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  • OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, GAJA, You friggen' ass. Miss ya bud, and happy birthday.
    It's going good. I'm trying to get back into the flow of role playing after a long hiatus.

    How's it going on your end?
    Well, you'll be a bit sad to hear this and I wanted to talk to you about it on skype, but Satsuki's story is going to reach it's conclusion soon and she's going to be killed off. I want to wipe the slate clean of the Onida arc and just focus on progressing Satoryu as I feel I've overcomplicated her story. Having two chars directly related has been kind of a pain because one tends to lag the others' progress. So, we can maybe have a special thread between Satsu and Yuri before she kicks the bucket?
    I'm not really the best person to be asking about timeline stuff, since I mostly just do my own thing and not worry about the site story, but the Rebels have launched their first major assault on the Imperium in the battle of the Reckoning.
    That gif in your sig is amazing. I don't know if you give a damn about it, but it is.
    It's good! I've been back at my family's house for the holidays and have taken a bit of a break from RPing, but am hoping to get back to it soon.
    If I do ride my battleship into your village it will be a classified operation which I will keep secret by obliterating the Balkans and then bringing them into the Union as states 51-57. Then I will plant an American flag on the faces of your leaders and build a KFC in your eastern Orthodox Churches
    Ahaha nah I got boot camp in Illinois and then A School in Florida. Thats about two years total. After that I go where I'm needed.
    doing a diverse rp to stretch the old rp muscles. Ship out in march so I cant come back persay, but I'm here in spirit haha
    hahaha! Same old over here brother. just working. I'm taking my first vacation in six months in a bout a week and right now my mind has pretty much already shut down. lmao
    lol yes gaja how did u not know of it =O, and for me...I've watched a lot of anime lately, all while struggling to work up motivation to RP..but I guess I should work on Jaz's enforcer asset XD
    ah it's the ye old failing to prepare syndrome =P

    and hey little gaja bro XD...what anime have u been watching anyway?
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