Search results

  1. Dasi Vemm

    Ask Corellia Strolling The Streets

    Dasi wasn't just in awe anymore, she was overwhelmed. After her mission with Jedi Knight Nykoria Tallis she had returned to Corellia only to learn that the Watchman she had been assigned to was off somewhere else. She had been given simple instructions, sit tight and stay out of trouble. It was...
  2. Dasi Vemm

    Open Ajan Kloss A Relaxing Day Off

    Dasi awoke to what was probably the most beautiful sound she could think of. Nothing. No alarm to wake her up for training, no alarm for classes, just the pure sweet feeling of naturally waking up during the day. It was a day off, and it was hers. She was up out of her bed in a flash pulling on...