Search results

  1. Swan

    Swan's Lake

    You know the drill, please don't post below, this is just to work on random bits of stuff (character profiles, tech profiles, code experiments, etc.)
  2. Swan

    The Start of Something New

    CORELLIA Dusk Teelo Swan sighed an angry sigh. A sharp outburst of air passed through the thin mask covering her mouth and nose. She had been wearing this protective gear for over an hour and it was starting to irritate her. Not only that, but her partner was late. They were supposed to travel...
  3. Swan

    The Dua-wurm

    CULARIN Early Morning @Relent Teelo Swan sat in the shuttle, tapping her fingers on the leather grip of her lightsaber. Whether it was the heat and humidity or just her nerves, the sides of her grey tank top were stuck to her sides like clingfilm. She wiped a line of sweat off of her...
  4. Swan

    Teelo Swan

    Initiate Teelo Swan Jedi, Human, Female, 16 Theme Appearance Standing at just 5'2", Teelo does not cast an intimidating shadow. Her short legs lead to a squat torso, on which sits a round head framed by sandal curls. The average on looker would immediately dismiss her as entirely non...
  5. Swan

    Hi Everyone

    Hello! My name is Swan and I'm looking forward to getting involved in the Jedi as a brand new Padawan. Hopefully my writing is up to scratch for the standard of this site, I've been writing on and off for a couple of years but I'm pretty garbage. Let me know if you wanna start a story or...