Ask A Dark Awakening


Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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Although Dromund Kaas had been one of the first worlds to be reclaimed by the Empire, much of its millenia of Sith history was still hidden to the current flag bearers of the Dark Side. Scattered across there were dozens of long lost temples, crypts, great houses and fortresses, all long since lost their battle against nature. Tree’s, bushes and undergrowth ripped through concrete, bent steel, shattered glass and slowly reclaimed the land.

In one such ruin now stood Wodan, clothed in simple browns, beiges and blacks befitting the trek through the wilderness to this broken old home. The scars on his face were bare for all to see as he walked slowly up the steps of the great hall’s entrance. Behind him a small collection of Sith and Imperials stood near the entrance, one stood out, bound at the wrists and gagged. A traitor to the cause, a sympathiser to the Jedi and their Democracies he had been caught trying to give away military positions to the ISC and was now sentenced to Death.

Wodan had taken him from the holding cells beneath the Citadel, the promise to conduct the deed himself all that was needed for the traitor to be released to him. With a wave of his hand he pushed aside some of the debris which littered the old dais ahead of him. “Bring him up.” He called behind himself, his right index finger fidgeting with the Shard around his neck.


Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 17, 2022
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Celeste walked up to Wodan, her expressions impossible to decipher, but internally she was obviously noting that he had changed his appareance since the last time she had saw him. Had it been on Eiattu where they had last seen each other? Probably...and before that on Eriadu where he had and Altair had gotten very drunk and had started serenading...she remember that night well as it had been quite chaotic.

The man that stood in front of her now was different. There was seriousness written in this scarred face that was definitely striking. He even carried himself differently and despite never having worked with him before directly, she assumed that this injury might have changed him as well. Obviously, she had learnt about what had happened to him on Corellia, but she wondered what he had done afterwards. Losing a battle was never a pleasant memory, but it seemed like he had thrown himself into work again rather quickly.

Recently, Celeste was discovering again and again how quickly people were changing this day, but well, looking back, so had she. Vehemently even. But it didn't matter. Looking back didn't bring you any further, that was also a lesson she had learnt and progress required change, so it wasn't a bad thing anyway.

Wodan had requested a champion for an interesting mission, but as Celeste was led towards him, she walked into an execution of a traitor. She paid the pitiful man no attention and directed her gaze at Wodan instead, hands neatly folded behind her back and wearing her Sith uniform. She had left Asha at home, not sure about how this mission would go and so she felt an odd emptiness beside her actually. She only greeted him with an incline of her head for now as he was well...busy right now.



Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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As the prisoner was led up the stairs, his eyes were bloodshot, his skin pale, he reeked of fear. “At least face your death properly. You had the courage to defect, have the courage to die without pissing yourself.” He said to the man, his voice was cold and sharp. The Dark Side was already flowing like a raging river through the Firrerrian, having opened himself up to the ambient presence of Dromund Kaas as well as the Shard around his neck.

His face softened for a moment as Celeste approached, he replied with a nod in kind towards the Champion/Senator or whatever she was. All he knew is whatever negative emotion the Empire at large had to the woman had been silenced with her deeds as of late. If those above him trusted her, it would do for him, anyway what he planned to do today would be futile to attempt for anyone who wasn’t fully absorbed in the Dark Side. Less it potentially cleaves their soul in twain.

“Thank you for joining me today Miss Stythani, please if you can help me clear the area of debris before we begin.” He asked motioning to the area around them. “You can wait in the middle.” He said to the prisoner, who was jostled into the first section Wodan had cleared.


Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 17, 2022
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This place was already buzzing with sinister forces, yet she could also feel it radiate of Wodan. The young champion had obviously been through a lot recently, yet it was impressive how differently he know carried himself. The dread of the traitor sentences to death fueled her from the inside, feeding the dark side effortlessly and ironically making her feel more alive. Of course she also noted the shard around her companion's neck and already thriving in its effects as well as on the grounds of Dromund Kaas. It had been a while since she had last set foot on the planet, but it seemed like this place was amplifying everything she was sensing more than ever before, which wasn't surprising though, since she changed massively over the last few months.

Wodan greeted her curtly and while the two of them weren't actually close, she was curious to get to know him better. He was good friends with Altair and so was she, so there was probably nothing standing in her way. The venue Wodan had chosen for the execution though was surely interesting and it already seemed like this was much more than a deed that needed to be done.

"Of course" she curtly offered as an reply, immediately beginning to channel the Force right through her and then used it to swipe away the pieces of rubble and debris that covered the area around them. She held her breath for a few seconds, preventing to breathe in the particles that swirled through the air and danced around them after each and every push, when the debris began to settle further away from the middle. Her curiosity rose as she continued to clear the other parts as their was already some sort of sinister tension in the air while the condemned prisoner literally waited to face death, watching them wide-eyed and without any color left in his face.



Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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As Celeste went one way Wodan went the other, pulling The Force into one hand he waved it back and forth brushing aside rubble and debris from the ancient building. On the other hand he pooled the Dark Side, his fingers fidgeting as he uttered ur-Kittat, small golden and purple runes runes appeared from his fingertips drifting down onto the ground. He paid Celeste no attention as he passed, concentrating fully on the Sith Runes until he made a full circle about ten metres across in the centre of the clearing the two Sith made.

“Bring him here.” He said, gesturing for the traitor and his guard to approach the Firrerrian. Once he was within arms reach, Wodan uttered a few more words before placing his hand on the side of the prisoner's neck. A rune similar to the ones on the floor appeared on his flesh for a second before disappearing. Happy, Wodan removed the shackles from the prisoner and bid the soldier to leave them be.

Stepping out of the ring he headed over towards Celeste, he hadn’t really had the chance to speak to the woman properly, but now everything was secure they had time. “I hear you have been busy as of late. Anything interesting?” He asked.

With Wodan’s back turned, the prisoner’s eyes glanced around, spotting a gap in the building's walls he could use to get away. With a quick check back to make sure he wasn’t being watched the prisoner made a break for it. As his foot crossed the circle, his entire body was racked with pain, his muscles spasmed uncontrollably forcing him to collapse to the floor.

Wodan turned to see the man collapsed on the floor, a happy smile on his face. It had been a test of his handiwork and gave him confidence in what was to happen later.


Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 17, 2022
Reaction score
After some more moments, she had freed her area just like Wodan had finished his parts and he immediately called for the traitor. She had noticed how Wodan had continously spoken in ur-Kittât to grace the stone floor with golden runes and ever since training Asha, she herself had gotten back to using the Old Tongue and practicing it once again.

The other Champion approached her, however as she opened her mouth, she saw the prisoner moving in the back. Despite not having casted runes herself for years, she understood enough to get an idea on what he had been doing and so as the prisoner made his first advances to run, Celeste waited.

One way or another, they'd catch him, as she'd have invisible tendrils wrapped around his foot to painfully drag him back before he would cover any longer distances and a little toying could be fun anyway, so she didn't interfere immediately. As predicted though, the runes instantly jumped into action in the little show was over. "What a coward..." she said with a scoff before she turned back to Wodan to answer his question.

"Yes, I've been busy indeed. I re-conquered Rattatak with Vahliri, so that it had been brought under the Imperial banner before I secured a whole bunch of planets with the IAF, Arla and Altair. Generally, I spent plenty of time with Arla as we have trained our wolf pups together. I haven't brought Asha today, but I will introduce her to you the next time" she replied, her lips curling into a quick smile, assuming that Wodan could have even been curious about meeting the Saber wolf before her expressions changed to rather neutral again. "How about you?" she had heard how he had fought and Corellia and she had also learnt that he had gotten injured, yet until today, she hadn't known the extent of his injuries.



Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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She had been busy, more so than he had at least, which wasn’t hard considering his months long self imposed exile on Eriadu. “I look forward to meeting her in the future.” He replied, Wodan himself had wondered about getting himself a pet, someone to keep him company whilst trailing through ancient texts and broken tombs.

“A little more quiet than yourself, more personal things than planting the Imperial Flag everywhere. Though I feel I am falling behind in Anaris’ point race, so may need to go take a few planets.” He said with smile, before turning his head around to the twitching form on the floor.

Walking over Wodan pulled The Force inside himself strengthening his muscles and tendons. Reaching down he grabbed the now unconscious traitor by the ankle and dragged him back towards the middle of the circle. “I need to do a few more runes before we are ready. Have you done any yourself in the past?” He asked, if she had Wodan would show her what needed to be done before starting creating a smaller circle inside the one he originally created. If not he would carry out the full circle himself.


Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 17, 2022
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While the Champion seemed changed, it still relieved her somehow that he was still managing to smile after all the pain he must have endured on Corellia. "If you're looking for a wolf, feel free to contact me" she added with a grin, actually a little amused by how they casually held their chatter while the prisoner in the back was still whimpering in pain.

She slightly chuckled at his remark, indeed positively surprised over the rather lighthearted mood of their exchange. "Personal matters need to be dealt with as well, so you should be fine. If you're interested in getting a little involved in the West though, I could use your help" she replied, slightly tilting her head to the side, assuming he'd be a valuable ally in her further plans.

As he asked her for the runes, she followed him closer to their subject, nodding briefly. "I have, yes" her use of the ancient tongue had drastically increased recently and she had been in contact with Sith magic a lot ever since she had gotten so engaged with Arla. "Just tell me what exactly you need and I'll help". She was glancing back at him after her gaze had briefly studied the motionless body. "I was generally wondering what exactly we're up to" he hadn't fully filled her in yet, but she was beginning to get some ideas.



Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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Wodan stepped over to Celeste standing slightly behind her; he lifted up her right arm with his own, so she could see and mimic his actions from the same angle. Fully concentrating on what he was doing, the ordeal yet to come and the fact his left hand-side vision was null and void, Wodan hadn’t really noticed how close he was to his fellow champion, his chest leaning slightly against her shoulder as he carried out the action with his hand needed to cast the rune. “Dabotin.” He said, a small golden and purple rune appeared at his fingertips before slowly drifting down like a feather until it touched the ground glowing bright for a moment before disappearing from view.

“Now you.” He said stepping back from Celeste, only then did he realise how close he was to her. ‘Shit’ he thought for a moment, hopefully he hadn’t made her feel too awkward, Wodan needed a second person for the ritual to help protect his psyche.


Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 17, 2022
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The currently lifeless body of the man was nothing more a hunch in the middle of this circle and Celeste was studying him for a moment, wondering whether he'd wake up on his own or whether he was already too weak. She glanced back as Wodan approached her, starting to show her which runes he was casting...

But what was he suddenly doing almost literally breathing down her neck with his body leaned against hers? He had come closer to show her the runes he needed, but for a moment it seemed he wasn't fully aware of where he was standing. After the rune carefully levitate to the stone floor, she turned her face, one brow raised and her lips slightly curling into a smirk. She was not oblivious to the fact that his lack of vision had a part in this, but it seemed like that he had been too focused to even sense her so close to his own body.

They were not here to play around though and so she directed her attention towards the rune and pretending to miss his brief nervousity. He chose not to elaborate and she wondered why, a hint of suspicion growing in her mind but she decided to focus on the runes first. With an outstretched hand she focused on the Force that was flowing through the room and through her body, calling onto the Shadow where she would draw the magic from. "Dabotin" she enunciated with the right pronunciation, the ancient, golden and velvet Sith rune springing from her fingertips and levitated downwards, not far off Wodan's initial rune. She then took a few steps to the side and continued, layering the circle with more runes until he'd feel like it would be enough.



Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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It seemed either Celeste was also too concentrated on the task in hand or at least hadn’t taken offence to him being so close whilst trying to teach her. Her pronunciation was good and she mimicked the small movements pretty well considering she only saw them once, a quick learner, that would make the rest of this hopefully a lot easier and quicker.

As he continued to complete his half of the circle he began to explain what they were here to do. He hadn’t chosen to purposefully ignore her question earlier, just got caught in the moment. “The less detailed version, I am looking to summon the spirit of a dead Sith.” He said finishing his half of the circle. The unconscious corpse of the traitor now lay in the centre circle, a two foot gap existed between that and the larger one he had created before.

“I need help unlocking this and well no Sith alive as the knowledge over the arcane arts needed.” He continued pointing at the Shard around his neck, Wodan could sense the power and knowledge locked inside the object, but he was unable to fully harness it himself, without whatever was buried inside there trying to take control.


Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 17, 2022
Reaction score
Rune after rune sprung from her fingertips as she continued to lace the circle with them, looking back at Wodan every now and then to check how close he was until they finished the circle together. It was interesting that shortly after she had decided to dedicate more of her time to the Arcane arts, she was even more in contact with it. It aided her well and it was more interesting than the usual ploys she had been involved with, yet she still had a few questions.

Right then when they were done, Wodan supplied at least a short version of an answer and her gaze immediately flicked up to him, considering his words for a moment, before she studied the shard. Interesting...very intriguing even. Yet dangerous. She wasn't afraid but she surely had respect for the task ahead.

She stepped closer and reached forward, gaze quickly flicking up again as though asking for permission before she fully reached out nonetheless. She gently took the shard in her hand, encompassing in for a moment and closing her eyes before she focused on everything she received from the mysterious item.

It was buzzing with dark energy and a few visions flashed through her mind, powerful and sinister, yet even more alluring. She pulled back after a moment, the color of her eyes having shifted again as she looked back up. "Fascinating...let's get to it then".

She stepped back, glancing down to the circle before she turned to him again. "You surely know...the risks of this, right? This could totally wreck you". Only the strongest managed to subdue such dark spirits and it was even more difficult to get them to help. Korriban was overflowing with dark energy, yet she wondered whether he'd manage to withstand the costs of such a ritual.



Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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He couldn’t ignore Celeste’s intrigue on the Shard, her eyes latched on like a predator stalking their prey. Wodan could feel the hair on the back of his neck slowly begin to stand on end, his lips pulling back slightly a small glimpse of his fangs visible. Would he need to fight off the woman to defend his Shard from her grimy mits? But she forced herself away from the Shard’s gaze and Wodan’s demeanour relaxed back to how he was before, cracking the woman a smile as she commented that they should begin.

“Great, take a seat there I will be opposite.” Wodan positioned it so the unconscious figure of the traitor was between the two. “Yes, hence the two rings, one to protect us and one to protect the outside.” He continued gesturing to the two rings of runes around them before taking his seat.

“He will be the conduit, his blood summoning the spirit, his life hopefully buying its knowledge. You Celeste, well your job is to keep my psyche intact.” It was a lot of trust he was confining in the woman, but it was a less stressful job than the actual summoning part he was undertaking. Plus if she purposefully failed to live up to her end of the bargain all it meant was the spirit would turn on her straight away, fully fed from two souls.


Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 17, 2022
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Wodan's displeasure intrigued her. He seemed very fond of his possession even if he was yet to discover what it was truly capable off. She left it uncommented, yet his possessiveness was noted by the other Sith. She, too, was curios what was about to be hidden inside it once unlocked, but maybe they'd be lucky enough to figure that out quite soon.

She nodded at his remark about the protective circles, however wondering whether they'd be enough, but she took a seat across from him and crossed her legs, preparing for what was about to come. The man still lifelessly laid in the middle of the inner circle, definitely not conscious, but she was hoping he was strong enough as a conduit.

"Don't worry. I'm quite versed when it comes to the psyche". The Dark Lord himself had trained her with mind tricks, so she was quite confident about being able to make sure his mind stayed intact and unharmed. Ready whenever you are". She gave him a brief smile before she closed her eyes, breathing deeply before she started to clear her own mind. Celeste knew Wodan was close with Altair and the Chanpion had never wronged her, hence she would indeed everything she could to protect him.



Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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“Good, I don’t like the idea of being possessed.” He said with a grin, the humour hiding some of the nervousness he felt. Celeste closed her eyes and began to centre herself, Wodan looked at her for a moment, watching her nostrils flare slightly as she breathed. Seeing the calm look on her face helped him settle a few more of his nerves before he closed his eyes.

Unlike Celeste however he didn’t calm and clear his mind, no,instead he began to fill it full of anger, rage, passion the fuel of the Dark Side. What he would need was strength and power to keep the spirit away from his own mind and the outside world. Dromund Kaas was a perfect syphon for the Firrerrian to pull on, the planet itself was so drenched in the Darkness, as soon as Wodan opened himself, it was like a flood gate. His eyes shot open, the golden globes gone, replaced by sickly yellow slits, his skin paled slightly, the scars on his face brightened as blood began to pump faster and faster around his system.

The Shard around his neck responded to Wodan’s intake of Force Energy, it too poured out evil intent. Strengthening the Firrerrian bond to the Dark Side. With power now flowing into every pour of his body Wodan began the ritual, his voice chanting “Dwomutsigsa.“ repeatedly, over and over again.

It took time for the spirits to awaken to his call, as Wodan was not after just any run of the mill Sith, but a Lord of ancient times. A blade slipped from behind his back and with a quick toss it embedded itself into the side of the traitor’s leg. Blood began to pour as he woke from his slumber screaming in agony, the blood, the fear, the pain would only help summon the spirit he desired.


Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 17, 2022
Reaction score
She needed her mind to be freed and clear and so she immediately began emptying it while ridding herself of unnecessary emotions that would only make it harder for her to protect Wodan's psyche. She breathed deeply and centred herself, not delving into the darkness that was already offered in this room.

It wasn't eqwy to continue, especially because it became increasingly harder with everything Wodan did. It was fairly usual and almost natural for a Sith to amplify emotions connected to the dark side and Dromund Kaas was flooded with darkness, yet she was remembering what and how Raze had taught her and thus she was not making the mistake of giving in.

She did not plan on protecting his mind from the outside, but from the inside, which would be far more efficient, yet it also meant that she was an intruder to his psyche. He seemed to have trusted her and she was relying on it now, softly weaving her way in and staying attentive.

His chanting continued and she was fairly aware of everything that was going on, yet she could feel how the darkness was yanking at her from every direction, causing her to flinch. She couldn't let go and give in, but it was beginning to strain her as she had to keep resisting it. After those intensive weeks of training through the dark lord that had even turned into months she had almost gotten used to it, yet it was still strongly challenging. She knew for know she had to stay in this clear state of mind before she would be able to indulge and she could already taste how that must feel like.

The traitor's scream was echoing through the halls as the first spirits seemingly began to whisper, bathing the room and even more sinister energy. She opened her eyes for a moment, her expressions purely cold, but she was realizing that she could even access Wodan easier through an even stronger connection.

Without further ado, she pushed herself off the ground and went over to him, carefully letting herself down next to him before gently reaching out and placing her right hand at side of his head, not losing her focus at all before she quielty whispered. "Continue". Her voice had an icy undertone, but with the physical connection it was even easier for her to reach inside and make sure his barriers would resist the spirits.



Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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His eyes were open locked on the squirming figure of the traitor in the centre of the circle. Around him Wodan could see the dim lights of long dead spirits circle like vultures. One by one his eyes would flick towards the spirits to check to see if they were right for him and one by one he would, with intense struggle, push them away. Already he could feel the strain of all this energy pulling down on his body, he would get one chance then it would be weeks before he could do this again. Getting the right spirit was as important as the ritual itself.

The battle with the unwanted spirits was taxing upon his mind, glimpses of past pains and torments continued to flash within his psyche and not all of them were his own. His head flinched as Celeste’s hand rested upon it, thinking back he saw the woman move around the circle but so engrossed in picking the correct spirit has all but forgotten about her. The cool of her palm against his skin was relaxing and he was glad Celeste was here, he just hoped she was ready for what was to come.

“Mortis.” He said after some time, the spirit in an instant appeared within the inner circle. At first it was hardly corporal, just the rough shape of a man, no features, no voice, it hovered over the now screaming body of the traitor below it. Reaching out with his hand Wodan grabbed and snapped its neck with the Force. “His life force is yours.” The green form latched onto the body of the traitor, absorbing the fleeing life essence of the man.

Once it was done, the form shifted, the concrete features of a man in his late sixties appeared. His face was withered and wrinkled from both time and the Dark Side, even though his body was green and teal, bright yellow eyes stared down on the pair of them. A chilling laugh escaping his lips.


Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 17, 2022
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With her own mind cleared, Celeste was able to let her spirit connect to Wodan's within the Force, intertwining them so that her strength aided his and the strain splitting between the two of them, ensuring that he would last longer while he was still executing the ritual.

The dark flowed all around them, powerful, alluring and all-embracing, but she did not let her emotions run wild. She delved right in the mind of Wodan, fighting off the unwanted spirits by enhancing those mental barriers. He soon spoke again, commanding the spirits and forcing the one they were looking for to appear right after he had murdered the traitor.

The snap of the neck was harrowingly dark and left her hungry for more. She couldn't indulge yet, she had to stay focused on keeping the Champion's mind safe and protected and so she did. She, too, felt the strain, especially because protecting his mind from the inside wasn't just intimate, but also exhausting. She was tempted to go on a little stroll, rummaging through his thoughts as they'd be rather accessible now, but she didn't do any of them.

She wasn't here to take advantage of the situation, even if the shard had caught her intrest too. They needed each other to unlock it and they both were indispensable, just as their trust in one another, which was ironic as it was an uncommon thing shared between most Sith and Celeste had gotten rather careful with placing her trust in anyone. Still, she relied on how Altair trusted him and so she dutifully stayed on her task, fighting off the spirits that attempted to yank on his psyche and weave their way in. His mind was already possessed in some way, as her own spirit was right inside and waiting for them to approach, thus no one managed to find its way inside.

Every now and then, she opened her eyes, following the spectacle rather absently as her focus laid inside his very mind, but what she witnesses was fascinating. It was mesmerizing to see the spirit he had been looking for finally materialize, drawing from the fresh kill of the traitor and letting out his haunting laugh. Celeste glared at him through shifted, golden eyes, however soon closed them again as she expected more violent attacks on Wodan's mind soon. 'Don't let him fool you' she warned him, her voice coldly echoing through his mind. She was expecting the spirit to be deceptive and resourceful, yet their greatest challenge was right ahead.



Sith Order
Missing in Action

Character Profile
May 14, 2022
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Wodan felt Lord Mortis poke and prod at his mind, the unnatural strength the long dead Sith gained from the traitor’s life force was great indeed. But it seemed at least with Celeste’s help he was able to keep the creature from breaking through for now. The cackling stopped as the spirit tried to step forward reaching out to touch and probably kill Wodan. But his arm snapped back, Mortis screaming in pain as the rune shield activated.

A dark gold rune on Mortis’ neck began to flare brightly, it was the same one Wodan had branded onto the traitor. With his death the mark had transferred. “You are a clever little thing.” Mortis said, his voice dripped with malice and hate, as if his words would rip Wodan and Celeste apart.

“Why have you summoned me?” He spat. Placing a hand on Celeste’s leg to catch her attention, Wodan would then slowly begin to stand up from his seated position and step forward so he was next to the rune shield. Mortis licked his lips as Wodan got closer, salivating over the thought of devouring his and Celeste’s life force.

The back of Wodan’s right palm shifted behind the Shard around his neck, lifting it away from his chest and towards the dead spirit. “This is why I summoned you.” Before he could say more Mortis just began cackling again.


Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 17, 2022
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The Darkness flooded the whole room as the last parts of the long dead Sith lord materialized. Morits caught her attention, not only with the bone-shattering, mad cackle, but also with his sheer presence within the Force, so her eyes flicked open, studying him closely while her main focus was still on Wodan's mind.

The strain was growing with the way the Sith Lord tried to prod at his mind, but not a single time did he manage to cut the first layers off his mind open in an attempt to weave his way in. Instead, he constantly hit hard, impenetrable barriers she fortified from the inside. She icyly glared at the Sith Lord, the Force twirling around him and obviously flowing between the three while the air had grown cold, yet thick.

She was not offering Mortis any targets as Wodan's mind was safely protected and hers cleared, thus not interesting from him as he couldn't draw from her due to this inaccessibility within the Force. As she suddenly perceived the touch, her gaze quickly flicked down, realizing that Wodan was moving, and so she rose as well, each and every movement executed carefully as she followed him towards the shielding rune circle that was separating them from the spirit.

The shard drew more cackling from the Sith Lord, sending a dark rumble through the halls while Celeste's stood right next to the other Champion, their spirits still interwoven and aiding him from within. 'You are just a spirit and you exist because we have chosen to summon you' she projected into Mortis' mind, attempting to weaken his own defenses drom within. It was the same trick Raze had taught her, and despite the spirit being a powerful apparition of the Force, he was still a spirit after all. They couldn't underestimate him, yet, together with the runes, he was confined in an invisible prison. She assumed he wouldn't offer it willingly or without anything in return, yet they weren't here to bargain for ages. 'You can help us to unlock it, or have we overestimated you?'.
