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  1. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    Alhazred continued to observe and instruct the Orcalon, though for the most part he was silent. "Progress" The Nu-Vaal stated simply after a lengthy pause. He had never been in the position of teacher like this before and was unsure the best way to approach it. Yes, Duma was getting...
  2. Alhazred

    Ask Journal, Jungle, Journey, Jumanji?

    Alhazred clutched his wound. The sizzling, the smell of burnt flesh and cloth, and the throbbing pain as blue blood flooded the burned area to begin the natural healing processes; it all made Alhazred quite dizzy. "Don't apologize..." Alhazred whispered. "Just...retrieve my packpack. it should...
  3. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    "Hmph..." Alhazred harumphed again. "Trying is an attempt, so we will have to make due with that. Besides, with these undead, your blade is more likely to harm yourself and the wisps than the undead, so this will be a lesson of neccessity. Depending how well you do today will guide my decision...
  4. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    The Nu-Vaal sighed slightly. His message did indeed request someone with tracking skills, but that was back when he needed help finding better ways into the ship and before he had gotten encased in ice. Why someone believed he was the expert was beyond him, since he was not a Jedi Master, but...
  5. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    "Absolutely not!" Alhazred almost snapped at the Orcalon. "There is no way I am sitting and researching while my spawn's life support is slowly failing. And even if I wanted to do that, there is no way you could get in there alone. Not unless you can both hold off the undead without getting...
  6. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    Gasping, Alhazred looked up and took the bit of food and began to munch on it "My gratitude..." Alhazred thanked between breath and swallow. He did not look much better compared to his holorecordings. Pale clammy skin, slightly shriveled tentacles, creases around the eyes indicated sleepless...
  7. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    The tree that came crashing down surprised the captain and his undead crew. The captain was crushed easily and his bones and hook were sent scatterring apart. The crew itself hesitated, if only for a moment. True horror began to reveal itself further when the blade came out and sliced off...
  8. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    Captain Barnacles turned at the voice. Each turn of the bone crackled as iced over joints broke apart. The darkness that emanated from this thing was strong. Consuming even. Under its tricorne hat, cold heartless eyes stared out. It may have been a human once. Perhaps even someone distinguished...
  9. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    The blast of force sent the pirates reeling backwards over themselves. As slow as they were, they weren't the most sturdy of creatures. However, they didn't seemed damaged by the push either. Even as the Jedi began to run, they were already picking themselves back up to follow. As he ran east...
  10. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    At the greeting, the little things of flame flickered brighter and for a moment, as their own presence in the Force intensified. It was just for a moment. Then the small flames then began to dash wildly through the trees as the darkness swelled furthermore. A deep chill set over the entire...
  11. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    There was a eerie lingering darkness in the Force, as well as a slight melody of music in it. The melody was weak and distant, as if it was strong but not nearby. The droid was greatly damaged. The large gash over its chassis ran deep and jaggedly, and the astromech was cold to the touch...
  12. Alhazred

    Ask Sign Casting With the Dead

    After the events of Deepest Dark, Alhazred had gone into seclusion. It was no surprise really. During the aforementioned events, Alhazred had encountered pockets of the Force that even a trained mind struggled against. Ghosts of the long since dead, cybernetic beings that were somehow...
  13. Alhazred

    Ask Event Stygian Reaches Deepest Dark

    Alhazred listened to everyone elses words. While he disagreed with the final say, he also wouldn't argue it further. After all, the professor had a point. How could he doom his young to a life without his own guidance? "We will do our best to return for you professor. After all, someone has to...
  14. Alhazred

    Ask Event Stygian Reaches Deepest Dark

    Alhazred adjusted himself after his young was taken away. Even as the jedi padawan vomited at the concept of his young being his young, he didn't change his stance. True, the concept of spending a possible eternity in one place did make him nervous, but at the same time... "I will still do it...
  15. Alhazred

    Ask Event Stygian Reaches Deepest Dark

    TEAM EVERYONE Knowledge through Unity... What an apt choice of feeling Alhazred felt. These spirits, while many, were certainly mostly unified in their own emotions. This place definitely warranted further study. Alhazred's eyes widened. A surge of indescribable sensations ran through his...
  16. Alhazred

    Ask Event Stygian Reaches Deepest Dark

    TEAM EVERYONE Whatever Alhazred had been expecting, it wasn't this. He had half-expected something similar to the hallway, with the ghosts of aeons past wanting their just due, or perhaps a wailing of anguish or torment aimed at him or the group. But this...this was different. Powerful...
  17. Alhazred

    Ask Event Stygian Reaches Deepest Dark

    Alhazred breathed in relief when the cyborgs were destroyed. He had never seen such things before. The dead, moving not by their own accord? Just when he thought droids were weird enough already. His relief turned to pleasent joy at the arrival of the other group. "Huzzah friends..."...
  18. Alhazred

    Ask Event Stygian Reaches Deepest Dark

    TEAM PROFESSOR "Guild? No I can't say I've perceived one around here..." Alhazred stated simply. His fellow Jedi requested for some help with the door. She was, unfortunately, under the impression that he carried a lightsaber on hand. While this was an accurate assumption on most Jedi...
  19. Alhazred

    Open Naboo Nothing to See

    Alhazred actually laughed momentarily at the bluntness of the young man. Hearing a Nu-Vaal laugh is, to many, a strange experience. With their vocal cords being poorly developed, it sounded more alien then a lot of alien noises in the galaxy. "Many individuals consider that is our long term...
  20. Alhazred

    Ask Silence on Svivren

    The world spinning. The darkness closing in. Numb tongue and numbing mind. Within moments, Alhazred fell unconscious. Alhazred awoke, groggily, to the noise of someone talking. Vision still swimming, Alhazred could see a small light floating. It took a few more moments of blinking and shaking...