Search results

  1. Díleas Nimbus

    The First Thread

    Chiru Kai Club, Nar Shadda 23:43 hours Theme Outfit Díleas was a consummate professional in all walks of life, or at least, she tried to be. If she had a job, she got it done with as much efficiency as she could manage and, subtracting the odd bit of small talk here and there, she liked to...
  2. Díleas Nimbus

    A Simple Exchange

    The Bound Nautolan Cantina 42:54 hours Theme The Bound Nautolan was one of Nar Shadda's classier places, or at least, a cut above most of the ramshackle Cantinas that would fall apart from a quick tap of the walls. Díleas came to this place fairly often nowadays, it was a good alternative to...
  3. Díleas Nimbus

    The Toasted Twi'lek: Growing Pains

    The Toasted Twi'lek 14:42 Theme Social only, if PvP does occur, Death and Maiming disabled. With respect, I'd rather my first thread isn't my last :) Ah, The Toasted Twi'lek. The fine purveyor of such business interests as Food, Drink, Girls, Spice, Slavery, and many other fine business...