A Pupper's Workshop


Best Pupper, Resident Werewolf
SWRP Writer
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
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Best Pupper, Resident Werewolf
SWRP Writer
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score

Name: Valrik

Biology: The Valrik are a warm-blooded mammal species with bipedal digitigrade legs. Their silhouette includes broad shoulders, narrow waists and a unique head shape. Folds of flesh extend from their head to their chests, taking the place of where some species may have hair. Though they have the bone structure for five digits on their hands, their third and fourth digit are fused tightly together resulting in four visible digits. Valrik also appear to have fused digits on their feet, all but two being connected in a mass of three digits each. The average height of a Valrik is roughly 2 meters (aprox. 7 ft).

Breeding: A hermaphroditically reproducing species, Valrik are a bit different from most other species in the galaxy. The species has no concept of gender, or of ideas like "mother" and "father". Valrik reproduce sexually, with both participants gestating from the process. The gestation period will often last one year, producing one to four newborn Valrik that reach full maturity at age 20. The average lifespan of a Valrik is roughly 250 Galactic Standard Years. Though sexually compatible with other species, no offspring will result from any attempts of interspecies breeding.

Strengths: Built rather hardy, they are physically stronger on average than most standard humanoids. Valrik are noted for their high-speed metabolisms, which allows them to function on on just two to three hours of sleep per day.

Weaknesses: A drawback of their active metabolisms, a Valrik requires an extreme amount of food to sustain itself so that their body doesn't cannibalize itself.

Diet: Valrik are for the most part omnivorous, though their internal biology and taste buds are odd compared to most other species. Methyl Anthranilate, Ethyl Propionate, Ethyl Decadienoate, and other chemicals belonging to the Ethyl group will cause a painful burning sensation akin to the effects of Capsaicin for humans and other species while Valrik are seemingly immune to that irritant.

Behavior/Temperament: Valrik are generally friendly, curious and adventurous. It's common for Valrik to want to explore and experience other planets, cultures and people as frequent as possible.

Communication: Valrik communicate verbally, Galactic Basic is the most common language spoken though if a Valrik occupies a planet with a different spoken language they usually make it a point to learn that as well.





Intent: I really liked the idea of making a mono-gendered species. Since it isn't really shown in Star Wars all that much it opens up a lot of avenues for story telling, just with exploring the cultural implications of a species like that developing and how an individual raised in that culture would react to a galaxy that doesn't share their point of view. A few timelines ago I really enjoyed Penn's Amanee species and I thought I'd introduce a species with a similar base concept.
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