Recent content by batumshakalaka

  1. batumshakalaka

    Hey man, sorry I haven't posted. My little girl is super fussy and doesn't let me do much of...

    Hey man, sorry I haven't posted. My little girl is super fussy and doesn't let me do much of anything. All my free time is for homework. I'm bummed to see that Clan Renelo has seemingly ended. For me it provides a perfect opportunity to bow out as I cannot be a reliable poster at this time...
  2. batumshakalaka

    Sounds good, I'll try and post soon but ive got a 20-30 page paper I'm working on for school. It...

    Sounds good, I'll try and post soon but ive got a 20-30 page paper I'm working on for school. It might take me a day or two to get the post up. I just can't seem to get away from the real world these days.
  3. batumshakalaka

    Ramikadyc (Renelo CTF PvP)

    Graves took the scarecrow made of the crimson armor and laid it close to the base of a tree. Propping it up he made it look as if the empty armor was crouched in a ready position. "Thanks, vode." He said to the nogrhi. Then he himself headed off into the brush keeping low and scanning the area...
  4. batumshakalaka

    Haha, good luck with that. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    Haha, good luck with that. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  5. batumshakalaka

    Rusaar (Renelo)

    Graves jogged along with everyone else. He was a smoker and a drinker but also believed his vices to be acceptable under one condition. His body be at peak condition. Even though he went for daily runs he usually hadn't just smoked a cigarette or been in full kit although he had been known to...
  6. batumshakalaka

    I'll get on it today, its midterm time for me though so it might take me another day. Can we not...

    I'll get on it today, its midterm time for me though so it might take me another day. Can we not use another clan member as the NPC?
  7. batumshakalaka

    Hey, I saw you and Grim are doing a thread if you want some company I could tag along. I'm...

    Hey, I saw you and Grim are doing a thread if you want some company I could tag along. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things around here, no biggie if it's a private deal.
  8. batumshakalaka

    We need to get an NPC for Lawlessness. Got any friends you can call on?

    We need to get an NPC for Lawlessness. Got any friends you can call on?
  9. batumshakalaka

    Thanks man!

    Thanks man!
  10. batumshakalaka

    Sorry for my slowness on the post for Russar. Just had a baby girl not too long ago and she...

    Sorry for my slowness on the post for Russar. Just had a baby girl not too long ago and she likes to think that my writing time is actually her time... sadly she is right...
  11. batumshakalaka

    Rusaar (Renelo)

    Graves Renelo made his way into the small clearing. His green beskar’gam fit the terrain perfectly, melding with the dark colors of the swamp and trees. He didn’t have a dominating presence, he wasn’t overly tall or bulky. To the untrained eye he could have been a regular bartender or crew hand...
  12. batumshakalaka

    Ramikadyc (Renelo CTF PvP)

    Graves looked around, not a lot of places to hide a flag. There were bushes and trees but they would be far too obvious. "Well Wakiza what do you think? He asked, "I say we make it easy for them one of us four should strip off our armor and use the flag pole to support it. A scarecrow of sorts...
  13. batumshakalaka

    Can do boss!

    Can do boss!
  14. batumshakalaka

    Hey man sorry, Been meaning to get to it/ spaced it. Will post tonight.

    Hey man sorry, Been meaning to get to it/ spaced it. Will post tonight.
  15. batumshakalaka

    Ramikadyc (Renelo CTF PvP)

    Graves took his weapons, taking the blaster in his off hand and the baton in his main. The baton would be a poor subsitute for his Ca’oya blade but it would do for practice. Graves played the with weight of the weapons getting used to them as he gave a nod to his teammates and headed off toward...