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  • Consider yourself accepted, way too tired to edit more posts tonight and add to the roster. Go Rp mate ;)
    Wanna edit in some kind of counter to my behind the back lightsaber thrust, foo? Noster ignited the second blade backwards to stab into Audroti as his feet reached for the ground to land. Maybe knock it away with your gauntlet before you land or somptin? :P
    I'm REALLY excited to face you without worrying about dying for reelz lol. I read Audi's first duels when he was starting out as an acolyte. I'm dead tired right now tho. I'll be back on tmrw. :)
    What about the shaman mother...? Killing her would suck AND mean the end of passing down ancient Twilight secrets.
    They were always going to be undertrained as a way to justify my possibly in-the-works PC not being a Master. The only one more powerful in the force than Audi would be the shaman mother, who is like hella old and can't fight. Ezra is a good fighter. I think I want him to survive if possible. There would be good fighters but they wouldn't hold a candle to you force wise. So yeah, in other words go right ahead brotha. Slay away. lol
    Maultros for now will be my only character, while I'm working on his replacement. The new baby girl is limiting me to about a post a day. So I figured 1 main character would be best. Maultros will be it for the time being. Expect a post tonight. Sorry for the wait.
    Either Ryoone (see my write-up?) or Sith space (wherever convenient for you). Noster is currently stuck with a sect of the Disciples of Twilight cuz they saved his life. If Audi were to fight Noster and spare him, it would be like another form of saving his life and Audi might sway Noster to correct his logic and mindset. Loyalty sworn and master-apprentice forged. Then on to enemy crushing pvps!!!
    Yeeee-ah! pvp. OH! btw. I can't find the faction you were pointing me towards..
    Yesplz!!! I want more! And maybe could be useful outside of the order at some point somehow?
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