Recent content by Tagal Saxon

  1. Tagal Saxon

    Big Game, Bigger Gains

    Ah blades... Did Tagal want to do the hunt with blades for honour? He smirked behind his helmet at the suggestion - his wife had amusing ideas about honour but, well, Tagal was the last person in the galaxy to talk to about honour. "You can keep your honours for yourself, wife." he assured her...
  2. Tagal Saxon

    Big Game, Bigger Gains

    Life day was an odd thing as far as Tagal was concerned. Part of him didn't like the idea of life day - it seemed so commercial these days. Back when it was mainly just the Wookies and those in the know it was fun but now it seemed that everyone and their dog knew what Life Day was and they...
  3. Tagal Saxon

    Which Can Eternal Lie - Act III: The Future Past

    Everything had a brain. Sure, some things had a flesh and blood brain and that made sense but some things... some things had a brain even though they were nothing but wires or thoughts or just dreams. Everything had a brain, something that kept it going, something that made it react rather than...
  4. Tagal Saxon

    Weak Point

    While Skuld went off to deal with the problem, Tagal was busy getting all of the data that he needed from the databank. One of the first things that he noticed? The blackmail material that the company said they had? It didn't exist. There were entire documents about how they could get ahead of...
  5. Tagal Saxon

    Weak Point

    Well the nerd was out of the way. Surprisingly quickly considering his wife had just offered to have sex with him... did he want to be offended that the weird nerd person didn't want to have sex with him and his wife? Tagal pondered what strange new directions his life had gone in that THAT was...
  6. Tagal Saxon

    Weak Point

    Tagal watched his wife's tumble and, after making sure she was alright, he enjoyed it. That would be the only amount of revenge he got for her calling him her assistant after all. While she was cursing up a storm, Tagal took out a small slip of metal from his pocket and approached the door to...
  7. Tagal Saxon

    Weak Point

    ... did she just call him out for his language? ... Did she just call him her assistant?! Oh they might have gotten through the first hurdle because of it but Tagal would not even pretend to be happy about it. Being bossed around like he was some kind of servant was not his idea of a good...
  8. Tagal Saxon

    Weak Point

    Well they had decided that they weren't going to try and get in and grab the data bloody but that was, honestly, only the smart choice. It was not, however, the choice that Tagal actually wanted to make. He would have been much happier if they had just given up on being subtle and gone in guns...
  9. Tagal Saxon

    Weak Point

    The Consolidated Hulls Corporation was a horrible name for a business and everyone in the industry knew it - yeah it advertised what the company did on the tin but that was boring. And in business, if something was boring it should have no place front and center of the business' marketing...
  10. Tagal Saxon

    Council These Words

    Gods but this was dull. They were standing against his wife's ascension while not actually providing any evidence that they could actually do a better job themselves. Like, seriously - who the hells did these people think they were to shite all over someone actually planning to do something...
  11. Tagal Saxon

    Which Can Eternal Lie - Act III: The Future Past

    Covering for an explosives team? Well that was something that Tagal was happy enough to do and why not? You only got the big booms when you covered the people doing the big booms after all. He did as he was asked, firing with his rifle to lay down some suppressing fire to let them get their...
  12. Tagal Saxon

    Delicious Fond

    Alright so they were on their way. There was a certain part of him that felt like there had been some kind of a delay but he tried his best to ignore that part of himself - it was hardly like it was going to be useful. Grimacing a little bit as they waited atop the lift for it to reach the...
  13. Tagal Saxon

    Which Can Eternal Lie - Act III: The Future Past

    Time to get inside? Well thank god for that. Tagal might not be too screwed when it came to the situation but he was still not exactly 100% on board with the idea either. Gritting his teeth, he sighed a little bit as he fired one more shop before swooping in low. Keeping low to the ground...
  14. Tagal Saxon

    Council These Words

    Had she spoken against the honour of the council? Tagal wouldn't say that she had but, then, Tagal would also probably point out that the idea that the council had any honour was utterly laughable. They were a waste of space as far as he was concerned; the busybodies of the clans and nothing...
  15. Tagal Saxon

    You Are What You Dare

    Tagal had never had a pet and he was now entirely convinced that he was never going to have a bloody dire badger as a pet. Hell, he would stick to something more manageable like a dog or something. Or better yet maybe he would design some kind of robot pet rather than dealing with something as...