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  • This is entirely my personal opinion but it throws me through a loop when you use italics to convey speech. Most people use that to convey thought. Obviously this is your stylistic choice so keep doing it if you wish. Another somewhat basic thing is just to read through your posts after you post them, I find myself kind of stutter stepping on your words sometimes but maybe it's just me. Anyway I hope I'm not coming off as harsh or abrasive I'm just trying to be honest like you asked. By the way despite my short time with him Garth Techweave my vanilla Imperial was my favorite character. It was his simplicity that was his charm so never underestimate simple things.
    No way man! Like I said you're one more flavor to the thread and I love that! Stick around my pilot will need some friends! One thing I was thinking is if we get five of us eventually we could form a Rogue squadron
    I gotta be honesty, he is skirting on the vanilla line but let me show you this guy. He was one of my first characters and an Imperial soldier. He was an Imperial soldier who loved the Imperium. That's about as vanilla as you get, but people seem to forget that vanilla is pretty damn exotic when everyone is trying to be a flavor no one has ever heard of before. In the end your character can afford to be a bit 'boring' so long as he grows and changes with others. Hope that helps. Also it doesn't bother me a bit come with questions anytime
    The Hutt Cartel specifically, they have a number of bounty hunters to call on so they do not accept freelance bounty hunters who are not within their own ranks. Although, there could be reason for individual Hutts or PC's to contract a freelance bounty hunter for whatever reason.
    Well, unfortunately the scouting one got nabbed by Armand, you may run that one with him and I'll jump in with you or both of you for the second.
    Sure let me know what you would like to do, a mission or whatever I'm game and I'm actually pretty free if you want to get it going.
    i can say I actually wrote this because my character is ignorant of the rebellion but... I had the tab open and totally screwed it up LOL ty
    To briefly clarify, Cyan Squadron came in their own Rogue fighters - the gunships were a separate matter.
    Four, but you can deal with them and then skip to being dealt with offscreen. Either way, assume they're going down.
    I'm finally posting! I'll try and have a post up tonight, but my lady-friend is coming over in a few. Don't know what'll go on, but yeah, tomorrow for sure I will have a post so we can post all day.
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