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  1. Rhea

    A Promise Kept

    Starlights bled into the blackness of space as the new star courier reverted to realspace and veered towards the red sphere of Prakith below. For months, Rhea had promised Leviticus a gift as proof of her loyalty and trustworthiness; and, while her recent actions could have been seen in such a...
  2. Rhea

    The Witching Hour

    The surface of Dathomir was as red as its atmosphere. Rhea was used to bleak worlds, but this planet was such on an entirely different level. After her recent excursion to Ilum, she was finally prepared to execute the next phase in her plan — and the endgame in the operation concerning young...
  3. Rhea

    Touched By War

    Rhea stood atop the rusted hull of a Jedi capital ship in the wastes of Uba IV. The planet in the Mid Rim was not always a desert wasteland like Tatooine or Jedha. Once, it was lush—the thriving home of the Ubese species. However, during the war, as the Exiles retreated from the Deep Core and...
  4. Rhea

    Shades of Rheason

    Mygeeto was where Rhea chose to hold her test. Around her rose ice pinacles shaped like jagged teeth; a glacial wind howled through them. She stood on ancient stone steps, flakes of snoke and ice swirling around her as the snowstorm raged overhead. The Force sustained her where others of her...
  5. Rhea

    The Property of a Lady

    Twice now, Rhea had found herself on Canto Bight; but, at last, she had located the prize she had sought. For months, she had crossed the galaxy seeking the perfect ship to gift to Leviticus back on Prakith. But her recent visit to Cantonica had proven fruitful. One of the wealthy patrons had...
  6. Rhea

    The Lawless

    After the business on Vrogas Vas, Rhea once again set off on her mission to bring Leviticus a gift that would make her worthy of the Exile's trust. He had followers. He had a base. Now he needed a means to transport his assets about the galaxy, quickly and reliably, to see his objectives met...
  7. Rhea

    To Know Your Enemies

    The Jedi temple on Vrogas Vas had long lay in ruin. Few in the Order paid it any mind, though what remained of it still exuded powerful echoes in the Force. After leaving her charges behind on Prakith in the care of Leviticus, Rhea plotted a course for Vrogas Vas. The currents of the Force were...
  8. Rhea

    Dark Tidings

    Prakith was a red ornament against the black backdrop of space as the Yusanis reverted to realspace and its sublight engines kicked in. Months had passed since she had left this world behind her on an errand to prove herself to Leviticus, the Dark Jedi who called the mountains of this red world...
  9. Rhea

    To Truly Fall

    Slipping out of the Jedi Temple on Ossus, amid the pandemonium wrought by the death of a Jedi Master, was relatively easy, Rhea decided. Her trappings and the blankness of her mind gave the Jedi scouring the temple for Alais Drast no reason to suspect that there was another threat lurking...
  10. Rhea

    Where Few Tread

    Rhea had not walked the surface of Ilum since after the tragedy, when she was still a member of the Jedi Order. Then, she had come to see where the Jedi's ultimate betrayal had taken place and ultimately undid the Order. Now, she walked its surface for another reason. The Force was in disquiet...
  11. Rhea

    For the Night is Dark

    She waited for the meeting to conclude before making her move. The other two—Leviticus and the masked one, who called himself Valerian and wasn't quite masked at the moment—departed the seemingly abandoned building for their ship. They were eager to get off of Cularin. They did not like its...
  12. Rhea

    The Lesson of All War

    "Do you wish to feel the teachings born of the Great War? Of all wars? Of all tragedies that scream across the galaxy? — Unknown She had waited for him. He had been off for some time, gathering followers. She had sensed him for the first time when he had come to Prakith. His presence in the...