Twilight of the Apprentice

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
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Tonight's the night: the season two finale of Star Wars Rebels. In this episode we see Kanan, Ahsoka, and Ezra venture to Malachor (fans of KOTOR 2 will recognize this as the canon version of Malachor V, where the last battle of the Mandalorian Wars was fought and where the Jedi Exile ventured at the end of KOTOR 2). There, they find Darth Maul - and ultimately come face to face with Darth Vader, who finally has a showdown with Ahsoka.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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Um... wow. Holy Shit. So much stuff happened, and so many things to look forward too. Not to mention feels got hit all over...

Is Ashoka dead? Kanan's eyesight now gone and Ezra now tredding down the Dark Side, who Maul will no doubt try to find again.


SWRP Writer
Aug 29, 2014
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Great ending to the season for sure.

Glimpse of Ahsoka alive at the end? So much to unpack and my theories all still have a chance of being true woot.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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SPOILERS!!!!! Obviously. I don't know why I'm saying this, but everybody does the same thing with the other episodes

It was a really well done and emotional episode, I absolutely loved it!

I haven't played KOTOR so I don't know why some of you people were excited, but I still found the Sith temple and everything to be quite amazing. Maul was also done really well and he is a total badass! You should've seen my face when he killed the Seventh Sister, I was utterly shocked and surprised! I didn't think they were kick out three inquisitors in one episode! Dave Filoni said so himself that he wasn't planning on kicking the characters out, according to an IGN interview. Maul also had me fooled into thinking he was good, even with his glowing yellow eyes.

Oh comes the duel of the fates...I mean Ahsoka and Vader. Oh my gosh I'm so sad and shocked. I knew it was coming. My jaw was down through the entire fight, and I knew Ahsoka wasn't going to be the winner, it wasn't her story and she was going to have to go at some point. But damn. I was crying. I couldn't care less that Kanan lost his eyes, Ahsoka was 60% of the reason why I watched Rebels and now she is kind of gone. At least the fact that Ezra might turn to the Dark side has got me interested.

Ahsoka's fate also makes Vader's eventual redemption even more heart warming. Once Rebels is done I'm gonna watch the original triligy again...and just watch as I cry when Vader throws Palpatine to his demise.


Shipper of Klance
SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2013
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This ep was everything I wanted. Th is will be long and there will be spoilers btw.

- Maul so got his Palpatine on this episode. Can't wait to see Season 3 and possible development between him and Ezra. Glad they made sense out of setting Ezra on the Dark Path instead of going with Vader corrupting ANOTHER character. Maul has really grown into a interesting character since Witwer took over. Sure, in the Phantom Menace Maul was a badass but I can't like someone for just being a badass. He has such a great story to him and in a way he parallels Vader quite alot now. I'm thinking a draw for Season 3 could be Vader vs Maul, maybe with his old apprentice back from the dead AGAIN Palpatine might even step in. But I'm mainly watching in hopes we get more Maul and Ezra scenes.
- Kanan losing his eyes was... interesting. I'm thinking its only a matter of time til he gets killed off now but with Ezra going dark, he might go into an Obi Wan sort of role except when the inevitable duel comes around hes probs gunna lose. Kanas character isn't bad, but I'm just saying the others are more interesting.
- Ahsokas not dead. XD That wee white figure we see stumbling into the darkness at the end of the ep is her. Her relationship with Vader is so interesting and even the small amount of Ahsoka and Vader we got in this ep was just perfect. You can really FEEL their history and you can see they know eachother so well in the fight. Yes, Vader IS Vader and all that but I don't think there was a point in that fight where either of them had a distinct advantage over the other. I honestly don't think Vader was trying to even kill her. And when Matt Bombers voice came out of Vaders helmet... <3 Best moment of the episode right there. I need more of the Vader/Ahsoka relationship.
- Ezra in this episode was just great. He's always been that kid with an edge and with the way he just spewed out everything he'd been bottling up when talking to Maul worked for me. I also enjoyed the Ezra/Kanan relationship this episode since you can see how close they've become and that he really is learning from Kanan. However, now we have a situation where theres the Dark and the Light aka Maul and Kanan pretty much in competition for Ezra aaaand when a force sensitive protagonist has a little conflict inside themselves well thats when we get the good, dark stories. XD But I can't wait to see more of Ezras story now. And he genuinely didn't seem scared of Vader until he lost his saber, which is an improvement on OMFG WE NEED TO RUN HE WILL MURDER US WE CANT WIN Ezra that we got at the start of the season. The kids quickly becoming my fave character from Rebels just behind the Grand Inquisitor.

Other little things:
- The Inquisitors getting smashed the fuck down, which was pretty much just Maul was kind of shocking but I like that the newest one COULD have survived since Maul also got thrown off the temple screaming and he's clearly alive. Maul, like Ahsoka, was clearly above the Inquisitors to the point where he casually goes three on one when he first enters the fight and kills two of them later on. XD But lets be honest, did the Fifth Brother ever have a chance when he decided to take on both Ahsoka and Maul?
- Rex being in this episode the most after Ezra, Kanan, Maul, Vader and Ahsoka. I feel like theres a setup for more Rex next season. PLEASE let us get Rex get back in the battlefield.
- Dat Cross Guard Saber tho.
- Assaj Ventresses voice actress. Her doing anything is just perfect and any reminder of my favorite Clone Wars character works for me.
- Choper wasn't annoying this episode. This is progress.
- Zeb was barely in this episode and didn't have reason to as he wasn't sharing the scenes with Kallus. This is progress.
- Kallus wasn't in this episode. :(

Best Moment- Anakin speaking to Ahsoka after she chopped off part of his helmet. Followed closely by Maul activating his saber for the first time in the ep. #BackToDoubleBladed
Best Line- "I need ALOT more training." XD
Best Fight (Theres Afew This ep XD)- Ahsoka v Vader: Dawn of Feels.

10/10 ep. Bring on Season Three.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
Reaction score
This ep was everything I wanted. Th is will be long and there will be spoilers btw.

- Maul so got his Palpatine on this episode. Can't wait to see Season 3 and possible development between him and Ezra. Glad they made sense out of setting Ezra on the Dark Path instead of going with Vader corrupting ANOTHER character. Maul has really grown into a interesting character since Witwer took over. Sure, in the Phantom Menace Maul was a badass but I can't like someone for just being a badass. He has such a great story to him and in a way he parallels Vader quite alot now. I'm thinking a draw for Season 3 could be Vader vs Maul, maybe with his old apprentice back from the dead AGAIN Palpatine might even step in. But I'm mainly watching in hopes we get more Maul and Ezra scenes.
- Kanan losing his eyes was... interesting. I'm thinking its only a matter of time til he gets killed off now but with Ezra going dark, he might go into an Obi Wan sort of role except when the inevitable duel comes around hes probs gunna lose. Kanas character isn't bad, but I'm just saying the others are more interesting.
- Ahsokas not dead. XD That wee white figure we see stumbling into the darkness at the end of the ep is her. Her relationship with Vader is so interesting and even the small amount of Ahsoka and Vader we got in this ep was just perfect. You can really FEEL their history and you can see they know eachother so well in the fight. Yes, Vader IS Vader and all that but I don't think there was a point in that fight where either of them had a distinct advantage over the other. I honestly don't think Vader was trying to even kill her. And when Matt Bombers voice came out of Vaders helmet... <3 Best moment of the episode right there. I need more of the Vader/Ahsoka relationship.
- Ezra in this episode was just great. He's always been that kid with an edge and with the way he just spewed out everything he'd been bottling up when talking to Maul worked for me. I also enjoyed the Ezra/Kanan relationship this episode since you can see how close they've become and that he really is learning from Kanan. However, now we have a situation where theres the Dark and the Light aka Maul and Kanan pretty much in competition for Ezra aaaand when a force sensitive protagonist has a little conflict inside themselves well thats when we get the good, dark stories. XD But I can't wait to see more of Ezras story now. And he genuinely didn't seem scared of Vader until he lost his saber, which is an improvement on OMFG WE NEED TO RUN HE WILL MURDER US WE CANT WIN Ezra that we got at the start of the season. The kids quickly becoming my fave character from Rebels just behind the Grand Inquisitor.

Other little things:
- The Inquisitors getting smashed the **** down, which was pretty much just Maul was kind of shocking but I like that the newest one COULD have survived since Maul also got thrown off the temple screaming and he's clearly alive. Maul, like Ahsoka, was clearly above the Inquisitors to the point where he casually goes three on one when he first enters the fight and kills two of them later on. XD But lets be honest, did the Fifth Brother ever have a chance when he decided to take on both Ahsoka and Maul?
- Rex being in this episode the most after Ezra, Kanan, Maul, Vader and Ahsoka. I feel like theres a setup for more Rex next season. PLEASE let us get Rex get back in the battlefield.
- Dat Cross Guard Saber tho.
- Assaj Ventresses voice actress. Her doing anything is just perfect and any reminder of my favorite Clone Wars character works for me.
- Choper wasn't annoying this episode. This is progress.
- Zeb was barely in this episode and didn't have reason to as he wasn't sharing the scenes with Kallus. This is progress.
- Kallus wasn't in this episode. :(

Best Moment- Anakin speaking to Ahsoka after she chopped off part of his helmet. Followed closely by Maul activating his saber for the first time in the ep. #BackToDoubleBladed
Best Line- "I need ALOT more training." XD
Best Fight (Theres Afew This ep XD)- Ahsoka v Vader: Dawn of Feels.

10/10 ep. Bring on Season Three.
That moment with Vader where his helmet was a bit broken was really epic indeed. Matt's voice made me cry even harder


Shipper of Klance
SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2013
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I cried when they first clashed blades. It was so powerful. And Matts voice was like 'okay so hes actually iconic in this role for me now'. HEAVY Obiwan v Vader vibes at the end but I like that they both walked away. If I have to say it, I think Vaders not going to be the one to kill Ahsoka. She's pretty much a Luke character concerning Anakin. Season Three needs Palpatine to step in and sort out this shit. XD I mean, now we have an organized rebellion to worry about, Inquisitors are dropping like someones executed Order 66, Mauls back on the board and his apprentices former appretice is back too. XD


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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As long as Ahsoka and Rex are fine, I don't care who dies next :D Yeah I was also wondering when the Emperor was going to show up, but I don't season 3

Reya Starlyght

roger roger
SWRP Writer
Jan 23, 2016
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I really like this episode, and I really liked the parts where Ahsoka talks to Vader likes he's Anakin. Although one thing they could of added was Ezra realizing who Vader is and how screwed they are because in a few episodes before Ezra was admiring Anakin's lightsaber combat.

Really good episode though. I don't personally think Ahsoka's dead because Vader wouldn't kill her, and Vader survived the temple collapsing so Ahsoka probably did too.


Assaulting the Death Star Again
SWRP Writer
Feb 15, 2014
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Oh my god. That. Was. Awesome!

I'll miss the Seventh Sister, though. She was definitely the best of the Inquisitors and deliciously evil.


Assaulting the Death Star Again
SWRP Writer
Feb 15, 2014
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I cried when they first clashed blades. It was so powerful. And Matts voice was like 'okay so hes actually iconic in this role for me now'. HEAVY Obiwan v Vader vibes at the end but I like that they both walked away. If I have to say it, I think Vaders not going to be the one to kill Ahsoka. She's pretty much a Luke character concerning Anakin. Season Three needs Palpatine to step in and sort out this shit. XD I mean, now we have an organized rebellion to worry about, Inquisitors are dropping like someones executed Order 66, Mauls back on the board and his apprentices former appretice is back too. XD
He must be facepalming after watching this episode. :p

Green Ranger

SWRP Supporter
Dec 6, 2005
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That final montage, with everyone on different paths, facing in different directions, diverging to follow their own destinies was pretty damn powerful. I'm hoping that's a hint that the scope of Rebels will broaden a little next season, that there will be slightly less of a central focus on 'the gang', so to speak, and we might even get to see a wider galaxy from multiple perspectives ala Clone Wars.

Also Jesus Christ Sith security sucks. Move a couple of rocks to get the skeleton key that also contains all your accumulated knowledge and turns on the superweapon seems like a colossal design flaw.

Also, Maul not being a hollow kill is sliiiiightly disappointing. I'm still bitter over Ventress getting offed in a book and a shitty romance story, so fuck Maul for getting more airtime next season. >.>


Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
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Secret Technique: Whirlybird Inquisitor, GO!

In all seriousness though, good (double) episode(s). Wish Maul had died, as I preferred the Inquisitors over Maul, to be honest. Kanan being blinded was a huge deal, and I love that he went all "one with the Force" and kicked Maul's ass. I've got to say, as he's grown over the course of the show, Kanan has become my favourite Jedi of all time. Sorry Kyle, move over for Kanan.

REALLY looking forward to Season 3.

Green Ranger

SWRP Supporter
Dec 6, 2005
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I've got to say, as he's grown over the course of the show, Kanan has become my favourite Jedi of all time. Sorry Kyle, move over for Kanan.

woah how dare you


SWRP Writer
Aug 29, 2014
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I still think my theory is correct in that at some point vader will kill Kannan, Ezra will use his darkness to try to defeat vader but will fail. Instead he will blame Ahsoka and kill her. Maul will probably be killed by Ezra and he will be the new dark Jedi shadow dude that fights the Empire with the rebels as their dark companion.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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And there you go, the plot for the last 3 seasons. Enjoy!


Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
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Eh, I don't see Ezra killing Kanan. Vader killing one of 'em though, yeah, most likely. I could see Ezra killing Ahsoka at some point though.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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Eh, I don't see Ezra killing Kanan. Vader killing one of 'em though, yeah, most likely. I could see Ezra killing Ahsoka at some point though.
If Ahsoka is even alive that is


SWRP Writer
Aug 29, 2014
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Eh, I don't see Ezra killing Kanan. Vader killing one of 'em though, yeah, most likely. I could see Ezra killing Ahsoka at some point though.

I was saying Vader kills Kannan not Ezra. Ezra kills Ahsoka in my theory.