Open Event Social Nar Shaddaa Ultimate Huttball Observation

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
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Dec 24, 2017
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Nar Shaddaa

It's that time, Huttball Season 4 is about to start. People have already poured in in droves. The Rekking Rek is one of the largest establishments in the upper levels. That's where a lot of enthusiastic Huttball loving patrons are converging. Even well-known galactic level figures might be there. People from all factions can openly visit as well, be it Imperial or even Sith or Jedi.

The Rek is highly staffed for such a big day, even employing droids as well for the high traffic. Not only that, the bar is stocked with a very wide range of drinks for this occasion. Viewscreens would be situated in every corner so that everyone could watch the coming game.

OOC: Open to everyone! Socialize, mingle, and have fun! The Huttball Event thread will start soon!

Natalie Hope

Jedi Order
Jedi Warden

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Sep 14, 2023
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Was Natalie disappointed that she got skipped for Huttball? Of course. A no holds bar chance to punch someone in the face and not care who they were? Sign her the hell up! Would she let the opportunity to view it from the covetted Rekking Rek? Absolutely not. She'd been doing a lot for the Jedi Crusaders lately, and used a bit of the earnings from her deeds, plus a little stipend from being the Warden of Ord Mantell to get herself something she wouldn't normally wear.

She'd worn a dress at the Jedi dance night, but this was another level of dress, she thought. There was a lot of growing up she'd done, though if you asked her she'd tell you it was boring up. The dress was the most expensive thing she'd ever bought, and was both elegant and sleek. Left plenty of room to move around in too if she needed to. If this place was anything like a bar on Ord Mantell, a fight was bound to break out between two assholes; Natalie could definitely be one of those assholes.

On her person she had a hidden pair of phrik knuckles, hidden just inside the hip underneath the design of her dress at the hip. And that was how she strut into the Rekking Rek, taking a spot at the bar right in front of a screen. Natalie lifted a finger to the bartender, producinng a credit chip with just enough credits for a night of drinking from one of the arm wraps her dress provided.

"Mantellian Bourbon, neat," she said. When the bartender gave her a 'really?' look she smirked, running a hand through her shoulder length brunette hair. She'd even put on eye liner for this. "Cheesy sticks, too." The bartender nodded and went about his business, later coming out with her bourbon. Her cheesy sticks of goodness would have to wait.

Altair Din

Grand Marshal

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Jan 3, 2022
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“Look, your ma said hell naw to us showin’ up by the sidelines, but she ain’t say nothin’ about us bein' in a box,” Altair rationalized aloud to his daughter, who was a toddler and therefore didn’t comprehend much of anything he said. He was really trying to convince himself he wouldn’t get grilled by Clove for bringing their daughter to a violent game like Huttball. Could she really blame him, though? With Altair as a two time Huttball champion, one time MVP and Clove now on her second game, didn’t it run in the family at this point?

The tiefling was perched up high up on a balcony overlooking the arena, far away from any immediate violence or the rowdy crowds. He scooped Zara up and propped her up on his shoulders where she knew to grab onto the horns. She could see everything clearly and was all giggles, excitedly swinging her legs.

“Look! That’s your ma down there! Let’s give her a cheer, yo! We're gonna go find her for an autograph later and hopefully daddy won't get a lecture," He planted his fingers between his lips to let out a shrill whistle, Zara cheering along, “Man these players got some weak entrances,” He observed, remembering back to when he did outlandish dances and engaged the crowd. These fools walked on like they were children that just got told that Life Day was canceled.

Altair thought he was doing well at keeping a low profile, but the camera suddenly panned to him. He could vaguely hear the announcers.


The giant holoscreens would pan to Altair. Right away it was clear he was wearing a black mask, along with a black and pink pattern shirt that fit around his muscled frame to keep with Clove's look. On his shoulders was Zara, also wearing the Hell On Wheels mask and a tiny little costume dress that was knitted by Grandma Din as a surprise to match Clove’s Huttball attire. Grandma Din also had no idea where this dress would be making an appearance.

“Daddy! Me!” Zara excitedly pointed to herself being displayed on the giant screens. The crowds below were going absolutely crazy about Raging Bull being in attendance.

Altair, meanwhile, decided to roll with it. He grabbed a hold of Zara’s feet and decided to do a little shimmy, his tail swaying side to side. The women in the audience started screaming just as they had those years ago while he did this nonsense in the arena. Altair moonwalked backwards and did a smooth spin to face the cameras again, pointing right at Clove with a huge grin.

The cameras would then turn back to Clove for some solo (probably unwanted) attention.



Sith Order

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Nov 22, 2023
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Nash couldn’t believe she was here. Actually, she couldn’t believe Connor was playing! It had been her dream for as long as she could remember to play in a game or even attend one. While there was an element of jealousy, she couldn’t deny how giddy she was to watch him play. Arak surprised her with tickets, which completely floored her (literally). She knew they were insanely expensive, but she wouldn’t grill him on how he afforded it. He was, after all, a prince. She instead gushed and sobbed in excitement, actually fainting on the spot when he showed her the tickets. After Arak finally roused her, she sprang back up and was ready to attend.

The twi’lek opted to dress in a showy cheerleader outfit, her face painted with streaks of yellow to represent Connor’s (@Apollyon )team. Nash and Arak were close enough to where Connor would be able to spot them if he moved towards a particular side of the arena. She was holding up a sign that would hopefully make Connor groan from how terrible it was.


Nash was screaming and cheering at the top of her lungs. When the announcers mentioned Raging Bull was in the stands, she almost fainted again, whirling around to look for him, “HOLY SHIT! IT’S REALLY HIM!” She squealed, probably taking Arak’s ear out. She was jumping up and down excitedly, “Omygodohmygodohmygod! It’s really him! Holy fuck!” Nash had tears streaming down her face from the sheer levels of fangirling as she watched the tiefling do a little dance and point to Hell On Wheels.

There was a moment of crisis where Nash considered switching loyalty to also cheer for Hell On Wheels just from her obsession with Raging Bull, but they were at least on the same team! She stopped hyperventilating and calmed down, waving the sign around. She glanced over briefly at Arak, smiling widely at him, “You have no idea how much this means to me!!” Nash said, the happiest she had been in ages.

@Javier esschoolbus

Arak Ragnos

Sith Order

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Javier Esschoolbus
Nov 21, 2023
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Arak was told by Connor that he had won some lottery to play in the next Huttball game. He was extremely excited for his friend so he started looking at ticket prices right after they got off the phone. Arak already knew Nash would want to go if not already going, so he opened his closet looking at the crate with an A engraved in it. After some research he approximated how many kyber crystals he needed to sell exactly to make enough for two tickets so he sold a handful more so he could buy some food and drinks too. When he showed Nash the tickets she fainted before he could even ask if she wanted to go with him. She was an excited wreck after he roused her awake and was quickly ready to go.

Arak dressed in a casual black t-shirt and dark jeans. Nash didn’t warn him of her outfit choice so here he was focusing completely on her and not the game. He did have the yellow streaks to represent Connor’s (@Apollyon) team as Nash was adamant about him wearing them. He couldn’t help but wonder if he could convince her to wear this again sometime, but that wasn’t important right now.

He was drawn from her by the announcement of Connor at first, causing him to look to the field. He cheered and whistled for his friend. Then they announced Raging Bull, he remembered that he was Nash’s favorite player from when she first introduced him to huttball. As he turned around to look and see if it was him he was blindsided by Nash’s squealing. His ears were ringing but he at least got to see Raging Bull and his daughter. He noticed the tears of happiness that were running down her face as he begun to search for a handkerchief or something that he might’ve brought.

He couldn’t find a handkerchief or anything so he just used his hands to wipe her tears away, “It’s a good thing you got the waterproof stuff.” He said chuckling, his gaze reverting back to the field. He watched the rest of the players get announced. He remembered that Raging Bull had pointed out a particular player, luckily she was in Connor’s team. That meant his chances of winning were likely high! He was waiting for the game to start when Nash told him that he didn’t understand what this meant to her, he glanced over at her seeing that beautiful smile. Suddenly the tickets were worth triple what he paid in his mind, just because they caused Nash to be this happy. “Thank you for introducing me to Huttball.” He said to her as the match started.


Blaze Firestone

Sith Order

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Jan 28, 2024
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Go Team Beekmonkey!

Blaze strolled into the observatory with wearily weighted eyes and casually covered his yawn as he looked around the stadium and then to the combatants below. Seighter was at his usual perch, his photocepter routinely surveying the outlay and running in real time a facial recognition program. Nothing out the ordinary. But for Blaze to even be out and about, however, was out of the ordinary. After all, it was Huttball Season. And Blaze was an avid fan.

Placing his hands in his pockets and stout in his usual droop, Blaze made his way toward his booth. When he sat down, a waiter droid wheeled over and offered options. Without hesitation, Blaze ordered. "Bold Caf with a drizzle of Bantha Cream, two Tarisian cigars, and an empty shot glass." As the droid wheeled away, Blaze sat there in his usual appearance. He was draped in a combination of black and grey attire that popped with the addition of the red sash around his waist and dangling from his waist were his twin Sith sabers interlocked by a quick connect chain. And as usual, his nails were sporting the usual blackened hue.

When the droid returned, Blaze sat the shot glass upside down upon a small paper napkin and lit one of the cigars as he sipped upon the cup of Caf and watched the action unfurl across a viewscreen inside the Rekking Rek. With a long drag he let exhale, he couldn't help himself from silently rooting for Team BeekMonkey.

@LilyNion @Apollyon @Rene


Altair Din

Grand Marshal

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Jan 3, 2022
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Altair was having a great time, but then all hell ensued. He watched as Clove took a solid hit from an E-11.

“Mama?” Zara barely got out before Altair scooped her off his shoulders and plopped her down back in her seat.

“DADDY!” The little girl stomped angrily, pointing at the balcony which was too tall for her to peer over, “I WANNA SEE! WHERE MAMA!”

“Uhhh you’re ma’s takin’ a lil’ nap,” Altair chuckled awkwardly, peering over the edge to see Clove get unceremoniously dragged off the field. He knew the feeling of getting absolutely trucked in Huttball, so she had his sympathy. The tiefling’s eyes widened as several more players dropped like flies back to back. This game was an absolute bloodbath and he had never seen anything like it.

“OWWWW!” Altair howled in pain, glancing down to see that his daughter actually charged the side of his leg full speed with her head lowered - a solid Din Headbutt with her budding horns. It was enough to almost throw her bulky, Matukai father on his ass. Altair rubbed his bruised leg, feeling a mixture of irritation and pride at once. He scooped her back up to place her on her preferred perch on his shoulders.

“You’re a goddamn menace, Zee, you know that?”
Altair grumbled to himself. His daughter only giggled in response like the little demon she was. He began to wonder if this was where the lore about tieflings being the devil came from.

As the next round began, Altair whistled and cheered as the players returned, Clove included. Zara was back to shouting and clapping to support her mother.


Clove Vanhoop


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Sep 3, 2021
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Clove was knocked out again, this time bleeding so profusely that she SOMEHOW became paler. Her body was dragged across the field while the final two players fought the final battle. When Clove awoke and was somewhat patched up, she hopped up on her feet; she didn't care about the outcome of the fight, they lost and she knew she and her teammates would undoubtedly go to the bar afterward to "celebrate" their defeat. Then again, she had no idea if they'd want that? Either way. It'd have to wait. She had something more important to do.

The half-Annfyn made her way through the backstage area of the Huttball arena, towards the audience. After squeezing past a few people and ignoring the flashing pain in her body and dizziness, she caught sight of the balcony. Clove's lips curved into a small smile, motivating her to quicken her pace. What began as a brisk walk turned into a run through rows of people and up staircases. Until they came into view. Altair and Zara. But in this world, they were the Raging Bull and his daughter.

Clove laughed and sprinted in the direction of the two, leaping the fence separating the supporters from the Raging Bull and his daughter. The security guard was about to stop her until he took a closer look and stopped. And with nothing to stop her, Clove leaped onto the balcony and stopped in front of them both. Without thinking twice, she wrapped her daughter in her arms, embracing her tightly despite the pain. "Heello! How did I do? Were you proud of mommy? You look lovely; did Grandma make that dress?"

Then she lifted her gaze to Altair. She let go of her daughter and instead threw her arms around him. But for the first time, it was just that: a hug from someone who was glad her friend was there. And that was enough. There were no insecurities as she hugged him, no carefulness in her touch, no mixed feelings, and no heartache. It, this, was okay. After a few seconds, she lowered her arms and smiled delicately at him. "You also look nice, Raging Bull. Thank you. I'm truly glad you are here with her."

tag @Sreeya

Ayomi Jakarta

Sith Order

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Sep 19, 2023
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Amidst the continued fighting, Ayomi's body had been dragged from the center of the arena once the fight had moved elsewhere. Their eyes slowly fluttered awake as the roar of the crowd assaulted their ears, noticeably louder now that the Tiefling had been moved to the sidelines. They sat up slowly and painfully, a hand over the bacta patch that had been hastily (and poorly) applied to the wound on their abdomen. It would help with the burning, but Ayomi could already feel a bruise that wouldn't be gone for weeks.

Their gaze lifted up to watch what was happening on a massive screen in the center of the area, noticing the time had run out even though the acolyte (@Apollyon) and the Rock (@The Good Doctor) were still battling it out. Damn. The game hadn't been a poor showing, but Ayomi had hoped to accomplish more than just a few knockouts. That being said, nothing could hold back the rush of satisfaction they felt watching Connor unleash his rage made manifest as purple lightning that ravaged the sentient rock. A small smile crept onto the Tiefling's face; watching acolytes embrace the Dark Side never got old.