Zante Sei’skra


SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2009
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This is his full profile, I’m going to work on and post an Abridged version for quick reference. This is essentially me posting my full set of notes and personal descriptions etc. that I’m writing so I know the character inside and out.

Physical Description: Zante’s face is set like a Mountain Lion’s, but longer. He has light tan fur, and no mane to speak of. He generally wears a simple leather and cloth armor set, or simple training robes.

NAME: Zante Sei’skra
AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 170cm
WEIGHT: 65kg
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Light Tan/Blonde
SKIN: Light Tan fur

WISDOM: 7/10


Field Experience
Trained Unarmed
Trained Vibroblade

Form I as a sword form.


Zante is a disciplined martial artist, specializing in vibroblade combat. It should be noted that he is not a battle-hardened veteran, merely someone who is dedicated to self-improvement. He is familiar with the wildlife of multiple planets, having both studied them esoterically, and picked up field experience on Corellia where he spent most of his life. He knows little about politics, space combat, computers, or anything of the like. He is quite provincial. He is a Bothan, and therefore of a less muscular build than many races, and is physically less powerful than many career fighters.

Basic First Aid kit
Sewing kit and strips of leather
Survey Scanner
Light leather and cloth armor, useful for repelling glancing blade or blaster shots, mainly serves as a second skin. Extremely useful in the field: Not very cumbersome, and wards off almost all animal bites and scratches. As a result, only defends against cosmetic combat damage.




Zante is very dedicated to his martial arts, generally soft-spoken, and generally humble. He likes to drink, a departure from his otherwise calm, collected, cool, and ascetic character, but he does. He enjoys the lively atmosphere of cantinas and the social interactions he has in bars are always entertaining. He lets himself this one diversion, but otherwise keeps himself serious in most, if not all matters. He is mildly awed by starships and the idea of space travel, having been land bound most of his life, but does not ascribe any great wonder or mystery to it, merely regards it as an experience with which he is not yet familiar.

He is very traditional, very moral, and very independent. He upholds his personal values, his own moral code, of honesty and respect. Loosens up some with alcohol, but never drinks enough to get really drunk. He enjoys the atmosphere of the cantina; the conflict, the struggle, the wealth of human emotion and activity.

In terms of work, he enjoys working on himself. He is introspective and a huge believer in self improvement, to help the world outside, one must start within. He also enjoys teaching others, and helping them improve themselves, another worthwhile task. After working on himself, and working on others, he also considers hand crafts to be very productive. Discipline in craft leads to discipline in the rest of your life, and as you practice a craft, you improve yourself through that, while still creating something useful. This respect helps his relationship with the Bothan tribes near Coronet, as they are craft oriented peoples. He works some with leather, picked it up while exploring his race’s Corellian villages.

He has a desire to bring justice, knowledge, and betterment to the Galaxy. He wants to instill the Galaxy’s people with a knowledge of what is right and good, and what is unjust and immoral. In this sense, he is a savage opponent of slavery, and violence, but at the same time believes that many of the injustices he despises are perpetuated by various governments and would fight against them vehemently to preserve sentient rights.


Nearly a millennium ago, on the Bothan homeworld of Bothawui, two prominent Bothan clan experienced a schism. Within the Ira and Skra clans, some members started to cultivate the thought that the Bothan focus on self-advancement and prestige was not, in fact, honorable. Groups within each of these clans, after long debate, discussion, and eventually decision, one group from each the Ira and the Skra split off, and together the splinters from the two clans left into space to search for a new home.

The two offshoot clans roamed space for a decade, looking for a planet suitable for settlement, not a new planet they could colonize, but a settled planet, one with a good sized, but not overwhelming, population, that they could get along with. They eventually found and settled upon Corellia. They settled on foothills near Coronet, and had a warm relatinoship with the humans there. They were a community of artisans and craftsmen, not the spies like Bothans native to their homeworld. As such, they had a healthy trade with visitors from Coronet. They became familiar with the landscape, and developed a leather and cloth armor, perfect for anyone planning to go out into the wilderness. In adition, they brought with them skilled smiths from Bothawui, and set up the best forges on Corellia. Not heavy metals specialists, they mainly crafted jewelery, and ingots of specialized alloys. Over the past few hundred years, both clans have cultivated their reputations as skilled, honest, and honorable.

More recently, Zante’s grandfather, Grendu, joined the Bothawui military, offending many members of his Corellian clan. While the Corellian clans frown upon the homeworld’s activities, however, it is only a minor offense to the Corellian tribes, he had not been dishonored, he was merely disliked. Sometime after Zante’s father, Zrask grew up (in fact, after Zrask had a child named Zante) Grendu died while boarding a pirate vessel, defending the Merchant Marine as part of the Bothawuian military.

The Zrask, who was raising a five year old son with his wife Irys in Coronet, seeing as his father moved off of the Clan‘s land in the foot hills, received the news that his father died. He was, of course devastated. Over time, he developed a bitterness from his father’s death. A bitterness towards his clan on Corellia for shunning him from society, no matter how mild it might have been; A bitterness towards Bothawui for sending his aging father on such a risky mission; a bitterness towards himself for not convincing his father to quit the navy, or at least offering him a job at the workshop he worked for.
And so, as things go, Zrask started to drink.

When Zante was a small child, he spent a lot of time with his parents. With his dad exploring the city when he didn’t have to work, and with his mother, exploring the nearby wilderness, and taking trips back to the Bothan clans’ land. There he discovered his love for adventure and exploration, and when he got to be a little older--after his grandfather died and his father began to drink--he would spend all day after school exploring the foothills, documenting the various plants and animals he found. At school, due to his interest in flora, fauna, and exploration, he studied the zoology and botany of many planets, and excelled in these studies.

His family life was fine. He had a decent relationship with both his parents, and his father may have started to drink, but he wasn’t completely dysfunctional. He had a good relationship with his Clan, and always had relatives there to fall back upon. His mother was nice, but ineffective, and his father’s career was dead-end. The droll-looking future of his family motivated Zante to improve himself, such that he may do whatever he desired in life. Thusly, he took up martial arts, thinking that the exercise was healthy and the discipline would help him in all aspects of life.

Living on his own in Coronet since he was sixteen, Zante has worked in a myriad of jobs. He worked for a while near the spaceport in a stall that sold cheap food to spacers, and once he saved up enough, he started a guide service for people wanting to explore the Corellian wilderness. He worked on this for a while--guiding tourists to interesting landmarks or businesspeople to resource deposits--and made decent money, but spent a huge portion of his time training all the while. He was an extremely dedicated member of his dojo, and in personal combat was extremely talented, fettered only by his late entry and the fact that as a Bothan he would not have the same muscle mass as his peers. Zante volunteered to help run the dojo, and train younger members as well as simply training himself.

Eventually, Zante’s bank account began to swell, and his business showing people around the backcountry started to grow dry. So, Zante decided that he would sell his worldly possessions except for his personal gear, give the money minus 1000 credits to his family, and leave his planet for adventure in space, maybe explore new planets, document new animal and plant species as per his childhood dreams.

Recent History:

After spending a couple of weeks in Coronet, looking for somewhere to go, deciding what to do with the rest of his life, Zante decided to make off for the Ospian Enclave on Arcon VII. He had found out about the Ospian Order, heard of it’s split from the Jedi and concluded that the Ospians were completely in the right. His curiosity piqued, he researched the order further to discover its six core values, and realized that he agreed with them completely. It wasn’t long before, while sitting in the cantina, absorbing the atmosphere as he was fond of, Zante encountered a Jedi Apprentice, away from his instructor, and enjoying a night on the town. The Apprentice was foolhardy and arrogant. He came into the Cantina, expected trouble, found it, blew it out of all proportion, and then appointed himself to fix it. Feeling self-righteous, and as if the entire cantina thought him a hero, he approached Zante, and did so publicly.

“You, Bothan, what are you doing here?”

”I’m having a drink in town.” Zante responded, both curtly and politely.
“Come with me. I’m here for the next two days while my master is negotiating; come back to Coruscant with us, and we will show you the ways of the Jedi. You are force sensitive, and, if you play your cards right, you may be my first pupil.”

While Zante was not at all impressed with the Jedi’s attitude and the vulgar displays of power that he put on, he was taken aback by the Jedi’s announcement that Zante was, in fact, force sensitive.
Zante, of course, promptly refused the Jedi’s offer, and told him to go space himself. To this, the Jedi responded by reaching for his lightsaber, but before he could grab it, Zante, the bar’s bouncers, and various annoyed patrons had shoved the Apprentice out of the cantina and into the street. His mind had apparently become too clouded by arrogance, to see it coming.

In spite of Zante’s refusal, he still was intrigued deeply at what the Apprentice had said. He may have only been an apprentice, and the most gifted one at that, but this was something worth investigating. So, when he got home, he packed his few belongings, wrote his landlord a note, and took the next ship to Arcon VII.




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Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
The pic looks like a Khajiit from the Elder Scrolls series, IMO. xP

Other than that, very nice profile. I enjoyed his history, and his personality. He seems like he'll be a lot of fun to interact with. When you start up a RP with him, I might/will send Hakim or Naiya his way. ^_^


SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
The pic looks like a Khajiit from the Elder Scrolls series, IMO. xP

Other than that, very nice profile. I enjoyed his history, and his personality. He seems like he'll be a lot of fun to interact with. When you start up a RP with him, I might/will send Hakim or Naiya his way. ^_^

Cool, thanks!

Shh! <_<

It is :CIsee:
but I couldn't find any good bothan ones! I tried! lol... Just pretend the face is longer.
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SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah, it looked a little to old and aggressive for what I was going for.


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Very good, Jimmy. Very very good ^^