms extended outwards. It's a good question right? "So no, the sects aren't dividing us. We aren't fractured. It's inaction is our biggest problem. Our direction should be clear: We are fighting a war. We need people fighting the good fight, we need allies, we need to do whatever it takes beat the Exiles back." He would nod in approval of his own words as he has a stern expression on his face. Now, hopefully he doesn't get kicked out of the conclave for being disrespectful, because he wasn't meaning to be. If it strikes a nerve, well, if the shoe fits. Hopefully this will inspire others to take action. It's not just the people he named that are guilty of inaction, it's a fair lot of Jedi. People need to step up and rise to the occasion.

@Loco @Wit @Nightfall096
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Vollen Shai

SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
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Master Shivaaga's entrance had taken him by surprise, the room quieting as he did, hanging on his words. Though at this stage, there was little to say, the man prompted discussion but hadn't added anything. But Spencer spoke next, and his words certainly did, taking the thoughts of Jinlo and Telunaris and expanding them, almost provocatively. The words were needed, Vollen thought, to get them talking, thinking, to do what must be done, as much as he disliked that type of language. While on points he disagreed, for the majority he felt the same. There was an aimlessness to the Order. A good deed here and there certainly did little to solve any deeper problems in the galaxy, and certainly nothing that helped the Order itself, even as it found itself desperately struggling, swallowed beneath a sea of mixed interests and underhanded tactics, isolated. They needed to do. They needed to have done so earlier.

Hopefully there was still time to save it, hopefully they could make that time now.

"In which case Master Ward, let's talk specifics. I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment, for the most part, so then perhaps there is a some level of compromise we can come to, all of us. A specific proposal is what left us aimless in the last convocations, and as you said leaves us aimless as an Order" Vollen began to return the dialogue, though he spoke to the crowd too, speaking calmly, hopefully reasonably, this was a discussion and not a debate, certainly not an argument,

"Let's offer some. I should propose as I did before the dissolution of formal sects, for the reasons outlined before. Though Masters and Councilors from each perspective might then focus on particular actions in service to whatever goal we come to seek" He maintained his belief that the lack of cohesion and interplay between the groups meant it was easy for all to blame eachother and not work toward goals themselves. For now it stayed, debated as it might be.

"Secondly, as you have said the Republic Senate is spoken to by a member of the Exiles, who maintains relations between them. I also propose that we appoint a member of our Order to act as our representative to the Senate officially, to counter such influence and represent us on the floor, should the need arise" Spencer had raised the concern and Vollen had shared it for some time. The Republic could be a force for good and change, but it was a bureaucratic business. To get anywhere they would have to play by some of their rules too.

"Thirdly, the matter of the Exiles. They have made clear they have no sympathy for us, and while hostilities are open I disagree that we are at war, not a typical one, at least. If we are to survive we cannot do it alone, and we cannot be aggressors in it. Not only is it not our way but it is not likely a method to win us sympathy. Despite their violence toward us, we must be better than to settle to join them in it. I suggest we find a way to make some sort of truce, or peace, if they'll have it. At least extend the offer publicly, be the peacemakers we were meant to be. If successful, we might use the time bought to find allies, both inside and outside the Republic. And fortify and extend our holdings" It was a bold suggestion and he knew it, but perhaps one that could buy them time and diplomatic capital. Their image was failing in many eyes, they needed to reassure peoples, and this might be a way to do it.

Force, he sounded like a politician after all that

"I have no interest in dying, nor do I want to hear of any of you suffering the same fate. So let's not let eachother down today"

And with that Vollen took a seat, ready for the discussion to come. But he'd said his peace and made it too. Today would be the day the Jedi decided their future.

@Faster Than Light @Loco @Wit
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Jon Atreides

SWRP Writer
May 6, 2018
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Jon was surprised by that some people were agreeing with him, or at least sort of agreeing with him. That was better than the instant clamping down he had expected. Maybe running his mouth when he should stay quiet wasn't going to get him into trouble. At least not this time.

That was when the Councilor showed up, Rem Shivaaga. Jon's first thought was to hide, some leftover instinct from his childhood still left him oh so slightly uncomfortable around figures of authorities. Specially when he feared he might have done something wrong, like he did at that moment. But as much as he might want to hide it was a small chamber and somehow he had placed himself in the midst of Jedi who were more vertically challenged than him. Where were the Wookiees and Barabels when you really needed them?

As the Councilor walked past, catching the eyes of everyone, Jon performed a respectful nod while a impish smile broke on his face. Thankfully that was when Spencer started speaking, pulling any possible attention away from him.

Hearing his words, Jon could see where the older Jedi was coming from, even if he didn't entirely agree with him. "This goes beyond inactivity. There are whispers among the halls about the failed attack on Prakith being a Shadow mission, a Shadow failure. Are these the sort of boundaries we want to be drawn within the Order? Jedi decided along such lines? It wasn't a Jedi failure, somehow it was a shadow failure. That's why the sects need to go." While pointing fingers was rarely a productive step, in this instance Jon couldn't really bring himself to disagree with the rest of what Spencer was saying. What had the Council been doing? It wasn't a question he would ask out loud, fearing that undermining the Council would only do more harm. Instead he asked something else that had been bothering, something that Spencer's words had bought back to the forefront of his thoughts. "What are the Shadows doing now that Master Winters is dead? Who is leading them? Would they follow the Council without a Councilor representing them? Would they demand that the position be taken up by one of their own? Cregan maybe? I'd think he would be your choice? But that's not important, what I'm trying to say is we can still do everything the various sects do without letting them define who we are."

With that he would fall silent, listening instead of speaking as others such as Master Shai spoke. Having spent some time in the Senate halls, Jon agreed that the Jedi needed to work harder to improve their relationships with the Republic, so he couldn't find much fault with appointing a representative to the Senate.


Vorro Rayden

SWRP Writer
Mar 31, 2018
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Vorro sat and listened as the various members spoke on how to defeat the Exiles and to mitigate the losses that the already heavily damaged order had taken. It was true that they were on the ropes, in a way he was too. Images of his old chiss student flashed through his mind, as well as the sarlaac that had consumed her. The galaxy was moving in ways that he couldn't predict. Hutts working with those who had fallen off the path, he had seen it with his own eyes. He didn't want to kill, though it seemed the galaxy was moving in a direction that would force him to have to make a decision. He couldn't handle another war, more deaths, more connections. If this was to happen again, then he would most likely lose himself once more.

Gripping his head, at the talk of war, his face would visibly wince. Picking up his staff, he would begin to step towards the door, pausing for a moment. It was true that many he had met looked at him as an old decrepit fool. He had felt their thoughts, their pity and outright fear of him at times. The Late Council Member had felt the same when they met in months past. Gripping his staff, his face would wince as his voice broke clear. "We need to think about what will happen," he would pause as he looked out towards the crowd, "What will happen after all this fighting..there has to be something. Maybe we don't have to fight, we can live among the people. Take care and help nurture this galaxy." He would pause, "I can't fight, not anymore. I don't kill," he would faintly smile as he revealed that he didn't even have a lightsaber strapped to his side. "All I know is...the galaxy is tearing me apart, and things are moving faster than I can control. Our brothers and sisters..they're working with people--gangsters and criminals." His voice was distant, and cracked slightly, "I know..because they fed my student to their Sarlaac..I saw her rotting corpse, she had shown it to me. Promised to bring her back if I would help her...I almost did, but a woman, a Jedi...she brought me back here. I..." He would fall silent as his face winced, "I don't hate them for what they did. We can find another way, through peace and mindfulness."

Imani Sage

SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2018
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The attack on Prakith was an utter disaster. Although the Exile sanctuary there was struck down, so was Councilors Tanda Winters and Evalyn Dan’ela. There was also Cregan, her friend, who abandoned the Order for the sake of a different life. All three were driving forces behind the Jedi Order, and now? It was out of fuel, out of hope. Even Imani Sage, whose faith had been restored after the return of her family, wallowed in despair. She remembered standing up to help appoint Evalyn into the Council, a move now worthless. Perhaps, had she chosen to stay silent, Evalyn would still be alive today. And with Cregan? Perhaps, had she not chosen to stay silent during his trial, maybe he too could still be here. In this Conclave. As her friend.

But things were different now. The past could not be so easily changed, even if she did herself. There was no going back this time around. Friends were now foes. Colleagues now corpses. The light of the Jedi was dying out, and with every flicker, the shadow grows. Under the strength of Andraste, who had united the Exiles and now led a successful campaign to restore their image, the Order stood little chance. It was only a matter of time before they razed Dantooine, or laid waste to Vrogas Vas, or tore down this very temple on Jedha stone by stone. Imani knew this, because in her many meditations, she saw only a path covered in darkness. The future was full of it, blinded with the dark side of the Force. In the end, it was indeed hopeless.

But there was a light. And still, a flicker. A flame. There was a spark left, and Imani would be damned if she would not see the Exiles burn. But how? Even now, as Imani sat among the pews, all she could see was that same darkness. It was not the Exiles, but it laid in the Jedi themselves. There was only division, debate. One arguing with another. All of it only to end with more division, more debate. It was an endless cycle, one she despised. Was this what the Order had come to? Brother against brother, sister against sister, like it was at the start of the Hundred Year Darkness? It couldn’t be. She couldn’t let it be.

Sects, no sects. Who cares?Imani rose up from her seat, making her voice known, the first time since any prior conclave. Except now, as a Jedi Master, it carried weight. “What the Order needs is a clear purpose. It needs a clear leader.” She eyed Rem, obviously vexed by his inaction. All he was now was bark but no bite. “I thought I saw that in Cregan. I thought I saw the coming change we needed. But instead we chose to chew him out, to give into division, and in doing so we lost yet another vital piece to Jedi. Like Alais Drast, our worst monsters and enemies seem to come from our own terrible mistakes.” She sighed. It was clear now she had no solutions to offer, only pity and disgust for those around her. But like them, she wanted an answer. She demanded a solution before they devolved into something far worse.

I am tired of these debates. While we bicker, the Exiles continue to stretch their hand across the galaxy, turning the Republic into their next puppet. Someone give me something. Anything. Where is Grandmaster Cadef Sage?