Recent content by Jonny Priest

  1. Jonny Priest

    Bon Voyage; the Opening Chapter

    Balur snickered as he heard the sounds of metal clanking on the ground, presumably from the last droid, after his successful hack into the security mainframe of the station's network. Of course, he only gained access to their defense droid's network, and initiated the process he had previously...
  2. Jonny Priest

    Bon Voyage; the Opening Chapter

    Balur snickered as she commented on his exhaustion. "It's like learning to do a new trick. You use all the muscles you know to until you build strength and endurance, then the rest becomes muscle memory. Same thing with the force. The more I do it, the less exhausting it becomes," balur replied...
  3. Jonny Priest

    The sky is falling down

    Snow made it to the top as Finn shouted for her to look for something, anything that could help get the boy up to safety quickly enough. She scoured the dock, only glancing slightly at the ship to admire it, hoping it would be fast enough to gauge tee their escape. Then, she saw a rope coiled...
  4. Jonny Priest

    The sky is falling down

    Their attacker was pinned behind a pillar when Finn used a Force blast to crumble the already-failing structures, surprising her with the fact that he was a Force sensitive. However, she was less inclined to play the inquisitor on whatever side he might be on, and more inclined to make it to the...
  5. Jonny Priest

    Bon Voyage; the Opening Chapter

    Balur held his own against the Gamorrean, but the giant pig was putting up one hell of a fight. He was outfitted in strong armor, but also wielded an ax made of beskar that could withstand his lightsaber blade. The hog slashed at Balur's head, but he quickly ducked and side-stepped out of the...
  6. Jonny Priest

    Targeted Cop Killing in Dallas: 11 shot, 5 dead currently.

    This whole thing really is getting out of control. Just saw this in the news about France. It really breaks my heart.
  7. Jonny Priest

    Bon Voyage; the Opening Chapter

    The pirates continued to rush at them, but were no match. It was a slaughter house, and Balur with Aska by his side were the ones left standing. Balur withdrew his lightsaber as they chanced upon the next of the caches. This time, it was a treasury. "Here's the gold mine," Balur said as he...
  8. Jonny Priest

    The sky is falling down

    Snow was conscious of the dust as Finn pointed it out, careful to mask her mouth and nose so that she wouldn't inhale any dangerous shrapnel within the air as they climbed over the wreckage. She was slightly relieved when they saw the hangar bay, and even more so when he pointed out that he had...
  9. Jonny Priest

    Sneak and Peek

    She watched as he leaped to their first checkpoint, safely and silently making it inside the vent before peeking back at her and waiting for her to join him. She was sure the Force cloaking was starting to take its toll, so she moved rather quickly. Her footsteps were light, barely making more...
  10. Jonny Priest

    The sky is falling down

    The sounds of exploding meteors continued all around them as they passed through the alley between the demolished buildings. Snow followed closely behind, keeping her head on a swivel and observing as much as she could of their surroundings as they moved, certain to have them all avoid any...
  11. Jonny Priest

    Bon Voyage; the Opening Chapter

    Balur nodded as he deactivated his saber and dashed forward, through the shield, and then reactivated the crimson blade in enough time to deflect blaster bolts as they rained down fire n them. He drew closer and closer until they themselves had to draw vibroblades and engaged him in a sword...
  12. Jonny Priest

    The sky is falling down

    Three days earlier... Snow found herself in a very tricky situation; a Hutt thug had her bound by her wrists and ankles to a chair in the middle of a blacked out room. The only light was one that dangled slowly back and forth above her head, adding to the occasional dripping of leaks in the...
  13. Jonny Priest

    You should be aware that I saw your gif in your signature and screamed like a little girl...

    You should be aware that I saw your gif in your signature and screamed like a little girl. Spiders make me O.o
  14. Jonny Priest

    Post Your Pictures Version 18.0

    I'm sexyyyy!!!!
  15. Jonny Priest

    Mace Windu might still be alive? Well slap my pasty-white Irish/Native-American butt and call me...

    Mace Windu might still be alive? Well slap my pasty-white Irish/Native-American butt and call me Sally! (srslydon'tknowifthat'sgoodornot)