Recent content by dourra

  1. D

    Chat about anime (Not for people who dislike anime)

    Anime SUCKs..... im messin anime is the best. Anime: n. A style of animation developed in Japan, characterized by stylized colorful art and often adult themes. Now thats what im talkin about
  2. D

    Call of duty 5

    yes it is:CHappy:
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    Call of duty 5

    no... i've seen that they officially releades the release it up
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    Call of duty 5

    i gotta wright a 10 page essay ~peace out and remeber strawberies have 3 diffrent colors
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    Call of duty 5

  6. D

    Call of duty 5

    umm ya...
  7. D

    Call of duty 5

    ya...uhhhhh.... carrots are orange .ummmm....... .. ya ..
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    Call of duty 5

    ya i know cod5....wierd ....tree branches smell good when cooked!
  9. D

    Call of duty 5

    I've heard that call of duty 5 will come out on November this year??:CHappy: