Prancing Yawn
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  • Just to ask, could you maybe pass me a picture and some specifications of the Dragontooth? I nave absolutely no idea what it looks like, or what armament it has...
    Did you ever read the PM I sent you with ideas for Blobby press conference and coordinating with bac? With the main timeline getting into gear, it'd be wise to do this.
    Checked OOC again so I think I can handle the NPCing, sorry for forgetting that bit. Anyways, poke at me whenever I need to post.
    Yeah, I'lll still be NPCing the pirates as much as I can. I'll PM Radzkie for what specifications to use. As for NPC numbers, that's up to you since I'm not sure if you clarified that in the OOC but I'll check.
    From the walkways, there are 3 doors each at a different approaches, roughly equal distances from each other. They're just standard doors, not even blast door strength, given that this isn't a military installation I didn't think they would be. Do note that the Dark Jedi is holding a hostage, who's still alive... barely lol. Also, there are four guys firing on your troopers who aren't in cover so... I don't picture all 4 will make it.
    If you want to, sign up for Jedi Parkour in the story OOC. We are working on the art of movement.
    Shoot. And I just left my computer. I'm on my iPhone right now. I'll post as soon as I return :-). Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate it.
    Now knuckles just sound awesome, I wish you had a picture or how they would look.
    Yes go ahead and post, you'll be last in the posting order. and it looks like Durion sucked it up and is going to post.
    Oh if you want there is a field trip thread for padawans. At least one or maybe two slots left. Would you want to join with Cat? Matt is there with Christian
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