Valen's Workshop

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score

Coordinates: L2
Hyperlane: N/A


Climate: The climate varies depending on the region. Generally, all the regions experience the full range of seasons to a degree. For example, The temperate forests experience more mild winters than the frozen tundra.


Terrain: Raydor’s terrain ranges from vast lush forests, to towering frozen mountains, and everything in between. Temperate forests make up the majority of the planet’s surface and house a significant portion of the planet’s inhabitants. Please see the faction dossier for major landmarks associated with the Paladins of Mortis.

Rotation: Day and night are unextraordinary. The planet has a standard 24-hour rotation cycle with a 365 day rotation around the sun.


Inhabitants: The inhabitants of Raydor, whom call themselves Raydorans, are humans that have lived on the planet for several centuries and are unused to visitors; the Paladins of Mortis arriving out of the blue is likely to be a shock to them.

Resources: Raydor does not have any unique or large natural resource deposits.


Government: Varied. Raydor's indigenous inhabitants are not large or centralized enough for a single government and their settlements are mostly independent, though interconnected and relatively close together.

The Paladins of Mortis and their civilian retainers follow a feudal style of government, broadly defined as between lords, vassals, and serfs-- protection and land in exchange for labor and services. Due to recent, extensive losses of personnel, this system is currently incredibly streamlined and will eventually be normalized.


Culture: The indigenous Raydorans are largely rural, with a small number of settlements that could be called cities. They're largely self-sufficient and follow their own laws due to being on the rough edge of the Outer Rim with relatively little contact with outsiders.

The Paladins of Mortis and its civilians follow the teachings of the Church of Mortis. This is a distinctly unique view of the Force and how the galaxy was created, and their overall culture is tied to this view and the style of government that evolved in the Church's domain. The full tenets of the Paladins of Mortis in particular can be found in their faction dossier.

Technology: The people of Raydor are more-or-less technologically on-par with much of the civilized galaxy, though their relative isolation means that their technology is usually decades-old. The Paladins of Mortis, on the other hand, are also more-or-less equivalent to the rest of the Galaxy, but most, if not all, of their current technology was created in their own isolation from the Galaxy due to their society having been large enough to sustain its own interstellar economy.

Satellites: One moon.

History: Raydor is a mostly-unremarkable planet that was first encountered by a small group of Jedi thousands of years ago. This group attempted to make a colony on the planet, but eventually abandoned the planet due to being isolated from the rest of the Galaxy. The planet remained uninhabited for many years until, within the last few hundred years, the planet was colonized by immigrant species from the Republic. Most recently the Paladins of Mortis and as many civilians as they could bring have picked Raydor as a suitable spot to call their new home, possibly drawn by the ancient Jedi temple on the planet.

Intent: We are proposing a new Force based faction, the Paladins of Mortis. The Paladins have an original story line and history. The planet will serve the faction's main base of operations and home to the majority of the faction’s members. A fanon planet is necessary because for a completely original undertaking it’s helpful to have a blank slate to work from; If we had chosen a canon planet there was a large risk we would run into canonical issues. This allows us to explore the Paladins interacting with NPCs without running afoul of the canon planets/peoples.
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Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score

Alexia Morr: The Red Witch

NAME Alexia Therases Morr AGE 26 FACTION Sith: Priesthood of Tund - Sith Sorceress: Priestess


Alexia is the classically beautiful Hapan. She stands just over 5 feet 5 inches, weighing in at 120 pounds. She takes great pride in her physical conditioning. Her body has very little fat and is comprised of the lean muscle she ruthlessly trains to maintain. Typically, she keeps her hair shorter and cropped closer to her face. She can be seen wearing a variety of grab but commonly wears plain black robes or her specialized robes (please see below).


Alexia rigorously trains her body to be able to perform at peak function without the aid of the Force. She is a fervent believer in physical superiority and perfection. However, her relatively slightly frame dictates some of what she is capable of. She would not be considered traditionally ‘strong,’ rather she focuses on dexterity and stamina. Her vanity drives her to seek out all manner of solutions to combat Darkside corruption. She harbors deep resentment for any mark against her beauty, as she considers it a gift from the Darkness.

Alexia is a gifted Force user. Her talents are particularly well suited for the more arcane uses of the Darkside. She has a mind primed for research and uses her intellect to further the Sith’s knowledge of the Darkside. Unfortunately, her fascination with the arcane has very little practical use in the combat. She in not untrained in the more ‘duel’ oriented Force techniques but her specializations and true talents are elsewhere.


Alexia is a fervent believer in the power of the Darkside. She was raised as a Sith and knows no other life. She was taught there is no higher calling than to serve the Dark. She is reverent in her supplication to the Darkness. She has devoted herself to the study of the Force, helping to uncover secrets long forgotten by the Jedi and Sith. She considers her work to be her calling from the Darkside. She is a true ‘believer’ and will go to untold lengths to strike down any she considers heretics.

Despite not being raised in Hapan society, Alexia has developed the tell-tale Hapan vanity. She considers her beauty a gift from the Darkside, a tool she can use to further the Darksides goals. She cares little for advancement within the Sith. She cares only for spreading the word of the Darkside throughout the galaxy. The Sith allow her to accomplish that goal. For a Sith, she is remarkably calm and considers cold rationality superior to rash decision making. She can be pushed to anger by ‘nonbelievers’ and marks against her appearance.


Alexia was stolen from the Hapan Cluster at a young age. A devoted Sith discovered her while searching the galaxy for Force sensitive children. She should have been indoctrinated with the other procured subjects, but her captor felt drawn to her. Years later her ‘father’ would describe it as the will of the Darkside. He was meant to raise her so that she could be a vessel to spread Darkness throughout the galaxy.

Her ‘father’ raised her as devotee of the Darkside. His teachings pushed her to accept the Darkness as more than a tool, it was a way of life. The Darkside had a will, and that will required it be spread to worlds full of heretics. She was taught the worst of the galaxy were ‘nonbelievers’ or those who did not accept the teachings of the Darkside. A nonbeliever could not be saved and they had to be culled. The Darkness could only spread if they filled the galaxy with true loyal subjects of the Darkside. As Alexia grew older her ‘father’s’ training began to include Lightsaber Forms and uses of the Force. She was instructed on all of the basic forms but took a particular interest in Ataru. She learned all of the basic uses of the Force but her father took special care to teach her the deeper uses of the Darkside. At the hand of her father she learned the art of Darkside rituals and her true purpose. She was meant to collect knowledge the Sith had thought lost. She was meant to become a master of the arcane.

She could only pursue her calling if she could maneuver the ranks of the Sith. She trained endlessly to turn her body into what she considered perfection. It allowed her to leave behind the meddling of her father, navigate the ranks of the Sith, and establish herself. She is far from feared but she liberated enough limbs from bodies to be left alone with her studies. Alexia has devoted herself to the study of the deepest secrets of the Darkside. She joined the Priesthood of Tund to continue to peruse that deeply rooted passion. She has not forgotten that weakness would interrupt her studies. She continues to tirelessly train to ensure she is not challenged by a foolish initiate.

As the Sith expand across the galaxy, Alexia has seized the opportunity to spread the word of the Darkside. She searches for every small chance to bring the Darkness to the galaxy. The larger the Empire becomes she knows it will be of even more importance to spread the faith.


Lightsaber Forms: Alexia is a master of Ataru and above average skill in Makashi. She is adequately trained in all other forms (except VII of course). She employs Don Moch with marginal success.

Force Powers: Alexia is a master of the deeper recess of the Darkside. She is particularly skilled at various arcane rituals. Her deep devotion to the Darkside manifests in combat as moderately powerful Force lightning. She is above average in the use of Telekinesis but lacks real skill in augmenting her body with the Force. She is adequately trained in most basic uses of the Force.


Pictured above are the specialized robes Alexia wears during rituals and battle. She carries a single ruby red lightsaber with a plain silver hilt. (I plan to update this section with additional equipment before I PvP).

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Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score

Valen Pelora

[fancybox4=""]FULL NAME: Valen Pelora

AGE: 27

SPECIES: Mirialan

HEIGHT: 6’ 1”

WEIGHT: 185lbs

EYE COLOR: Light blue

HAIR COLOR: Light brown

SKIN COLOR: Pale green

MARKINGS: 3 Geometric Tattoos


FACTION: The Jedi Army

RANK: Knight

Valen stands slightly above average height with a slim athletic build attributed to the life of Jedi. As with all Mirialan, despite their close resemblance to humans, the defining difference is the pale green color of Valen’s skin. At a quick glance he might pass as human but a closer inspection reveals the tell tale green hue, while not as dark as many of his species it is unmistakable in clear light. Valen keeps his light brown hair cut short and in rare bout of vanity will often style it in popular fashion.

There is nothing outwardly remarkable about Valen’s appearance. He would pass as a simple citizen on nearly every planet. If you saw him outside (in plain clothes) the Temple you might give him a passing glance and then quickly forget the face as your mind wandered to other thoughts. Perhaps the only feature that would set him apart are his light blue eyes and Mirialan tattoo markings. As is the custom of the Mirialan people Valen has a tattoo on his face and hands for each substantial bench mark in his life. The tattoos are often times geometric in nature and Valen is no exception. He has three tattoos; one on his face and one on each hand. The first tattoo is a series of diamonds made into a pyramid on his chin. The bottom row is three diamonds near the bottom of his chin and they ascend towards his lips. The two on his hands are matching and are simple four diamonds connected at the points to form a square on the top of each hand.

Most often Valen wears the traditional brown robes of the Jedi with the standard clothes beneath. When in a situation requiring a different ensemble he will most likely wear a simple outfit of black and greys fitting whatever is needed.justify]


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As a young boy Valen was often shy and withdrawn having a difficult time connecting with other younglings and his teachers. He was a dutiful student and eager to learn but found his confidence abandoned at the most inopportune times, because of this he began to prefer allowing others to take the lead in class and training. Despite his limitations Valen did find he could quickly grasp many of the Force techniques and teachings faster than his fellow students. Where he lacked in physical combat and confidence he made up for his tireless hunt for knowledge and grasp of the Force. It was his fast learning and love of education that got him noticed and taken as a Padawan.

Throughout his years training beside his Master, Valen slowly began to have more confidence in himself and express his ideas more vocally. His Master pushed Valen to believe in himself and have faith in his actions. He counseled the young Jedi to not fear being assertive and to lead when the chance arose. A turning point came during his trials when Valen was given no choice but to trust himself. After successfully completing his trials and attaining the rank of Jedi Knight the shy, often fearful and withdrawn youngling was gone. In his place was a smart, confident and reflective Jedi Knight. Years of being too afraid to speak up and second guessing his actions and learning to combat those fears helped mold Valen. Rarely does he act without careful thought, he handles most problems through careful reflection and won’t rush to a conclusion. His thirst for knowledge is as great as ever and he takes pride in discovering the many mysteries of the Force. When forced into combat Valen practices the forms most closely associated with his personality, Soresu and Shien focusing on protecting those around him and adopting a defensive stance. He will rely heavily on his strength in the Force while in battle.

However, there are times Valen still struggles to interact with his fellow Jedi. He often find himself at odds with his brothers and sister who prefer to swashbuckle about the galaxy solving their problems with Lightsabers rather than words. At his heart he is a diplomat and dislikes the use of violence even when necessary. Valen places far more confidence in himself now than in his younger years but is still susceptible to self doubt and prefers to avoid true leadership positions.



Ages 0-3: Before the Jedi Order:
There is not much Valen remembers of his time before the Order and most of that was told to him by the Jedi. Valen’s mother was a senator for the Mirialan planet of Mirial spending most of her time on Coruscant. Father than split the family apart Valen’s parents made the decision to raise their family on Coruscant and his mother would travel back and forth as needed. Valen was youngest of three siblings and was loved deeply by his family. At very young age Valen began to show signs of his Force potential and although they did not want to lose their son his parents knew it was their duty to take Valen to the Temple for testing.

It was then that the young Valen Pelora at the age of 3 was tested and taken into the ranks of the Jedi. With heavy hearts his family said their goodbyes and left knowing they had given the galaxy another protector. Valen would not be told his heritage until much later in his life and by then no longer had any attachments to a family he had never had a chance to grow with.

Ages 3 - 11: Jedi Youngling:
As with all Jedi Valen’s training began the minute he was taken into the Jedi’s care. In his very early childhood he was taught less of the Force and more what one would find in a traditional school. He was taught to read, write and given everything a young child might need. As he got older and the younglings were split into groups the classical training continued but began to be interwoven with lessons on the Force and combat.

Valen’s time as a youngling was a pleasant as could be expected his days were filled with learning what it meant to be a Jedi and learning the tools he would need when someday out on his own. Unlike many of his classmates Valen was quieter and shy during lessons, he preferred to listen to the Masters teach rather than offer his own opinion. The other younglings were never outwardly mean and never bullied him but because of Valen’s more reserved nature he was often left on the outside looking in. His friends were the datalogs in the Archive, his late nights were spent reading about the Masters of old and the ways of Force. It was during those young formative years the Valen discovered his love devouring information and his knack for picking up Force techniques quickly.

The years past and the class grew as all children do each becoming more individual and wishing to assert themselves in new and interesting ways. Things stayed much the same for Valen, he was the ever present always dedicated student. He would complete his studies and then head straight to the Archives to continue learning whatever fascinated him that day. Unfortunately Valen was more of an outsider now than he ever had been, he had never formed the close bond and friendships and as all the younglings grew those bonds became closer and Valen became more isolated. It was hard for the young Jedi because it wasn’t that he didn’t want friend or that he didn’t wish to run amuk with the others but rather he had been shy as a young child and that shyness had only deepened the older they got because he was alone. Valen poured himself into his books and into his learning but this didn’t always translate into success. Valen was quick study and eager learner but he never could grasp the principles applied in learning to wield a lightsaber. There is an inherent confidence and attitude that goes along with true swordsmanship and it was an attitude Valen simply didn’t possess. Where he did well in traditional classes and learning of the Force he struggled mightily with learning the Lightsaber. Valen saw this as a failure and further withdrew in himself.

Being shy and quiet didn’t mean he went unnoticed. Many of his teachers recognized the fast mind and and profanity in the Force in small silent Jedi. This is what led the Bothan Jedi Master Tone Rork to inquire about the young Valen. Seeing a Jedi with potential if only he could overcome the obstacles in his own mind Master Rork took Valen as his Padawan learner and set about crafting a future Jedi Knight.

Ages 12 - 22: Jedi Padawan:
Master Rork at the time of taking Valen as his Padawan was an accomplished diplomat, his skills lay at the negotiating table and he was responsible for several high profile deals. He was a constant student of the Force and placed great significances on respecting the power and mystery it had to offer. In his time with the Order Rork had successfully trained two other Padawan’s before Valen each performing well as a Jedi Knight and despite getting a little long in the tooth Rork had plenty left in the tank.

When first taking on his new Padawan Rork couldn’t get much more than a few simple yeses and nos or head nods out of the boy. It was clear the new environment and new challenges were affecting the young Valen and he didn’t quite know how to respond. After a week of getting very little from the boy Rork took Valen to one of the Temple’s secluded gardens and instructed the young Jedi to pick a spot and sit.

Master Rork hoped to instruct Valen to look inward and see the the answers within himself. The young Jedi was instructed and finding strength from within rather than seek approval from without. As much as Valen meditated he struggled with setting aside self doubt. He couldn’t move past all that had plagued him throughout his young life. It was then Master Rork realized Valen could only grow away from him fellow Jedi, he needed to show his Padawan the galaxy. He needed Valen to grow an identity outside of the Jedi. For the next 10 years Master Rork and Valen traveled the galaxy working tirelessly as diplomats, mediators and arbiters. Valen learned a hundred ways to settle a dispute and visited more planets than he could name. There was no disagree too small to be deemed “unworthy” of a Jedi’s investigation. In fact, throughout this time Valen most enjoyed the trips to the backwater worlds. Far away from “civilization” in a town that had only ever heard of a Jedi there were the most interesting and meaningful resolutions could be found. Master Rork and Valen become well known in the outer rim for settling all manner of disputes.

It was during this time Valen truly found himself. Gone was the awkward, gangly Padawan who was uncertain of himself. In his stead was a man who knew his worth and worked hard to bring serve the people of the galaxy. Doubt and worry still crept in but Valen had learned to recognize those emotions and refuse to let them creep in.

Master Rork and Valen were traveling the outer rim, visiting afterthought towns on afterthought worlds when Valen was faced with his most difficult challenge, the loss of his Master. Master Rork had not gotten any younger, age was beginning to slow him down but when they landed on a small moon with a outlaw problem he couldn’t resist. He knew the townspeople would never be able to deal with the outlaws on their own, he and his young Padawan were on the only options. Valen and Master Rork did as they had so many times and traveled to meet the outlaws.

Unfortunately, the outlaws could not be bargained with. Talks broke down and turned to violence. Valen watched as his Master, the man who had shaped him into the Jedi he was, was struck down. At that moment he could have given in, given up, surrendered. He didn’t. Valen took everything Master Rork had taught him, everything 10 years together had instilled in him and he went to work. Through cunning, patients, and the power of the Force Valen defeated the outlaws and carried his Master back to the Jedi. It was upon his returned he was raised to the rank of Jedi Knight, as his Master was laid to rest. Yet Valen did not take on a Padawan, nor has he ever desired to do so, he finds his place is out in the galaxy doing the work his Master did. He travels from planet to planet doing his best to plant peace in the galaxy not with a lightsaber but with faith in the Force and faith in people.

Ages 22 - Present Day:
Valen has been working for peace since his raising to the level of Knight 4 years ago. Valen has joined the Jedi Knights is hopes of restoring peace to those worlds effect by the influence of the Sith.


Practiced Lightsaber Forms: Valen is proficient with a Lightsaber, like most Jedi, but prefers to solve disputes with mind and words. His true talents as a Jedi are related to his connection to the Force. Valen is a master of Form III (Soresu). He is well versed in Form V (Shien) and Form I (Shii-Cho), but prefers to use Form I and III. He is proficient in Form II and VI but rarely uses those forms in combat. He knowledge of Form IV is purely academic.

Force Abilities: Valen's true talents as a Jedi is his strong connection to the Force and ability to use the Force. His Force talents are concentrated in healing and protecting his allies. Although, he will use his gifts to defendant those who need him is all else fails. Valen is a master of the healing and protective arts. He is one of the Army's most gifted healers. Valen is capable of using the Force is a variety of ways. His greatest deficiency in the Force is "physical" uses of the Force. He is not especially skilled at augmenting his physical abilities in the Force.

Specialized Skills: Pilot

Attributes (5: Average 10: Near Perfection):
Description: Valen's strengths rest in his mind and connection with the Force. He is not unusually strong, fast or athletic. He is of above average intelligence and can lead when called upon.

Physical Strength: 7
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 6
Leadership: 8
Unarmed: 3
Melee Weapons: 2
Ranged Weapons: 1


Lightsaber: Valen believes violence should only be used when there is truly no other alternative and his lightsaber reflects that belief. It is of simply make of the traditional silver tube as the hilt with small power button located where his thumb rests. There are black grooves around the top and bottom to improve grip and the outside cover is of a simple plain black design.

Color: Emerald Green

Armor: Valen has been caught in a series of unpredictable battles. He has vowed to not be unprepared for the fights to come. Now, he routinely wears UAI-19 Combat Armor. Typically, he wears his Jedi Robes over the armor.

Threads (Organized by IC chronological order):

The Ties that Bind (Completed)
The Jade Rabbit (Completed)
A Broken Ship (Completed)
Dream (Completed)
Homecoming (Completed)
The Battle of Coruscant: The Streets (Completed)
The Battle of Coruscant: Knock Down Drag Out Street Fight (Completed)
The Battle of Coruscant: This Ends Now (Completed)
Sith Mission: Rule of the Strong (Completed: Jedi Victory)
Jedi Mission: Merciful Fate (Completed)
Furry Flurry
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Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score
NAME: Theran Oran Fett
AGE: 37

FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: SuperCommando

HEIGHT: 6 feet 4 inches
WEIGHT: 260 pounds
HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown
FORCE: Not even once


  • Theran Fett was born on Concord Dawn in a typical Mandalorian family. His family lived on a small homestead on the planet’s surface, working the land when not at war. His father, two brothers, sister, and mother, all were skilled warriors. Theran was the youngest in his family, the baby. At this time in Mandalorian history this meant they fought for the Republic. When his father was not on assignment his mother tended the homestead and vise versa. Theran was always taught to honor House, Clan, and family. Loyalty mattered above all else. If you did not have loyalty you had nothing.

    Theran grew among his brothers and sister, becoming a strong and competent warrior. No longer the baby of the family. In time, he would join his family fighting for the Republic. As the Sith returned to the galaxy House Fett lent soldiers to the front lines. Theran happily served among his House and Clan members. He fought beside his father, mother, brothers, and sister. He distinguished himself as a sterling warrior and gave little thought to the politics of the war. A part of him knew they were little better than slaves to the Republic. A part of him didn’t understand, but most of him didn’t care. As long as his Mandalorian comrades fought he would fight. Unfortunately, this would prove to be his family's fatal flaw. As House Fett waged war against the Sith they expected House Kryze to come to their aid. House Kryze betrayed their comrades and abandoned House Fett. Theran watched his mother, father, sister, and brothers all die. He had his family ripped from this life. His heart shredded. By a miracle of the gods of war, Theran survived. His found his House destroyed, his life destroyed. He did not know these new Mandalorians. They had not restored order but traded one collar for another.

    Theran spent the next years of his life wandering the galaxy. He picked up any job he could. Bodyguard, mercenary, and pilot, put food in his belly. He spent every waking moment trying to forget what he had lost. He pushed his pain and loss down deep. Why cry when you can laugh? Why be sad when you can drink? Theran lived his life apart from his people, his culture. As House Fett slowly rebuilt, and when the Mandalorians threw off the yoke of the Sith, Theran felt called home. He returned to Concord Dawn. He returned home. Theran had changed in his time away but he was no less an elite fighter. He put his heart and soul into making up for lost time. His fierce loyalty to House Fett and his people never wavered.
  • Theran is every inch the prototypical Mandalorian. He comes from a long line of farmers and warriors. He trained to work the land and kill any who threatened it. He trained with his father and brothers from the time he could run. His time fighting for the dying Republic only further honed these skills. When he fled as the Mandalorians aligned with the budding Sith Empire, he flitted among the galaxy. He lived credit to credit, doing any job to make ends meet. He was a body guard, pilot, mercenary. It was a hard and dangerous life. Theran is particularly skilled with a blaster, an above average pilot, and an accomplished swordsmen. He is an elite warrior. He is a quick and tactical thinker in battle. His mental horsepower outside combat leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, his emotionally stunted personality makes him difficult to get along with. More often than not, his peers are shocked by his inability to take anything seriously. Despite his love for House and Clan this has made him a slight outcast among other Mandalorians. This is exacerbated by the time he spent away after the break with the Republic. Despite Theran’s combat skills, he is not the brightest star in the sky. He has been referred to as “dense” on more than one occasion. Theran sees the world simply and comments on that simplicity. Although, those comments are often wrong.
  • Laugh to stop from crying. Theran is fiercely loyal to house, clan, and family. He would take his own life before betraying those who earn is loyalty. The unfortunate events of Theran’s life have made that trust hard to come by. He places little faith in words and promises. Actions are what matter. Actions are what make a difference. Actions are what he cares about. Theran is crass, unapologetic, sarcastic, and quick with a joke. Even in the heat of battle, with lives on the line, he can’t take himself too seriously. You won’t find Theran brooding in a shadowy corner contemplating the meaning of life. Life is too short to wallow in sorrow. He tries to find joy in all things and prides himself on a particularly hilarious sense of humor. Since the death of his family, Theran hasn’t taken a damn thing to heart. He is playing with house credits and acts as such. He doesn’t want one moment to consider everything that has happened, the loved ones he has lost. He does everything possible to remain annoyingly positive and never dwell on the past.
  • Custom CCT MK. II: Two Wrist Hardpoints (rocket and flame thrower): Two Vibroblades: A-140 (Triple Ammo): Sunspear Pistol (Triple Ammo): Grenades will be specified in OP
  • TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
    TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
    TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
    TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
    TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
  • .

Template by @ZayPat
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Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score

NAME: Evalyn Thielen Dan’ela

AGE: 27
HEIGHT: 5 feet 5 inches
WEIGHT: 130 pounds
HAIR: Light Brown

RANK: Knight

POSITION: Minor Noble


[COLOR= mediumseagreen]NAVIGATION[/color]

The House of Dan’ela was an old but unimportant blood line in the Consortium. Matriarchs of the line had tried for decades to advance the status of the house, their efforts routinely failed. One particularly foolish leader had the brilliant idea of striking at the royal family to usurp their power. Of course, the plan was uncovered by more politically apt royal family. House Dan’ela was thrown from the Consortium. Adrift, the family wandered until settling on Onderon. The familiarity of Nobility made the jungle world feel like home. In time, House Dan’ela established themselves in the Onderonian Court. The outcast Hapans had found a home of sorts. Despite their efforts, again, House Dan’ela failed to make political strides on Onderon. Having learned their lesson in the Consortium they were content with their status. House Dan’ela became an old but unimportant noble line on Onderon.

This was the family Evalyn Theilen Don’ela was born into, a very long time after her family settled on Onderon. She was born the first child of a first daughter. Her mother was first in line of the household. The Dan’ela’s having maintained the matriarchy from their days in the Consortium. Evalyn would be groomed to replace her mother when the time came. Her education started the moment it could. Evalyn was a mischievous child but the apple of her parent’s eye. She showed signs of Force Sensitivity early but her family dismissed these occurrences as simply strange coincidences. By age 5, it was undeniable that heir of House Dan’ela felt the Force. Her parents were terrified. They knew Evalyn had to learn to control her gift. They knew what sending her to the Jedi would mean. The Jedi’s war had consumed the galaxy, they would be hurling their child into that war. They could only pray the war ended before Evalyn was forced to fight or they could whisk Evalyn away before the war touched her. With heavy hearts they took Evalyn to the Jedi where her Force Sensitivity was confirmed.

Evalyn was taken into the Order at 5. For 8 years she trained with the Jedi. The education she received on Onderon was supplemented. She did not see her family, but she did not forget them, or where she came from. Her training was accelerated. Years of schooling, combat training, and lessons in the Force were packed into those 8 years. The Jedi needed soldiers. They needed fighters. Evalyn’s parents hopes the war would end before Evalyn had to right never came true. At 13, Evalyn was knighted. She was by no means a child prodigy, she was simply good enough. Evalyn was thrown into the war.

For the next 3 years, she fought, she killed, she learned. The fires of war tempered her spirit and resolve. She watched friends die and friends fall. Somehow, she survived and her faith in the light only grew. At 16, Evalyn Dan’ela found herself back on Onderson. She was hunting an isolated Exile with a group of other young Jedi Knights. By fate alone, she stumbled upon her family’s homestead. Struck by familiarity she could not resist the pull of home. Her family was faced with a girl they did not recognize. They implored her to come home. To leave the Jedi behind and return to serve her House. Return to fulfill her familial purpose. Evalyn balked at the very proposition. How could they ask her to leave the Jedi behind? Leave the war behind? They did not under her, or who she was, she did not know them. Evalyn left her family heartbroken to return to the war.

She served another 5 years before bonding with a young Bothan Knight. The more experienced Jedi Knights were encouraged to take the younger generation under their wing. The young Knight was only fifteen but showed real promise. Evalyn took a liking to the curious little Jedi, Vash So’kar. The two became teacher and student, inseparable. 4 years filled with war rushed by and the pair found themselves in the middle of a pitched battle.

They were fighting for their lives. Evalyn watched in horror as Vash was struck down. She was powerless to do anything. She survived the battle but retreated into herself. Evalyn made no close friends, no connections. She carried only for the end of the war, the end of the Exiles. She had watched too many friends fall or die. She carried the loss of Vash with her every single day. Now 27, a veteran of 14 years she feels adrift. The war has closed but what is her purpose? It was all she knew for most of her life. The pull to return to Onderson has begun to tug at her heart, but she cannot leave the Order behind.
Evalyn has been shaped by her time fighting for her life. There are undertones of her royal lineage in personality. She is painstakingly polite and chooses her words exceedingly carefully. The power of a well-placed adjective has never escaped her. The losses she has suffered forced Evalyn into a shell. People she cared for have fallen to the Darkness or been cut down by the war. The loss of Vash caused her to push away all personal connections. She refuses to get too close to anyone for fear of what might happen. A terse ward and spiky personality are her defense mechanisms. Evalyn would rather be alone than feel the pain of another loss. She must keep her emotions at bay. It is incredibly difficult to get close to her, but once you do, the person she once was shines through.

Evalyn is intensely loyal and willing to go to incredibly lengths to protect those she cares about. She would lay down her own life to save another without hesitation. She is compassionate and caring for the innocent. Her heart breaking for those suffering from the war. Her belief in the Jedi and the Lightside of the Force is unshakeable. She views the Darkness as the greatest perversion. The Exiles as the deepest of betrayers. To protect the galaxy, the Exiles must be defeated for there can be no peace as long as they exist. Evalyn has little mercy for those who have abandoned the Light.

Evalyn has been shaped by her decade plus fighting. She was supremely average when being hurled into the fighting. An average swordsman and not particularly skilled in the Force. The war helped refine her skills. Evalyn never evolved into a particularly skilled tactician, historian, or master of the Force. What she did do was became a capable duelist. She had not choice but to learn how to survive on the battlefield. Those are where her talents lay. She has not deep understanding of the Force, but she is particularly skilled in the partial uses. Evalyn knows how to use the Force when in a knock down drag out fight. The same can be said for her saber skills. They have developed out of a need for survival. She would never categorize herself as a master duelist, but she can handle herself against most Exiles.

The “old” Evalyn before the loss of Vash still whipped out her charm when necessary. Now, she rarely is more than an icy hard stare. Somewhere, she still has the personality, wit, and charm, to live a noble life. A sly smile or a well place look could take her mile. She rarely uses those skills because of their little utility on the battlefield. Evalyn is a survivor and her talents reflect that.

Primary Saber Form:

Secondary Saber From:

Primary weapons:
Lightsaber - Emerald Green Blade
Lightsaber - Emerald Green Balde


Primary Firearm:



Alais Drast

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profile shamelessly stolen from @ZayPat @Relent