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  • Haha, sure thing. If you set up a scene, I'll join in. Just I'm also in two others, so I may be slow to respond at times. You know?
    Ah, I did catch on. I double checked my post. In the first half I correctly noted the ball was lead. In the last paragraph, I messed it up. But yeah, my bad hehe.
    HAH! I KNEW you messed those two up but I never bothered to actually check, and I repeated the mistake! I coulda swore I posted what was essentially a marble and a dice, but that's my fault hehe.
    Just like to say I do enjoy RP'ing with you :P Thur'hars is quite enjoyable. Hopefully you think I'm doing a good job an all that jazz hehe
    No problem, 'tis just a shameless plug. As GADF FL I can tell you I definitely need more quality SF agents, so definitely make one up and apply! Missions will be coming for SF soon.
    I see you're getting yourself involved in the OOC thread of a [MAIN THREAD]. I try to avoid those, they tend to be nothing more than flame wars. The two involved in the thread want nothing more than to kill Padme, and they don't want to take the effort to earn it through a series of posts and seem fairly upset that she didn't die from the initial attack. Or, at least, Black Noise does. Weiss probably hopes to capture the Councillor and convert her to the Sith somehow. She's pretty much accepted her character's already dead.

    If I were you, I'd try to avoid main threads for a while. They seem to be more taxing than they are rewarding, at least to me. Anyways, I'll get a response up to you shortly.
    Sorry if I'm delayed in replying, my brains kind've dead right now. I just finished writing up this faction, check it out you might be interested:
    The Initiative

    Trying to let brain rest now...
    A few questions... Would you prefer I start the thread, or you? Either works for me. Also, is Empress Teta your primary location? How quick are you wanting to get through training: are you looking for something quick, or are you in it for lots of character development? If the latter, I'd be willing to take your padawan on missions and such as a more pro-active teaching style, if you want. Also, I'm going to be giving Saul a personal starship with meditation and training chambers as well as living quarters and stuff, in case you'd prefer to train on that instead of a temple.
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