Lady Eona

Feeling very unwelcome. I do appreciate criticism, but I don't need to be made to feel any more depressed then I already normally am. So far when i checked a character that had only one person respond to suddenly have two more I checked them out. And both of them made me feel stupid and not welcome. If you want to say something about my characters ability limits post a link some place where I can see it for myself and understand where your coming from. And for the love of all that is Star Wars don't go saying people made up force abilities with out cheeking on wookieepidea first it just makes people feel like a complete idiot.

Ewoks on speeders


:CIsee your problem is the ID-10-T error

Padawan Mia Talen "When one relies on sight to perceive the world, it is like trying to stare at the galaxy through a crack in the door."

Nightsister Elder Yota "funny speak I you think. hmmmmmm. Maybe speak normal do I, maybe speak funny do you."

Leliana "Wraith" Sunfell "Never go into space with someone braver than you."

Zyria "Kit" Kittani "If they want to or not everyone tells me their secrets eventually"

