Sentient Verminion


belfast's sweetheart
SWRP Writer
Dec 9, 2021
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  • Physiology and Lifespan - Verminions are medium sized humanoids that can stand anywhere between 4'10 to 6'4. They are known for their razor teeth, sharp claws and bad attitudes. Skin color variates from beige, tan, green, marble white and pitch black and their eyes can be red, white, black or very rarely green. They have pointed ears and pointed tongues that can extend out of their mouth up to 12 inches. These tongues are frequently accidentally bitten off. Verminions can grow hair on their head but it is rare. It is impossible for a Verminion to grow body hair.

    Male and Female Verminions are very similar in build and appearance, the only notable differences are female Verminions are often shorter and have 6 extra nipples running down their torso.

    The Verminion life span is one of the shortest of any known sentient species, ranging from 5-10 years.

    Regneration - The Verminions most notable trait is their ability to rapidly regenerate and heal wounds (out of combat only). Healing processes that would take, for example a Human, several days to weeks can be achieved in 12 hours. However a Verminions wounds never seem to heal properly - instead of a wound being closed over, scabbing and then healing completely, it appears to just get covered up by new skin growth. Because of this Verminions usually look quite deformed and scar heavily. This rapid regeneration of cells is also responsible for their short life-spans with many Verminions developing and succumbing to several variations of cancers.

    Their bones heal similiarly quickly but, if they are not set into place properly before it begins healing, a new bone will start growing instead - leaving them with protruding spikes and disfigured limbs. Verminion's teeth suffer from a similar problem, with most of them just growing teeth ontop of teeth when they lose one - often leaving the Verminion with a mouth full of gnarly, twisted spikes which sometimes grow out through their faces.

    When a verminion loses a limb their body will attempt to regrow it - this almost always fails and leaves the Verminion with some mutated, deformed attempted at replacing the lost limb. Many Verminions naturally mutate as their bodys grow and replaces dead cells over time, with some having extra fingers or useless third eyes as a side effect of their healing factor.

    Verminions have a high tolerance to toxins, venom and most diseases due to their rapidly regrowing cells.

    Verminions have a remarkable tolerance for pain, feeling about a quarter the amount of pain a Human would. (Has no effect in combat.)

    The Force - Verminions are capable of being Force Sensitive however most of them don't live long enough to explore that avenue. Those that do find that the techniques of the force that effect the world around them are far more difficult to use than those that effect only their own body - with techniques such as Force Enhancement, Speed etc. being much more common.

  • Reproduction - Verminions are mammals and reproduce via coitus. Due to their short lifespans, nature has taken a quantity not quality attitude towards Verminion reproduction and, similar to rats and other rodents, a single female Verminion can give birth to a dozen of them at a time.

    Pregnancy and Adolescence - Many of these young won't survive due to their species susceptibility to cancers but they make enough of them that it doesn't matter. A verminion will be pregnant for no more than 4 months, when they give birth the babies are not fully developed - their healing ability will continue the incubation process outside of the womb. Verminions mature incredibly quickly, reaching adolesence within 3 months and full adulthood within 6. They reproduce like wildfire and two verminions can easily produce almost 100 young over their short lifespan - but a large amount of these young will be culled by their own healing factor or hostile surroundings. Verminions cannot reproduce outside of their own species.


  • Strengths:

    Regeneration - The Verminion healing factor is a powerful tool and must not be underestimated, even for all it's faults.

    Natural Weaponry - They may not be as sharp as a vibroblade but a Verminion's claws are still more than capable of causing some serious damage. When combined with their near-feral nature once they're in a fight they can tear most creatures apart with just their teeth and their nails.

    Numbers - If you find one Verminion you're almost certainly going to find more. Their rapid reproduction means that once a few of them get onto a planet they're pretty much gonna be there permanently.

  • Weaknesses:

    Lifespan - Verminion's natural life spans are incredibly short and are often cut shorter by their aggressive nature and violent tendencies.

    Cancers - Because they are almost constantly regenerating skincells somewhere on their body, mutations are frequent and these often result in Cancers and other disfigurements.

    Intelligence - Most Verminions are not very bright due to the fact that their average lifespan is a shorter period of time than most people would spend in school.



  • Meat, Blood and Bones - Verminions stomachs and disgestive systems are only capable of digesting meat, meaning that Verminions are a purely carnivorous species. Their bodies are capable of eating raw meat without fear of bacteria present and because of this, Verminions will almost never cook their food as they see as a waste of time.

    Cannibalism - Life on the Verminion homeworld was tough and they did not let anything go to waste. Dead Verminions were frequently eaten by the others in the tribe. Verminions do not suffer the same ill-effects from cannibalism as most other species do, their bodies process and digest verminion meat like it would any other.

    Autosarcophagy - As Verminion meat is just as sustaining to them as any other, a Verminion is capable of taking advantage of both their innate healing and their incredibly pain tolerance to literally consume their own bodies - biting off fingers or excess flesh to sustain themselves. This is not sustainable for the long term as is usually done as a last resort but a Verminion can survive for up to 2 weeks via autosarcophagy alone.

    Ravenous - A Verminion's appetite is almost never sated and they always feel atleast a little hungry.


  • Aggression - Verminions are famously aggressive and easily angered. As their homeworld was very much a Verm eat Verm world, the most violent Alpha Verminions typically did the best in terms of eating and breeding. This attitude has diminished slightly ever since their migration into the stars but centuries of in-fighting and vicious battles are hard to unlearn so the chip on their shoulder is there to stay.

    You Only Live Once - After encountering other species and learning how pathetically short their lifespans typically are, a lot of Verminions have taken a new philosophy towards life. Many of them are filled with an intense wanderlust and desire to see, smell, hear, taste and touch as much things in the universe as they possibly can.

    Impatience - Verminions are aware the clock is constantly ticking down and as such they hate waiting. They were try to do everything as fast as possible, be it wolfing down food, cleaning, speaking, fighting. Everything costs precious seconds and they cannot afford to waste any of them.



  • Vermese - Verminions speak Vermese, a language that sounds like various growls, screeches, hisses and spitting. Any species with lips, a tongue and teeth could theoretically speak Vermese but none of them can get the intricacies down like a Verminion.

    Written Vermese - Their written language is limited, with most Verminion stories and lore being passed on verbally. The few Vermese words that are recorded in a written format consist of sharp, jagged shapes drawn on cave walls with blood.

    Basic - A Verminion accent when speaking Basic will sound like the words are being snarled and almost as if the Verminion is in pain.


  • Names - Verminions are often named after the first noise they make, meaning their names are often harsh and short, ideal for being hissed at an enemy. Some examples include Skarl, Skosh, Tark, Kahn. They do not have surnames as family trees and bloodlines are both irrelevant and impossible to keep track of.

    Religion and Art - Verminions surprisingly did have atleast a rudimentary form of organised religion. They worshipped Gannit, the God of Flesh and Blood, and believed that their regenerative abilities were his blessing and that by consuming meat they were earning his favour. Force Sensitive Verminions were often the chosen priests of Gannit as their ability to use the force to amplify their own bodies made them the strongest warriors and thus, the heads of Verminion society.

    Verminions had little to no art on their homeworld. They were too busy fighting for survival and most of them find the entire concept of Art to be a laughable waste of time. The only artform taken seriously by Verminions was body paint - they would typically use powders and paint to draw intimidating features on their bodies, such as skull faces and rows of teeth. They also enjoyed music and would frequently play skin drums and 'sing' which to those not fluent in Vermese this singing sounds like feral but rhythmic screeching.

    Verminions do not have a typical understanding of 'beauty' and often find things that others would find atrocious to be captivating. The mangled faces of another Verminion for example would be much more attractive to them than any human.

    Romance - When you only live for a decade you really do not have time to mate for life. Verminions have almost no concept of typical romance, most seeing sex as a means to reproduce and continue the Verminion race. However, since migrating to the other planets and learning about their short lifespans and how the other species live and love, some Verminions have began taking spouses and persuing 'typical' romances.

    Verminions that do this tend to rush into relationships, often declaring undying love and getting married within months because they literally do not have the time to spare.

    Life and Death - As most Verminions understand that death is a very rapidly approaching inevitability they do not fear it. Ironically their lives are too short to fear death, and as they are surrounded by dying Verminions all the time their species are almost completely desensitized to it. Oh, your Uncle died? That's okay - you literally have 100 more. Verminions also have little to no reaction to pregnancies or new births because they are an incredibly frequent occurance.


  • Verminions never discovered space travel themselves. Their planet was found by other space-faring species before they could and, like vermin, they found their ways onto other species ships. Verminions are most commonly found within Five Syndicate circles as they were among the first to find them. When the Syndicates found the planet their minds obviously went to slavery first - here they had a planet with stupid, strong and indefinitely disposable workers who would literally replace themselves constantly. It was too good to be true.

    The Verminions career as a slave race didn't last long. They proved to be infinitely more difficult to manage and control than any other species they'd tried to enslave. Within a year their slave pens were overrun with the rapidly breeding captives and eventually the Verminions began to slip through the cracks. All it took was two of them to escape and then they went on to create more, and more and then their children grew up, and made more, and so on and so forth. It didn't take long for Verminions spread themselves throughout the galaxy by stowing away on ships and other transports.

    Most planets consider Verminions to be, well, Vermin. Theyre short-lived, nasty and will multiply like rabbits if you take your eyes off them for two seconds. Verminions have maintained some of their connections with the Underworld but now, instead of being slaves, they are often employed as thugs, muscle or cannon fodder due to their naturally vicious natures and their replacability.

    Verminions can now be found on almost every civilized planet, typically infesting slums or doing shady jobs for cash. Other Verminions have taken to civlized lifestyles and try their best to replicate the other species - persuing the finer things like art and music. But most other Verminions view them as stupid and weak.


  • Gannit - The Verminion homeworld of Gannit is an arid wasteland consisting of barren deserts, acidic seas and boiling rains. Only the toughest, meanest species are capable of surviving it's harsh conditions. A day on Gannit lasts approximately 60 hours, and it's typical year is 100 earth days. Very little plant life can grow on Gannit which is why 90% of species on the planet are strictly carnivorous resulting in a very competetive food chain.

    While from a distance it could be easy to dismiss Gannit as a desolate hellhole it has huge deposits of valuable gems underneath it's surface - gems which the Verminions had never had a use for until their planet was introduced to interstellar travel. Now it has several mines in which Verminions dig and sell these gems in exchange for credits, technology and transport.


  • Before their migration into the stars Verminions' technology was fairly primitive. They had developed explosives and slugthrowers and rudimentary vehicles but blasters, space ships, terminals etc. were beyond their comprehension at the time. After migrating to the stars most Verminion now know how to use a blaster and some can even fly space craft.

    Verminions have almost no medical technology on their homeplanet as they never needed to have it. Their understanding of science in general is lacking, with many of them not really considering it worth studying since they only lived for such a laughably short time.


    live fast die young bad girls do it well


  • Intent: to create a new species with a personality and outlook on life that i think could be fun to write & interact with and also to introduce a new gnarly species because you can never have enough of those
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The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
I really like the species

My only thing is

Verminions have a remarkable tolerance for pain, feeling about a quarter the amount of pain a Human would.

This needs to be made clear this isn't applicable in combat in any form. It's too prone to abuse otherwise.

Tag me when this change is made

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
To expedite this, I edited to specify 'combat' instead of 'PvP' for the pain tolerance. Since there is still combat that isn't PVP that there is potential roleplay issue with. (such as DMed threads and such)

Anyways, Approved!