A Rise to Power: The Essence of Death


I have a bad feeling about this...
SWRP Writer
Oct 15, 2012
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Ryak carefully placed the delicate lattice of knowledge onto its pedestal. The holocron glowed faintly in the dim light as Ryak stepped back to observe it. The device was small but its complex innards contained all of Ryak's knowledge. It was amazing that something so small contained so much. Ryak thoughts were interrupted by a presence he had never felt on Uvey Exum, much less so near to his fortress. Ryak immediately turned, his cloak billowing as he did so, and made his way from his vault to the main chamber of the fortress. The vault with deep within the fortress and only accessible by use of sorcery.

The presence that Ryak sensed was that of a Lightsider; a powerful one at that. Why had he come to Ryak's sanctuary. He would find out and then he would make sure the intruder died a painful and horrible death. Ryak opened himself fully up to the Dark Side of the Force' broadcasting his dark aura. He stood, his hood completely covering his features, and waited... he would let the Jedi come to him.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
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Stepping into the fortress, Hal turned to the men and women accompanying him and gestured for them to stop. He had just sensed the Sith Lord's presence in the Force, as obvious an come get me as he had ever seen. "Looks like your information was right after all," he said as he made sure his lightsaber and blaster were both safely secured on his belt, "not that I ever doubted you. Get what information you can, I'll deal with our host" With that he dashed off towards the presence. There was no point in getting the others involved in this, they would only be putting themselves at risk. He could already sense that he had to deal with this on his own. He had been biding his time on the sidelines for a long time, but it looked like things were going to get really, really exciting.

It didn't take Hal long to track down the Sith, his presence was like a blaring horn piercing a silent night. Finding himself inside a large chamber, he came to a stop a dozen meters or so from the Sith. Taking measure of his surroundings, he casually raised a hand in greeting as his face split into a smile. "I don't suppose you'd be a good sport and surrender? Save us a lot of trouble." He didn't expect the Sith to just give up, but ever the optimist he knew he had to at least try.



I have a bad feeling about this...
SWRP Writer
Oct 15, 2012
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A hoarse cold laugh left Ryak's lips. This Jedi had come into his sanctuary and had the gall to ask him to surrender. The Jedi would pay dearly for his insolence. "I have no ntention of surrendering to you, Jedi." As Ryak spoke he removed his outer cloak reviling his gaunt features. He was not the Twi'lek he once was. The Dark Side had twisted Ryak's features almost beyond recognition. But while the Dark Side had tortured Ryak physically it had given him more power than he could ever have imagined when he got off the transport onto the surface of Korriban.

With a movement so fast it could barely be picked up by the naked eye Ryak thrust his hands forward and let fly a powerful blast of red lightning. The entire air in the cavernous room was charged with the electricity. Only the strongest of Force Wielders would be able to keep themselves from being engulfed and fried from the outside-in.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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My sincere apologies for the delayed response!

Ryak left no notice, nor a clue as to his whereabouts. For some strange reason, the Sith Lord has a terrible habit of pulling a disappearing act on her apprentice- Giselle Monterey. In fact, Giselle felt as though the Sith Lord took delight in putting undue pressure on his apprentice. Like the perfect apprentice, Giselle quickly surmised Uvey Exum could be the only place that the Sith Lord would be. Tapping into the Force, the young woman's initial thoughts were confirmed. In addition, she could sense something terribly amiss with state of Ryak's mental faculties, thus she made haste to reach Ryak.

Upon reaching the designated location on Uvey Exum, Giselle discovered the unthinkable. She knew her days with Ryak were numbered, however, she didn't realize just how close time was running until she saw the unthinkable- in the Force. A pedestal displaying Ryak's entire knowledge. This could only mean one thing; death.

Death was knocking and Giselle wasn't ready to answer its call.

Giselle kept her presence hidden in the Force, and importantly, kept a safe distance. It'll take a master in the Force to not only feel her presence, but detect her exact location.


I have a bad feeling about this...
SWRP Writer
Oct 15, 2012
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For a moment Ryak thought he had destroyed his opponent. The Jedi had caught the lightning on his saber but was beginning to fail under the onslaught. However just when it seemed Ryak had overwhelmed the Jedi, the man suddenly turned Ryak's own lightning back on him. For a moment Ryak caught the lightning in his hands but with the Jedi's own power combined with the power of Ryak's attack he was quickly overwhelmed and engulfed.

Ryak scream as the red lightning scorched his flesh and fried him from the outside in. The scream was one of horrible malice and power. It waves spread across the room knowing over anyone in its path and blowing a hole in the nearest stone wall. Sith Lord Ryak was dead, his charred remains a mere husk of the powerful Sorcerer he was. But Ryak's spirit lived on. With the scream flew Ryak's ghost. Down to the depths of the Fortress into the deepest and darkest chambers were Ryak kept his secrets, forever to haunt those cold corridors.

Giselle would now be able to open Ryak's holocron. From that precious object and Ryak's ghost Giselle would learn everything that Ryak had known. In time she would become powerful and one day take over and expand the legacy Ryak had left.