Zal Tenau


Apostrophe Abuser
SWRP Writer
Apr 2, 2017
Reaction score
NAME: Zal Tenau
AGE: 26

FACTION: Dominion
RANK: Super Commando
CLAN: Tenau
HOUSE: Kryze

HEIGHT: 5'10" (1.78 m)
WEIGHT: 165 lbs (74.8 kg)
HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown


  • Zal Tenau was born on Mandalore into the ancient and storied Clan Tenau. His branch, however, lived as simple farmers on the planet’s countryside. His parents were strict disciplinarians, even by Mandalorian standards. His father was especially hard on the young boy, berating him for even the slightest shortcoming. Day in and day out, Zal was worked the farm without the slightest hint of familial affection thrown his way. Naturally, he developed something of a rebellious streak. This only drove his father to push him harder, finally forcing Zal past the breaking point when he was 16 years old. It was then that he abandoned his family and home, hitching a ride with some offworld traders in search of life lived on his own terms.

    Eventually, he fell in with a Wild Space mining corporation. The young Mandalorian started out as an errand boy before working his way up to actual mining. It was here where he found his love for all things explosive. The feeling of blasting rocks into nothingness sparked his enthusiasm better than any nerf could, and soon enough he began to truly love what he was doing with his life.

    However, Zal’s wandering nature eventually got the better of him again. While the mines had given him valuable experience, friendships, and most importantly, credits, it was growing dull and routine. Pirate attacks were becoming less and less common and the whole thing began to feel like an actual job. His mind was made up when he heard rumors that his people had freed themselves from the Republic, and had established a resurgent Mandalorian Dominion. He immediately took his last payment, said goodbye to his friends, and booked a ship to Mandalore. After 10 years, Zal returned to his homeworld intent on joining something greater than himself. Being able to blow stuff up was just a sweet bonus.
  • Outside of his armor, Zal doesn't cut the most imposing figure. He is of average height and weight, and while his build is athletic, one would rarely see it as he prefers baggy, casual attire when not in battle. His skin is light and his hair is cropped short and dark. His perpetually-bored eyes are a dull brown. He keeps short stubble on his face, because shaving can be a hassle. His features are rounded and somewhat bulbous.

    His Mk. II Mandalorian armor is painted a dark shade of purple, the color of House Kryze, with black stripes running vertically down the crown of his helmet. An explosive warning symbol has been painted on his left breast, and the Mando'a phrase Haat o'r an nuhune ("Many a true word spoken in jest.") has been scratched along the collar of his chest plate. Like any good demolitions expert, he is rarely seen without a bandoleer of grenades strapped across his chest.


    image courtesy of @Outlander

  • At first glance, Zal comes off as rather bland. He speaks in a slow, monotone voice and rarely shows much expression on his face. There's some truth to that assumption, as there are only and handful of things that truly interest him. Politics, philosophy, and art are some choice subjects you won't find him caring for. Bring up atomizing foes with a thermal detonator, however, and a childlike spark of enthusiasm will spread across his face. Zal is something of a demolitions buff, and has dedicated most of his life to the arts of using and disabling explosive devices. Anything that goes boom or makes things go boom is definitely in his wheelhouse, and is a surefire way to want him to shut up.

    He has a sense of dry, sardonic humor and readily prefers stupid jokes to deep, moving conversation. He rarely opens up to people, and will often use said humor to mask his true feelings, or simply not speak at all. While he takes his Mandalorian heritage seriously, he has spent many years away from his home system. Many of his habits and mannerisms stem from time spent in Wild Space, and may be considered by some as irreverent and disrespectful. The most glaring seems to be his detachment from his house and clan, a position complicated by his strained relationship with his family.
  • STRENGTHS: Zal's greatest strength is no surprise: his knowledge and application of explosive ordinance. He knows how to use and defuse most of the galaxy's most common explosives and is eager to learn more of the not as common varieties. He is not to be underestimated with a blaster, however, he was born Mandalorian and was taught from an early age how to shoot. He has also taken an interest in extra-vehicular warfare since joining the Dominion, particularly those that offer the most firepower. While not a master pilot yet, he can hold his own in a cockpit, and is more than willing to mount up in combat.

    WEAKNESSES: However, Zal is not without his flaws. While he isn't a slouch with a blaster, the farther away from something he is the less likely he is to hit it. He isn't much of a long-range marksman. He also isn't the greatest communicator. He can often appear bored and uninterested, and his poor judgment of when to joke doesn't help him, either. Speaking of poor judgement, Zal can be extremely reckless and foolhardy, not the best quality in someone who handles explosives.

    • Vast knowledge of explosives
    • Promising piloting abilities
    • Cool under fire
    • Above average mid-short range blaster combat

  • GEAR:



  • .

Template by @ZayPat
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Apostrophe Abuser
SWRP Writer
Apr 2, 2017
Reaction score
Edit Log
4/22/17: changed appearance pic and description.
5/5/17: Added Mando tag to title. Added a link to Mandalore Indomitus under threads.
5/7/17: PURPED UP + edited appearance section
5/9/17: Rewrote biography section.
5/10/17: Removed Supernova grenades, added M-Series droid
5/12/17: Switched for Mk.II Mando armor; cured fear of jetpacks.
5/15/17: Edited Personality before undertaking any crazy in-depth RPing, gave myself another thermal detonator as a birthday present.
5/18/17: Added Clan, House fields, added new appearance picture and description, adjusted color
5/28/17: Added Open Hostilities to threads
5/29/17: Minor edit to attributes, staked OCD desire to record every edit I make.
6/1/17: Added Seat of Power to threads
6/13/17: TROPES
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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
wise enough to not wear a jetpack...good enough for me.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
yo @crab if you're still around i think Taomwata and him would be great pals. They are both of House Kryze so i think they would have another thing in common.