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  1. Genkaku

    Fancy Business (closed)

    Finally she had arrived. Looking out one of the windows of the shuttle Xakra watched the planet Zeltros getting nearer. Sitting back as she surveyed the expensive shuttle, plush interior with several midsized cargo containers, some of them refrigerated, others holding frozen goods, some not...
  2. Genkaku


    COMPOSITION AND APPEARANCE: The Falleen woman stands a nice even 1.5 meters. She maintains a skin tone of a lovely and vibrant emerald green near all the time, and her flesh is impeccably clean, no marks or any marring of her features noted. She forgoes the traditional topknot and instead...
  3. Genkaku

    Salutations and Fortunations

    Hello, greetings, ahoi. Whichever you like. Just posting a standard greeting for a non-standard type. I'm sure I will get to harassing, stirring various pots, and generally attempting hostile coups of your brains whenever I begin to get a comfortable feel around here, but until then just...